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My Wish Was Her Command

Page 15

by Dan Moran

  Justine had also insisted that we not have sex after Thursday night, to make sure we were both properly horny for Saturday’s activities. I’d woken up with a raging boner on Friday morning, and it had not been relieved, as I’d spent most of my day at work on Friday daydreaming about the coming event. I spent three hours at the gym on Saturday afternoon, and all of the exercise seemed to send more blood to my groin. I was horny and nervous and eager and curious all at once, and when the doorbell rang on Saturday evening, my heart pounded rapidly as I opened the door for Diane, Justine standing beside me.

  She stood on our doorstep in all black, looking like someone from a Gothic fashion magazine. Her black blouse had a V-shaped opening that extended below her cleavage, and the opening itself was held together with laces that criss-crossed her large, pale breasts, straining to hold them in. Her leather skirt was extremely short, barely covering the tops of legs that sported black fishnet stockings. Her knee-high leather boots were covered with buckles, and the heels were at least six inches high. The sleeves of her blouse ended just below the elbows, allowing her to show off the wide leather wrist cuffs that glittered with metal rings and snaps. A narrow black collar with a D-ring in the center encircled her lovely throat, and her smile glistened with a bright red lipstick that contrasted startlingly with the darkness of her clothes and hair.

  “Good evening,” she said sweetly. “May I come in?”

  Justine’s reply came out in a choked whisper: “Please.” She extended a hand, and I moved aside as Diane took it and stepped across the threshold.

  “Thank you,” Diane said, then quickly kissed Justine on the cheek. Justine actually began to blush, but Diane quickly changed the subject. “I just love your outfit,” she said. Justine wore a short black skirt and a pink loose-fitting blouse. The top few buttons were undone, which allowed us to see part of the black bra she wore. Her shoes were the red Mary Janes I had recently bought her.

  “Thanks,” Justine answered. “You look pretty delicious yourself.” I think she had said it before realizing she was going to, because she looked away quickly as Diane smiled.

  Diane seemed to sense Justine’s difficulty expressing a desire she obviously had. With all of her experience, this had probably happened to Diane more than once before. She did not pursue it, but looked around the kitchen instead. “You two have a lovely house. Will you give me the tour?”

  “Of course,” I said. “Care for a drink first?”

  “No, let’s look around first.”

  I led the way through our various rooms, showing her where the bathrooms were, pointing out our offices, giving her the names of paint colors when she asked. It felt strange to be doing something so ordinary when I knew the main purpose of her visit was to photograph, film, and join in on some wild bondage and sex. Still, I kept my cool. We ended the tour at the bedroom, and Diane smiled when she saw the rings set into the floor and ceiling, the cuffs at the corners of the bed, and some of the toys we’d left lying around. “We’re going to have a great time,” she said.

  She then turned to Justine, who was standing behind her, and ran a hand through her hair with a slow, caressing motion. Justine clearly blushed and looked at Diane but remained motionless. I was used to seeing my wife in the dominant, powerful, self-assured role, and I found it amusing to watch her act meek and shy, like a girl being seduced for the first time. She finally managed a little smile and said, “Well, how about a drink?”

  “That would be lovely,” Diane answered in a deep, husky voice. She had a way of speaking that made me feel as if a warm hand was sliding down my chest and heading for my groin. Justine turned and led the way downstairs.

  When we were all in the kitchen, I told Diane what we had for drinks, and she seemed pleased by our extensive choice of wines, selecting a bottle of Vouvray. I opened it, poured her a glass, then poured Justine a glass. Just to help get into the mood, I turned to Justine before pouring a glass for myself and asked, “May I have some as well?”

  “Of course,” she answered, and I could hear that much of her assurance had returned. Both women stood together, smiling as they watched me pour. I felt their hungry stares and knew that they had wonderfully wicked things in store for me, and it made me hard.

  After I took a sip, Diane said to me, “Before you have any more, I want you to go out to my car. I have some lights and some bags of equipment in the back seat. Bring them all into the living room.”

  “As you wish,” I said, bowing my head slightly as I stepped out. I grabbed some spotlights and tripods that lay on the back seat and could only get one of the bags.

  When I went back inside, the two of them stood in the kitchen pretty much where they had been, but Diane had her arm around Justine’s waist. Justine held her wine glass with both hands. I went back out and grabbed the remaining bags, and this time the two of them had progressed to the living room, where I was surprised to see them sitting across the room from each other. Justine was in her usual spot on the couch, and Diane sat in the large stuffed corner chair. I wondered if something was wrong, but both of them were smiling.

  I put the bags on the floor, and Diane got up and started unpacking them, taking out a few cameras, a video camera, and some more lights. There was one bag that she did not open, and this she handed to me with the instruction, “Give this to Justine.” I did so, and Justine looked inside and smiled. I guessed I’d find out soon enough what the bag contained.

  As Diane began to set up some tripods and lights, Justine said, “I just want to mention some ground rules to start. You may give him orders, and you may spank him. You can touch him, too, but only I get to blow him or have intercourse with him. If he ever says ‘Blue,’ everything stops. Also, everything stops if and when I say that it stops.”

  “Perfectly reasonable,” Diane said, turning on a small digital camera. “As I said, you two are in complete control.” She looked at me then and smiled. “Well, I guess it’s more accurate to say that Justine’s in complete control. As for you, you must obey.”

  “That’s right,” said Justine, picking up her wonderful stern tone. She glared at me and said, “You will obey both of us tonight. Understand? Your ass is hers as much as it is mine. Tonight you have two mistresses, and we’re both going to have our way with you and punish you. You will do nothing but serve and obey and beg. Got that?”

  I nodded vigorously, my boner pushing against my pants.

  Diane stepped close to me then and held my chin with her thumb and forefinger. She was smiling, but her eyes were steely. “Well, slave,” she said sharply. “If you’re so obedient, why are you still on your feet?”

  I immediately fell to my knees, looking up at her. She patted the top of my head. “That’s better,” she said in a softer voice. “Now smile for the camera.” She took a few quick pictures. Then she walked to one side of me, lifted a leg, and placed one of her high heels on my shoulder, pushing me forward and down. “On all fours now, let’s go.” I remained on my hands and knees as she took some more pictures.

  Justine said, “Diane, why don’t you have a seat?”

  Diane sat down on my back, picking up her glass of wine. “Why, thank you, Justine,” she said, taking a sip. “Your husband makes an excellent seat.”

  “Well,” said Justine, “what would you like to see and photograph first?”

  “Hmm...” Diane responded causally, taking time to think as I remained obediently still. “I think I’d like to start by photographing a nice, classic spanking. I’ll let him up so you can have him.”

  She got to her feet, and Justine said loudly, “All right, get over here and drop those pants.”

  I rose and walked over to the couch, unbuckling my belt as I stood before Justine, who waited with her hands folded in her lap, looking up at me with an evil grin.

  Diane was taking more digital pictures—I heard the beeps—and she said, “Oh, that’s a great look, Justine. Yeah, just like that!”

  My pants fell to my ankles, and Diane
said, “Justine, how about reaching up and slowly pulling down his underwear? Yeah, like that! I’ll get some shots of various stages. Wait, I’m going to switch cameras.” Justine paused with my ass half-covered and the fabric of my underwear stretched over my straining erection. Then I heard clicking sounds as Diane snapped some more photos. “OK,” she said, “keep going.”

  With the next motion, my cock sprang out and wavered before Justine’s smiling face, and she leaned forward, not quite touching it with her cheek as she lowered my underwear to my knees. She sat back then and said, “Don’t just stand there. Get over my lap!”

  I quickly threw myself over her legs where she sat and immediately, she began swatting me rapidly with her bare hand. The blows were light, only stinging slightly, and I heard Diane taking a lot of pictures. “Justine,” she said, “let me get a couple with your hand on his ass.” After taking these pictures, Diane moved to the end of the couch where my head was. She faced me from about two feet away, snapping some close-ups and saying, “Now give me a smile. Show me how much you love a good spanking. Show me how you love nothing better than your wife giving you the sound punishment you deserve.”

  I smiled and winced at the same time as Justine’s smacks became harder, my mouth parted in ecstasy as Justine shouted, “That’s right! You deserve it and you love it! Your ass is mine and you love it! You want me to punish you again and again!” Smack smack spank whap smack....

  I started wriggling around a bit as Diane got up and said, “I’m going to start the video camera. I want to get some good footage of this.” She got a camera onto a tripod and pointed it at the couch. As she filmed the action, she said, “Justine, is your husband suitably obedient?”

  “Oh, yes,” she replied, giving me another hard smack on the buns. “But I have to punish him anyway. It reminds him that I’m in command.” She smacked me a few more times, much harder, and I let out a little grunt. “It’s good for him to be over my lap and to have his naked ass completely at my mercy. It’s good for him to know that I can do this any time I want. Our marriage goes much more smoothly when he is regularly reminded of his proper place. Even when he’s perfectly obedient, I still need to hurt him once in a while, just as a reminder. It’s for his own good.” And she commenced smacking me again.

  “I think they call that ‘maintenance spanking,’ ” Diane said from behind the video camera. “So tell me, do you usually administer punishment with your bare hand?”

  “Not always. I use a variety of things. I’ve used a paddle, a hairbrush, and a riding crop at different times. Why don’t I show you? He can get them from our bedroom.” She rolled me off her lap and said, “Now be a good little husband and go get all the toys so I can punish you some more. You may pull your pants back up to go there and back, but of course you’ll drop them again as soon as you’re back, understood?”

  “Yes,” I said, smiling with eagerness as I dashed up the stairs and collected the crop, the hairbrush, and the paddle. When I came back down, I placed them on the coffee table, quickly unbuckled my belt again, let my pants fall, and hopped back onto Justine’s lap.

  “See?” Justine said. “Look how well he obeys.”

  “Very nice,” Diane replied, picking up the digital camera again.

  “Except for one thing,” Justine continued, becoming stern again. I got a wonderful excited feeling in my gut as she bent forward across my back to pick up one of the toys. “He still has his underwear on. He lowered his pants, but his ass is still covered. To me, that looks like he’s trying to avoid his full punishment. What do you think, Diane?”

  “Oh, I agree. And I think that you should correct that right away. If he’s trying to get out of whatever you were going to give him, I’d say you should double it.”

  “A fine idea,” Justine said as she forcefully yanked down my underwear. “I was going to give you 25 swats with the paddle, but now it will be 50. Ready?”

  “Y-yes.” I whimpered slightly.

  “WHAT?” she responded, bringing the wood down on my right cheek with an enormous SPLAT! “I didn’t HEAR you!” SMACK!

  “Ow! Yes! Yes, I’m ready for my 50 swats!”

  “Well, good,” she said quietly. “And those two don’t count.” She then began giving me slow, steady, purposeful smacks, always alternating buttocks, always pausing for about a second or two between each. Diane captured the paddling with both of her cameras, and of course the video was still rolling. I wondered how all of the images would look.

  When Justine had given me my 50, Diane commented, “Well, it looks like he can take a lot. How much punishment do you usually give?”

  “I give him a lot of swats, and we start out slow. He really can take a lot of pain, and we usually get his ass nice and red. He gets welts, too, from the crop, but I think he likes them. The only thing is that we don’t like to do it so hard that he bleeds or anything.”

  “Good to know,” Diane said. “What’s next?”

  “Well, why don’t you have a crack at it?”

  “May I really?” she said excitedly. “I’d love to.”

  Justine rolled me off her lap and onto the floor. “Go beg Diane for some more punishment,” she said with a smile.

  I completely loved my submission, delighted that these women were having so much fun with me. I crawled across the floor, my pants still down to my knees, over to where Diane stood. I looked up at her. Her arms were folded, and she looked down at me inquiringly.

  “May I please have some more spanking?” I asked.

  She smiled but said, “You’ll have to ask more nicely than that...”

  I bent my head down and covered her shoes with kisses, from tips to high heels. After about half a minute, I looked up again and said, “Please, please, Mistress... I need more punishment and beg you to give it to me.”

  Her expression softened, and she looked at me adoringly. “Well, since you’re so sincere, I suppose that I can help you.” She reached down and stroked my cheek with the backs of her fingers. “Now,” she said soothingly, “I want you to go over to that chair and kneel on it, facing the back. Keep those pants down and stick that deserving ass of yours way out for me. I’m going to give you what you need, but you must help me by complying.”

  I hastened over to the blue chair, wriggling my way onto it in the position that Diane demanded, which was tricky with my pants around my knees and bunched up around my ankles. I heard Diane say, “Justine, will you look in that bag and hand me the black paddle? Thank you.” She approached the chair then. I was facing away from the two of them, but Diane walked to the side of the chair and showed me the long, rectangular paddle of stiffened black leather. “This is what I’m going to use on your naughty behind,” she said. “It’s going to sting, but that’s what you want, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I said in a shaky whisper. “Make it hurt. Please.” My heart raced, and I felt both excitement at this fantasy we were playing out, but also a true need to submit to some feminine punishment. I found that I really did want it to hurt. I wanted Justine and Diane to dispense some pain and to have their way with me. I wanted my body to be utterly at their disposal. I was such a long way from my first timid, curious approaches to Justine, and I was glad I had taken this path and found such immensely gratifying lusts to pursue.

  “Very well,” Diane continued in that same warm voice. There was something damnably sexy about the way in which she spoke so gently while preparing to act so harshly. My erection was in full force as I awaited the first blow.

  Whap! came the sound as it landed without warning, and I knew I was in for it. This particular type of paddle was new to me, and it felt like a step above the hairbrush. Smack! landed the next one, then whap! Crack! CRACK!, came another three in quick succession. “Aaahhhh...,” I moaned in sweet pain.

  “Is that helping?” Diane asked.

  “Y-yes, Mistress...”

  “Good. Now come on. Ass out. A little more, please.”

  I obeyed her and offered up m
y bare flesh even more stridently, and another series of rapid smacks graced my buttocks. The sting was intense, and I felt my flesh heating up. Diane would pause and rub the paddle lightly over my ass for a few seconds, then give another sharp crack with the lovely instrument of my agonized delight. My sighs and moans became yelps, but every time I cried out, it was through a smile and with eyes half-closed in erotic bliss.

  Finally, she bent down close to my ear, rubbing my ass lightly with one hand as she whispered, “Now, I’m going to give you just two more, and these final two will hurt a lot. Do you understand and accept this?”

  I thought about it for a moment. I knew that something of a new level must be coming up, or she wouldn’t be taking the trouble to warn me like this and give me the chance to back out. Fuck it, I decided. “Yes,” I told her. “Please go ahead. Hurt me.”

  She stroked my hair then. “That’s a good boy.”

  She stepped back behind me, and the room was very quiet for a few seconds. I heard her draw back, and heard the loud whoosh through the air before the next smack hit me with full force and the loudest sound yet. “OWWWWW!!!!” I cried out, unable to help it. “Fuck!”

  Justine chimed in then. “Don’t be rude! She’s doing this to help you. You did beg her for it, you know. And she told you the last two were going to hurt.”

  “I-I know... I’m sorry, I—”

  “Quiet!” she snapped. “Be still and let Diane give you the last one.”

  “Very well,” Diane said calmly. “As long as you’re both sure it’s okay.”

  I turned my head to look over my shoulder, and I nodded, still wincing. I saw Justine on the couch, one hand between her legs, her short skirt hiked up. She rubbed herself excitedly with a stern look in my direction. “Yes, do it, Diane. Punish my husband’s ass. Give him the last stroke, and make it hurt.”


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