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Just To Be Loved

Page 21

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “I suggest that you make the calls necessary to cancel the wedding Senator; we will not be there. Now get the hell out of my house!”

  Clarence dropped his head and left.

  The three of them stood there for a moment, each feeling vindicated by the fact that the high and mighty Senator Burton came into their home roaring like a lion and left like a whipped puppy with his tail between his legs.

  “It’s been a long trying day son. Why don’t you stay here tonight?” Sylvie asked. “I’m exhausted and I’m going to bed. Goodnight Hunter, I love you.”

  “She got that right; it has been some kind of day,” Henry added. “Well, I think I’ll turn in too. Goodnight Son.”

  “Thanks Mom, I think I will spend the night,” Hunter said, watching as the two of them climbed the stairs. “Goodnight Dad.”

  After locking the foyer door Hunter climbed up the stairs. He stopped by the nursery to check on the twins, when Mya came in.

  “Hunter?” She said, clearly surprised to see him. “You’re still here?”

  “Yeah, I’m going to stay the night. I’ve got a lot calls to make tomorrow to cancel that farcical joke of a wedding.”

  “Oh, okay then. Well, goodnight Hunter.”

  “Goodnight Mya.” Hunter bent over and gently kissed his sons, taking great care not to wake them.

  With the promise of a good night’s sleep seeming more and more like a distant fantasy as the hours wore on, Mya lie somberly in her bed and unable to fall herself to sleep. Regrettably, like a never-ending silent picture, her thoughts were of Hunter. It took her awhile to rid herself of the desire and change it to the hate she felt for him while she was in prison. She could feel herself weakening since being around him again remembering the way he made her feel so long ago. Her hand eased down between her legs. She groaned and rolled to her stomach. She pressed her face in the pillow and screamed softly.

  He’s right down the hall, her body told her. No, I hate him.

  If you hate him so much, why do you want him? She flipped over, sat up and punched her pillows. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and sat up. She looked over at the bedside clock. One o’clock, she groaned. She rose up, her silk nightgown clinging to her body. Quietly she opened her door, with the intent to get a book from the library and read until she fell asleep.

  After finding a book, she started up the stairs, slowing when she came to the guestroom Hunter was sleeping in. She stopped her hand reached for the doorknob. She snatched her hand away.

  “Are you crazy?” she whispered to herself, but she reached for the knob again. This time she turned the knob. She eased the door open, and stepped inside the room and quietly closing the door. She placed the book on the bureau, taking a minute for her eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room. The only light was the moon shining through the window. Silently she walked to the side of the king sized bed. Hunter was asleep. She could hear his even breathing. One arm was thrown over his head, his dark hair spread over the pillow, his muscular chest as sexy as she remembered. She knew she should leave, but she just wanted to look at him without him knowing. Could she be in love with him? The Hunter she now knew would make it easy for her to love. The man who didn’t miss a night tucking his boys in bed, or the gentle man that would sit with her as they discussed the welfare of the twins. The man that made her heart swell from the love he showed his sons.

  She was so intent with watching on him, she didn’t know he was watching her. She jumped when the covers lifted. Her eyes widened.

  “Don’t punk out now Mya,” he challenged. Her breath was coming out in short pants. He was nude and beautiful. Her eyes met his. She turned to leave, than stop, her body was screaming for this. She wanted him. She turned back to him lifting her gown as she walked to him. Naked, Mya slipped into bed with him. Hunter threaded his hands through her hair holding her head, his mouth ravished hers, opening her lips with his tongue and tasting her sweet mouth. Mya didn’t resist him. This was what she wanted, just one last time, she told herself. Her arms circled his neck holding him to her. Hunter mouth left hers, and found her already pebble hard nipple, taking it in his mouth. Mya moaned and threaded her finger through his silky hair. She felt as if she was moving in slow motion by the way her head spun from his mouth on her breast.

  She felt his hand move down to the flat of her stomach, lightly caressing it, as his mouth move to the other breast. Mya exhaled. His hand moved lower. She felt his fingers in the trimmed hair nestled between her legs rubbing gently over the sensitive area. Mya jumped at the contact, pushing her body against his hand. He caressed her until he opened the lips of her. Mya gasped at the contact. Hunter raised his head, looking down at her.

  He couldn’t believe she was here in his bed. When he opened his eyes, and saw her standing there, he thought he was dreaming, but she was real. He now knew then he loved her as hard as he fought against it. His body reacted instantly. He knew he should send her away; he didn’t want this to happen so fast, he wanted to build her trust in him before he made love to her, but now he couldn’t stop if he wanted to. He slipped his finger inside her and groaned when he felt how wet she already was. She was moving beneath him with no forethought, just with feeling.

  “Hunter,” she said breathless as she lost control and came apart in his arms. Hunter eased his finger from her and slowly moved to enter her. She sipped air through her teeth, her body lifting to meet him. Hunter stilled. She was so damn tight. He thought he would never feel her around him ever again, but here he was, savoring her body, her heat, her moistness.

  “Baby,” he whispered in her ear as he nibbled gently on her lobe. She moved sensually beneath him. He knew he should move, but she felt like heaven, and the way she was moving he knew if he moved he might explode inside her.

  “Hunter,” she whispered, “kiss me.” His mouth found hers; her arms went around his neck hold him to her as their bodies move in rhythm to each other.

  She tore her mouth from his gasping. Hunter could feel her walls constricting around him. She was coming and coming hard. She arched her neck groaning so loud Hunter had to cover her mouth with his to silence her. Her body jerking rhythmically as she let herself go. Hunter stilled, holding her until her orgasm eased while he held his climax tightly, wanting her to savory this orgasm, before he gave her another. She breathed heavily as her body return to him before Hunter begun thrusting inside her.

  Mya gasped her eyes wide. “Hunter,” she breathed, holding him close to her, her body lifting to receive him.

  Hunter knew this was where he should be. This was the only woman who made him feel so good that his control was never really his own. It was his turn now, she was ready, her wall were opening and closing on his overly hardened manhood and he couldn’t hold out any longer, she was pulling what he offered freely from him. He slipped his hand under her, holding her as he sank deeper his body jerking with extreme ecstasy filling her with his seed. He never in all his adult life came as hard as he was at this moment.

  “Mya, My God,” he said softly in her ear as she climax with him, her small arms tight around his neck. As her arms relax, he rolled from her pulling her close to him. She lay her head on his shoulder. She was quiet.

  “I have to go,” she said softly leaning up.

  “Not yet,” Hunter said pulling her down on him.

  “Hunter, I shouldn’t have come here,” she replied.

  “I know, but you’re here now, just stay a few minutes more please,” Hunter said kissing her neck pulling her down on him.

  Mya lay down on him her head resting on his chest. She could feel the beating of his strong heart. She closed her eyes and pretended they were madly in love. She turned her head and pressed her lips to his chest. Hunter moaned. Mya smiled. She rolled on top of him looking down at him. That was a mistake.

  He lifted his head kissing her deeply. Mya hand held his face returning his kiss with heated passion. Her legs fell open on each side of his muscular legs. Hunter moved
his hand down between their bodies. She felt him as he pushed his hardened shaft in her. Mya purred deep in her throat. Hunter held her hips as he moved up into her. Mya thought she had died and gone to heaven. She never felt anything like she was feeling at this moment. He wasn’t fully inside her, but the part that was, was driving her over the edge.

  “Hunter, please.”

  “Just lay here and let me love you.”

  Mya sighed laying her head on his shoulder. That was just what he did until she came.

  “Sit up,” he coaxed. She sat up, and sank down further on him.

  “You feel so good,” Mya replied breathlessly.

  He showed her the rhythm, lifting and lowering her on him. It wasn’t long before Mya was in control. Hunter looked up at her, her eyes closed as she rode him, knowing just the rhythm to drive him insane with desire. He was quickly at his and peak the more she moved the harder the harder it became for him to control his body. His mouth fell opened as her wall gripped his manhood pulsed inside her; it felt so good tears welled up in his eyes. Mya leaned forward, and kissed him, making the moment more intoxicating. Hunter held her head, and devoured her mouth as they both allowed the climax take them over the edge. Just as he let go, her body shuddered and she joined him in heaven. Mya collapsed on him, her energy drained. Both breathing heavily, Hunter held her to him, their bodies still attached. They stayed together a long while. Hunter eased her off him, and lay quietly sated beside him.

  She looked at the window, and could see the morning dawning. She must have fallen asleep. She rose quickly and slipped her gown over her head.

  “Mya, don’t regret what we did together,” he said softly. She leaned over kissed him and left the room.

  With streaks of mascara running down her face, Heather stared at herself in the mirror while dressed in her wedding gown. This was all that Mya Trent’s fault. Hunter would never have canceled the wedding if it wasn’t for her. Obstinate and willingly deluded, Heather scowled at her own reflection before suddenly smiling sinisterly. She had to get rid of Mya and her two brats, and once the three of them are gone, then Hunter will marry her. After all, she did it for him.

  “Heather honey? It’s Mommy. Can you please unlock the door?” Her mother asked gently.

  Heather stopped looking at herself long enough to open the door, and when her mother Helen entered the room, she took one look at her daughter and had serious concern.

  “Honey?” She said gingerly, not quite sure of Heather’s present state of mind. “Uh, don’t you think you should take off that gown?”

  “Momma, I can’t take it off until after the wedding,” the disillusioned Heather smiled. “As soon as I take care of something important, Hunter and I will get married.”

  Helen shook her head at her poor child. She still couldn’t get over what Heather did to the Trent's daughter. She always knew Heather was spoiled, but she never thought that her only child would resort to doing the kind of things that she did.

  “Heather, you do know that the wedding is called off don’t you?”

  “No it isn’t Momma! Hunter really wants to marry me; he just needs me to fix things first.”

  “Okay baby. Here, just take these pills and I will wake you when it’s time, okay?”

  Heather took the pills and placed them in her mouth before using a glass of water to wash them down.

  “Now, let me help you with this dress,” Helen said, reaching for the zipper.

  “No!” She shrieked. “I have to keep it on!”

  “Okay baby, okay,” Helen cooed, watching as Heather lie on the bed and closed her eyes. “Rest now and I will check on you later.”

  Slowly opening her eyes and watching as her mother exited the room, Heather pulled a gun out from under her pillow and cradled it like a newborn child. She was going to get rid of Mya Trent forever.

  Mya bent over the dryer taking out the twin’s clothes. Hunter leaned against the doorjamb, taking in her nice shapely butt. He was still in shock that she came to his room last night. When he awoke, he thought his making love to Mya half the night was some fantasy dream. Yet when he rolled over, he could smell her scent on his pillow. This was no dream. Mya really did make love to him, and damn it was more intense than the first time. He had to have her again. Now with all this Heather nonsense gone, he was free to explore the possibility of making Mya his. A secret smile graced his handsome face.

  Turning Mya gasped when she saw Hunter standing inside the door. Instantly thoughts of her night with Hunter flooded her. She watched silently as he stepped in the laundry closing the door behind.

  “What are you doing?” she asked breathless.

  Hunter lip curled seductively. He reached out and took the basket from her hands, placing it on the floor and Mya body promptly reacted to the sultry glare in his intensely eyes dark eyes.

  Mya raised her hand. “No, Hunter we can’t your…,”

  “Parents are gone. Don’t act like you don’t want this, I can smell your desire.”

  “We can’t do this…, we should not have done it last night,” she said turning away. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t want him. For god sake he was going to marry Heather, it had to have feelings for her. Hunter moved so close behind her she could feel his chest on her back. She inhaled a shaky breath.

  “Hunter, she breathed. “We can’t…you were going to marry…,’

  Hunter spun her around. His face tightened with rage, his large hands gripping her arms tight, as he glared down at her.

  “I know, but not because I loved her. It was…,” he let her go and pushed his hand through his hair.

  “Mya I was wrong. I was so afraid of you, that I turned to Heather. The elders of the family were hounding me to get married. I figured Heather was as good as any woman. Then you came and I felt this persistent heaviness on my chest. My only alternative was to fight back my attraction, and I did so in the only way I knew how. The moment I saw you…,” he paused. Your beauty engulfed me and settled in my chest. When you spoke of your past, all I wanted to do is gather you in my arms and protect you.

  But you…,” Mya interrupted.

  “Sh-sh, I know, I know baby, I was a bastard, and admit I didn’t trust you and will never forgive myself for the web I’ve woven. You were my sister, I was not supposed to desire my sister in the ways I wanted you.”

  Mya shook her head confused. “You hated me,” she stated.

  “I never hated you baby, I loved you more than I cared to admit even to myself.”

  “You let them take me away Hunter; you did nothing to defend me.”

  “God I know, but the evidence fuel what I originally thought of you. I was wrong. That first night we made love, I begin to think I was wrong about you. Then that next time I came to you, you accepted me, even knowing what I felt. I couldn’t concentrate at work, and sleep was useless. You touched me in ways no other woman ever had, and I needed you so bad, only you could save me.”

  “But you were going to marry Heather. If Rodger hadn’t come with proof, you would have married her anyway.

  “After the way I treated you, Heather was all I thought I deserved. Two selfish soul bound together was the punishment I deserved. Heather wanted prestige and money, I wanted to get over you,” he shrugged. “I want a life with you and my sons, Mya. I will do anything to have my family with me to love.”

  Mya turned away. This was too much, too soon. “I don’t know what to say,” she whispered.

  “Say you will give me a chance to prove I love you and gain your trust. I promise that you won’t ever, ever regret it.”

  The sounds of the babies stirring came through the baby monitor. “I have to go,” she said rushing from the room before responding.

  Hunter chuckled. “I’m not letting you go Mya.”

  Chapter 16

  Weeks after her passionate encounter with Hunter, Mya stood in her floor length mirror gazing at her nude body. She had lost her baby fat and had her figure back; except for s
ome faint stretch marks, she was her old self. She groaned, cupping her breasts. After they made love night she found herself lying in her bed thinking about him. She sometimes caressed herself for some self-gratification when her need was strong, but it alone proved to frustrate her more. She needed him, more than she ever thought she could. She wanted Hunter and tonight she would have him. Mya arranged it with Sylvie to watch the babies, telling her she was going to visit a friend. She didn’t want to her parents to know about her and Hunter; at least not yet.

  Mya had never worn the white silk sheer teddy she had bought after her first time with Hunter. The teddy was sheer, and plunged to her navel in the front, and hooked under her breast to hold them in, the French cut legs sat high on her rounded hips. Yes, she thought, when he sees her in this, he won’t be able to resist making love to her.

  Minutes later Mya pulled in to Hunter’s driveway parking beside his Escalade, she didn’t notice the car parked at curb.

  When Hunter opened the door to his house, he was stunned to see Mya standing there in a trench coat.

  “Mya,” he said breathlessly. “What…,

  Suddenly shy. She didn’t know what to say. “Hunter…I….”

  He did not hesitate. He lifted Mya and carried her directly to his bedroom. His dark intense eyes held her as she sat on the bed while he removed his clothes. She couldn’t turn away if she wanted to, thinking how magnificent he is, with his wide, muscular chest, hard-ridged flat abs, narrowed hips, and strong well-developed legs. Mya gasped when her eyes settled on his manhood standing firm and strong reminding her of the pleasure his fierce looking appendage had given her. She took off her coat dropping it to the floor approaching him. Hunter gasped.

  “You’re beautiful,” she said, gently letting her hands caress his chest, “Touch me Hunter,” she whispered her eyes closing.

  “Look at me Baby.” He demanded huskily. “Tell me what you want.”


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