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Just To Be Loved

Page 16

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “Hunter blames me for the family suffering,” she confided.

  Sylvie snapped. “He what! Hunter had better keep his mouth shut; he has a lot he needs to answer to.”

  “Please don’t let this break up your family. After a time, I will be forgotten.”

  “No you won’t. Mya, you are the daughter I’ve always wanted. I love you, Ghani loves and adores you, and your father loves you, and he will do all he can to have his daughter back.”

  Sylvie eyes welled up with tears and Mya dropped her head. She did not want to see her cry.

  “Mrs. Trent, in my quest for love I’ve discovered that if the trust is not there, love is just a four-letter word that does not amount to much of anything. Each time they closed the bars to my cell a small piece of me hardened, and right now, I feel so betrayed and useless. Some good did come out of it too, because I had time to reflect on my life. What I learned was that my mother’s abuse of me growing up didn’t hurt nearly as much as Mr. Trent turning his back on me. You see I’ve always known that my mother hated me, and it didn’t hurt so much. In fact, it was par for the course. But I believed whole heartedly that my father loved me and it did something to me when I realized that it was all a lie.”

  “Mya he may have made the wrong decision about you, but he does genuinely love you,” Sylvie replied.

  Mya shrugged. “I need time.”

  The door opened and in the doorway stood Ghani with tears glistening in her light eyes. Sylvie stepped back so Mya could stand.

  “My baby!” She wailed, rushing into the room with her arms open wide. Mya’s eyes filled, but she quickly blinked the moisture away. She would not let tears weaken her.

  “We never believed them! We never believed them!” Ghani chanted. Mya found herself comforting her grandmother, and her eyes drifted shut, savoring the warmth and love of her arms around her.

  “Come Ghani and see your great grandsons,” she whispered. Sylvie stood and smiled with tears flowing.

  “My what?” Ghani asked, taking a step back before moving cautiously to the bed.

  “Mama, look at them,” Sylvie grinned.

  Ghani looked down at the two dark curly-headed, bronzed-colored perfect little boys.

  “Oh my goodness,” she whispered. “Oh my God, they are beautiful.”

  She looked over at Sylvie and frowned. “Why do my great grandsons look so familiar?”

  “Mama, meet Henry and Benjamin. One has a crescent moon on his precious bottom.”

  “Hunter!” Ghani muttered. She turned to Mya and smiled. “They are so beautiful.”

  Ghani’s look turned to one of concern. “Baby you look tired.”

  “I am a little. I haven’t slept since yesterday.”

  “Come then. Get in the bed with the babies and we will check on you later.”

  Mya climbed on the bed with the twins. “Thank you.”

  As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep, and Sylvie and Ghani left her to relax while the babies slept. They sat in the parlor waiting for Henry and Hunter to return.

  “Mama, she’s different,” Sylvie commented.

  Ghani nodded sadly. “Yes she is, but we got our precious girl home, and now we just have to give her all the love we have inside of us. When she came to us in the beginning that was all she needed and all she wanted. But for the way she’s been treated since she’s gotten here, I could strangle my son and grandson.”

  “The question is when did Hunter father a child with Mya? I thought he didn’t want her around,” Sylvie chuckled.

  Ghani chuckled as well. “He may not have wanted her around, but he wanted her. You remember how he watched her? The boy couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. I don’t know when they got together, but I just hope it wasn’t some cheap seduction on his part.”

  “She was an innocent,” Sylvie added. Ghani shook her head.

  “When they return, we will get to the bottom of this. A lot has happened to that poor girl in the time that she came to us, and I especially want to know who framed her.”

  Sylvie agreed. “I blame Henry for this. He could have handled it differently and trusted her a little before turning his back. Mama it breaks my heart.”

  They heard Henry and Hunter coming through the door, and as they passed the opened doors to the parlor, Henry was grinning from ear to ear while carrying a teddy bear that looked to be almost as big as him. Hunter followed with a basketball and football under each arm and a large bag in each hand.

  “Henry!” Sylvie called. “Can I see you honey? And bring Hunter with you.”

  Both men entered the room looking ridiculous.

  “Hello Ghani,” Hunter greeted.

  “Hello Mama, did you see the twins?” Henry grinned.

  “Yes I did. Sit down Henry, it’s time we talked.”

  Both men placed their merchandise on the vacant chair and joined the ladies.

  “How did you find Mya?” Ghani asked.

  “She called and asked to see us,” Henry answered, a little confused by her inquiry. “Look, all that matters is that she is home, and Mama, if you are wondering, I spoke to Mya at her place. She said she forgave me when they released her, so…”

  Ghani raised her hand to cut him off. “And you believed her?”

  “Yes. I don’t think she would lie about that.”

  “Just like you believed her when she said she was innocent?”

  “Mama what’s your point?” Henry snapped.

  “My point is that she does not trust any of us. She came back because she was not making it alone and she loves her babies. That alone is her only reason for being here.”

  “Do you think she wants revenge?” Hunter asked.

  Mya stood in the open door, and after hearing what Hunter said, she rushed into the room to confront him.

  “What have I ever done to you Hunter? Ever since I’ve come into the house you have done nothing but suspect me, intimidate me… you even took my innocence. I go to prison because you didn’t mind letting everyone know you didn’t trust me. I go to prison because you convinced everyone that I wanted to avenge a woman who treated me like dirt. I carried your babies, everyday afraid that I would give birth in prison and they would take them from me while I rotted away for something I did not do. I have given you sons and still you suspect me of trying to do harm. I hate you Hunter! I blame you for all of this from the moment I stepped into this house. I would not be surprised if you planned this.”

  “I would never…”

  “And yet you believe I would. I’m sorry I even came here!” Mya turned and left the room.

  “Hunter, how can you hate her so and yet still impregnate her? I don’t understand.” Sylvie asked.

  “Mom I don’t hate her; far from it.” Hunter pushed his hand through his hair and closed his eyes in frustration. “I don’t know how I feel.”

  “Hunter, what does Heather know about this?” Ghani asked.

  “She knows how I felt about Mya, but I don’t think Heather would do anything that devious.”

  “Why!” Sylvie shouted. “I don’t trust her. She’s your fiancée and that’s your business son, if she is who you want to spend the rest of your life with, but she wants you and would do anything to get you, even get rid of Mya if she felt like she was in her way.” Sylvie rolled her eyes in disgust, and then she and Ghani rose leaving the room.

  Later that evening Henry sat at his desk in the study with his sons. Hunter paced the floor raking his hand through his hair.

  “I have hurt her so badly,” Henry blurted out. “Why didn’t I believe her?”

  “Dad we are all guilty of not believing her. Mom and Ghani were the only ones to truly open up their hearts to Mya and take her at face value. The truth is that we didn’t trust her, and if we are truly honest with ourselves, I believe it was in our mind that she was just like her mother from the very beginning,” Bryan affirmed.

  They all nodded. “We accepted her but we never trusted her.”

  “And now that she’s back, she’s not the same person we remember,” Chance stated sadly.

  “Let’s not forget that we have two nephews that Hunter has fathered,” Trevor added. “How did that happen?”

  “Yes Hunter, how did that happen?” Henry echoed.

  He glared at Trevor. “It just happened and it was consensual. That’s all you need to know.”

  “And that’s why she wanted her own place?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “How could you Hunter? You were the one that disapproved of her the most.”

  “I know Dad, but I wanted her too. From the moment I first saw her I wanted her. I fought it, God knows I did, but…”

  “Well son, what’s done is done. You are a father now, and I think your problems have just begun. Have you forgotten you are going to be married in a few weeks?”

  Hunter cursed. He did forget Heather. When she hears about this, he will have to deal with her next.

  The door opened and Ghani and Sylvie stood in the doorway with their hands on hips glaring at the men, who immediately came to their feet.

  “How’s Mya?” Henry asked.

  “She’s resting,” Sylvie answered. “The fact is that Mya is home and well, and the twins are home and well, and here is where the three of them should be. Tomorrow you boys will see your sister and the babies and you will beg her forgiveness. Then you will start working on the boys’ nursery.”

  “Yes ma’am,” they replied.

  “This family will get it together and I mean it,” Ghani added. “I don’t want my great grandsons coming into a dysfunctional family.”

  The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Hunter called out.

  “Why can’t we see our nephews now?” Bryan asked with a grin.

  “Yeah,” Chance and Trevor agreed.

  “I’ll go and see if…”

  Sylvie paused when she saw Heather following closely behind Hunter, and Ghani rolled her eyes up.

  “Hello everyone,” Heather greeted snobbishly.

  “Heather,” they all echoed as if her presence drained the life out of the room.

  “I understand that there is a family emergency, so why didn’t anyone call me? I’ll be a part of this family soon,” she pouted.

  “Because it doesn’t involve you Heather,” Ghani said, staring daggers at Hunter.

  “But it will soon, Ghandi,” she pouted.

  Hunter dropped his head and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Heather, let me tell you something,” Ghani said, coming to her feet.

  “Heather isn’t there a party that you’re supposed to attend?” Hunter said, leading her to the door.

  “Yes, and you should be escorting me. There doesn’t seem to be a family emergency now,” Heather protested, moving to the center of the room.

  Just then, Mya walked into the room with a carrier in each hand, and Henry quickly rushed to her side taking one of the carriers. “Here they are,” he said with a grin.

  Heather stood there with her mouth gaped open, as the family crowded around to look at the babies.

  “Bring my babies over here,” Sylvie ordered, smiling as they brought them near.

  Heather looked up at Hunter. “When did she get back?”

  “Today. Heather, we need to talk,” he said, taking her arm and leading her out of the room.

  Heather snatched her arm away. “All I want to know is what is she doing here?” She shrieked, drawing everyone’s attention.

  “Excuse me Heather, but this is my daughter’s home,” Henry spoke up.

  “But she is a criminal! She can’t be part of this family,” she sputtered.

  Sylvie came to her feet. “Heather I want you out of my house this minute! Hunter, you take her out of here now!”

  “Come on Heather, we need to talk,” Hunter said with a tight lip. He pulled her into the foyer. “I don’t appreciate you coming here and disrespecting my parent’s home. You have no say in what goes on in this family!”

  “Hunter, I’m sorry… I was just surprised by her… I thought she was gone,” she whimpered.

  Hunter exhaled. “Heather Mya is home and we are happy about it. She had twins and she needs her family around her.”

  “So what does that have to do with us?” She asked impatiently.

  “Before Mya was arrested I slept with her,” Hunter admitted.

  “You slept with that slut! How could you Hunter?” She cried.

  “We were not together then Heather. Those babies in there are mine that is what I’m trying to tell you.”

  Heather stared at him for a second, and then started to laugh. “And you believe that Hunter?”

  “They are my sons and they will be in my life. If you cannot accept it, then we might as well break off the engagement right now. I don’t want to hurt you Heather, but my sons will come first.”

  Tears filled her eyes. That bitch and her brats are not about to have Hunter. “Oh Hunter,” she cried, pressing her face into his chest.

  “Heather, you have to decide.”

  She lifted her head. “I love you Hunter; of course I will accept your babies. Can I meet them?” She asked sweetly.

  “Thank you,” he said and kissed her forehead.

  When Hunter and Heather returned to the room, her eyes found Mya and she glared at her.

  “I’m sorry Mrs. Trent. I have no excuse for my rudeness. Hunter told me about the babies and I want to support him. I guess if I’m going to be a stepmother, I need to meet the babies.”

  Ghani was holding one of the twins and Sylvie had the other. She went to Ghani and looked at the child. “Oh he’s cute,” she sneered.

  “No Heather, these boys are beautiful,” Ghani corrected her. She moved away and glanced at the other child in Sylvie arms.

  “Hunter I have to go,” she suddenly announced. “I’ll see you later.”

  Hunter walked her out and a minute later he returned.

  “I don’t want her around my babies,” Mya announced. Hunter looked at her in disbelief.

  “You do know that she is going to be my wife, right?” Hunter retorted.

  “I don’t care who your wife is going to be. I don’t want her around my babies,” she repeated.

  “We need to talk about this Mya.”

  “You’re right Hunter we do.” The room was thick with a tense silence as Mya moved so that she was standing face to face with Hunter.

  “Do you want us to leave?” Sylvie asked.

  “No Mrs. Trent, this is family business; you all need to hear this.”

  “Hunter I won’t keep your sons away from you, if that is your concern, and I am not my mother,” she stated determinedly.

  “I wouldn’t allow you to Mya,” he snapped.

  Mya’s eyebrows rose. She didn’t like his tone. “Let’s get one thing straight Hunter. I will not allow you to run roughshod all over me because you do not intimidate me anymore. I am not that frightened, unsure woman that you knew before when you allowed them to take me away. I will not bend to you or your father’s will ever again just for approval. The two of you turned your back on me. You I expected it from, my father I did not, and that hurt. You many see your sons as much or as often as you please, but I don’t want that woman around my babies.”


  “No!” She interrupted. “You think I don’t know that I’ve changed? You think I don’t know how hard I appear? Look, all I want to do is move on and forget the past. I want my sons to grow and have memories of a happy life, and if I have to I am willing to tolerate you for their sake.” Her declaration stunned Hunter, but Ghani and Sylvie smiled, looking at her with pride.

  Hunter stood at Heather’s door dreading the drama he knew was coming. She opened the door, staring at him maliciously, and walked away. She wore a white teddy and nothing else, and he knew that if he wanted to keep the peace, he would have to have sex with her tonight. The idea did nothing to excite him. You would think that after they were engaged th
ey would have sex whenever they were together, but with them that wasn’t the case and it wasn’t Heather who held back. Ever since he had Mya, sex with Heather had become a chore. He closed the door and went into the living room where she posed seductively on the chaise lounge. He sat on the sofa and looked at her. He had never endured so much stress in one day, and he was not in the mood for any kind of Heather drama tonight.

  He exhaled. “Okay Heather, let’s have it,” he replied.

  “I can’t believe you slept with that woman! How could you Hunter?” She whined dramatically. “I want you to give up your parental rights and send her away. How can we have a successful marriage with this dark cloud hanging over us?”

  “I was not with you at the time first of all and it just happened. And don’t be ridiculous! I will not give up my parental rights,” he answered wearily.

  Heather rose swiftly to her feet and began to pace in front of him and his eyes roamed up and down her shapely form. She looked beautiful. It had been months since he and Heather had been intimate and you would think that he’d get a rise, but there was nothing.

  She stopped to face him with her hands on her hips and her legs astride. “Are you sure those kids are yours?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “How do you know? Were you tested?”

  “Heather I don’t need a test to know. They are mine,” he stated.

  She sucked her teeth and began to pace again.

  “This is not good Hunter. She is going to come between us, I just know it,” she whined.

  “How is that possible Heather? It’s not like we will be living in the same house.”

  “Yeah, but you will see those brats, and that means she will be around,” she countered.

  “Be careful Heather,” Hunter warned. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to deal with my sons, but you will not keep me from seeing them either. If you want this marriage to work you have to accept the fact I have children with Mya.”


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