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Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire (Encounters of the Heart Book 2)

Page 5

by Ann Marie Bryan

  “I sure will. Have fun this weekend.”

  “You know I will. Can’t wait for Larry to get here,” Rozene said loudly, before looking at Chandler.

  The speck of amusement in his eyes told her he knew exactly what she was doing. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Give me a minute, please.” She slipped into her coat and made sure to button it from head to toe. It made her feel protected from the chilly fall weather she was anticipating on the outside … and safe from this man, whose eyes had not left her body since he’d arrived before her.

  “I’m ready now,” she told him.

  His lips shifted in a lazy smile. “Let’s go.”

  “Bye, everyone. Thank you. Have a safe trip back.” She waved at the members of her book tour team. Some waved back, while others shouted their goodbyes.

  Together, she and Chandler moved across the room towards the exit door.

  “Rozie! …Rozie!”

  The sound of her mother’s voice brought Rozene out of her reflection. “On my way, Mom,” she answered. The rumbling in her stomach reminded her she needed to eat. Now that’s a more positive direction for my thoughts. With that, she lifted herself out of the chair.


  For the second time that weekend, Larry drove the two-mile stretch of private road to Chateau de Kanate, beneath the cloud of overhanging pink cherry blossoms trees. For once, he paid no attention to the pale spring light filtering through the trees from above, and the petals fluttering around before dusting the ground.

  His expression was pensive as it usually was after his counseling session with Pastor Fotola. After over three month of emotionally draining face-to-face and telephone counseling sessions about his father and his marriage, he was still learning to cope with his new season … constantly willing the pain in his heart to diminish enough so he could function.

  He had decided to spend the weekend at Chateau de Kanate and that was good for him. It had become increasingly difficult to be at home, constantly bombarded with thoughts about his marriage. Of course, he didn’t want that. His counseling sessions gave him enough time to grieve over how his life had gone down the drain, beginning with his heat-of-the-moment behavior with Gabrielle.

  After Gabrielle resigned, he’d quickly advertised her position, interviewed and selected another human resources director, David Genier. Intense training brought Genier up to speed.

  A month later, Larry executed his plan for a month and a half long world travel to meet with all the human resources directors and managers as well as customer service representatives of Pallecia Hotel. He had four regional meetings in the United States within two weeks, and then the rest of his days were spent conducting meetings in Central America, South America, Asia, and Europe.

  He had only returned home two weeks ago, and was still having difficulty adjusting to living alone. He would have to hurry and make that adjustment, because coming out to Chateau de Kanate was supposed to be his kick back time. Not a time to take questions about the state of his marriage. No. Not at all. But his mother refused to take the hint.

  “Late last year, you’d mentioned Rozene had changed emotionally towards you,” Darlene Kanate said yesterday, after returning from an evening walk with Larry. “But I remembered you thought she was having a hard time dealing with the children going off to college.”

  Larry’s mood soured. “Exactly. That’s what I thought. Little did I know, she had some other man all over her.”

  “Something else must have been going on with her,’ his mother jumped in. “Rozene is tough … not easily broken.”

  “Right?” he griped beneath his breath, before politely excusing himself.

  In all their nineteen years of marriage, not once had he ever cheated on Rozene. Not that many opportunities hadn’t come his way. In his line of work, women were constantly making themselves available. He would even admit he had been tempted a few times but never had he broken his marriage vows.

  Anyway, after all his mother had gone through with his father, he’d made a sacred vow to the Lord, to be a great husband. Now, he wasn’t perfect and their marriage had seen hard days managing family life and two high-powered jobs, but he had been faithful. He had even gone to great lengths to ramp up their bedroom frolics, keeping it fresh, and Rozene had never once complained.

  He recalled her interest in their bedroom activities had dropped way below zero, last fall. Months later, he was still trying every trick in the book to get her to sleep with him.

  Every trick.

  He was that desperate and all the while, she was handling her business elsewhere. Just thinking about it made him angry all over again.

  He had gotten so tired of begging her to make love with him, that he’d carefully laid out a plan to get some action on his birthday in January. She was still a bit resistant but she gave in after a while.

  He wished she hadn’t. That five minutes, yes five minutes, of pitiful sex gave him Chlamydia. He had never in his life had a venereal disease. Dear God, why?

  Picking up the prescription was something he was still attempting to wipe from his memory. He could barely look at the pharmacist, although he collected it at the drive-through.

  Anger welled up in his chest as he whipped onto the driveway of the magnificent dwelling he once called home. Nestled on a gentle sloping peak in the heart of the fifty-acre property, stood the imposing Chateau de Kanate, with its spectacular view of a pristine lake and flourishing vegetation of all colors, shapes, and sizes.

  Larry pushed back the scowl that was threatening to overtake his face as he made his way to the front door. Before he could push the key in the lock, the large oak door flew open and Zalletta welcomed him in. He landed her a dimpled smile before hugging her. “Seriously, Aunt Zal, how do you manage to look younger every day?”

  Zalletta had been with the family since Larry’s elementary years. Larry had heard from his mother that Zalletta had taken over right out of college after her mother died. Now Zalletta operated as chief of staff at Château de Kanate.

  “You need to come up with something new, Larry,” Zalletta teased. “You told me that yesterday.”

  “Oh, is that so? It’s the truth. You keep looking younger.” He threw his arms open. “Every day!”

  Zalletta slapped him playfully on his arm. “You’re good, Superman!”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She shook her head and grinned at him before moving to exit the room.

  “You know, I’m good like that,” he yelled at her back, before stepping further into the interior of the spectacular Chateau de Kanate. Down to the last detail was one for the history books – grand living rooms, libraries, galleries, terraces, and huge bedrooms with ivory shag carpets and enormous canopy beds, draped with sheer white veils. An ivory and gold theme mixed with several shades of blue ran through the general areas of the entire house. But the most unique feature of this magnificent home was the impressive double-helix staircase that gave access to the sleeping quarters.

  Larry and his three siblings – thirty-eight years old Alexandria, born after him, followed three years later by his twin brothers, Zane and Zadan - lived at the Chateau, pretty much up to their college years. After college, Zane and Zadan had moved back in, only to move out shortly thereafter. They were unable to live under the same roof with their father. However, they moved back in to live with their mother after their father died.

  Larry entered his room, and headed straight for the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, he fidgeted a bit before resting comfortably on his back on the bed. He chucked as he gazed at a picture of Zane and Zadan in football gear on the wall before him. It was a proud moment when their high school won the championship that year.

  Larry’s lips curled into a lopsided smile, for he remembered his mother saying, God had a sense of humor when he was creating her boys because they were the spitting image of their father, and just like their father, they were all six-feet-three in height.

  Where did the y
ears go? Larry thought.

  Yesterday after dinner, he’d spent quality time with his brothers. They were good company, as always, even though the two were as different as night and day. The only similarity being that they were both confirmed bachelors in an unusual way.

  Zane who served as Chief Operating Officer for the family business, Kanate Management and Realty Corporation, was funny, affectionate, charming, and smart with an air of brilliance. His best trait – his ‘off-the-chain’ creativity. Nevertheless, his taste in women left a lot to be desired. The tabloids labeled him - Ladies’ man, Zillionaire playboy, Devoted womanizer, Lover-lover, and several other titles that thanks to the Internet, he would have difficulty explaining to his children … should he decide to have any.

  Zane’s public image was a constant source of stress for the public relations team, and his mother, even though she would never say it aloud. Larry just knew his mother was praying night and day for Zane to commit his life to Jesus Christ. Thankfully, Zane’s public image had not affected the profitability of the family business. Then too, the goodwill of the Kanate name helped in this regard.

  On the other hand, Zadan was the most random person Larry knew, especially since his wife died, his personality had been most difficult to define. In his own words, ‘Life is too short to be consistent. Do what you can, when you can.’

  Nevertheless, like all the Kanate males, Zadan was multi-talented. Strange was how he was unable to settle in one particular field of study. At one stage, he was a professional student. After he graduated from MIT’s School of Engineering, he moved on to the J.D. Program at Harvard Law School, and then finally, he attended Yale School of Management and completed the MBA program. Currently, Zadan operated as the head of legal affairs for the family business. However, through the family grapevine, Larry was told he was pursuing his masters in divinity, which was what the family thought he should be doing anyway.

  Larry smiled to himself thinking, Zadan loved the Lord. Even now, he was waiting for the Lord to provide him with another wife.

  He’d noticed that Zane and Zadan stayed away from conversations about his marriage. And he was glad. What else was there to say? His wife committed adultery. Would talking about it help the situation? Plus, she had no reason to commit adultery. None at all. Their sex life was never a struggle … Ever. Not even on their most exhausted day.

  He rolled on his side and all but hissed his teeth as unwanted memories rushed in.

  He had taken the time to bathe her with love before she’d left for her book tour in Chicago last fall. In fact, that was one lovemaking experience he’d never forget.

  He had missed his flight while returning from a three-day business trip, and had come in a few hours before she was scheduled to leave.

  And boy, was she ready for him.

  He was tired, but what do you know - rest is overrated.

  She met him at their bedroom door, her fine body draped in jaw dropping lingerie, and he’d thrown his bag down and surged forward, kissing her hungrily with a sort of desperate passion. All the desires he’d locked away for three days came out in full force. His body wracked with shudder after shudder as he kissed her deeply, hard and fast, eagerly sampling her lips.

  Every part of her body was on fire from his touch, a matching yearning came from her, as she met his mouth with hungry kisses.

  The wait had seemed forever, but it was all worth it.


  It had always been like that between them - an electrifying passion that burned everything in its pathway, leaving them trembling and glowing with satisfaction.

  Breathing heavily, he told her, “Need to take a quick shower.”

  Unwilling, she released him, murmuring, “Don’t be long.”

  He’d rushed to the bathroom like he was being chased by a pack of hungry wolves. In less than five minutes, after watching him dry all that God had favored him with, she moved closer. Her lips parted softly, seemingly in slow motion as her eyes beckoned to him. The idea that she was seducing him turned him on even more. Shivers chased over his body and a moan gurgled deep within his throat as he pulled her closer to trace the outline of her lips with his own. But she beat him to it, distracting him with a naughty smile, before pecking his lower lip. She caught his surprised gasp in her mouth and giggled.

  Her mouth an inch away from his, Larry watched as her lips parted invitingly again. Her full lips were hard to resist, so he didn’t try. Growling, he seized her lips in another intense kiss, his hands stroking her with exquisite care and precision.

  Suffice to say, they didn’t make it to the bedroom.

  The warmth rolling around in his core dragged Larry out of his contemplation. He cleared his throat, berating himself, when his cell phone rang. He reached for it on the nightstand, and a flash of irritation hit him. It was Rozene.


  Rozene listened until Larry’s phone went to voicemail, but she didn’t bother to leave a message. She bit her lips to hold back the tears as she allowed the phone to slip out of her hand. It landed with a slight bounce then settled somewhere on the bed. Just then, her phone rang and she pushed out a shaky breath. At least, he’s responding. She reached for the phone and touched the answer button while using the tips of her thumb and index finger to wipe her eyes. “Larry, I’m glad you-”

  “Larry?” Chandler’s voice echoed over the phone. “But what else can I expect. I’m the other man.”

  Rozene grabbed a handful of the bedcovers to steady herself. “Chandler, we agreed not to call each other.” She hadn’t heard from him in over two months. Knew I should have changed my number. She hadn’t bothered to because she didn’t want him calling her office to track her down. Persistence was his first name.

  A little gasp of surprise came from Chandler. His way of saying how hurt he was. “Did I agree to that?”

  Rozene did not respond, but that didn’t stop her from wishing he would drive himself off the face of the earth.

  “Ro, you surprise me.” She could picture him knitting his brow. “Is this what we’ve become? I spend all my waking hours thinking about you. The way we were. Deep down, I sensed you miss me.”

  Rozene was almost cross-eyed from rolling her eyes. She resisted the urge to hurl the phone into the land of no return. Instead, she fell back on her training. “Please don’t call again. Goodbye, Chandler.”

  “I miss waking up beside you, Ro,” he drawled huskily. “Touching you. Holding you. Kissing you softly until you beg me to stop. You remember don’t you?”

  Rozene closed her eyes, and for the second time that evening, tears burned them. What have I done? For a moment, guilt held her hostage. “Bye, Chandler,” she whispered unsteadily, before disconnecting the call.

  She sank deeply into the bedcovers, tears running down her cheeks and on to the pillow beneath her head. Chandler was bent on forcing himself in her life. That was his intention from day one. Albeit, she’d given him the opportunity.

  She rolled on her back thinking, way too many opportunities.

  After exiting the conference room in Chicago that afternoon, she’d kept her eyes focused on the elevators but couldn’t help but wonder what Chandler did for a living. Gym instructor popped into her head. P90X extreme workouts? His firm abdomen and strong thighs could attest to that. She caught a glimpse of his profile, noting that his smooth caramel-colored frame was taller than she thought, well over six feet. She put his age in the late thirties, no more than forty.

  She glanced down his frame and almost gasped. He was wearing a wedding band. Now, that was unexpected. He didn’t look like the type of man who could settle down … at least not for long. But what do I care? She centered her thoughts as the elevator arrived.

  Wordlessly, he allowed her to step in before entering and punching the button to the ground floor. He stood beside her, way too close in her estimation but she refused to look at him. She was busy clamping down the frenzy as her mind went into overdrive. Her lips quivered as he
r stomach knotted with a bout of unexpected desire. Breathing was becoming a chore, at best, for now his eyes were fixed on her chest.

  Every muscle in his body taut, Chandler watched her. He loved being in her presence. She was like a breath of fresh air. He had watched her sizing him up outside the elevator without making a comment. Now it was his turn and he intended to feast on her.

  He’d heard Don on numerous occasions bragging about her and her achievements. Admitted, he was remotely curious, but he was not into this God thing. However, one night, he was finding it difficult to sleep, so he’d decided to go channel hopping, and that was when he discovered her. The more he listened to her TV program, the more he liked her, and before long, watching her program had become a weekly routine … his little dirty secret. Her beautiful, hazel-colored eyes consistently beckoned to him from the screen, fueling his passion.

  But this week was temptation at its finest. It was sheer agony to see her every day, sharing and interacting with the audience. Much better than TV.

  Watching her now, he knew she felt his desire for her. But he knew that because of her status as bestselling author, and a Christian author at that, she would never do anything to jeopardize what God was doing in her life. He’d heard enough from her TV programs and at her book tour events to know that.

  He let out a ragged sigh.

  He was on work assignment in Washington, D.C. about three weeks ago when they had their first heart-thumping encounter. However, an emergency on his job had caused him not to meet her then, but he’d vowed to get close to her. When Don told him about her Chicago book events, he’d taken leave from his job to volunteer for a worthy cause.

  “We are almost there,” he said, attempting to break the tension between them.

  She swallowed tightly then nodded, still not looking at him. She refused to look into his perfectly gorgeous light-brown eyes, set in an equally perfect, square shaped face that was flawlessly proportioned with slightly high cheek bones, chiseled jawlines, full symmetrical lips, and a prominent chin. He sported low, slightly curly jet-black hair, complemented by a neatly trimmed beard, and a thin mustache. Everything about him conveyed vigor, and primal heat radiated from every pore in his body.


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