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Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3

Page 17

by N. J. Walters

  Matt shrugged. “Keith was my son so Amos called me first.”

  “Hmm.” Ryan pushed out of his chair and strolled to the kitchen. He plucked his phone out of the charger and scrolled through his messages. Sure enough, there was a text from Amos. He’d tried to call but had been unable to get through. It was Ryan’s own fault. He’d turned off his phone earlier. He’d wanted a few hours of peace with his mate without being bothered by pack business. Still, it was just like his brother to try to get one of Ryan’s top men in trouble.

  Ryan was very aware of Matt hovering beside him as he called Amos. It was answered on the first ring. “Hey, boss. I tried to call you a few hours ago. I got news.”

  “You called Matt instead?” Ryan knew Amos would tell him the truth.

  “Heck no, boss. He called me, and I didn’t want to lie to him. He is your brother and all. I just didn’t tell him everything.”

  It was as Ryan suspected. He was going to have to do something about his brother sooner rather than later. But that was a problem for another day. He was very aware of Matt listening to every word of his conversation.

  “How far are you from home?”

  “A couple of hours,” Amos replied.

  “Come home and give me a full report.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Ryan ended the call and set his phone on the counter. Matt was frowning at him. “Why didn’t you find out what he knows?” his brother demanded.

  “Because no matter what the news, we need to think before we make plans. Now leave.” Ryan thought for a moment his brother would lose his cool and fight him, but at the last moment, Matt pulled it together.

  “As you wish.” The words were grudgingly given.

  “Yes, it is as I wish. This is my pack.” It was time Matt remembered that. “Now go home. I’ll call everyone together once I hear Amos’s report.”

  His brother spun and stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind him. No one else would have dared such a thing.

  “You’re going to have trouble with him.” Massie walked out of the shadows from the hallway.

  “You heard?” He opened his arms and she came to him and rested her head against his shoulder.

  “Pretty much all of it.”

  Ryan kissed the top of her head. “I’ll deal with Matt when I have to and not before.” He lifted his mate into his arms. “Right now, I have more important matters to deal with.”

  She laughed, but Ryan could see the concern in her eyes, and he silently cursed his brother for that. There would be a reckoning and soon.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cherise held her breath as she crept into the living room, careful to place every step so she wouldn’t make any noise as she walked. She’d waited almost a half hour. Surely Cole was asleep by now.

  She looked around the room, able to see in spite of the dim light. Cole was nowhere in sight. Her stomach sank as she realized she wasn’t going to get to see him again before she left.

  Probably just as well. If he was here, she’d never make it to the front door. He was probably out patrolling, so she’d have to be careful he didn’t catch her before she could get away.

  The keys to all the vehicles waited on a hook by the door. She chewed on her bottom lip, feeling guilty even though she hadn’t done anything yet. Maybe she should leave a note or something.

  She made her way to the door and carefully lifted a set of keys, holding it in her fist so they wouldn’t jingle. Sweat beaded on her forehead. She wasn’t meant for a life of crime. It was too stressful. Still, it wasn’t stealing, not really. She was only borrowing it. At least she hoped so. If she survived the confrontation with her former pack, she’d be back. If not—

  She didn’t want to think about that.

  Placing her hand on the door handle, she slowly turned it.

  “Going somewhere?”

  Cherise jumped and spun around. In her haste, she lost her grip on the keys and they clattered to the hardwood floor. The noise seemed to shatter the silence around her and she flinched.

  Gator was standing at the end of the hallway, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his broad chest. His biceps bulged, showing off his tattoos. He was decent. Barely. The faded jeans he’d pulled on clung to his body like a second skin.

  Heart pounding, she faced him. As much as she appreciated that everyone here wanted to help her, this was her mess to be dealt with. “Yes. Yes, I am.” She bent down, picked up the keys and reached for the door handle again.

  “Don’t make me chase you.” The words and his tone were mild, but Cherise shivered. This wolf gave the appearance of being easygoing, but underneath he was lethal.

  “You have to let me go.” She hated the pleading note in her voice.

  “I can’t do that.” Gator pushed away from the wall and padded over to her. “Cole wouldn’t like it.”

  “Cole isn’t the boss of me,” she retorted. Honestly, she was getting tired of bossy men.

  Gator reached out and skimmed his hand over the back of her neck. She slapped his arm away but it was too late. He’d already felt the telltale scar. “This says otherwise.” She hated his composure and wanted to obliterate it.

  “Yeah, well I didn’t agree to it, and even if I had, I wouldn’t allow him to order me around. I’m not a child. I’m a grown woman.” If anyone thought Cole could control her simply because he’d claimed her, they had another think coming.

  “Doesn’t look to me like you objected very strenuously. Didn’t sound like it either.” Gator’s eyes glowed in the faint dawn light.

  Cherise felt her cheeks heating. Gator had heard their lovemaking. He’d heard her crying out in passion, calling out Cole’s name as she came. No wonder he didn’t think she was telling the truth. If she did make it back here alive, the first thing she was going to do was soundproof their bedroom. Either that or build their own place.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Already she was looking toward the future and making plans. Cole had given her that precious gift. But first she had to earn it. “I have to go, Gator.” How could she make him understand?

  “I still can’t let you leave.” He stepped away and sighed. “Look, you and Cole need to work things out, and you can’t do that if you’re not here.” He glanced around the room. “Where is Romeo anyway?”

  Cherise shrugged. “We had an argument and I asked for some space. That was almost an hour ago.”

  “He’s probably out patrolling.” Gator scratched his flat stomach and strolled toward the kitchen. “I’m going to make coffee.”

  The keys were still in her grasp. Could she make it to one of the trucks if she ran? Probably not. Still, she had to try.

  She had the door open and was in full flight before she’d taken her next breath. Behind her, Gator swore. She knew he was coming after her. Her sneakers crunched into the gravel on the pathway as she raced toward freedom.

  Cherise didn’t look back. She didn’t have to. She could feel him gaining on her.

  The parking area came into view and she pushed harder, lungs heaving and legs pumping. Her heart pounded against her chest, not only because of the physical exertion, but partly out of fear. She didn’t think Gator would hurt her, but she didn’t want to wait around and test that theory.

  There were three trucks and she had one set of keys. What if she chose wrong?

  He tackled her and they both went sprawling. Gator rolled at the last second and took the brunt of the fall, making sure she didn’t hit face first. Cherise shoved away from him and scrambled toward the closest vehicle.

  Gator swore again. “Stop, Cherise. I don’t want to hurt you.” He lunged for her just as she pulled the driver’s door open. He slammed the door shut and caught her between the truck and himself.

  She fought like a wild woman, hitting and kicking. Gator simply pressed his bigger body against hers, using his superior strength to press against her until she couldn’t move.

  Cherise felt defe
ated. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  She was surprised he wasn’t yelling at her. She’d landed a few good blows before he’d managed to subdue her. Over the pounding in her ears, she heard him speaking to her. But he didn’t sound angry.

  “Shh, chère. Everything will be okay.” His hands were no longer shackling her, instead they were rubbing over her arms and back.

  She lifted her head and stared at him. “I have to go back. I have to face them.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. But you won’t be doing it alone.” He lifted her hand, pried the keys from her and tucked them in his jeans pocket.

  Cherise was tired of fighting, tired of waiting for someone else to make the first move. “I can’t wait any longer. I have to take care of this.” She pinned Gator with a glare. “You know I’m speaking the truth. And if Cole is your friend, I know you don’t want him hurt.”

  “Everything okay here?”

  Cherise almost groaned when she heard Armand’s voice. She peeked around Gator and sure enough, Armand was standing about ten feet away watching them. Anny was close behind him.

  Could a person die of embarrassment? If they could, she expected to expire any minute. Her life had ceased to be her own and had become public domain. She knew this was the way packs worked, but she simply wasn’t used to it anymore. Too many years of living among humans in large cities where folks minded their own business.

  Armand looked beyond them and frowned. “Where’s Cole?”

  Gator shrugged. “Probably patrolling.”

  Armand shook his head and Cherise’s stomach dropped. “I don’t think so.” He pointed to the vehicles behind them. “His truck is gone.”

  Cherise blinked and realized she’d totally missed that. “Maybe he’s gone for a drive.”

  Gator shook his head. “Not without telling one of us or leaving a message.”

  “Maybe he texted one of us.” Armand turned and headed back toward the house. “Although I didn’t hear a vehicle start at any point. Did you?”

  Gator shook his head. “No. I didn’t even hear him leave the house.”

  Cherise looked from Gator to Armand and back again. She didn’t like where her thoughts were going. Cole was very protective of her and very determined she remain here with him. And he knew she couldn’t do that with the death threat hanging over her. “You don’t think he’d be crazy enough to go to Kentucky, do you?” It was her worst nightmare. If something happened to Cole, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. She fought down the panic welling inside her.

  Gator pinned her with his piercing blue gaze. “Yes, he’s crazy enough.” He grabbed her by the arm and hurried after Armand and Anny. “He’s lost his head over you.” Worry ate at Cherise as she kept pace alongside him. She was practically running by the time they entered the house.

  Armand had his phone in his hand when they hurried into the kitchen. “No calls. How about you?” he asked Gator.

  Gator strode to his bedroom and returned moments later. “No, nothing.”

  “I texted him all the information on the Pike County Pack, including directions on how to find Ryan Hatfield.”

  “No.” Cherise wanted to howl her anger, but she couldn’t afford to lose it, not now. Cole was in danger and he had an hour head start on them. “We have to go after him.” She started toward the door. There was another set of keys there and heaven help the male who got in her way.

  Gator stepped into her path. She bared her teeth and growled at him. “Get the hell out of my way.”

  He shook his head. “We’re going after him, make no mistake. But we’re going to do it right.” Gator looked over her head. “Call Jacque.”

  “Already on it,” Armand replied.

  Cherise knew Armand was talking to his alpha, knew Jacque needed to be informed. But none of that mattered. “He’s going to face them on his own.” She whispered the words, totally horrified at the thought.

  Gator’s expression was grim. “When we find Cole, I’m going to kill him.”

  Cherise knew just how worried his friend was for him. “We have to hurry.” Time was of the essence.

  “We will,” he promised.

  The press of a hand against her arm jolted Cherise. Anny was standing beside her, her face filled with sympathy. “Everything will be okay. Cole is smart and strong.”

  He was both those things and so much more. Anny meant well, but Cherise couldn’t take any comfort from her words. Cole was also determined and he was heading straight into the enemy’s territory on his own.

  The back door was shoved open so hard it bounced off the wall and rebounded, almost hitting Jacque as he stepped inside. He caught the edge of the door, pushed it back and entered the room, instantly commanding the attention of everyone there.

  Power practically bled from Jacque’s pores as he stalked toward her. Gwen was close behind him, followed by Louis. Her body broke out in a cold sweat. She didn’t need her wolf to recognize the superior predator prowling toward her.

  Jacque stopped right in front of her. He slowly swiveled his head toward Gator. “Talk to me.”

  Gator told the alpha about everything. Jacque’s nostrils flared and he reached out and cupped the back of her neck, feeling the scar. He leaned forward and sniffed her neck. Cherise pulled back, but he kept her in place with his strong hand on her nape. “So Cole claimed you.”

  “Yes.” She wasn’t going to tell Cole’s alpha that it had been without her consent. Maybe he wouldn’t care, but maybe he would. She shot Gator a glare, warning him not to say anything about it. Cherise almost groaned when she realized she was protecting Cole. The last thing she wanted was for him to lose Jacque’s regard and his place in this pack.

  Gator gave her a quick nod. She trusted him to keep his silence.

  Jacque stepped away from her and Cherise breathed a quick sigh of relief. Gator pressed his hand on her shoulder as if to offer comfort and support. Everyone stood silently, watching Jacque, waiting for his decision.

  “Let’s go get the big bastard and bring him home.” Jacque headed to the door after making his pronouncement.

  “I’m going with you.” No way was she being left behind.

  “Me too.” Gwen stepped up beside her.

  “I’m not being left behind.” Anny came up on Cherise’s other side.

  Jacque threw his hands in the air. “Of course you’re coming. If I don’t let you, you’ll only follow. I’m only pretending to be alpha of this damn pack.” He strode out of the house with Cherise and the others close on his heels.

  Ryan Hatfield stood in front of his home with his mate and sons behind him. His brother was off to the side, which was fine with him. He wouldn’t trust Matt at his back, but he did trust Seth and Curtis. His sons understood loyalty. Ryan had made sure of that.

  The sun was barely up, but most of the rest of the pack was gathered around them. There were a few missing, but for the most part, they were all here, and they were all waiting.

  Ryan nodded at Amos, who’d arrived home only a few minutes ago. “What did you find out?”

  Amos squared his large shoulders and gave his report. “Traced Keith’s truck to Charlotte, North Carolina and found out where it was sold.”

  Matt stirred, but Ryan shot him a quelling glance and his brother subsided. “Go on,” he ordered Amos.

  “The man who bought it didn’t want to talk at first, but he finally gave up a name. Gator Rollins. Thought he was from around Salvation, North Carolina.” Amos licked his lips and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “Did some looking and found the place.” Amos scratched his head. “Wasn’t sure what you wanted me to do so I called before I went there.”

  Matt growled, but Ryan ignored his brother. “You did well, Amos.” The other wolf nodded and stepped back into the crowd. Then Ryan turned to his brother. “What was your son doing in Salvation?”

  Matt rolled his shoulders like he was looking for a fight. “I don�
�t know.”

  Ryan knew his brother was lying to him. “You told me he and his buddies were hunting Cherise Michaels and her mother.”

  A gasp went up from the crowd. They all knew the name and they all knew what had happened to Aaron Michaels, Cherise’s father.

  “Did any of you know about this?” He pinned both Gene and Wayne’s families with his brown gaze.

  Gene’s father nodded. “That boy of mine has always been out of control.”

  Ryan wanted to howl with frustration. He was dealing with idiots. “Did it not occur to you to tell me?” His voice got lower with each word he spoke. Ryan had found out early in his life that was much more effective at getting his point across than yelling was.

  Gene’s father flinched and lowered his gaze.

  Wayne’s older brother stepped forward. “Honestly, Ryan, I figured they were just blowing off steam. I mean how in the heck could they find Cherise and her mother after all these years?”

  “What are you going to do?” It had to be Matt who asked the question. His brother was full of bluster and bravado, thinking he was so tough when he’d never been in a real fight in his life. Ryan didn’t count the humans his brother regularly brawled with at the local tavern. His Massie could take a human in a fight. He glanced over his shoulder at her and she gave him a reassuring smile. That woman would back him to hell and beyond.

  “I’m going to send Amos and a few of my trusted men back to investigate this Gator Rollins and find out exactly who he is and why he had Keith’s truck.” Ryan wouldn’t act until he had all the facts.

  “I’m going with them.” Matt’s demands were getting tedious and bordered on insurrection. The crowd was growing restless.

  “No, you’re not.” Ryan’s hands hung loose by his sides, ready to react if his brother attacked. “You’re going to stay right here until we find out exactly what happened. For all we know, this Gator fella stole the truck and the boys are on foot somewhere too ashamed to call home for help because someone stole their ride.”


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