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Mad About You

Page 14

by Dayna Quince

  “You don’t look certain.”

  “I’m certain I trust you. I’m not certain I want to be the center of a huge scandal.”

  “We can control it as long as we knowingly create it. Thanks to my sister, I have extensive knowledge in avoiding scandals which I can now use to create the perfect scandal.”

  “This sounds like a horrible idea.” She covered her blushing cheeks.

  “Hear me out. I’ll have to enlist some help, but if all goes smoothly, we will be safely engaged by Sunday.”

  “Sunday?” Her eyes widened.

  “Don’t look so terrified. You asked me to marry you, remember?”

  Chapter 13

  Saturday evening, the Medieval Masquerade.

  Maddie couldn’t remember what she was supposed to be doing. She felt like she was on a stage with everyone’s eyes upon her and she’d forgotten her lines. She clung to the side of the Great Chamber that was now their masquerade ballroom, her only comfort the feathered mask tickling her cheeks. Everyone knew her, she’d worn the same costume every year, but like always, they ignored her.

  That was about to end.

  She slipped out into the gallery where guests mingled and enjoyed refreshments. From there, she walked to the end of the gallery and through a door to the stairs. The space was dark and the air cooler. A window had been left open, and through it, she heard the gentle patter of rain. She paused to listen and let it soothe her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her corset felt tight around her ribs, and since the moment she woke up, her stomach had been a jumbled mess of nervous knots.

  Yesterday Jonathan had valiantly claimed the title of tournament champion. Maddie had watched from the sidelines, anxious and uncertain. He was so dashing in his armor, like a valiant prince, but for Maddie the battle was not yet won.

  Moving on from the window, she waited for five minutes before moving down the stairs. The halls were well lit to discourage guests from engaging in amorous activities. Finding the library door open, she felt a moment of panic when she saw a figure inside. She stepped into the entry and waited. The figure turned, and her heart leapt. She should have guessed he’d dress as a knight. He was wearing some of the armor he wore for the joust and brandishing the ribbon he received as tournament champion.

  “Close the door,” he said.

  Maddie did. Her heart was pounding as she did so. Yes, they’d engaged in a tryst or two, but knowing this time, they would be caught sucked all the air from her lungs. She walked into the room slowly unsure of what she was supposed to do.

  “Did anyone see you?”

  “I honestly don’t know.” She slipped off her mask.

  “It doesn’t matter. The plan is set in motion.” He removed his helmet and set it aside.

  Maddie tried to smile, but her hands were shaking at her sides. “What do we do now?”

  “Well, first and foremost,” He moved to her and cupped her cheek, “you need to relax.”

  “That is not possible.” Maddie laughed.

  “Try to have a drink. We don’t have much time, and we need to be thoroughly engaged when discovered.”

  “Thoroughly engaged in what exactly?”

  He poured her a drink, and she took it.

  “I’m not going to deflower you if that is what you’re worried about.”

  She laughed nervously. “Oh drat.”

  He smirked. “I can tell you’re disappointed.” He said dryly. “I want to look as natural as possible, so we will be kissing and embracing.”

  “Kissing and embracing. I think I can manage that.” She gave him a terse nod.

  “Good. Drink your sherry. It will soothe your nerves.”

  Maddie took a sip, then another. “I’m better now.”

  He took her hand and led her to a settee. They sat angled toward each other. He checked his watch and then looked at her, taking the glass of sherry and setting it on the table beside the settee.

  “If you’ve any second thoughts about marrying, now is the time to air them.”

  “I don’t.” It was the one thing she was sure of. Even though this mad idea terrified her, if the end result was marrying Jonathan, she would do anything short of murder.

  He scooted closer, bringing one hand to the middle of her back and drawing her closer. Her head fell back as she lifted her lips to his. She felt shy and on display, even though they were still alone. She tried not to think about it and focused on his lips, the pressure, the warm, soft give. His lips were soft and addictive. She brought her arms around his neck and leaned closer now. She loved to press against him. Loved the way she could feel his body heat through the starched layers of clothing, but because of his armor, she was denied the pleasure. They broke apart only long enough for him to remove the piece with her aid and then returned to their kiss. There was something so primal about this. The needs of her body surged with desires it was well aware of before she knew them herself.

  It was an ancient knowledge, and she could feel the power of it like a spell. It wove around them. Magic he had called it, and it was. Invisible and elusive. Conjured by the fevered press of mouths and bodies, the arching spines of lovers trying to know what has been known since the dawn of people.

  She gasped, and his tongue surged into her mouth. She tasted brandy on his tongue, smelled the musky amber scent of his cologne. Arching closer, she pressed herself to him until he scooped her onto his lap. One hand moved under her skirt and with giddy expectation, she parted her legs. She’d fantasized about more if these touches since their spoiled encounter in the stable. Her legs tingled as his fingers brushed over the inner skin of her thighs.

  She was damp again, where he touched her, his fingers gliding easily against her, touching the sensitive nub and her inner folds in a hasty rhythm. It was heaven. It was… He pulled back, and her bleary eyes opened as she was about to protest.

  “I want to do something.”


  “I want to kiss you…here.” He touched her sensitive flesh.

  Her thighs squeezed together involuntarily in greedy hunger. He smiled and didn’t pull back. He pressed one finger inside her and stroked her languidly.

  “Is that something commonly done?” She squeezed her inner muscles and shivered as pleasurable sparks rained through her limbs.

  “Between lovers, yes.”

  “Very well.” She didn’t understand precisely what he intended to do, but she was fairly certain it was going to feel wonderful.

  He set her back on the settee and pushed up her skirts.

  “Wait. Are you going to see me?” She panicked. No one had ever seen her private area, except her. She’d been curious and looked one time, and that one time was enough to baffle her about her own body. From that moment on, she’d been on a mission to learn but hadn’t found much but the most basic reproductive information.

  “I’m going to taste you, Maddie. Lay back.”

  She leaned back stiffly, looking up at the ceiling as he pushed her heavy skirts to her hips. She couldn’t see him now and perhaps that was a blessing. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire, as did the rest of her body. She jerked when she felt his fingers again and then relaxed. She lay back, more comfortable with her hands at her sides, and closed her eyes. His touch was light and soothing, his fingers exploring her folds again and then entering her sheath. Her legs relaxed, her knees falling open.

  She fought the urge to moan. Then something soft and warm touch her. His lips! She sucked in a breath and held it. He was kissing her inner thighs, and it was the wildest sensation she’d ever known. She braced herself as his dangerous mouth moved toward her center. When his tongue touched her, she jerked.

  “Hush, Maddie.” He soothed, and then he did it again, probing her sensitive nub with his tongue over and over. Her toes curled. Her legs shivered. Her nails clawed at the fine velvet of the settee. She arched her back, and at the same moment, pleasure exploded inside her.

  She cried out and then slammed her
hand over her mouth. She laid there in dazed disbelief as he pulled her skirts down.

  When she dared to look at him, he had a satisfied smile. She pushed herself up.

  “What was that?”

  “La petit mort,” he said.

  “The little death?”

  “It’s the peak of pleasure.”

  “Oh, my.” Maddie pushed herself up. “It is delightful.”

  He chuckled. “Only delightful?”

  “No. It’s so much more, but I can’t think of anything more compelling than delightful.”

  He hugged her to his side as he checked his watch. “We’re not done just yet.”

  “I don’t think I can handle that again,” Maddie said as he pulled her to her feet.

  “Actually, you can. I can prove it to you.” He positioned her against the table. “Lean back,” he said as he lifted her skirts again.

  “Are you going to do that again?”

  “Unfortunately, no. That would be a bit too shocking for our audience.”

  Maddie had forgotten their prospective audience altogether. “I’m just going to hold you and make it look as though I’m doing naughty things under your skirts.”

  Maddie bit her lip. She wanted more of those naughty things he spoke of. It didn’t seem possible after what he’d just done. “I’m ready.”

  He stroked her thighs, moving inward again and groaned. “You’re so ready, Maddie. I want to be inside you.” He pressed his hips to hers, and she could feel his hard arousal. It stimulated her own desires again, and she dropped her head back. His hot mouth claimed the tender skin under her ear and she sighed in bliss. Again, he pressed his hips to her, and hot need filled her, her body wanting so much more now.

  She didn’t even hear the door she was so lost in her wanton desires, but she did hear the gasps. She jolted upright and buried her head in Jonathan's shoulder. She shoved her skirts down.

  * * *

  Jonathan angled his body to shield Maddie. Three matronly faces stared back at him in horror. “Good evening. We were just leaving.”

  Lady Worthington, Miss Worthington, Mrs. Farris, Banks, and Davey crowded in the doorway.

  “I told you Lord Berett didn’t stand a chance,” Davey muttered and backed out.

  Mrs. Farris looked positively delighted, Miss Worthington smiled mockingly, and Lady Worthington looked fit to expire. Her face had gone red, and a vein protruded from her temple.

  “Miss Prescott, you will come with me at once.”

  Maddie lifted her head to look, but Jonathan kept her behind him. Lady Worthington looked rabid now.

  “On the contrary. May we speak with you privately? I want you to be the first to hear of our engagement.”

  “We’ll wait outside.” Banks grabbed the arms of Mrs. Farris and Miss Worthington and pulled them from the room.

  “Not a word.” She scolded before closing the door. She turned to face them and folded her arms.

  “You did say an engagement?”

  “Yes,” Jonathan held Maddie’s hand and kept her at his side. “I’d like to propose to Maddie formally right now in the great chamber in front of everyone.

  “The future Earl of Heath getting engaged at my party?” Her face eased somewhat. “And to none other than—” she paused, “Miss Prescott, you’ve been attending our little gathering for years now. How fortunate for you.”

  “I’m very fortunate, my lady.”

  Lady Worthington's eyes gleamed. “We must hurry, then. Mrs. Farris will be chomping at the bit to spread tales.”

  Maddie followed Jonathan from the room, her hand firmly tucked in his. They climbed the stairwell in complete silence. Before they entered the long gallery, Lady Worthington stopped them.

  “Now, you will allow me to set the stage first, and then Lord Rigsby, you may escort Miss Prescott to the middle of the dance floor and make your grand proposal, but not until after I introduce you.”

  Jonathan nodded. Maddie couldn’t remember how to speak. Proposal? He was going to propose in front of everyone? There was a murmur of consent from the witnesses, and before she knew it, they were in the gallery, waiting by the door to the great chamber. It was just she and Jonathan now. He squeezed her hand and caught her gaze.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Not even a little.”

  “You only have to say one word. Yes.”

  “I think…I think I can manage that. If not, is a nod acceptable?”

  He smiled. “I’ll know what you mean, but for the sake of the number of dimwitted people in there, tis better to speak loudly and clearly.”

  Maddie closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Yes. I can do it. Yes.”

  She could feel the eyes of people on her. Lady Worthington was making the announcement now. Her ears felt like they were stuffed with muslin, but she could still hear the noise around her. The room quieted as they stepped into the great chamber, all eyes upon them. Jonathan walked her slowly to the center. They were encircled by guests, their eyes and expression brimming with speculation. Maddie wanted to melt into water and seep into the floor. Instead, she took a deep breath, lifted her chin a notch and looked to Jonathan.

  He turned to face her and took her other hand. He went down on one knee, and her heart stopped.

  “Miss Prescott, will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife.”

  “Don’t faint.” Maddie blurted. Damnation! She meant to say it in her head, but her head was muddled by panic.

  His lips twitched. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I mean—sorry, I meant to say that in my head, to you, aloud, I meant to say yes. My answer is yes.” She rushed to say.

  There was a brief pause and then applause and laughter.

  Jonathan grinned as he came to his feet. “That’s my girl.” He kissed her cheek.

  “I bungled it, didn’t I?” She looked around frantically at the rushing bodies of guests approaching.

  “No, you didn’t.”

  Banks was the first to reach them. “My congratulations.” He pressed Maddie’s hands.

  “Thank you, Mr. Banks.” Maddie still felt like her head was going to float away. She didn’t want to speak to these people. She wanted to disappear. There was one face that stood out, however. Lady Flora stood at the back of the crowd with her arms folded. She stared sternly at Maddie and then she turned and left the great chamber. Maddie wondered if she would return to her room to find her clothing in the fire tonight.

  Then another face loomed, this time right before her.

  “My L-Lady,” Maddie stammered.

  Lady Heath pressed her hand and gave her a kind smile. “We are honored to have you in our family, dear.”

  Next was Lord Heath, who uttered the same sentiments. They hid their surprise well, but Maddie imagined they must have reservations and displeasure over the manner in which their son had become engaged. The crowd thinned at last. Maddie sighed in relief as a footman presented her with a glass of champagne.

  She drank thirstily and requested a glass of water. Jonathan led her to a chair, and she sat gratefully.

  “Is it over yet?”

  “For the most part.” He looked around the room. “There will still be talk and a scandal. Mrs. Farris nor Miss Worthington will keep it to themselves. “See there?” He pointed to a group of young ladies. Miss Worthington was studiously whispering into her sister’s ear. Miss Cecelia had a hand pressed to her mouth in shock.

  Maddie blushed and looked away. They would soon all know what Miss Worthington had seen. They’d talk, speculate, and most likely exaggerate. It was a horrible feeling. She was used to infamy as Mad Maddie, but now she’d be known for something much different. She didn’t want to stay here anymore.

  “I need to leave,” she blurted.

  “Hmm?” Jonathan said absently. He was talking with Banks about something.

  Maddie began to take deep breaths as her stomach roiled. This was not good. All this attention made her feel like a traveling fair
attraction, complete with sticky bits of food and refuse. She was going to be sick. She stood hastily and bolted for the receiving room. She burst through the door and lunged for the nearest pot. It happened to be a planter—not a chamber pot, but it would have to do.

  She upended her stomach contents to the dismay of young ladies occupying the room. When finished, she pressed the back of her hand to her forehead and sat on the floor. A maid handed her a damp towel.

  “Well, how fortunate for us.” Miss Cecelia sauntered forward. “The future Mad Countess of Heath. Will he lock you in a turret and charge admittance to see you?”

  Maddie looked up at her slowly. “You’re only jealous. I’ll be married before you.”

  There were gasps and delighted titters from Cecelia’s followers. Cecelia curled her lip and pointed at the plant. “It’s clear he’s doing the honorable thing. That’s quite a trap you set. Do you think it’s a boy or a girl?”

  Maddie came to her feet and squared her shoulders. “You know what, Cecelia? The gentlemen don’t like you because of your personality. You are spoiled and unkind. You would find a suitable husband for yourself if you stopped being such a harpy. Your unpleasant disposition drives the men away in droves. Make fun of me if you wish. Tell all the lies you wish, but it won’t change who you are and the reason no one wants you.”

  Cecelia’s face mottled with pink and tears pricked her eyes. Her friends said nothing in her defense.

  “I’m sorry,” Maddie said. “I already feel awful for what I said to you. But it is true, Cecelia. I’ve known you for some years now. I think you have it in you to be a good person.” Maddie walked around the group of ladies and out into the long gallery. She ignored all the prying glances and headed straight for the stairs. She didn’t think about where she was headed until she was almost to her room. She paused outside the door.

  She’d forgotten one very important thing. Lady Flora.

  She didn’t want to face her just now, or ever again. She made herself knock anyhow. To her relief, there was no response. She entered and froze. Lady Flora was there at her vanity with Anne attending her.


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