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Just To Be Loved

Page 25

by Lee, Vivian Rose

  “I provide these things to my husband and home. They are a symbol that I will care for you and love you always.”

  “Hunter, what do you provide for this union of marriage?”

  Enisi handed Hunter the Groom’s basket.

  “I provide these things to my wife. They are a symbol that I will provide, love, and protect our family always.”

  “You may exchange baskets,” the minister instructed.

  Hunter and Mya set the baskets in front of each other, and held hands.

  The minister gave a reading of the Native American blessing, and then addressed the Bride and Groom.

  “Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time does pass, remember; Like a star should your love be constant. Like a stone should your love be firm. Be close, yet not too close. Possess one another, yet be understanding. Have patience with the other; for storms will come, but they will go quickly. Be free in giving of affection and warmth. Make love often, and be sensuous to one another. Have no fear, and let not the ways of words of the unenlightened give you unease. For the Great Spirit is with you, now and always.”

  After the couple repeated their vows to each other, Sylvie and Enisi wrapped the wedding blanket around Mya and Hunter, and after the blessing of the rings and baskets, the minister continued.

  “Now that you Hunter and you Mya have consented together in matrimony and have pledged your faith to each other by the giving and the receiving of these rings before your family and community, and according to the powers invested in my by the State of Arkansas, I now pronounce that you are husband and wife.”

  This was the part that Hunter had been longing for. He looked down at his wife and cupped her face in his hands. “I love you,” he said before covering her mouth with his own. He didn’t lift his head until one of his brothers patted him on his back.

  “Hey bro, I want to hug my sister,” Bryan laughed.

  The guests were invited back to Hunter’s grandparent’s house to celebrate their union.

  “Look at them Honey,” Sylvie said, grinning at her husband as she watched Hunter and Mya dance and gaze with love into each other’s eyes.

  “I think it’s time to let them go so they can be alone,” Henry laughed.

  “She’s come a long way hasn’t she?” Sylvie asked, wrapping her arms around her Henry’s waist. “All she wanted was to be loved and now she’s found it forever.”

  Locked inside a padded cell at the Arkansas State Mental Health Facility, Heather Burton sat in the middle of the floor slowly rocking back and forth. Her hair, which was done in the latest styles every week by a highly trained beautician, was in complete disarray and hadn’t seen a comb in quite some time. Instead of dressing in the latest fashions from New York and Paris, she wore a straight jacket, which according to her psychiatrist, was for her own protection. Her mother had disowned her, and although her father came to see her, his visits were sporadic at best. But it didn’t matter. She’d get it all back. The fame, the prestige of the Burton family name, Hunter, all of it… but there was no rush. She had all the time in the world to come up with a plan, and this time it would be foolproof. She’d play their game and jump through all their hoops like a good little girl, and when they trusted her enough… you hear that Mya? Hunter is mine you bitch!




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