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Callie Healy

Page 15

by Jennifer Foor

  “Honey, perhaps if you would have been straight from the beginning.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered. I finally found someone who wants me, who cares about me, and I’m being forbidden to love him back. I have to hang up, Mom. I can’t do this right now. My heart is breaking again, and this time I don’t want to hear it will be all right. It won’t.”

  I hang up the phone without listening to what she’ll say. There are no words that will make this any easier. Cob will never be accepted by my family. With him leaving to go to another town in the coming months I’m struck with the reality of the situation.

  I retreat to my room and begin packing my bags. I can’t stay here and be judged for falling in love with who they all consider the enemy. There’s only one place for me to go, and it’s back to North Carolina where I never should have left.

  Chapter 22


  The phone rings three times before she answers. “Hello?”

  “Mom, it’s me. I just wanted to give you a heads up. I’m probably not going to be bringing Callie this weekend, but I’m still planning on staying.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. Things are complicated. We met at the college a while back and then reconnected in Kentucky where I’m working. We hit it off right away. She’s great. I care about her a lot.”

  “What’s wrong? She doesn’t feel the same way about you?”

  “No. That’s not it at all. I think she loves me. It’s her family. My business has me working directly with her uncle’s ranch. They want to take some acres from him to implement a new highway. It’s complicated.”

  “I’m sorry, did you say they have a ranch?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “And your sister says you met her parents in North Carolina this weekend past?”

  “Yeah, so?”

  “What is Callie’s last name?”

  “It’s Healy, why?”

  The line is silent.

  “Mom, are you still there?”

  “Oh Cob, I’m so sorry, but you can’t see that girl anymore.”

  I’m shocked. “What? You can’t tell me who I can and can’t date.”

  “Jacob, do you remember Dad and I discussing his biological father, Rick?”

  “Yeah, what’s that have to do with anything?”

  “He was married to Callie’s mother, Amy.”

  I feel sick. This can’t be happening. “Hold on. Let me get this straight. You know them?”

  “All too well. We have a very long history, and I’m afraid it’s not good at all. I dated Callie’s father, Conner, and her uncle Ty. That family has hated me for more years than I’d like to admit. Callie’s aunt came to my wedding, but only because she felt sorry for me. We lost touch a long time ago, and it was probably on purpose. Before your father came along I wasn’t a good person. I was selfish and I’d do whatever necessary to get what I wanted.”

  “That’s sounds more like determination.”

  “I broke rules. I lied. Honey, I’m not telling you this so you think ill of me. I want you to know because the moment her family finds out who your mother is, they’ll make you never see her again.”

  This can’t be happening. Another obstacle I don’t know how to cross. “No. I don’t believe it.”

  “Ask Callie. I’m sure she’s at least heard some of the stories.”

  In my heart I know my mother is telling the truth, though it hurts way too much to accept. “I have to go. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Jacob, I love you. I’m so sorry about this. It’s better that you learned the truth now instead of down the road when you’ve fallen hopelessly in love and can’t get out of it.”

  “It’s too late for that, Mom. I’ll be in touch.”

  I’m in such shock I begin laughing hysterically. This can’t be possible. Of all the people in this country, all the families Callie could be linked to, why does it have to be that one?

  I take my cell phone and chuck it across the room, shattering it into pieces as it falls to the floor. There is no hope for us to be together, not after what my mother told me. My best plan would be to sever ties with her completely and try to move on with my life as if the past month never existed. It will be impossible, but I have to try. We were doomed from the start. It was too good to be true. I can’t have Callie, and the sooner I come to terms with it the better.

  It’s nearly midnight when a sound wakes me from the sofa. I sit up and look around to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. There it is again. A knock at the door. My heart races as I rush to find Callie standing on the other side. Her eye makeup is smeared down her cheeks. She’s obviously been crying for a while considering the swelling and redness that I’m staring at. She doesn’t let me address her. “I was halfway to North Carolina when my mother called me. I almost didn’t pick up, but I was so tired I knew it would help me stay awake. I can’t believe what she told me. I’m in shock.” She pushes her way inside and sits down before continuing. “She got a call from someone she knew a long time ago. The woman claimed to be your mother, Heather Monroe. Then my mom proceeded to tell me the whole story of how they met and everything they went through. Do you know your mom saved my mom’s life? My mom was pregnant with my sister at the time, and yours was pregnant with you.”

  “I didn’t know.” I sit on the edge of the chair beside her and lightly rub her back. She’s so distraught I can’t begin to know how to comfort her. “I only found out they knew each other earlier.”

  “I tried to call you as soon as we got off the phone, but it kept going to voicemail. I was desperate for answers, wondering if you’ve known the whole time.”

  “No. I didn’t. I swear.”

  “I had to see you, Cob. I had to come back to be able to look into those eyes that I love and hear the truth from your lips. Tell me this isn’t possible. Tell me it can’t get worse.”

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m still in shock myself, and what you just informed me makes it ten times worse, at least in my eyes. How is this possible? How can our families be that linked and we never knew it?”

  “Time. They buried it in the past. Your mom married your father and moved away. I think they all assumed they’d never see each other again.”

  When she peers up at me I can tell she’s as lost as I feel. I wipe new falling tears from her cheek. “Babe, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say.”

  Her lips tremble as she speaks. “Say you love me, Jacob Monroe. Say we’ll get through this together. Tell me there’s another way, because I can’t lose you. I haven’t ever been this happy. This can’t be the end of us.”

  I can’t come up with a quick solution. “It’s a fucking disaster. I’ve been trying to figure it out all day. How is this possible? All the people in the world and our families are connected in some crazy fucked up way. This is insane. It makes no sense.”

  “It could be worse. We could be related.”

  “Jesus Christ, don’t even joke. That would be horrific.”

  While I wait for her to respond I try to think of a solution that will help, but I’m coming up empty. “Maybe you were right earlier. I don’t see how you and I will get through this.”

  “I can’t believe your mother contacted mine. I wouldn’t believe it if it didn’t happen directly to me. My mom sounded just as freaked out, plus it’s pretty late for her to be up, so I’m sure the call got her out of bed. I could tell she was afraid to tell my father.”

  “How involved were our parents? I mean, your mom was married to my biological grandfather, that my mom eventually shot to protect them? What the hell is going on? Who are the people who raised us?”

  “Survivors, I suppose. My mom spoke of yours like she was a hero. I’ve been told her first husband beat her. I don’t know all the details, but when my father came along they fell in love and he helped her get free. According to my cousins, the man came after her and kidnapped her. I know your dad was shot on the Kentucky ranch while threatening
both our mother’s lives.”

  “Well shit. This just gets worse. What about my mom and your dad?”

  She shrugs. “Mom didn’t get into details about it. I have no idea what the circumstances were, nor do I know about my uncle Ty.”

  I lace my hand in hers and play with it. “I have no idea what to do here, Callie. You’re the first woman I’ve ever been this serious about. It fucking hurts. I don’t want to lose you. What we have together has nothing to do with them, my job, or the past. It’s just us.”

  “I know.” I hear her start to sob. “Where do we go from here?”

  “We can break up and go about our lives, pretending the last month or so never happened.”

  “We could. We probably should.”

  “Or we can do something crazy,” I say. It’s a last ditch effort to keep her and I’m not sure she’ll even go along with it.

  “Like what?”

  “We could drive out to Vegas and get hitched.”

  “That’s ridiculous. We couldn’t.”

  “If we were married they couldn’t stop us from being together.”

  “You have never committed to a woman, and after only about five weeks you’re telling me you want to get married?”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. You’re right, it’s ridiculous, but it’s a good plan. If you hate me in a couple months or a year you can divorce me. At least we’ll be able to figure this out ourselves. You’ll be my wife.”

  “Your wife,” she repeats it.

  I get down on my knees and wait for her to look at me with her beautiful green eyes. “Marry me, Callie. Let’s make it impossible for anyone to come between us. It’s time they put the past in the past.”

  “What about your job? The ranch? They won’t get over that. I don’t want to move all over the place, or sit at home for months without you.”

  She’s right. Being with her isn’t the only decision I have to make. I’m desperate to keep her. I need to choose Callie and my future, or a job that brings me no satisfaction. “That part is easy. I’ll quit.”

  “What will you do for money?”

  “I have a rental property. I’ll invest my savings and buy one of my parents Bed and Breakfasts, or I’ll start a business.”

  “Like what? I think you’ve lost your mind. Life isn’t this easy.”

  I’m holding her hands, staring and pleading for her to give me a chance. “We have one life. I’ve always thought I should live it to the fullest, but my cup has only been half full until you walked into my life. You’re the missing piece. We can spend months waiting for this to solve itself, or we can take a leap of faith together as a team. Let’s surprise the shit out of everyone we know. Be with me. Marry me. Be my wife and we’ll figure the rest out together.”

  “My father will never forgive you.”

  I shrug. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take. You can be daddy’s girl forever, or my wife. I know it seems extreme, but I’m asking it anyway.”

  “Okay,” she manages to reply. “I’ll do it. I can’t promise it will turn into a terrible decision, but at least we’ll have the time to try.”

  “One more thing,” I announce. I rush to the kitchen and pull out some aluminum foil, quickly wrapping it into a circular shape. I return and slide it over her finger. “This is temporary. I’ll buy you a band when we’re in Vegas.”

  She’s laughing at me. “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to. We’ll do this part right, just in case it turns out this is exactly where we both belong.”

  She brings her hands up and cups either side of my face. “When I tell you I love you I mean it.”

  “When I say it back, it’s because I feel it too.”

  She’s whispering as her forehead presses on mine. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”

  I kiss her quickly. “We better get going. It’s going to be a long ride, and I don’t want you losing your nerve.”

  She stops me from walking away. “I won’t, Jacob.”

  “I like it when you call me that.”


  “Because no one else does.”

  Chapter 23


  It’s the middle of the night, but I know if anyone is up it’s my sister Cassie. She picks up on the second ring. I’m shaking so nervously that I’m about to hang up without saying anything, though I know the caller identification will only tell her it was me, so it would be pointless. “Healy.”

  “It’s me, Callie. I’m sorry I’m calling so late, but something important has come up.”

  “What’s wrong?” Right away she reacts, as if I’m in trouble. Cassie wasn’t always on the straight and narrow. She’s made terrible decisions in her life, but thankfully met a wonderful man who saw her through her worst. Now that she’s turned her life around, and become an investigator, she worries about everyone else. I think it’s sweet. She’s happy, and that means so much considering the alternative.

  “You haven’t talked to Mom?” I’m surprised our mother hasn’t made a slew of phone calls to announce the situation with Cob. I wouldn’t put it past her. Maybe she hasn’t gotten to Cassie yet.

  “No. I’ve been working on a case. I’m having a hell of a time on this investigation. You didn’t wake me. I just got in bed.”

  “I sort of have a problem and I kind of need my sister to help me through it.” I want to sound needy so she feels obligated to be on my side.

  “I’m listening. Callie, what’s going on? I’m too tired to keep guessing.” Great, she’s already annoyed.

  “Do you know how mom was married before?”


  “She was married to Cob’s biological grandfather, and that’s not all.” While I explain I watch my boyfriend shaking his head, as if this news still shocks him. “Dad and uncle Ty both had relationships with Cob’s mom. Apparently there’s bad blood between all of them.”

  “Holy shit. You’ve got to be kidding? Is he somehow related to us?”

  “No. There’s something else too.”

  “I can’t even imagine what you’re going to say.”

  “Cob came to Kentucky for his job, but I never told anyone we were dating, because he’s in charge of taking some of the Mitchell Ranch land to construct a new highway. They hate him.”

  “Oh my God, Cal. Are you serious?”

  “I couldn’t make this shit up.”

  “This is unreal. How are you handling it?”

  I shrug, though she can’t see me. “Not good. I’m a mess. He’s a mess. We tried to break up, but that didn’t work. We’re not willing to give up on one another because of the family. None of them are considering our happiness. We love each other. We want to be together. Getting married is the only way we can ensure they won’t find a way to tear us apart. So my question is simple. How fast can you get on a plane and fly to Vegas?” There’s no easy way to lay it on her.

  “You’re joking, right?”

  “No. I’m sorry. I’m dead serious. I’m getting married,” I announce. I know her mouth has probably dropped to the floor. I give her a minute to pick it back up. “His mother contacted ours tonight. She called me immediately to tell me I couldn’t be with him. She’s afraid to tell Dad, because she knows he’ll go off. They’re adamant that we sever ties immediately. I’m sick of listening to them. They can’t dictate my entire life. I’ve been a good daughter to them. I worked every single day alongside Mom. I helped her out at home, and pitched in as much as I could. It’s not like I’ve gone out and done this to spite them.”

  “And you think getting hitched is the solution? Don’t go off the deep end, sis.”

  “It’s already gone way too far. I need to know I can count on you. Please Cassie. Please help me.”

  “You’re putting me in a terrible position. You’re asking me to go against Mom and Dad. You know how they’ll react if they find out. I’ve already been on their shit list, and we’re finally in a good place.”

I know. I feel bad for asking.”

  “Yet you are.”

  “You’re my sister. I need you.”

  She takes a while to reply. “I don’t know, Cal.”

  Before you make your decision, there’s something else I need from you.”

  “What now? I think hopping on a plane is pretty big.”

  “Don’t tell anyone. If you don’t want to get in the middle at least promise you’ll take it to the grave. I can’t have them hunting me down to try to stop me.”

  “Callie, you’re asking me to skip work, jump on a flight and come watch you marry someone Mom and Dad don’t approve of, and keep it a total secret? Are you insane? I don't think I can do it, Cal."

  I'm disappointed but understand. "I get it. It was a long shot."

  She sighs. "When are you planning on doing this?"

  "Um," I'm embarrassed I'm not prepared. "The next few days."

  "Let me see if I can take off work and postpone Logan coming home. If I can make it work I’d like to spend a couple extra days there with him, that way I can use it as my excuse for being there."

  I'm elated. "Seriously?"

  "You're my sister. You can't get married alone. Besides, you always had my back, even when I was making terrible choices. I’ll be there for you if I can. I just want you to be sure about this. Marriage is a big deal. Don’t you think you should wait?"

  "We’re doing it. You can’t talk me out of it. This is what has to be done. They won’t be able to come between us.”

  “True, but you’re making it impossible to be forgiven.”

  “I have faith things will eventually work out. They can’t hate me forever.”

  Thank you, Cassie."

  "I'll keep you posted. Stay in touch, and don't you dare tell Cammie or Josh I'm doing this."

  I laugh. "Your secret is safe with me."

  When I end the call I look over at Cob. He's waiting for me to tell him about the conversation and I almost can't contain myself. "She said she'll try to be there for us."

  "That's great, babe."


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