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Page 17

by Anne Kane

  The blond giant saluted the commanding officer without bothering to stand up. A sardonic grin lit his face. “Looking forward to it. Haven’t had a good brawl in weeks.”

  “We’re counting on you. We’ll give you five minutes to draw the maximum number of defenders away from the main area, and then the selkies will start freeing the other captives. The compound isn’t full yet, and if they’re as fast as they claim, everyone should be out within ten minutes and heading for the rendezvous point on the west wall.” He moved the pointer to a position just left of the main gate. “The main force will be here. We go in and cover the retreat of the captives, using lethal force if necessary. Francois and Dominic will stay up on the hills, laying down cover fire. Remember, those guards think of our kind as animals. Don’t take chances with them. Once the fighting starts, the helicopter will ferry the escapees to the staging area and come back as often as necessary. Whole operation should take less than an hour, start to finish. If we can grab the head honcho, we want him alive but don’t go out of your way to find him. Our main objective is to get the prisoners out. Once everyone is clear we’re going to lob a few percussion bombs in and make sure those buildings aren’t in any condition to be used for an undertaking like this again. Any questions?”

  The group of men shook their heads, but Wolfe couldn’t help feeling doubtful. “Sounds pretty simple.”

  A ghost of a smile crossed Ian’s face, and he looked at each member of the team in turn. “Sometimes simple is best. This is what we do, Wolfe. We’re good. Damn good. Craig over there has an affinity for the metals of the earth. The guards’ guns will jam when he calls on them and the guards will be forced to fight without their weapons. They won’t know what to do, and they don’t stand a chance against our talents. I understand your mate is in there, and you don’t want to trust her welfare to a bunch of guys you’ve never met, but it’s going to be okay.”

  His smile encompassed the clearing. “Don’t get me wrong. I know that to you this is personal, but to us it’s just another assignment. No big deal. You have a personal stake in this, which makes it harder for you to see things clearly. It might be best if you stayed back here and passed intelligence to the selkies for us.”

  Wolfe shook his head. No way. Not a chance. “Nice try. I’m going in.”

  Ian nodded, understanding in his eyes. “Don’t blame you, but I had to try. If my woman was in there I’d do the same thing.” He turned, raising his voice as he addressed his team. “Okay, you big lugs. Time to check your equipment and get in place!”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Nikki sat on a boulder at the edge of the pond, her bare toes dangling in the water. It was warm, really. It would be like swimming in a bathtub. Could she force herself to shift when she didn’t feel safe? It would be tough.

  Maybe she should wait until Sasha woke up. The poor thing had been exhausted when the guards brought her back this afternoon. She’d fallen asleep within minutes, sprawled on her bed like a toddler taking a nap.

  So what are you wearing? Wolfe’s voice slid into her head with the smooth touch she’d come to expect.

  Why don’t you come and find out? She felt her mood lighten immediately. She wasn’t alone. Wolfe was just a thought away.

  Getting ready to do just that. He sent her an image of himself, dressed in military camo with an impossibly big rifle tucked under his arm.

  Nikki snorted inelegantly. Going to be pretty slow going hauling that thing. Probably take you until Thanksgiving to get here. But she felt the corner of her mouth curl up in the beginning of a smile.

  The massive gun disappeared to be replaced by a serviceable rifle slung across his back at a rakish angle. Better? Seriously, we are on our way. Plan is to hit just before dawn. There’s a team headed for the far side of the enclosure to launch a decoy attack. That should draw most of the guards away from the living enclosures. As soon as they engage, I need you and Sasha to start letting the other captives out. The main force will come in over the wall by the main gates. We hope to get most of you out before the guards realize the rear attack was a ruse.

  Not a bad plan. She nodded thoughtfully. I’d better go wake Sasha up and let her know what’s going on.

  Not yet. She’s got a couple of hours, let her sleep. We launch just before dawn. You might want to get some rest too.

  That brought up the issue she’d been trying to avoid. Not sure I can. They want me to shift, like now.

  Not going to happen. You are way too vulnerable in your otter form. Tell them you’ll shift after breakfast. Look like you’re trying and then say you need to have rest and a full stomach. Hard on the anatomy and any other bullshit you can think of. You only need to put them off until dawn.

  She could have kissed him, but since that wasn’t possible; she sent him a brilliant smile. Of course. As long as they think I’m trying to be compliant, they’ll be happy. You just better make sure you and your buddies are on time!

  Oh, we’ll be there. Grim determination colored his tone. Now get some sleep. I’ll nudge you when it’s time to get up.

  Nikki felt a smile begin to curve the corner of her mouth. If you plan on blowing up half the south wall, I’ll probably hear it.

  Go to sleep, woman! Wolfe sent her an image of him scowling. It might have been more believable if she didn’t hear the humor in his voice.

  * * * * *


  Nikki jumped up, staring around wildly as the ground shook beneath her feet.

  Kaboom! Another explosion came from off to the left, and Sasha ran into the room.

  “What’s going on?”

  Nikki threw her arms around the other girl and pulled her down on the bed, making sure to keep her voice low. “The rescue team is coming. Keep your voice down and look scared. I hope that the guards have better things to do right now than listen to us, but you never know. Wolfe said to give the guards enough time to send all their forces to meet the diversion. Then we can start letting everyone out.”

  Sasha nodded, her voice shaky. “Trying to look scared shouldn’t be a problem. Can I let the werewolves out first? I’d feel a lot better if Jackson were with me.”

  Nikki shrugged, keeping one eye on the corridor where she could see guards hustling toward the noises. “I don’t see why not. Makes sense to let the predators out first, just in case the Druids need some help with the guards.”

  Sasha closed her eyes, her body going tense. When she opened them, a slight smile graced her lips. “They’re loose. He’s coming for me.”

  Nikki took a deep breath. They were committed now. “Okay, can you open the other enclosures now? Maybe we can get the werewolves to herd the inhabitants to the main gate so the Druids can pick them up.”

  Sasha raised her brows, and Nikki blinked. “Oh yeah. I guess having a werewolf nipping at their heels might not inspire confidence.”

  Sasha giggled. “No, they tend to look kind of scary, even when they’re being helpful. And I can’t see the big cat putting up with a wolf. But they’ll be real helpful if we have to deal with any of the guards. No one can hold a grudge like a werewolf, and the guards haven’t exactly been nice to them.”

  “You might want to open our door.” Nikki pointed. “Jackson doesn’t look very patient.”

  “Oh!” Sasha jumped up and ran to the Plexiglas wall. “Jackson!”

  The alpha paced impatiently in front of the entrance to the selkie enclosure, with a dozen huge, angry-looking guys right behind him. Nikki recognized Pete, his second. The rest would be his pack, she presumed.

  “The door?” Watching her roommate get so excited she forgot to unlock the door was amusing, but Jackson looked like he’d be capable of chewing his way in if he had to.

  “Of course. Hang on.” Sasha closed her eyes, and a second later, a quiet click signaled the door unlocking. Jackson and the werewolf pack swept in without pause.

  Sasha threw herself into her lover’s arms, and the rest of the pack surrounded them like a living
wall of protection. Nikki pitied anyone who tried to get in their way. How had Dr. Kvordic ever managed to capture them and keep them subdued?

  Wolfe? Where was he? Watching Sasha and Jackson made her feel their prolonged separation more acutely.

  Right here, darling. How’s the party going?

  Started with a bang. Where are you?

  Just inside the main gates. I’m heading toward your enclosure. Is Sasha unlocking the cells for the other creatures?

  She started. Jackson just got here so she’s a little sidetracked right now.

  Well, get her back on track. This whole thing hinges on everyone getting out at the same time.

  There was that bossy attitude she’d come to expect from him. Right now, it made her feel safe. If he was confident enough to start throwing out orders, then he really believed this was going to work. Yes sir! But Wolfe…

  What? He sounded distracted, and she wondered if that had anything to do with the increase in sounds she heard coming from the center of the enclosure. Had their ruse been discovered already?

  I suggest you don’t try to order her around in front of Jackson. The way he’s looking at her right now, I doubt he’d take kindly to anyone so much as looking at her the wrong way.

  I know how he feels. He sent her an image of the two of them clinched in a body-melting embrace. When I get you back in my arms, nobody is going to get within a hundred yards of you unless I approve them first. And that includes Jack, Trina and any other relatives you might have lurking around.

  Nikki didn’t reply right away. She hadn’t realized how truly scared she’d been until now. Hearing Wolfe’s voice in her head, knowing that he was only minutes away suddenly brought home to her how precarious her situation had been. The doctor and his staff thought they had the right to treat her and every other creature they’d kidnapped with less dignity than that afforded to animals in a zoo. What are you going to do about the doctor and the guards?

  Not what I’d like to do. They are secondary. Our primary goal is to get you and everyone else out of here as safely as possible. If we can, we’ll capture the doctor and hand him over to the Druid Council. If he escapes, we’ll worry about him later. We intend to blow up this complex as soon as everyone is clear so unless he has an escape route planned his best option is to surrender.

  The sounds of fighting at the back perimeter wall were growing louder, and Nikki was amazed that the guards didn’t seem to be using those big assault rifles they all liked to tote around with them.

  She glanced over to see Jackson and Sasha still clinging wordlessly to each other. She sympathized, but they had to get moving and get out of here before the guards managed to regroup. She had no intention of spending one more night in this lunatic asylum. Time to get Sasha on track again.

  She moved carefully toward the werewolves, hoping she looked nonthreatening. It wouldn’t take much to set the pack off right now, and she needed them to hold it together for just a little bit longer.

  “Sasha. Honey. We have to get everyone out.”

  The other girl stirred, her eyes opening slowly. Jackson turned his head to glare at Nikki, growling low in his throat.

  The sound seemed to break through to Sasha and she blinked. “The others. Of course.” She looked up at her lover. “I can’t let anyone be left behind. You know that. I have to open the locks.”

  Jackson shook his head slowly, a half-smile on his face. “I had to fall for a do-gooder selkie. Okay, honey, but make it fast.” He loosened his grip slightly, keeping her within the shelter of his arms.

  Sasha tilted her chin up, closing her eyes. A frown marred her forehead as she concentrated. Nikki stood to the side of the group. It was impossible to tell if Sasha was succeeding, or how many creatures she had already released. The pack stood silently by, ready to protect their leader and his mate if needed. While she had to admire their loyalty, Nikki found their unsmiling faces intimidating.


  “Right behind you.”

  It took her a split second to realize that his voice wasn’t in her head. Twirling, she threw herself into his welcoming arms.

  “If you promise to look this happy to see me every time I show up, I might let you wander off a little more often.” The relieved gleam in his eyes belied his words.

  Nikki didn’t care. For just this tiny moment in time, she didn’t care if he knew how much he meant to her, or who else saw them. She lifted her face, and he immediately seized her lips, kissing her thoroughly. She felt her heart settle firmly into place, as though part of it had been missing. Lordy, how would she ever be able to give him up?

  “My turn to say break it up.” Jackson stood in front of them, his arm wrapped possessively around Sasha. “She’s opened all of the enclosures except the one over at the end. We’re not sure who’s in there, but just from the security, I’m guessing it’s one nasty dude. Any thoughts? Do you know what’s in there, and if it’s safe to let that thing out?”

  Nikki snuggled a little closer against Wolfe. “The doctor calls it Belgarius, and the guards warned me to stay away from there. I think it’s some kind of magic wielder, but I’m not sure what. A sorcerer maybe? They refer to it as a he so it’s not likely a witch.”

  “Sorcerers aren’t that powerful. It could be one of the Tuatha De Danann.” Wolfe frowned. “Very few of them bother to visit this world, but when they do they tend to be nasty.”

  “I don’t want to leave anyone here.” Nikki looked up at Wolfe. “Surely if we freed him, this Tuatha whatever, he would have to be grateful?”

  Wolfe snorted. “Don’t be assigning human emotions to one of the fae. They operate under their own set of morals. Still, we have no idea if that’s what is actually in there. Any creature would be rightly pissed at being captured by this lot. I say we wait until we’re all mostly clear, then let it out.”

  Jackson nodded, a nasty grin on his face. “Sounds fair. If it has any kind of power, it’s more likely to go for the doctor and guards than for us. Nothing like a little payback.”

  “Okay then.” Wolfe looked at Sasha. “Are the other enclosures all open?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Then it’s time to get moving.” He tucked Nikki behind him and pulled a pistol out, checking the clip before tucking it back into his waistband. “Stay close. We’re heading for the main gate, so if we get separated head for there. There’s an extraction team waiting there to ferry us out of the area.”

  “We’re right behind you.” Jackson and the wolf pack spread out in a tight formation behind them.

  They made it halfway across the enclosure without incident, keeping to the shadows at the sides of the path. The panther joined them at the first intersection, stalking proudly down the center of the pathway and ignoring the werewolves and their companion completely.

  Nikki studied it curiously. Was it a shifter or not? The intelligence in its eyes and the calm acceptance of competing predators indicated human intelligence, but it would have been better able to communicate in human form.

  “Maybe he doesn’t want to communicate.” Wolfe answered her unspoken question. “Humans aren’t my favorite species right now either.”

  “And he probably feels a whole lot safer with fangs and claws,” Jackson quipped from behind her. “I know I would.”

  “Still…” Nikki started at a movement up ahead.

  A guard stepped out from behind one of the buildings, his rifle aimed directly at Jackson. “Stay right there, you dumb dogs!”

  He sounded more scared than authoritative. Wolfe tensed, but before he could make a move, one of the werewolves snarled and leaped directly at the muzzle of the gun. Terror lit the guard’s face, and he pointed the weapon at the werewolf, pulling the trigger repeatedly.

  “Shit!” Panic lit the unfortunate man’s eyes as the weapon refused to fire. The wolf grabbed the man in one fluid motion, breaking his neck with a swift twist of his arm and letting the corpse fall to the ground.

  Wolfe wh
istled softly. “What do you know, Craig came through.”

  “Craig?” Nikki turned away from the sight. “Who’s Craig and what did he do?”

  “One of the rescue team. They told me he could jam the guns so the guards would be forced to fight hand to hand. Gives us a huge advantage because the guards count heavily on their weaponry. They don’t expect to have to outmuscle their captives. On the downside, it means my rifle is probably useless as well, unless I use it as a club.”

  “We can up the odds in our favor.” Jackson gestured at four of the pack including his second, who immediately stopped walking and crouched down. As Nikki watched, clouds of magic swirled around each of the warriors.

  Wolfe grabbed her arm and urged her forward. “You can gawk at the big bad dogs later. Right now we need to keep moving.”

  Sasha snickered. “I think he’s jealous, Nikki. Afraid you might decide to get yourself a new pet.”

  Nikki snorted. “I can barely handle one male ego. No way in hell I’m going to go for two or three. If I decide to get a pet, it’s going to be a cute little kitten. One of those fluffy ones you see in the pet shop windows.”

  “Thanks.” Wolfe looked over at Jackson with a wry grin. “I think.”

  “Damn right. A werewolf can outfight just about anything you can bring against it so long as there are no firearms involved. The silver thing is a myth, but a bullet is just as fatal to a werewolf as it is to a human. Since we’re down to hand-to-hand combat, we are faster, nastier and better fighters than just about anything on two or four legs, and right now we are sworn to protect both of you as if you were part of our own pack.”

  Nikki frowned, turning the corner of the main building that housed the labs. “Why?”

  Jackson shrugged, holding Sasha a little closer to his side. “We owe you. You protected my mate, and you helped set us free. We might be a nasty bunch, but we are loyal to our friends. If the doc wants to harm you, he’ll have to go through my whole pack.”


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