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Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire (Encounters of the Heart Book 2)

Page 11

by Ann Marie Bryan

  In the past, many times Chandler held the opposite side of an argument with Don, but secretly, he had always trusted and respected Don’s judgement. Not only because they were family, but because Don lived an exemplary life.

  He exhaled deeply, listening yet not wanting to hear Don out. He hoped this situation wouldn’t drive a wedge between them. What he and Rozene shared was different. It was nothing like what he’d experienced with the other women whom he’d dated, and slept with.

  “You know, I love you,” Don told him, “but this, this situation will not end well. I’ll be praying for you. Have a good night.”

  Don walked across the patio, and then through the pelting rain towards his car. He was oblivious of nature’s onslaught; his mind was replaying his conversation with Chandler, a conversation that would probably haunt him for the rest of his life. As the rain saturated his clothes, he urged his legs along but they felt like two huge boulders and now he was shuffling along instead. His heart burned with disgust as he gazed ahead of him.

  After what seemed like an eternity, he entered his car and closed the door behind him. He reclined the driver’s seat and covered his face with his hands, as condemnation hit him. He took the blows, for putting Rozene in such a position with Chandler. He had failed her and caused the destruction of her family. To think that he’d even given Chandler her cell phone number. What would Rozene think of him when she found out he had a hand in Chandler’s scheme?

  He was Mr. Fix It, but he felt powerless to fix this situation. Pain zigzagged across his brain but the pain in his heart was not comparable, it was a creeping one. Chandler had betrayed his trust but he felt more like he had stabbed him in the back.

  His stomach retched as he started the car and pulled away. Silently, he cried out, “Father, please fix this situation. Only You can.” He was quiet for a moment, and then he heard himself saying, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber …”

  Seeking comfort in his faith, he began sharing with the Lord of all creation, his failings and disappointments. He was disappointed with himself, and extremely disappointed with Rozene and Chandler.


  Chandler glanced at his cell phone and saw that it was 9:00 AM. He intended to speak with Rozene one way or another.

  After mulling over his conversation with Don last night, it was too late to call her so he decided to work from home the following day, so he would have privacy when they spoke.

  She was the only number under Favorites, so he proceeded to ring her. Holding his breath, he waited for her to answer.

  “Hi there!” Rozene answered joyfully.

  “Glad it’s a happy morning, for somebody,” Chandler replied testily.

  Rozene bolted upright, almost stopping her car in the middle of the road.

  Since the week began, she had been feeling warm and fuzzy with expectation. She had come to the realization that she couldn’t hide away forever so she decided to stride out again in purpose. She’d just ended a telephone conversation with Lissan, the Manager of Victorious Women’s Shelter, and was expecting a call back. She needed the number of women who would be present for her monthly workshop, so she could pick up copies of her handout from Sarah, her executive assistant.

  And now this…

  Don’t say it, she cautioned herself, as her anger boiled. When will this maddening chaos cease?

  In the silence, Chandler decided to calm down. “Ro, speak to me, baby.”

  Rozene drummed her fingers against the steering wheel. “Chandler, I told you to stop calling me.”

  “I can’t do that. I love you.”

  “I’m not doing this anymore, Chandler. I have to go.”

  “Why did you tell Don?”

  “D-Don,” Rozene stammered. “I didn’t tell Don anything. Does he know? Oh, Lord,” she hunched over the steering wheel in shame. “Lord, noooooo!” she cried out, tears brimming.

  “Are you sure you didn’t tell him? How would he have guessed?”

  Rozene wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and then gripped the steering wheel as if it was Chandler’s neck. “I did not mention anything to Don. I have no reason to, but I’m sure you have plenty.”

  “And what reasons would I have?”

  “You’re trying to ruin me. Wasn’t that your plan?” she asked, the anxiety in her voice escalating. “Well, you can stop now. Larry and I are separated. Guess, Don told you that too. So if you wanted to destroy my ministry, go ahead.” Her eyes filled with tears again, and her brain warned her to slow down as the vehicle took a corner way too sharply. It had rained last night and the road was still slightly wet.

  Separated! Chandler knew Don had deliberately left out that bit of information. “That is not my intention. I love you.”

  Love? Rozene adjusted the volume on her over-the-ear Bluetooth for she must have been hearing things. “Chandler, what is the matter with you? I cannot, will not, be with you again. I have a family. I am married, Chandler, married!” She wiped her eyes, and then gasped loudly as her car skidded towards the guard railing.

  “Ro! Ro, are you okay?” she heard Chandler yell.

  “Jesus! Help me, Jesus!” she screamed, slamming on the brakes. But her car wouldn’t stop, even though everything else in her mind did, so she braced for impact. Her car seemed to be swirling forever, and she closed her eyes as her vision started to blur. Air seemed to be sucked out of her lungs as the car banged hard against the guard railing and came to a stop.

  The thumping of her heart seemed unending as she tried to gather her thoughts. What? Her eyes searched frantically as she saw blood on her cream-colored pair of pants … on her hands. Mindlessly, she was inspecting her hands when a splat of blood hit her sleeve leaving dark red spots. She grabbed her head and a strangled scream emanated from her throat as her hand brushed the wound at the side of her head. Blood ran down her face, and then trickled down her neck. “Help,” she called out faintly.

  Several heavy thuds caused her to swing her head toward the window and she winced as pain ripped through her body. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the frantic face of a woman mouthing something, but she couldn’t understand her words.

  Fingers shaking, she managed to roll the window down before slumping over the steering wheel as tiny electric shocks shook her body.

  “Hold on,” the woman urged her. “The paramedic team has arrived.”

  Rozene did not look up but she knew the woman was still there. “My head … my head … hurts so badly,” she murmured.

  “We have you,” she heard a male voice say before she faded into oblivion.


  “Mrs. Kanate! Mrs. Kanate!” Rozene heard someone calling her name.

  She opened her eyes, seeing all white. She closed her eyes again before opening at the sound of the same voice. “Stay with me. Great. That’s it, open your eyes. It’s okay.”

  Rozene stared, unblinking, trying to fathom what was happening.

  Two pairs of eyes stared back at her, waiting for her to focus.

  “Where am I?” Rozene asked.

  “You are in the hospital. You took a nasty blow to your temple,” a handsome, young doctor told her.

  As bits and pieces of what happened came back to her, she lifted a hand to her temple. “Ouch!” Her head felt tender and there was a bandage around it. “That explains why my head feels like I’m carrying a truck.” Her eyes widened and she lifted her hands and inspected them.

  “You’ve not suffered any broken bones. Thank God,” the doctor said.

  She attempted to smile then grimaced in pain. “Thanks, Dr …”

  “Raymond Reid,” he supplied. He gestured with his hand towards the female beside him. “And this is Dr. Renee James.”

  “Nice to meet you, both,” Rozene remarked.

  “You too,” they responded, smiling at her.<
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  “Did I do surgery?” Rozene’s eyes widened for the second time.

  “No,” Dr. James replied. “We’re observing you for the rest of the day. If all goes well, you should be home tomorrow.”

  Rozene gave them a grateful smile. “Thank you so much.”

  “You are welcome. A nurse will be here shortly to give you pain medication,” Dr. Reid said, pleasantly.

  “Thanks, I’m going to need something for sure.” Her head was throbbing.

  Dr. James turned and smiled at her as they walked to the door. “I read all your books and I love them. You certainly have a way with words.”

  Joy filled Rozene’s heart. “Thank you. To God be the glory.”

  “You’re welcome,” Dr. James lifted her hand to display her wedding band, while smiling at Rozene. “I’m looking forward to, Letters to Wives.”

  Rozene tried not to wince from the trepidation engulfing her heart. If only she had the courage to finish the book. “Great,” she said, with a tight smile.

  Dr. James nodded. “There’s a gentleman from your ministry in our waiting area. He’s been anxiously waiting. I told him he couldn’t see you for too long. You need to rest.”

  “You are right on that,” Rozene responded, a small smile playing on her lips. She could always count on Don. “Please send him in.”

  “Will do,” Dr. James said. “Your-”

  “Did anyone call my husband?” Rozene asked simultaneously. She didn’t want any suspicion that her marriage was not intact.

  Dr. James grinned at her. “You took the words out of my mouth. He’s on his way.”

  “Thank you,” Rozene responded with the bravest smile she could muster.

  “Not a problem. Talk with you soon,” Dr. James said, before leaving.

  In less than a minute, her room door flew open.

  “Don, I am -” Rozene paused staring wide-eyed at Chandler for a couple of seconds. “What are -?” She stopped as he quickly pulled a chair close to her bed and grasped her hand.

  “I thought you were d-dead,” Chandler stammered, tears brimming. “A part of me died. I begged God not to take you from me.”

  Rozene’s heart hammered. She needed to get rid of him. “I’m okay now. But I need to rest.”

  “I love you so much.” His lean fingers lifted her hand to his lips. “Please don’t scare me like that again.”

  His lips grazed the back of her hand. “I won’t,” she said, while rebuking all the emotions that were rising within her. “Chandler, you cannot be here. Larry is on the way. Please, I’m in enough trouble as it is.”

  “I won’t leave until you promise you’ll see me when you’re out.”

  “I will. Now go,” she begged.

  “Just for you,” he said. In the next breath, he lifted himself out the chair and planted a kiss on her lips.

  “Chandler don’t,” she said impatiently, pushing his shoulders with her hands.

  A devilish grin spread across his face as his lips hovered above hers. “Kiss me then and I’ll be on my way.”

  “My head hurts.”

  “Excuses. Excuses,” he drawled against her lips. “I’m hearing voices outside. Kiss me.”

  Annoyed, she gave him a peck on his lips. That was all the encouragement he needed. He kissed her back with urgency … savoring her.

  Not good! Not good! Was all that reverberated in her head.

  A soft moan of desire gurgled in his throat and suddenly he pulled away. Standing erect by her bedside, his eyes warned her to adjust her gaze.

  The door opened, and a female nurse entered and did a double take on Chandler; digesting him in a hot minute before it fully registered that he was not lunch. A smile slipped out as she dragged her eyes towards Rozene, who offered her a slight smile, before focusing on what Chandler was saying.

  “… your schedule,” Chandler said, looking inordinately please with himself. “Don will take care of it for the rest of the week. I believe he’s on his way here. Is -”

  “Good morning,” the nurse cooed, fake ‘professionalism’ cloaking her face.

  “Good morning,” they both responded, and Chandler stepped away as she moseyed her petite, waif-like frame towards the bed.

  “I am Nurse Anderson. This won’t take long.”

  “No problem. He was just about to leave.” Rozene couldn’t help but jump at the opportunity.

  “Okay.” A sly grin appeared on Nurse Anderson’s face as she helped herself to another filling of Chandler.

  Chandler stepped back, jerking his gaze away from hers as if he’d been stung by her shameless flirtation.

  Nurse Anderson swung her gaze back to Rozene. “How are you feeling?”

  “I have seen better days.”

  “Well, we are going to make sure you are up and running as soon as possible. Let me take your temperature.”

  Rozene opened her mouth and the nurse placed the thermometer in her mouth. A few minutes later, she removed the thermometer and looked at it.

  “Your temperature is good.” She offered Rozene a small plastic cup with a white pill. “This is a pain killer. It could make you drowsy.”

  Rozene nodded. She took the pill from the container and placed it in her mouth, then drank water from another cup that the nurse gave her.

  “Thank you,” Rozene said, handing the cup back to the nurse.

  “You’re very welcome. My pleasure to help,” she said with exaggerated kindness. Glancing at Chandler, she gave him her sweetest smile. “Don’t mean to rush you but Mrs. Kanate needs rest.” Her expression indicating, but I’m available.

  Chandler was having none of it. He nodded at her before turning towards Rozene, concern coloring his eyes. “Take care of yourself. Everything is under control. We’ll talk soon.”

  Rozene gave him a slight smile. “I will. Thanks, Chandler.”

  With that, Chandler walked towards the door and opened it. All this time, the nurse took up position to flutter her eyelashes at him. However, when he turned, he had eyes only for Rozene. He lifted a hand to her before closing the door behind him.

  The nurse let out a shaky breath, clearly contemplating whether to ask about Chandler.

  Instinctively, Rozene’s eyebrows arched. “Thank you, Nurse Anderson,” she said quickly, and then closed her eyes. She heard the gentle click of the lock as the nurse exited the room.

  Rozene let out a sigh of relief, then her heart felt troubled. Chandler was persistent … and slick. And what was that kiss about? She scolded herself. She wouldn’t even admit she’d enjoyed it. Instead, she jotted it down in the back of her mind as simply a chemical reaction.

  Her mind flashed to her conversation with Chandler before the accident. How would Don know, if he hadn’t mentioned it?

  It was the second time she’d found herself playing the blame game with Chandler. The first time was when she told him he’d given her Chlamydia. She’d called him from the parking lot at her doctor’s office.

  “I don’t have ‘The Clam’!” he all but yelled. “And, I hope to God you didn’t give it to me.”

  “I never started itching and feeling abdominal pain until after I slept with you a few weeks ago.”

  “Again, Ro, I don’t have Chlamydia. You must have caught it from someone else … your husband perhaps.”

  She blew out a harsh breath, disgusted by what he was implying. “Are you crazy? I’m not even …”

  “Not sleeping with him, huh?”

  Rozene flinched. She couldn’t even believe she’d almost said that aloud. Larry was not only a great father and husband, but he was a wonderful lover. She hadn’t been sleeping with him because of guilt … and worse now, she didn’t want to give him Chlamydia. Well, hopefully she didn’t, because Larry had skillfully coerced her into a brief lovemaking session about a week ago. She’d given in because it was his birthday. Anyway, she fully intended to resume her wifely duties as soon as the treatment ended.

  “I understand,” Chandler drawled, “
after being with me that would be hard.”

  “Don’t talk about my husband. You don’t know him. He would never do something like that.”

  “Right,” he chuckled.

  Still Rozene didn’t believe him; she had no reason to. She needed to take care of this venereal disease and get on with her life, without Chandler.

  “I’m going to get a checkup and I hope you haven’t given me Chlamydia.”

  Annoyed, Rozene clicked off without saying goodbye.

  However, two days later, Chandler called her. “You gave me Chlamydia,” he all but yelled.

  “I didn’t give you Chlamydia, Chandler. I do not sleep around, but clearly you do.”

  “You gave it to me,” he told her angrily. “I almost died of embarrassment getting the medication to cure it.”

  But Rozene didn’t care how he felt, even though she could identify with his feelings about collecting the medication. Thankfully, the January weather was still nippy so she went all out to disguise herself - a black hat, sunglasses, and an extra-long, black wool scarf wrapped around her neck - when she’d picked up her prescription one night at the drive-through window at the pharmacy; as if that would stop the pharmacist from recognizing her name.

  “I never figured you as the sleep around kind of woman, Ro,” she heard Chandler say.

  She decided to ignore his statement. “I’m sure you were embarrassed,” she said testily. “So was I. But you are not the one telling women to honor their husbands. I have repented before God and I won’t be seeing you or taking your calls anymore.”

  “Why wouldn’t you want to see me again? We are perfect together.”

  Rozene heaved a longsuffering sigh. For sure, she had to get away from him. “Chandler, you know that I am married, right?”


  Trying not to exhale loudly, Rozene attempted to appeal to his reasoning. “I’m sorry for putting you in this position. Please, I have too much at stake, and I can’t do this … this thing between us. It’s not right for God’s sake. I’m married. That ought to mean something to you.”

  “What about your needs, Ro?” he asked softly.


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