Cammie Healy (Mitchell/ Healy #8)

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Cammie Healy (Mitchell/ Healy #8) Page 9

by Jennifer Foor

  My mother tucked her arm under his. “Let’s not go to extremes just yet. Maybe after a couple days things will settle by themselves. You said the relationship is over, correct?”

  “Oh, it’s definitely over.”

  “It should have never happened,” my father added.

  “I said I was sorry. That man hurt me. This is too much to wrap my head around. Please stop. I didn’t come home to feel worse.”

  “We’re not trying to make it worse for you, Cammie. We’re just hoping to understand.”

  I turned and started to walk up the stairs. “What’s there to understand? I slept with my married teacher. His wife found out and now I can’t be around them. I screwed up. It’s my fault this happened. I could have said no. I was weak and he took advantage of it. That’s all you need to know. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going up to my room, because the idea of explaining everything over and over again is making me sick. I’m here because I feel lost. I need support and thought if I came home I’d have it. Now I’m not so sure.”

  I stomped up the stairs until I came to my bedroom door. Once it was closed and locked I fell down on my bed where I could pout in peace. They’d never understand. Coming home was a mistake. As soon as they heard about the baby they’d go ballistic.

  A little later I heard a knock. I climbed off my mattress and cracked it open to see who was there. My sister, Callie was waiting on the other side. “I heard it didn’t go so well with dad.”

  “I knew it wouldn’t. He always overreacts, but this time he had every right to be angry. I knew better.”

  “We can’t help who we fall in love with. Look at my situation with Wes. He comes back to town and I’m bending over backwards to get his attention. If you ask me, I think he’s gay. I’ve made several advances and he acts like I don’t exist.”

  “I’d hardly compare my love life to yours, Cal. Wes isn’t gay. Maybe he’s not interested in being in a relationship. School is tough. It takes up most of your time. With him working on top of it I’m sure he doesn’t have much energy to start something new. It’s probably not you at all.”

  “I’ll keep trying then. I’m sure there is something about me he’s interested in. Worse case I’ll send him a naked picture.”

  I almost screamed. Images of myself in compromising positions filled my mind. I put myself in James’ wife’s shoes and imagined how devastated she was when she saw he’d taken them. She may not have acted hurt when we met, but I was sure somewhere deep inside it tortured her to know he’d been unfaithful. I probably would have done the same thing to save face.

  “What’s wrong with you? Haven’t you ever sexted before?”

  “I’d rather not discuss it. I think my actions have been on the hot plate enough today, don’t you?”

  “Where did you go earlier? I looked everywhere.”

  I didn’t have the heart to tell her I’d been with Wes. It was obvious she thought they could be good together, and even though it was only a friendly lunch she’d read more in to it. “I went into hiding. I was afraid of Dad.”

  “I’d ask you for the spot you hid, but I take it you’d like to keep some things to yourself.”

  “Yeah, it’s better nobody knows.”

  “How long do you think you’re going to stay?” She asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. I have to wait until Monday to contact the school. I figured I’d take the weekend to figure out what’s next. I don’t exactly have a plan. When this happened I packed my things and left.”

  “Have you spoke to the guy?”

  “No. I didn’t tell him I was leaving either. It’s best if I sever ties completely. I need to get my life back in order.”

  “You will. If anyone can work things out it’s you.”

  I appreciated the confidence she had in me, though I wondered if there was a way to come back from the lowest point possible. “What if I can’t work this out? What if I’ve screwed up so badly there is no way to fix things?”

  She put her arm on my shoulder for support. “Don’t think like that, Cam.”

  “I can’t help it. I thought I loved him. He made me want him. He lied about everything. How could I have been so blind?”

  I hadn’t heard my mother come into the room, but when she answered I knew she’d been listening. “When you love someone it’s easy to overlook their flaws. He may have been convincing from the beginning. You never would have known any different.” She sat down on the other side of me. “Sweetie, we’ll get through this. For now you’re safe. Dad and I will do whatever we can to help you. I know you think we hate you, but you’re wrong. You’re dad is just upset. He hated the idea of you going away to college because he knew he wouldn’t be able to protect you.”

  “I didn’t think I’d get into trouble.”

  “None of us did. That’s how life is. Cam, we’ve all had our share of mistakes. It’s how we learn right from wrong. This will soon pass, I promise.”

  I let my head fall against my mother’s shoulder. She was right about being home. I felt safe. Even though I had a big secret I was keeping from everyone, I knew they’d always love me, which was more support than I’d gotten since leaving home. Being close to them helped make it easier. I just needed to make sure I still had a home after they found out I was with child.

  My father didn’t speak to me at all that night. He went to bed angry; something we were taught never to do. After my chat with Callie and my mom, I was able to settle a bit more, but not completely. I kept thinking about the email from James, and how he’d all but told me I was a waste of his time.

  I pulled out my phone and scrolled to his number. A week ago I would have been okay with sending him inappropriate photos or messages referring to what we were going to do later. Now, I stared at a blank screen wondering what in the hell I could say to him to get my point across. I needed answers, because I felt like I’d been living a lie for the past couple months I’d been involved with him.

  Before I could change my mind I dialed his number. He answered on the second ring.

  “Cammie, now is not a good time.”

  “I need answers, James. You can’t pretend I don’t exist. You said you loved me. You started this. How could you lie to me? What did I ever do to deserve this?”

  “Nothing. I’m sorry for giving you false hope.”

  “You’re sorry? Are you serious? You’re not sorry. You’ve obviously done this before. You knew it wouldn’t end well. You said all the things I wanted to hear. You made me trust you.”

  “Maybe next time you shouldn’t let your guard down. To be quite frank with you, manipulating you to do what I wanted was the easy part. I didn’t lie about everything. From the moment I saw you I knew I had to have a piece. Once I had it I wasn’t going to stop until someone made me, or you realized nothing would come from it.”

  “But you promised me a life together.”

  “Cammie, I said what you wanted to hear.” How could he treat me this way? What kind of person manipulates someone to get into their pants?

  “You’re sick. You disgust me.”

  “All the more reason to do the right thing. Terminate the pregnancy and I’ll make sure you can continue with your studies.”

  “Are you blackmailing me? You can’t threaten me, James. I’ll find a way to keep going, with or without your help. Just know I won’t give up. I won’t let you take everything from me. You’ve ruined my life.”

  “Call it what you want, I’m only stating the obvious. Do you think my wife is going to allow you to return to school? Our pictures have been leaked on campus. Someone posted pictures of us on a bulletin board. It’s only a matter of time before they reach the wrong hands. As soon as Stanford gets wind of our affair they’ll revoke your entrance. You did this to yourself.”

  “What kind of demented person are you?”

  “Abort the baby and all this goes away.”

  “Screw you. I’m keeping the baby. You can threaten me all you want. I’m going
to be a doctor, even if I have to start from the bottom again.”

  When I hung up my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. Bile rose to my throat, and I felt as if I were going to pass out even though I was sitting down.

  I’d been negligent, but never could I have assumed I was involved with such a bastard of a man. Somehow I’d find a way to seek retribution, and I’d do it while knowing no harm would come to my growing fetus.

  This wasn’t the end. Not by a long shot.

  Chapter 15

  After all these years she still captivated me. As unfortunate as it was for me, Cammie Healy’s heart belonged to another man. Learning she was with child only made the blow harder to endure.

  I’m no fool to the way the world works. I’ve seen firsthand how lust can be misconstrued with love. When I saw her again I knew what I’d been feeling since early childhood was the real thing. It was just a shame she’d never know that part of me.

  Seeing her again, being in the company of her beauty was like I’d lost all sense of priority. I needed to find a way into her life, even if it was only as a friend away from the ranch.

  Sitting across from her at that restaurant and hearing what she’d been through, well it made me want to get on a plane and hurt the man who’d left her in her current state. How could someone treat her like a piece of trash? If that were my baby she was carrying things would be different. Not only would she be wearing my ring on her left hand, but I’d give her the life she deserved; one filled with more love than she ever thought possible.

  That night I tossed and turned. I’d been staying at my grandfather’s mansion while in town on business. Since he was giving me the reigns to the company I had to spend more time there.

  In all honesty it was nice to be able to catch up with old friends. In some ways it felt like I’d never had to move away. Up until the moment she walked into the room I was content. Her sister was pushing herself on me, and I didn’t seem to mind. If I couldn’t be with Cammie, why not her sister who resembled her so much? It was probably wrong. At the time it seemed natural to be attracted to her. She reminded me of being a teenager and daydreaming about Cammie.

  Being a year older, Cammie hung out with different people. She was into science and books, where I enjoyed adventure and mischief. Back then I got away with a lot. I think my mother moved us away so she could take the spoiled brat out of me. I suppose it worked. I became more appreciative because we never had much, aside from the expensive gifts my grandfather would send for birthdays and Christmas.

  The following morning I awoke with a plan. I ate some breakfast, read the stock section of the newspaper and caught up on some sports, before heading back to the ranch. Getting inside the home was easy since I’d been friends with Josh my whole life. I was welcome to walk right in the door, even if it appeared no one was home.

  After checking to see who might be around, greeting Mr. and Mrs. Healy, I headed upstairs in the direction of Josh’s room, only to stop when I came to the door with the name CAMMIE on it.

  I placed my hand on the doorknob, deciding at the last minute to change my mind. I’d no sooner turned around when I saw Callie coming out of her room. Her eyes lit up when she realized who I was. “Wes. I was wondering if you’d be over today. Mom and Dad are making dinner for Cammie. It’s supposed to be just our family, but you can be my plus-one.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I wouldn’t want to interfere.”

  “Nonsense, you’re always welcome, Wes.” Her mother announced as she came up behind me. I turned and acknowledged her as she walked into Cammie’s room. “Hey, sweetie. Are you up?”

  Before I could peek through the crack in the door, Callie was pulling me along.

  “Come with me real quick. You can help me pick out what I wear tonight.”

  I stopped, refusing to appease her. “I’m here to see Josh. Besides, I’m a terrible judge of fashion. Maybe you could ask your sister since she’s home. I’m sure she doesn’t expect you to get dressed up on her account.”

  “She’s not who I’m dressing up for you idiot. Do I have to spell it out?”

  I placed my hands in my pockets. “We talked about this, Callie. I’m just not interested in having a relationship.”

  “Give the girl a break,” I heard at my side. Cammie was coming out of her room in a bathrobe. I almost wanted to pinch myself to see if it was really happening. She smiled while walking past us. “You two would look cute together.”

  It was difficult hearing her say it. It only verified there would never be an opportunity for us. Maybe I was a fool for thinking she’d save herself for me. The girl was out of my league. I was a blip on the radar before, and even less now. Nothing had changed. She was still unreachable.

  Like a consolation prize, I accepted Callie’s offer to join them for dinner. It was selfish since I had no interest in the younger sister. I wouldn’t say I was prepared to give up on Cammie, but I certainly refused to pursue something not worth wasting my time on.

  It wasn’t what I wanted her to say. I guess in the back of my mind I felt like I finally had a chance. Puberty hadn’t been kind to me, but through the struggles of being a braced-faced human zit, I knew I wasn’t too bad to look at. A ton of effort had been put forth. I worked my ass off on my physique, paying a personal trainer a boatload of cash to get me into shape. I had to change my diet. The acne finally stopped a few years ago, leaving me with scars that I had to have lasered off. Like I said, I’d worked hard at becoming the man I was today.

  Josh wasn’t awake when I discovered him still in bed. I kicked the mattress, shaking my head at how lazy he’d become. He wiped his face and took a sip of an old drink sitting on his nightstand for God only knows how long. “What’re you doing here so early?”

  “It’s after ten. Get your sorry ass up.”

  “Man, it’s Saturday. I get to sleep in.”

  “I’m not here for long, Josh. I don’t feel like wasting my time playing video games.”

  “You looking to get laid?”

  I rolled my eyes. “What? No! I didn’t come here to get a piece of ass. If I wanted that I would have stayed at Duke.”

  “Your loss, man.”

  “Speaking of ass, what’s with your sister? She won’t give it a rest.”

  “Callie? Just ignore her. She’s like a stain that you can’t get out. Give her a few days and she’ll move on to someone else.”

  “You’re a dick.”

  “It takes one to know one, dude.” He laughed at me, while sitting the old drink down again. “You’re still holding out hope that Cam will want you. She’s damaged goods. The last thing she’d want is to get involved with you. She doesn’t want to be here. I give her a week and she’ll be back at school where she belongs. I thought you were past this crush of yours, but obviously not.”

  “I never mentioned her name.”

  “You don’t have to. Callie can get just about any guy she wants, apart from you. It makes me wonder why that would be. Before Cam arrived you seemed to be considering it. The moment you saw her again everything changed. You’re pathetic. She doesn’t even know you exist. To Cam, you’re just her dimwit brother’s best friend. That’s all you will ever be.”

  Maybe Josh was right; there wasn’t a fat chance in hell Cammie would want anything from me. I’d given her my number but she hadn’t called. I couldn’t keep up with this charade. “We’re adults now, Josh. I’m not here to cause more trouble for your sister, and I’m certainly not interested in replacing one with the other. Can’t you accept that I’m a nice guy?”

  He cackled loudly. “You, nice? Give me a fucking break. This is the guy who once screwed a chick just so he could break up with another. Did you forget you told me about that one?”

  I threw my hands up. “To be fair I only did it because I heard she cheated on me first.”

  “Whatever, man. I’m just saying, you get on me for screwing your sister, but I can’t give you a hard time when you w
ant one, but have to settle for the other.”

  “They aren’t pieces of meat, Josh. Have you even spoken to Cammie since she’s been back? She’s going through a lot.”

  “She fucked the wrong guy. It’s exactly how it sounds. She fucked up.”

  As much as I loved this guy like my own family, I wanted to deck him, but it would only prove how hard up I was to get in good with Cammie. “Your mom invited me to dinner. If you’re not going to get your ass out of bed, then I’ll come back later to hang out with you.”

  I’d no sooner made it out of his bedroom when I saw Cammie coming from the bathroom. She was still wearing a robe, but this time her hair was wet from a shower. I couldn’t move as she approached on her way back to her bedroom. “Good to see you again, Wes. What are you up to today?”

  I scratched my head, trying to come up with something that would interest her. “I was thinking I might take out a horse for a run. The weather is nice, and your dad said barely anyone rides them anymore.”

  “I wonder if Callie would want to go with you.”

  I frowned. Cammie knew I wasn’t interested in her sister. “I’d rather go alone.”

  “Oh, so I guess I can’t tag along then.”

  “I just didn’t feel like getting hit on all damn day,” I quickly replied. “She’s determined.”

  She giggled. “You can say that.”

  “So, are you going to come with me?”

  She motioned to the robe. “I think I better get changed first. Meet me at the stables. I don’t want Callie getting the wrong idea if she sees us leaving together.”

  “Don’t worry about Callie. Are you going to tell your parents?”

  “I’m still trying to keep my distance from my dad.”

  “Did you tell them everything?” I asked.

  She gave me this face like even mentioning it scared her. “Not here, Wes. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  I didn’t leave until I watched her go back in her room. As soon as the door shut I headed out so I wouldn’t run into Callie and have to explain myself. I could lie and tell her I had things to do, but she’d probably venture around and catch me, with my luck. Since it was obvious Cammie didn’t need any more problems, I chose to keep our friendship a secret from everyone. As far as they knew, she was having some alone time to think about her future. Me being there was only a perk for me, even if it meant nothing to her.


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