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Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3

Page 20

by N. J. Walters

  “No, God damn it. Because I love you.”

  Cherise stared at him, his words making her heart skip a beat. “You what?”

  Cole raked his fingers through his hair and shot her a black scowl. “I love you.”

  “And you seem very happy about that.” She knew she shouldn’t needle the wounded wolf, but she was still reeling from his revelation. He loved her. How did she feel about that?

  “Fuck.” Cole checked his rearview mirror, turned on his signal light and pulled off the road. He slammed the gear into park and turned to face her. “Maybe I claimed you too fast.”

  There was no maybe about it, but she wasn’t complaining. Not anymore. She’d never forget the past, but it was behind her now. For good. Cole and the Salvation Pack could be her future if she’d let them.

  She raised one eyebrow and he gave her a slight grin. “Okay, I know it was too fast. But I wanted you to have a pack.” He shrugged. “You know, in case anything went wrong.”

  “In case my former pack killed you, you mean?” She knew she’d have nightmares about that for a long time.

  “If that’s what it took to keep you safe.” He cupped her face between his massive hands, hands that had killed and yet were so gentle when they touched her. “I know I’m not what you want. I’m a killer and I don’t lose any sleep over what I’ve done. But, Cherise, you’ll never find another male, werewolf or human, who will love you as much as I will.”

  A huge lump in her throat threatened to choke her. As a declaration of love, it was a bit gruesome, yet it was also truthful.

  Cole glanced at his hands and then started to pull away from her. “I still have blood on my hands.”

  She put her hands over his, stopping him. His skin was warm against her face. “How can you not be what I want?” She never wanted him to doubt her feelings for him. “You’re the first male since my father to stand up for me, to protect me. But more than that, you listen to me when I talk, you’re fun to be around, and when I’m with you I feel like I’ve come home.”

  “Cherise,” he began, his voice thick with emotion.

  She shook her head. “Let me finish.”

  He nodded. The air in the cab of the truck was heavy. She could smell Cole’s sweat and the tinge of blood from his hands. She could also smell the woodsy scent of his soap. That scent would always mean home to her.

  “Yes, you claimed me too soon and without my permission.” He tightened his hands on her face. He tried to pull away, but she kept his hands where they were. He could easily overpower her, but he didn’t.

  “I didn’t want to come to you with all the problems I had. You’d already been forced to kill three men for me. Four now.” She pressed a finger over his firm lips when he started to object. “It’s true, and I’ll always be grateful for that.”

  A low, feral growl escaped him, making her smile. She knew her wolf so well. “No, it’s not just gratitude I feel for you.” When had this massive male, this tough werewolf stolen her heart? Was it the fact he’d protected her from the beginning? Was it the way he worried over her health? Was it the way he made her smile? All of those things and more.

  Her past was now behind her and, for the first time in her life, the future loomed before her filled with possibilities, all of them good. “I love you.”

  He stilled and his eyes seemed to glow from within. “Say it again,” he commanded.

  She smiled and rubbed her cheek against his callused hand. “I love you.”

  Cole felt as though he’d been given the most precious of gifts. Here he was, his rough hands stained with blood, touching this precious, beautiful woman, and she loved him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling her unique scent. His body hardened immediately.

  His female. His mate.

  He opened his eyes and she was still there. He wasn’t dreaming. Her pack was no longer going to be a problem for them. Even if Ryan Hatfield was defeated, which he didn’t think was going to happen, the others knew if they came after Cherise, he’d be back and he wouldn’t be alone. They didn’t strike him as the type to risk their own necks to hunt down a female who wasn’t even part of their pack any longer.

  No, Cherise was safe. She could go anywhere and do anything she wanted. And he’d chained her to him because he didn’t want to lose her.

  He really was a bastard.

  But she loved him.

  He stared into her clear-gray eyes. Eyes that had seen too much, knew too much. He pressed his forehead against hers. “God, I love you, woman.”

  “I know.” She rubbed her nose against his. “I love you too.”

  “I’m never going to tire of hearing that.” He kissed her then, needing to taste her, to stake his claim on her once again. He was going to be a possessive mate, but he didn’t think she’d mind.

  She surged against him, digging her fingers into his shoulders. He opened his mouth and devoured her, thrusting his tongue past her lips. She groaned and welcomed him. He yanked her closer until her breasts were smashed against his hard chest.

  Home. Cherise tasted like home.

  He’d never regretted leaving the Louisiana Pack and becoming part of the Salvation Pack, but this was the first time in his life he’d felt complete, like he belonged somewhere.

  She made a small sound of pleasure that slammed straight into his balls, making them ache with need. He ran his hand up and down her spine. He couldn’t get close enough to her.

  A knock on the window brought him back to his senses. They were in his truck, parked on the side of the road. Cole turned his head and saw Gator smirked at him through the window. “You might want to get back home before you continue this.”

  Cole glanced back at Cherise. Her cheeks were red, but she was smiling.

  He looked back at Gator and nodded. Gator gave him a quick salute and strolled back to his truck, which was parked right behind Cole’s. How had he missed that? Gator must have circled around and come back to find them. Once again, Gator was watching his back.

  Cole leaned back against his seat and took a deep breath. It didn’t help. With his enhanced senses, he could smell her arousal. Inside him, his wolf howled with pleasure. Cole’s cock ached like a sonofabitch. He wanted Cherise, and he wanted her now.

  She sat back in her seat and stared straight out the window. Yeah, that was good. If she looked at him, he wouldn’t be responsible for what he did.

  Cole cranked down the window, letting the chilly air flow into the cab around them. He put the truck in drive, checked his mirror and pulled back out onto the road. Gator pulled out behind him. It didn’t take them long to catch up with the other two vehicles.

  Cherise reached out and put her hand on his leg. He covered her hand with his. Neither of them spoke.

  Cole couldn’t wait to get home.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Cole switched off the engine and glanced over at Cherise. They were finally home. The others climbed out of their vehicles, waved and headed down the path toward the alpha’s house, leaving him and Cherise alone.

  He climbed out and went around to her door. She’d opened it and was out by the time he got around the truck. Cole scooped her into his arms and carried her up the steps to the house. It was awkward, but he managed to jam his keys into the lock and open the door without having to put Cherise down.

  It was going to be a long time before he felt safe about letting her out of his arms or his sight. She could have died today.

  He pushed the door shut behind him, leaned against it and buried his face in her hair. “Let’s not ever do that again.” Every time he closed his eyes, he could see her walking out from between the trees, ready to face down an entire pack.

  “Okay,” she promised. She rested her head on his shoulder and nuzzled his neck.

  He pushed away from the door and carried her down the hallway to his bedroom, their bedroom. It belonged to both of them now. Cherise was his mate, his woman, his love.

  He set her carefully by the side of
the bed. “I need to get cleaned up before I touch you. Wait for me?”

  “Always,” she told him.

  Cole hurried into the bathroom. He cranked on the water, grabbed the soap and quickly scrubbed his hands, arms and chest. After rinsing away the sweat, blood and grime, he dried off and tossed the towel aside. It wasn’t anywhere perfect but it would do for now. His woman was waiting for him.

  Cherise was still standing exactly where he’d left her. His hands seemed big and clumsy as he reached for the hem of her sweater and pulled it over her head. She helped him, making it easier. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, the tattered remains still on the ground in Kentucky. Cherise was still wearing a bra, but the cotton was thin and he could see her puckered nipples through the fabric.

  He brushed his thumb over one tip and she caught her breath. “You are a miracle to me.” He wanted her to know, to truly understand just how much she meant to him.

  Cole slowly lowered himself to his knees and buried his face against her breasts. He wrapped his arms around her waist and simply held her.

  Cherise sifted her fingers through his hair and tilted his head back until he was looking up at her. She looked like she might say something but swallowed hard instead. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  They’d come close to losing one another today.

  He took a deep breath to steady himself and then reached for the opening of her jeans. Pushing his hands inside, he savored the warm feel of her skin against his hands. Then he shoved the garment down her thighs. Her panties were plain cotton like her bra, but he’d never seen anything sexier in his life.

  He traced his fingers along the band before dipping beneath the elastic. The muscles in her stomach quivered beneath his touch. The soft hair covering her mound was damp.

  Every muscle in his body tightened in anticipation. He wanted to toss her onto the bed, mount her and fuck her senseless.

  Instead, he removed his hand from her panties and unlaced her shoes one at a time He removed them and her socks. Then he shoved her jeans around her ankles. “Step out.” His voice sounded hoarse. No wonder. His cock was hard as nails. No, scratch that. His dick was so hard he could probably pound nails with it.

  Cherise stepped out, left clad in her panties and bra. Her body was long and lean, strong yet soft. He skated his fingers over her thighs and across her belly. She shivered and goose bumps rose on her skin. He leaned in and brushed his mouth over her stomach, lapping at her belly button.

  She groaned and swayed toward him. “Cole,” she moaned his name, and that single word was like a vise tightening around his balls.

  He wanted to hurry, but he also wanted to slow down and truly savor her. For the first time since he’d met her, Cherise totally belonged to him. She wasn’t thinking about her past, only about them here together at this moment.

  He slid his hands around to her back and undid her bra. She leaned forward so the straps slipped down her arms and off. Cole growled and cupped her breasts. His large hands covered them easily.

  Cherise wrapped her arms around him and held him close. Her heart beat against his cheek. It was thumping hard and fast. He nuzzled one firm mound and then the other. She whispered his name and the longing he heard in her voice was almost his undoing.

  His cock throbbed in time with his heartbeat. His jeans were way too tight and confining.

  He hooked one finger into the band of her panties and allowed his claws to grow. The fabric ripped and he yanked away the tattered remains.

  Cherise was totally naked. Totally his.

  Cole slowly stood and reached for the zipper of his jeans. The metallic rasp was loud as he pulled it down. Cherise’s eyes were on him. She licked her lips and he felt himself swell even more beneath her hungry gaze.

  He kicked off his sneakers, shoved his stained jeans down and kicked them aside.

  Naked, he stood before her.

  She reached out, but he caught her hand before it touched his dick. “If you do that I’m done for.”

  Her eyes widened and then she smiled a slow, sultry tilt of her lips. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”

  “I should probably get a shower first.” His jeans had taken the brunt of the blood and dirt during the fight, but he wasn’t exactly clean.

  “After,” she told him.

  This time it was her going to her knees. Cole fisted his hands at his sides. “Ma belle.”

  “You make me feel beautiful.” She blew gently on his shaft. He clenched his jaw and prayed he wouldn’t disgrace himself. Cherise gripped his erection at the base and pumped up and down once.

  He caught her head in his hands and guided her closer. She made a low humming sound in the back of her throat and then swiped her tongue over the head of his cock.

  Cole almost lost his mind. He was breathing hard and his wolf was howling for release. He had to pull his hands away from her when his claws threatened to emerge. He felt primal and on edge.

  If she believed she was in any danger, she certainly didn’t show it. No, Cherise was totally intent on what she was doing. And was there anything sexier than that?

  She dragged her tongue around the broad head of his cock before taking it into her mouth. Her moist heat surrounded him and he groaned. “Fuck, that feels good.”

  Then she teased the sensitive rim and he totally lost it. He caught the back of her head with one large palm and began to thrust his cock in and out of her mouth. Cherise kept hold of his shaft, making sure he didn’t push her to take too much.

  He groaned as he flexed his hips. “Harder. Suck harder.”

  She hollowed her cheeks and sucked. At the same time, she drew the fingernails of her free hand over his balls. Cole threw back his head and howled. His jaw started to elongate before he clamped down on the change and stopped it.

  Cherise swallowed as he came, accepting him, taking all he gave her.

  He was panting as though he’d just run ten miles at top speed when she finally released him. If he were human, he’d be worried about heart failure. As it was, he was surprised he hadn’t broken a bone in his jaw he’d clamped down on it so hard to try to prolong the experience.

  She lapped at his cock, which was still at full staff.

  Cole leaned down and plucked her off the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He buried his face in her neck as he walked into the bathroom. It was important to him that there was not a single trace of blood on him when they made love for the first time as a mated couple. He didn’t want to let her go but set her down on the tile floor long enough to get the water running. Then he lifted her again and carried her into the shower.

  “Are we going to wash?” she asked. “I thought you did that a little while ago.” He wasn’t fooled by her innocent expression. She batted her long eyelashes at him, but he could see the passion in her eyes, smell her arousal steaming around them.

  Cherise arched against Cole, rubbing her wet pussy over his hard shaft. He’d just come, but you’d never know it. She could taste him on her tongue—hot and spicy. But she felt empty, her pussy aching for him.

  This was her mate, the man she loved. And with the past behind her, she was free to embrace their future together. The way he looked at her gave her the shivers. She felt powerful. Feminine. Even though she’d been on her knees in the bedroom, it was Cole who’d been at her mercy.

  Now, she was at his mercy.

  He pushed her back against the cool tiles. She hissed and arched as the cold touched her spine. Cole pressed against her front, the crisp hair on his chest gently abrading her puckered nipples. She wrapped her legs around his flanks and hooked her ankles over his taut butt.

  He rubbed his face over her cheek, down her neck and across her shoulder, covering her with his scent. Even after the shower, she’d smell like Cole. She belonged to him and him to her. It was heady stuff.

  She’d long ago given up on her dreams of having a mate and family. Her happiness dimmed at the thought. Children prob
ably weren’t going to happen because she was defective, a werewolf but not.

  “What’s wrong?” He tugged the lobe of her ear into his mouth, his sharp teeth carefully teasing. Goose bumps raced down her arms.

  Cherise started to say nothing but changed her mind. There could only be honestly between them. “I probably won’t be able to have children.”

  Cole caught her face between his large palms. “I don’t care.” His eyes were fierce and his brow lowered. “Sure, it would be nice to have children, but I don’t need them to be happy.” He brushed a kiss over her lips. “I need you.”

  He kissed her again, rubbing his lips over hers. She dug her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer. He truly meant what he said. She was enough for him just the way she was.

  “I love you,” she told him over and over as their kisses grew deeper, hotter and more frantic.

  Cole lifted her and lowered her onto his thick shaft. She was so wet he easily slipped inside. Steam rose around them, hot and thick. Water cascaded over his broad back.

  “Cole.” She said his name because she could, because he was her mate.

  He flexed his hips, pulling his shaft out a few inches before powering back in. He palmed her butt and angled his body so his pelvis brushed her swollen clit with each stroke. She trusted him to not to drop her and simply let herself go.

  He tasted divine, so hot and male. Her tongue teased his, playing a game of advance and retreat. He growled and she loved that she made him lose some of his control. Her hands were everywhere she could reach. Hard muscle bunched and rippled under smooth skin. He was big everywhere. His biceps were huge, his shoulders broad.

  She met him stroke for stroke, angling her body for maximum stimulation. Her inner muscles clamped down hard on his cock. Each time he filled her, she wondered if she could hold him. Yet each time, she did.

  Every time he withdrew, his thick shaft dragged over sensitive nerve endings, pushing her closer to the edge.

  He dragged his mouth from hers and nipped her neck and shoulder, not enough to break the skin, but she knew she’d wear his mark for a short while. It pushed her over the edge. Her pussy squeezed him and then flooded her release over and around him.


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