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Frost (Reapers MC Book 15)

Page 8

by Elizabeth Knox

  Ashley is giving a kitten to Noelle for her birthday, and I decided I’ll be keeping the mom. I named her Smudge, and she’s always following me around the house. Octavia talked Zane into letting them take two of the kittens, and Grim is getting one for his family. I was a bit worried I wouldn’t be able to find them all homes, but thankfully I’ve found them all great homes. Plus, they’ll be close by and I can visit them anytime I want. I might’ve grown attached to these little guys over the last few weeks, but in about mid-February they’ll be ready to leave the nest. Until then, I’ll soak up as much time with them as I can.

  “Hey, do you want to come down to the club? Zane said we’re getting some company tonight, so I guess that means we’re going to party.” Bull chuckles, making himself at home like he always does. The man never even knocks, just walks around like he owns the damn place. He and Alexa live in town, being some of the only people who don’t live on the property.

  “Somehow, I feel like I don’t have much of a choice,” I snicker, knowing better.

  Bull has, in an odd way, become my replacement for Chaz. He’s growing to be a great friend and constantly has me laughing when we’re together. But, speaking of Chaz. He and I haven’t spoken since the night we slept together. I’m not going to push it either. At the end of the day, maybe things are better the way they are. With us coexisting.

  “No, you don’t. Now get your ass ready and let’s go.”

  I cock a brow, “Don’t I look ready to you?”

  He cackles, “Frost is going to be there, so, no. Go put something sexy on.”

  Frost. The woman he knows I have a serious crush on. She and I have only spoken a handful of times, but she’s constantly flirting with me whenever I’m around her. If you ask me, it’s a sure sign that she’s interested in me. Hell, who knows, maybe tonight is the night I can shoot my shot with her.

  “Fuck, fine. Give me five minutes.”

  “Perfect. It’ll give me some Tigger time. Where is he?”

  I throw my hands up in the air, “I have no idea. He’s the sneakiest little dude out of the entire bunch. Have fun hunting though!” I tell him as I’m on my way up the stairs. Before I reach my door, I hear him going, “Tigger, come here kitty kitty. Daddy’s here.”

  Shaking my head, I push my door open and strip out of the sweater dress and boots I’m in, open the door and look through my closet. It’s January, so it’s basically Antarctica out there. I should dress warm, but . . . if Frost is going to be there and it’s a club party . . . well . . . screw it.

  I slide on an asymmetrical leather skirt. It exposes about half of my left thigh, and if I move the wrong way it’ll give someone a flash of my thong. I bet Frost won’t mind it, though. To top it off, I grab a deep eggplant purple spaghetti strap and put it on, not bothering to wear a bra. My boobs look great and she’s been teasing me the last month, so now it’s my turn to tease her a bit.

  I grab a pair of knee-high leather boots and put them on before I head back downstairs to Bull. I find him tossing Tigger up in the air like a lot of men do with their babies to make them giggle. Shaking my head, I walk behind the couch and tap him on the shoulder. “I’m ready.”

  “Five more minutes with my little Shnookums.”

  “No, c’mon. Let’s go have some fun.”

  Bull whips his head around like the world he knows is ending, “Whoa.”

  “Whoa, what?”

  “You wanna get laid tonight.” He snickers.

  “Why is that any of your business?”

  “You said you wanna have some fun. The Cheyenne I’ve grown to know hates fun. She’s like the Grinch at Christmas and everything.” I smack him on the shoulder playfully.

  “I am not. I just . . . have a lot of stuff on my mind most of the time. But, I’m ready to go party. So how about you and I go over to the club now, huh?”

  “Will do,” he tells me, then looks back to his kitten. “I’ll come see you later little buddy.”

  Bull gets up from the couch and places Tigger down. “Is Alexa coming today?” I ask, hoping to see more of my really good female friend. I’ve been bonding a little bit with some of the other ladies. But, not like I do with Alexa. She and I just understand each other. Hell, it’s probably because we both have fucked up pasts. Not that she knows anything about mine, though.

  Bull shakes his head, “Nah, she’s been really tired the past couple days. So, she wanted to stay home and rest.”

  I smile, hoping it’s a sign of something more.

  “I know what you’re thinking, and we don’t know shit yet. Okay? So, let’s not get her hopes up in case . . .” He stops talking and I grab his hand, forcing him to stop for a second and look at me.

  “Breathe. You two have taken every measure to make sure this happens, so relax, and let it happen. There’s no need to be a Debbie Downer.”

  He nods, “Yeah . . . I just don’t want her to get upset if it didn’t stick, you know?”

  “Worry about that when the time comes, but not right now. Right now, you relax.” I tell him, getting a smile.

  “Alright, fine. C’mon, I have beer to be drinking!”

  God. The last time he had beer he sliced his hand open. I’ll be here silently praying this time won’t bring any stupid moments. Though, I should know better by now. Drunk Bull does whatever he wants. It just so happens when he has tequila he likes to dance, and beer makes him dumber than a rock.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Love yourself first and everything else will fall into line

  ~ Lucille Ball


  “We should have a party on Valentine’s Day.” Shiloh adds, smiling like the happy go lucky woman she is. I mean, honestly, I’ve never seen her in a foul mood. At this point, I’m half convinced she’s an alien.

  “Valentine’s Day, seriously?” Doom, one of the club’s other prospects, grumbles.

  “Whoa. What do you have against V-Day, huh? Oh, wait. I know. Some lady must’ve crushed your little heart.” Shiloh pokes fun at him, snickering devilishly.

  “It’s just dumb. The only thing anyone expects outta that day is commitment and shit. Like fuck, what if I just wanna quick lay?”

  “Easy. You get one. There are plenty of women here who don’t want to be alone on Valentine’s.” Shiloh tells him.

  He tilts his neck to the right, “Like who, you?” I don’t miss the way he smirks at her. But Shiloh seems a bit caught off guard. If Doom knows what’s good for him, he won’t go anywhere near Shiloh. Hammer hasn’t claimed her yet, but anyone who has a brain knows the two of them have googly eyes for each other.

  “I, uh . . .” She’s obviously struggling to find the words, so I interject.

  “Shi’, I’m pretty sure I heard Hammer talking about you to Natalie.” Natalie is Grim’s ol’ lady, and she’s pregnant with his kid right now. Shiloh excuses herself and goes over to where Natalie and Hammer are leaning up against a wall on the other side of the club.

  “I thought you weren’t stupid,” I hiss, glaring right at Doom.

  “What?” He acts like he didn’t do anything wrong, and while he hasn’t, he’s already done something super stupid. Fuck, sometimes I hate the fact I’m a prospect. I feel some sort of obligation to watch out for the others, even though I’m a bit older than the rest of them.

  “Shiloh is not the tree you need to be barking up. You feel me?”

  He cocks a brow, “Damn. Who pissed in your cereal?”

  “Dude, go after one of the Vixens, but don’t go after Shiloh. If you haven’t seen the way Hammer stares at that girl then you must be blind.” The point is, he needs to find another woman to fuck around with. Does he not realize I’m trying to save his ass here?

  Doom looks past me, off to where Shiloh went over. She’s hanging out with Hammer and Natalie, laughing along with the two of them. “He hasn’t claimed her, so if you ask me she’s fair game.”

  “Jesus, you are an idiot.”

  All I get is a
glare in return.

  “Fine. If you wanna go get yourself in some stupid fight for a girl, have at it.” I growl, walking away from him.

  Almost everyone is here right now, even some of the kids, but it’s getting a little late. I spot Natalie go over toward Grim and tap him on the shoulder. She says something and they get their girls. They aren’t biologically Grim’s, but you’d never know that. He loves them all like they are, so it’s sweet.

  They head for the doors to the clubhouse and at the same time Bull comes through, along with Cheyenne. We’ve had a few interactions over the last few weeks, but I’ve been keeping my distance. I’m the type of woman who enjoys a good conquest, but I won’t be foolish and scare them away.

  No, not me.

  Instead, I’ll stalk them like a lion.

  She’s wearing some sort of sexy latex skirt with a fitted top. Her knee-high leather boots top off the look, and man, she’s sexy as fuck.

  One thing I’ve noticed lately is how she’s always hanging around Bull for some reason. And if he weren’t with Alexa, I’d naturally assume the two of them are a thing. But I know better. The man adores Alexa like she walks on water.

  I head over to the bar and grab two beers. One’s for me, while the other’s for Cheyenne. Bull sees me coming over and heads off, probably seeing I’m gonna shoot my shot tonight. If it fails, at least I can say I tried.

  “Hey, thirsty?” I ask, offering her one of the beers.

  She nods and takes it, “Thanks.”

  “No problem. How’re the kittens doing?”

  There’s not much I know about her, but two things I do know is how much she loves those damn kittens, and the fact she practices medicine.

  Cheyenne’s stoic expression shifts to a wide grin. “They’re great. Mischievous as ever. I’ll be sad when they leave, even though I know where they’re going. It’ll be so sad for Smudge too. I’m sure she’ll miss them.”

  “Can you keep one of them?”

  She shakes her head, “I’m afraid not. They’re all spoken for. I wish I’d thought about it beforehand, but nope.”

  “Why not go adopt a kitten from the shelter? You’ll be making room for one more, and I’m sure it would make her feel a little better.” I suggest.

  Cheyenne smiles softly, “You know, that might not be a bad idea.”

  “Yeah, I mean, for a pussy lover like you it’ll work out.”

  “What?” Cheyenne busts out laughing.

  God, that came out wrong. Fuck!

  She giggles softly and takes a sip of her beer, but man, I take a couple gulps, hating how bad I just embarrassed myself. “Sorry, my words got twisted.”

  “It’s alright. I heard a rumor you were the pussy lover.” A twinkle flashes in her eyes and I see how obvious it is that I’m the one on the receiving end of the flirting.

  Shit, well there’s no denying it. I nod, “Yeah, I am. Are you?”

  Our eyes stay locked on the other’s for a few moments of silence. Though, it isn’t awkward. It feels hot, yet the temperature isn’t going up.

  “Yeah,” she answers, taking another sip of her beer.

  “Good to know,” I smirk, dragging my eyes up and down her ensemble. “You look fucking amazing by the way.”

  Cheyenne smirks again, “Thank you.”

  Again, we have that intense staring going on. But as I start to say something to break up the quiet, Cheyenne plants her lips on mine. Her arm wraps around my neck where she holds onto me firmly while her lips devour mine. She tastes of vanilla and beer. Not a mixture I’d normally like, but damn.

  Fuck if I don’t like it right now.

  Fluttering my lips over hers, I kiss her sensually, but add a touch of demand to it. I want her to know how much I have the hots for her, and if I’m fucking lucky, she feels the same way about me.

  Cheyenne pulls her mouth away from mine and I’m stuck staring into her dark almond eyes. “You have no idea how badly I want to take you upstairs right now,” I pant.

  Heat rises from my sternum up my neck and I can hear my heart beating inside my head. Every part of me is into this woman, ready to lose control after watching her for so long.

  “So, do it.” Her eyes are playful, but her tone is oh so serious.

  This little minx has no idea what she just asked of me. But I can guarantee she’ll be screaming my name all night long.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I was so wildly attracted to her that I could feel myself going insane

  ~ Unknown


  “It’s smaller than I thought,” I tell her, glancing around the maybe ten by ten-foot room. I can see another door, which leads to the en suite bathroom, but it’s nothing spectacular.

  “I don’t know if I should be offended, or revel in the fact you’ve thought about being here.” Frost chuckles, biting her bottom lip.

  “Maybe a bit of both. Depends on your mood I guess,” I tease, walking in front of her, I grab a portrait on her dresser. It’s of her and a redhead woman. I wonder if this is an ex-lover. They look pretty close.

  “That’s Elena, my best friend. We worked together for the FBI, but she quickly became close to me. Her kids call me their aunt, and I view her husband like he’s my brother.” She fills me in just as I put the picture back in its place.

  “And who are these kids?” I ask. Hopefully she doesn’t mind that I’m being nosey.

  “My nieces and nephew. Dasha, River, and Aurek.”

  “They’re all beautiful,”

  “They sure are. Great kids, too.”

  “Yeah. God, I love kids. They make all the shit we deal with as adults worth it. You know?” Every time I really think about life and what we all go through, I honestly believe the reason we keep going on is for our children. Let’s face it, life is hard and it’s not getting any better. It’ll probably only get worse.

  “Yeah, I do.” Frost replies, sounding like she’s coming from a place of understanding.

  I turn around to face her and see she’s about a foot away from me. “Do you have kids?” I question, drawing my brows together.

  “I have a daughter. She’s fourteen, but she lives with my sister. She’s much more capable of raising her in a healthy environment, so she adopted her.”

  “Oh, wow. That’s . . . I don’t even know what to say. I can’t imagine doing something like that.”

  She shrugs like it isn’t a big deal. “It was hard at first, but at the end of the day it was the best thing I could’ve done for her. It . . . was a really messy situation. Her father was my boss and . . . yeah, from your facial expression you see how messy it was.” She smirks at the end.

  “Sorry, I’m not being judgmental or anything. Just a little shocked at the . . .”


  I nod, not able to find a better word for it. “Yeah.”

  “It’s okay. Trust me, I told myself the same thing many times. Her father and I just . . . ugh, it’s better I don’t get into that. Obviously, this was years ago, before I knew what I really wanted.”

  “So, you’re a lesbian?”

  She busts out into laughter, “Yeah, aren’t you?”

  I shake my head, “No, I’m bisexual. I play for both teams.”

  “Oh, so you’re the one who gets told you’re confused all the time.”

  “Don’t even get me started on that bullshit. It pisses me off so bad. Half the time I just tell people I’m a lesbian so they get off my back and stop thinking I’m going through a phase.”

  Frost smiles, obviously understanding why. “It’s not easy being part of our community.”

  “Nope, it’s not. My family never gave me a lot of shit, though, so I’m grateful for that.”

  “Lucky you. I can’t say the same.” She replies, scanning her eyes up and down my body once again.

  Shit. I came up here to get laid, not to make small talk with her about our similarities and whatnot. Jesus, Cheyenne. Get your shit together.

�I heard a rumor your brother is the Prez of a club, but you didn’t go back home for the holidays?”

  Oh, damn. How am I supposed to respond to this?

  “No, I didn’t. It’s . . . complicated. We have a strained relationship.” I hear the way my tone of voice shifts, giving anyone the idea that there’s much more to the story. My relationship with Boomer isn’t strained, it’s just fucked up, so I don’t like being around him. If I had my way, I’d never see him ever again. My life would be much better that way.

  “I can empathize.” She starts to say, beginning to say something else, but I can’t take this anymore.

  I collide my body into hers, crushing my lips back onto hers like when we were downstairs. We get to the point where I back her into a wall and begin sliding my hands over her body. Feeling every curve and crevasse she inhales sharply, eyes watching mine. Taking my lips away from hers for a moment, I rasp my words out. “I didn’t come here to talk, so how about we get down to other business?”

  Frost bites her bottom lip, then does the same thing to mine. Pain radiates through my lip, even down to my chin as she pulls away. “Fuck this.”

  She drops down to the ground and shoves my skirt up, pulls my thong so harshly to the right that it rips and shoves her lips against my clit. Her tongue feels as light as a feather, but as strong as a cannon. It’s both delicate and forceful, shooting pleasure through my entire body.

  I open my legs wider for her, granting her better access to my core. She twirls her tongue in circles, going from a soft flutter to a forceful nudge. Her fingers flutter against my lips, coating them with my essence before she plunges them inside me. I release a moan, leaning my head back against the wall while she fucks me with her hand.

  The combination of her tongue and hand send me to heaven. I gyrate my hips against her, wanting to continue to feel this way. The slow simmer turns into a boiling kettle as my release comes shooting through me. Suddenly, her tongue and fingers become too much for me, but she doesn’t stop. I thrash and twist against the wall, trying to shove her off me. “Fuck, Frost!” I hiss.


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