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Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3

Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  Once it rained, even the wolves’ scent would dissipate. It would be as if they’d never been here.

  Louis and Gator would be partway to Gator’s connection in Charlotte who would buy the truck with no questions asked. He trusted that Louis would remove and dispose of any identification that would trace back to the men and dump it at an appropriate location.

  Cole released a huge sigh. It was done. Cherise was safe. Or at least as safe as he could make her.

  It was time to go home and face her. Time to face what he knew was truly between them.

  Cherise was his true mate, the female wolf to his male, the only woman who would ever make him feel whole.

  And she’d run the first chance she got.

  Cole was under no misconceptions about that. She didn’t trust him or his pack one bit. They were strangers to her, and her own pack had turned on her, hunted her down, killed her parents.

  It was up to him to change her mind. And the only way he could do that was by keeping her here.

  The corners of his mouth turned up into a half smile as he hurried back into the forest to start the trek home. He was looking forward to the challenge.

  Cherise tossed the thick white towel over the rod in the bathroom. The shower was incredible with enough room for two. Or the perfect size for one particularly large male. Like Cole, the room was solid and functional with no frills. Large earth-toned tiles covered the inside of the shower and carried onto the floor. The vanity was topped by a slab of granite and the fixtures were brushed nickel.

  She’s never seen anything quite like it outside of magazines. The home she’d shared with her parents when she was a child had been simple and rustic. It had belonged to her daddy’s parents who’d passed on and hadn’t been updated since the nineteen-seventies. And the places she and her mama had shared had, by necessity, been low-rent.

  She ran her hand over the smooth countertop and glanced at herself in the mirror. It felt good to be clean. Except for a sponge bath here and there, she hadn’t showered since that last day she’d left for work. She hadn’t wanted to risk getting naked at any point, not when she was totally on her own and had wolves hunting her.

  Cherise studied her reflection. In spite of her flight through several states over the past few days and the tragedy that had led to it, she looked remarkably unchanged. Same black hair tumbling around her shoulders, same gray eyes and lanky body. Although she did look as though she’d lost a few pounds from all the running and not nearly enough to eat. She might not be able to shift into a wolf, but she had a werewolf’s fast metabolism.

  Sighing, she padded back to Cole’s bedroom and started to dress. Thankfully, she had a change of underwear in her knapsack and pulled it on. She’d washed out her dirty clothes after her bath and they were now draped over Cole’s shower rod drying. All except for her jeans. As much as she hated putting on soiled jeans, she wasn’t about to run around half naked.

  She topped them off with the shirt Cole had given her before he’d left. Predictably, the sleeves fell over her hands and the hem hit her mid-thigh. If she wanted, she could belt it and wear it as a dress. She rolled up the cuffs several times before her hands finally appeared. She rubbed her palms over the dark-brown fabric, taking a moment to enjoy the fact she was clean and warm and, for the moment, safe.

  When she was finished dressing, she repacked her knapsack in case she had to run. She had money, her identification and pictures of her family in there. No way could she afford to lose any of those things.

  And now it was time to face whoever was out in the kitchen. Cherise could hear them moving around. She inhaled but couldn’t make out their scent. No, all she could smell was Cole’s unique musky scent. It was on everything in the room. She eyed the pillows on his king-sized bed and barely stopped from throwing herself onto the mattress and rubbing her face in them. They were covered in crisp white cotton, the same color as the sheet peeking out from beneath the dark-brown comforter. It was very masculine and very inviting.

  “What is wrong with me?” she muttered. The last thing she needed in her life was some domineering male wolf. And there was no denying that Cole was bossy. From the moment they’d met, he’d been telling her what to do. But she couldn’t really complain since everything he’d done had been for her safety.

  She grabbed her knapsack, hooked it over her shoulder and strode out to the kitchen, feigning a confidence she certainly wasn’t feeling. Rather than an in-charge female wolf, she felt more like a lost pup who wanted her mama.

  It was time to change that. She had plans to make.

  She couldn’t stay here. That would put the entire pack in jeopardy. Besides, they would probably ask her to leave soon. Better to be ready and have a plan in place.

  Her stomach growled as she stepped into the combined kitchen and dining area that was off to the left at the end of the hallway. Two people were sitting at the table talking, but both went silent the moment she appeared. She recognized them as Anny and Armand. Even if no one had already mentioned it, she’d know they were a mated couple. It was obvious by how close they seemed. Plus, his scent was all over the female.

  Armand jumped to his feet and motioned to the empty chair beside his mate. “Please sit. Would you like something to eat? You didn’t have much at breakfast.”

  She really was hungry. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

  Anny smiled and patted the cushion on the seat next to her. “It’s no trouble, what would you like? We have leftover turkey that you could have in a sandwich. Maybe some soup to go with it.”

  Cherise’s stomach practically groaned in ecstasy at the thought. “That would be wonderful.”

  Anny went into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and started pulling out containers.

  “I can help,” Cherise offered.

  Anny waved her toward her seat. “I’ve got it under control. You sit and rest.”

  Cherise sat at the table and dropped her knapsack onto the floor next to her. While Anny bustled around the kitchen, Armand studied Cherise. She didn’t like it and stared right back at him. It was a direct challenge and one no male wolf would ignore. Damned if the wolf didn’t smile at her instead.

  “Would you like some coffee?” he offered.

  “Sure.” These wolves were being too kind to her. She didn’t trust them. What was their motive? What did they want from her?

  Her gaze never left Armand as he pulled a thick pottery mug out of the cupboard and filled it with coffee from the almost-full pot that sat on the counter. He set the mug on the table in front of her with a flourish. “You don’t need to keep up your guard around us. You’re safe here.”

  She didn’t even deign to answer him. He was nuts if he thought she’d lower her defenses for one moment. She was a werewolf who couldn’t shift, couldn’t protect herself with her wolf. Keeping her guard up was as natural to her as breathing.

  Although Cherise almost lost her composure when not one but two cats padded into the room. The animals skidded to a halt when they saw her and both of them hissed.

  “Don’t mind them,” Anny told her. “The black one is Seymour and the calico is Tigger.”

  “You have cats.” It wasn’t a question since she could see them both scurrying away. Cherise had thought she’d smelled a cat earlier but had assumed she was mistaken, that fatigue had affected her senses.

  “They’re my pets, really, but they’ve taken to everyone. Just give them time to get used to you.” Anny carried a bowl over to the table and put it in front of Cherise. “Turkey soup.” She made another trip to the counter and brought back a sandwich and eating utensils. “Turkey with tomato, lettuce and mayo. Eat up.”

  Cherise ate slowly at first, nervous having the two near strangers watching her. But they talked about inconsequential things while she ate. She knew it was a ploy to help her relax, and darned if it wasn’t working. She almost smiled when they got into a slight disagreement over, of all things, curtains.

  “But yours
are ugly,” Anny pointed out. “I’ve lived with them for almost six months, and I still don’t like them. I want some color in the bedroom. I know I can’t change much out here because the place belongs to Gator and Cole too.”

  “Not change much. Anny, we have throw pillows and plants and candles all over the place. What’s that if not changing things?”

  “Adding character?” Anny batted her eyelashes at her mate and Cherise couldn’t help but laugh. Armand shot her a dirty look, but there was no real heat behind it.

  “Fine. Order the damn curtains for the bedroom.” Armand sounded so put upon that Cherise almost laughed again, but she refrained. He probably wouldn’t appreciate it.

  Anny smiled sweetly. “I already did. They should be here in the next few days.”

  Armand growled, made a grab for his mate and pulled her onto his lap. Anny squealed and Cherise jumped to her feet, ready to defend the other woman, but there was no need. Armand was busy nuzzling his mate’s neck and she was laughing.

  Cherise slumped back down onto her chair. The males here really didn’t act like many she’d seen before. Sure, her daddy had been good to her mama, but she’d never seen him act this playful with her, especially not in front of a stranger.

  And it was no act. It was too natural to be anything but authentic.

  The male kissed his mate and she returned his caress for a moment before pushing him away. Anny was red-faced when she glanced over at Cherise and gave her an apologetic shrug.

  Cherise went back to her meal, fascinated by the other couple. Anny returned to her seat and tugged her blouse back into place. “So, Cherise, what do you do for a living?”

  It was an innocuous question, the kind everyone asked a person they just met, but it hurt nonetheless. She’d never had a chance to go to school, to pursue any dreams she might have had.

  “I was a waitress.” Her voice was flat, without emotion. “It’s one of the few jobs you can get that pays under the table.” Both she and her mama had worked long, hard hours just to keep a roof over their heads. Often they’d been forced to work for tips alone. Those had been particularly hard times.

  Anny chewed on her bottom lip. “I’m so sorry. That was thoughtless of me.”

  Cherise sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. She pushed away the remains of her meal, surprised she’d eaten all the soup and half the sandwich. As hungry as she was, her stomach was still in knots, which made eating difficult. “No, it’s fine.”

  What else could she say? These people would be curious about her. After all, she’d brought havoc to their doorstep, and they’d not only protected her, but fed her and offered her temporary shelter as well.

  But the time had come for her to leave.

  She wasn’t being cowardly to want to get out of here before Cole came back. That was simply better for everyone. She ignored the pang of disappointment that tightened her chest. It really was better if she never set eyes on the big wolf again.

  She pushed back from the table and stood. “Thank you for everything. I appreciate the meal.”

  Cherise picked up her knapsack and slung it over her shoulder. She had some clothes drying over Cole’s bathroom rod. As much as she didn’t want to pass through his room again and be surrounded by his potent male scent, she couldn’t afford to buy new things.

  “You can’t go.” Armand seemed genuinely shocked. “You’ll be all alone out there.”

  “I’m used to being alone.” A male like him, a member of a pack, wouldn’t understand what that was like. Cherise wasn’t sure she even knew how to get along in a pack any more. It had been so long, and the memories hadn’t always been good ones so she’d let many of them go over the years.

  “Please thank Cole and your alpha for me.” She hurried into Cole’s room, grabbed her damp clothes off the bathroom rod and stuffed them into her knapsack. When she was done, she left the room behind and didn’t look back. She headed through the living area toward the front door. With each step she took, she expected Armand to stop her.

  “Please stay.” Anny hurried over to her. “At least for the rest of today and tonight. Start fresh in the morning.”

  As much as she’d love to lay her head on a clean pillowcase and not have to keep one eye open while she tried to rest, Cherise knew she’d already stayed too long. It would be easy to start depending on this pack, these people, taking their offered kindness. And where would she be when she was finally asked to leave?

  No, it would hurt less for her to go before she became even more attached to them than she already was. In the few hours she’d been here, they’d shown her more kindness than she’d known in years. They honestly seemed to want nothing in return for all they’d done for her. But as much as she wished she could trust them, old habits die hard, and a part of her couldn’t quite believe they were as altruistic as they seemed.

  “I have to go.” She kept her voice gentle with the other woman. In another time and place, she and Anny might have been friends.

  “I could make you some sandwiches to go if you’d wait,” Anny offered.

  Cherise knew the offer was genuine, but it was also designed to keep her here longer. She knew if she saw Cole it would be that much harder for her to leave. For some reason, he’d gotten under her skin. Maybe it was the way he’d protected her, saved her life.

  He’d risked everything for her.

  No one other than her parents had ever done anything like that for her, ever put her first.

  “I’m sorry, Anny, but I really have to go.” Cherise opened the front door and stepped outside. She bounced off an immovable object and caught herself before she stumbled.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head. She couldn’t be that unlucky, could she?

  “Going somewhere?” Cole’s deep voice vibrated in her very cells, and it took everything she had not to throw herself into his arms.

  She slowly opened her eyes and looked up. The green of his eyes was darker now and his lips were drawn into a straight line. Cole wasn’t very happy with her.

  She clutched the strap of her knapsack until her knuckles were white. She nodded decisively. “Yes, I am. I’m leaving.”

  Chapter Five

  The only thing keeping Cole from grabbing Cherise by the shoulders and shaking her was the raw emotion darkening her stormy-gray eyes. There was a combination of fear and longing there that cut him to his core. If he hadn’t gotten back when he had, Cherise would have been gone.

  He stared over her head at Armand who shook his head. Cole relaxed slightly. No, of course Armand wouldn’t have let her go off by herself. He would have kept her here.

  Straight on the heels of relief came anger. “You were just going to leave? Without waiting for me to come back?” It seemed a betrayal after everything that had happened.

  She straightened her shoulders and shot him a belligerent glare. “I’m grateful for all you’ve done, but I don’t owe you anything.”

  “And that’s our cue to go.” Armand grabbed Anny’s hand. “Come on, ma petite. We should head over to the main cabin.”

  Cherise swallowed hard as the couple slipped out the back door, leaving her and Cole alone. He stepped forward, forcing her to take a step back into the living room. Then he kicked the door shut. Cherise stood her ground and faced him.

  “You can’t keep me here.” She had to get out of here. The walls were starting to close in around her.

  “Yes. I. Can.” Each word was carefully spaced for emphasis. Cole was like a mountain, blocking the exit.

  It was all too much for Cherise after everything she’d been through. She slowly lowered her knapsack to the ground as white-hot fury ignited deep in her soul and spread outward like a wildfire out of control. “No, you can’t,” she yelled and attacked.

  She couldn’t shift, but she could fight. She struck out with her right hand but met nothing but air. Cole might be large, but he was quick on his feet. Frustration mounted with each heartbeat. She kicked out at him, aiming straight for h
is most vulnerable spot. Maybe it was a low blow, but she didn’t care.

  Again, he jerked out of her way just in the nick of time.

  “Cherise.” His voice was low and level. How could he be calm when everything inside her was like molten lava?

  Her breath was coming fast and hard. The muscles in her arms ached she was clenching her fists so tightly. She threw back her head and howled before she attacked. She would gouge his eyes out, crush his balls, rip out his heart. He couldn’t keep her here.

  She charged, intent on doing as much damage as she could.

  He banded strong arms around her, imprisoning her. She flailed and kicked but was obviously outclassed and overmatched. Cole was almost a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier.

  Even as she fought, Cherise knew she was out of control. Her mind fractured slightly, allowing her to almost step outside herself and watch as she raged against Cole. All the pent-up fury, frustration and hurt poured out of her.

  “Shh, chère. Everything will be all right.” Cole’s smooth voice slid beneath her anger, soothing her even when she didn’t want to be soothed. “I’ve got you. Nothing will hurt you,” he promised.

  If only she could believe such a thing. The adrenaline that had fueled her anger began to burn out, leaving exhaustion in its wake. She began to shake and, to her horror, tears began to trickle down her cheeks.

  “It’s okay, ma belle. I’ve got you,” he crooned.

  Beautiful. No one besides her mama had ever called her beautiful. All the fight went out of her as fast as it had struck. Horror hit her as she realized what she’d done. “I’m sorry.” It was difficult to choke out the words past the lump in her throat, but it had to be done. He’d been nothing but kind to her. He’d saved her life, and how had she repaid him? She’d attacked him.

  “Nothing to forgive.” Cole bent slightly, slipped one arm beneath her legs and lifted her into his arms. He carried her down the hallway to his room. “You’re tired and hurt and you lashed out.”


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