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Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire (Encounters of the Heart Book 2)

Page 23

by Ann Marie Bryan

  “Every marriage relationship is continuously moving,’ Larry added. “The couple is moving closer or drifting apart. I hate to say, the natural inclination is for the couple to drift apart, especially if reality doesn’t match the vision they have in their heads. So, the individuals in the marriage need to pay attention to each other. As we stated earlier, to have a successful marriage, God must be in the center of that marriage. I want to echo what Rozene said, it’s important to enjoy your spouse as both friend and partner. And, you do want the very best for your friend.”

  “Would you agree then, that a part of loving is giving sacrificially to the other person?” Don asked.

  “Certainly,” Larry said emphatically. “Each person will have to give sacrificially for the good of the marriage. Love is a beautiful, powerful emotion. Yes, it is great to be in love. ‘You're holding heaven in your arms,’ according to Celine Dion's song. It is that good.” Larry laughed. “Can I get a witness?”

  “Amen,” Rozene grinned, lifting a hand, while chuckling, “yes, it is, hon.”

  Smiling, Larry continued, “Yet, loving someone requires dying to self in a way that so few realize. Love is not just about the passion that I feel for my wife. Love is based on a continuous concern for her.”

  Larry chuckled knowingly, before adding, “Sometimes in the midst of a conflict, I secretly remind myself of the definition of love – ‘Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails ...’” He glanced at Rozene who smiled tenderly at him.

  “We have come a long way, hon,” Rozene said. “It has not been easy but we are definitely more considerate of each other. Also, because of our love for the Lord, it strengthens our marriage.”

  “We have learned through the years to help each other,” Larry jumped in. “For instance, if I am getting too ugly in our heated conversation, Roz will remind me of Proverbs 15:1, ‘A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.’”

  “Yes. Yes,” Don agreed. “Nothing like the Word of God to bring things back into perspective.”

  “At the end of the day,” Larry added, “we both thrive for a harmonious relationship. We are at our best when we are at peace with each other; and we are leaning on Jesus.” Smiling, he reached across the arm of his chair and held Rozene’s hand. “You know what I realize, even more so these days – I love my wife with all of my heart. I loved her from the first time I laid eyes on her, and I wanted to make her happy, even if it meant sacrificing some things.”

  Rozene smiled gratefully at him. “I love you too, hon,” she told him softly, as he stared into her eyes that were filled with love for him.

  A quiet calm filled the studio and for a moment, no one moved.

  “That was simply a beautiful moment folks,” Don pressed on. “And there you have it - Love works best when we love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring and preferring each other.” He smiled at Larry and Rozene. “We wish you many more years of togetherness.”

  “Thank you,” Larry told him, as he released Rozene’s hand.

  “We have a few minutes before we take another break,” Don said. “I have a burning question from a Twitter follower - Can a couple learn to love again?”

  Simultaneously, Larry and Rozene looked at each other and smiled … a smile of thanksgiving, before letting out a resounding. “Yes.”

  Suddenly, Larry’s eyes welled up with tears. “Yes, you can learn to love again. And I dare say, it’s even better the second time round.”

  Rozene gazed at the man who still had the power to make her heart beat rapidly. “Definitely better the second time round.”

  “Thank you, Larry and Rozene.” Don smiled at them. “We’ll be back shortly to hear more about learning to love again.”

  As soon as the cameras were turned off and the crew started moving about, Larry smiled at Rozene, his dimples pronounced. “I love you,” he whispered. “I want to share how God extended his grace and mercy towards us.”

  Excitement clothed Rozene. A man with a powerful testimony. No resistance here. “Sure, hon, I trust you.” A proud look shrouded her face. “I love you too.”

  When the interview resumed, she intended to listen … listen to her husband’s beautiful renewed spirit.


  “Thought we were leaving the cold weather behind,” Mason remarked as his Dad pulled away from Orlando International Airport to head home.

  “You thought wrong,” Rozene said, smiling in the passenger seat across from Larry.

  “And that wouldn’t be the first,” Madison quipped.

  “You still mad at me, baby sis.”

  “Why would you think that?” Madison asked. “Guilt?”

  “We’re experiencing a cold front outside, and inside this vehicle,” Mason announced, throwing a glance in Madison’s direction.

  She ignored him, fixing her gaze through the window.

  Larry glanced at the twins through the rearview mirror before turning his attention back to the road. Can’t live with each other and cannot live without each other. He smiled inwardly, before mentioning, “We haven’t had a December like this in a long time,”

  “But this weather is still much better than the one in Massachusetts – Cold, crisp, and white,” Rozene said. “And windy.”

  “Yes, it’s like that,” Madison agreed, “but strangely, I like it.” She glanced at Mason who was waving an ‘olive branch’ at her. Ignoring him, she focused her gaze on her parents. “I’m eternally grateful, Mom and Dad, that you attended my Christmas Production. Mom, you had my dancers star struck.”

  Rozene smiled. “Really. Even after I -”

  “Yes, mom, even after you tried to put them at ease. It was hard to get over your presence. Your session with them was great though.”

  “Mom, you know what else has been great,” Mason piped in. “Your TV programs. Wow! You sure made an impressive comeback. I even found myself watching re-runs. Can’t wait to see what else will be showing.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Madison agreed. “They have been inspirational on a new level. Mason and I have been discussing them. The one on forgiveness simply moved me to tears.”

  “Praise God. Glad you like them. God is good.”

  “Yes, He is. It’s great to see you and Dad back in sync too,” Madison added. “It’s just wonderful all around. Thank God.”

  “Thank God,” Rozene agreed while Larry nodded, adding, “Glad to have you both home for Christmas.”

  In unison, the twins responded, “Great to be home,” and a comfortable silence settled in the SUV.

  But not for long.

  “Are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?” Mason asked mischievously. “Forgive me, I meant Tyler. What do you call him? Mr. Chocolate? No. Hot Chocolate.” He chuckled loudly. “What do you think, Mom and Dad?”

  “Really, Mason? Really?” Madison lashed out.

  Mason eyed her. “Why are you so uptight? I’m trying to get their take on the situation. I know it’s important to you.” He was quiet for a moment. “I joke about it sometimes, Madison, but I want the best for you. I already told you I approve of the guy.”

  He tickled her side.

  “Stop!” she yelled.

  “You know I mean you well, right?” He poked her in the side when she didn’t respond. “Right?” he asked, setting to poke her again.

  “Okay. Okay, I know you do. I’m supersensitive because I don’t know what direction it will take.”

  “I understand,” he told her quietly. “But remember, I mean you well, okay,” he said, offering her a fist bump.

  “Okay.” She bumped her fist to his.

  He smiled at her. “I think Tyler is a bit overwhelmed with the family legacy. It was even
more obvious to me when he met Dad and Mom. I think he likes you a lot. Give him time,” Mason suggested.

  Madison smiled at him. “Thanks, big bro.”

  “That’s why I’m here.” Mason returned her smile, knowing she would get back at him.

  Rozene and Larry glanced at each other with raised eyebrows because Rozene had indicated as much to Larry. In the meantime, they would continue to commit the matter to the Lord.


  Christmas passed in a haze of bliss for the entire family. Armela had helped Rozene to prepare Christmas dinner, of which, all the in-laws, siblings, and their children came to partake.

  Almost a week later, Larry stood on the balcony outside their bedroom, soaking up the cool evening breeze. He deliberated whether or not to go back into the bedroom and help Rozene, who was getting dressed for the Church’s New Year’s Eve banquet. She hadn’t been feeling well since she woke that morning, so he hadn’t planned on attending. He’d even communicated that to Pastor Fotola. He didn’t mind one bit though, because attending the event was not something he wanted to do anyway. However, by the afternoon, Rozene had recovered and was determined to be present.

  A frustrated sigh slipped free. His conscience was killing him since he still hadn’t confessed his infidelity to Rozene. He’d come close to telling her the truth a few times but his heart palpitations strongly warned him against it. The truth would change everything and he couldn’t risk that. He was sure she could see the guilt in his eyes. He’d even caught her watching him curiously a few times. Then, it could be his imagination, but Pastor Fotola kept casting accusatory glances his way. Now, he wished he hadn’t mentioned his little secret to him.

  But someone was also haunting his thoughts - Gabrielle. Would she ever see Jesus in me?

  His interaction with Gabrielle had been nonexistent until two weeks ago, when he saw her in Talpher Supermarket. He was having a conversation with Don and Marianne, when he happened to glance down the aisle. He knew he’d done a double take, because he had to ask Marianne to repeat what she was saying.

  Gabrielle was engrossed, peering at something she’d taken from the shelf, and he wanted to go to her before she saw him. He couldn’t wait to excuse himself from the conversation, which was getting on his last nerve anyway. Marianne was quietly hinting that she was glad he had forgiven Rozene, that ‘forgiveness was a part of the Christian duty.’ He wanted to shout, Yes! Yes! Yes! For the love of God, I know; that’s why I forgave her. But for the sake of the cross, and Marianne and Don’s friendship, he’d kept his cool, nodding politely.

  In the midst of that, he sent a signal of sorts to Gabrielle, and she picked up on it. He could feel the air between them crackling with intensity as Gabrielle suited up in full battle gear. Mental combat was inevitable, and Gabrielle saw the intention in his eyes before they shifted back to Don and Marianne.

  He glanced at Gabrielle again and saw her chin come up. She stared him straight in the eyes before recoiling and mouthing a passionate, “No”. When she wheeled her cart and headed in the opposite direction, he knew he had to hurry or he would lose her.

  As soon as he got away from his conversation, Larry hurried across the aisle in the direction where he’d seen her go, and boy was she in a hurry. He yelled her name, and made a dash down the aisle, but she seemingly disappeared. He even stood at one of the exit doors and scanned the parking lock, but she was nowhere in sight.

  That night before he went to bed, he had said a special prayer for her, hoping that their encounter hadn’t shaken her too much and that she was finding help dealing with what had transpired between them.

  Later that week, he had taken it upon himself to call her, and that conversation did not go well either. He was grateful she had answered his private number, and answered the phone cheerfully.

  “Gabrielle, please don’t hang up.” He had to beg, because he was desperate to speak with her.

  “What do you want?” she asked, firmly.

  He pushed past the annoyance in her voice. “I’m so sorry for what I di-did to you.” His voice broke, but that was not a surprise to him. What he had done to her was wrong, and while he knew he couldn’t undo the past, he wanted to make sure she knew how sorry he was. “I just wondered if we could meet and talk.”

  He knew she was fuming … no, she went ballistic. “Larry, you already told me you’re sorry. There won’t be any meeting.”

  “I really feel bad about my actions, Gabrielle. I have never done anything like that in my entire life. My Pastor thinks it’s a good idea to meet with you, preferably face to face.”

  “Larry, I told you there will be no meeting. Stop calling my phone or I will report you to the police.” With that she disconnected the call.

  The phone fell from his hand with a thud on the desk. He pushed the chair away from the desk, feeling scalded by the intensity of Gabrielle’s animosity towards him. He shed a few tears that Saturday morning in the study.

  The cool evening breeze brought Larry out of his musing, and he took the time to breathe. Grateful to still have his family intact. Inwardly, he smiled, and kept smiling. Now that’s something to smile about.

  He heard movement behind him and turned only to have his breath halted. “Babes, you look gorgeously edible.” Jaw-droppingly stunning! He strolled purposefully towards her.

  She grinned at him as he admired her eye-catching black evening gown. His eyes lowered to the bodice of her dress.

  “Am I showing cleavage? Tried to tuck everything in.”

  He smiled at her. “No. You’re good, but they are looking fuller.” He held up his hand as she began to protest. “You know I like them, no matter the size.” He hugged her, nuzzling his nose against hers before gently pecking her lips.

  A soft sigh escaped her lips, and she angled her head for more. His soft kisses were pointblank delicious and addictive. Her entire body tingled with anticipation, and she grabbed his shoulders.

  Panting, Larry lifted his lips from hers. “Do we have time?” He nipped her lips to encourage her.

  A low moan escaped her. “I wish,” she said, still holding his shoulders. “Rain check, please.”

  His mouth thinned in mock displeasure as he released her, slowly. “You’re no fun.”

  “We’ll see about that later.”

  “Uh-oh. Can’t wait.”

  “Did I say that out loud?” she asked, batting her eyes before moving back to the bedroom.

  He followed her. “You sure did.”

  “Then I will make good on it.” She walked over to the dresser mirror, and then turned from side-to-side in front of it.

  “I’m holding you to it.” He stood behind her, watching closely as she leaned forward, and reapplied her lipstick.

  “It’s a done deal. And you make it easy. You’re looking mighty fine yourself.”

  He placed his hands on the dresser, trapping her between them. “Thanks, babes.” He dropped soft kisses on her shoulder, whispering an apology for causing her to have to re-apply her lipstick.

  “Oh, my,” she murmured at the first contact with his heated lips.

  “You are good for me. Can you tell?” he asked, nipping her neck between lingering kisses.

  She squirmed, pressing closer to him as his voice tickled her ears, for she knew exactly where he was going. “You know I want to, but we better stop before we miss the banquet.” She watched him in the mirror and he made a face at her, refusing to budge, and instead pressed her against the dresser.

  Grinning, she playfully whacked him on his hand. “Naughty man. Play nice. Save all that for later.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Stepping to the side, he adjusted the jacket of his black tuxedo in the mirror, flexed his muscles a few times, before smiling at himself. “Ready when you are, madam.”

  She burst out laughing. “You’re the man.”

  “Yes, I am.” He offered his arm, which she graciously took. Tonight, he was attentive and passionate, and she was perfectly content with th


  Almost two hours later, after eating, they were roaming around the banquet hall, meeting and greeting. As Rozene spoke to a few of the ladies, she glanced around the hall for Larry and saw him in an animated discussion with Deacon Watson. She smiled at him and he returned her smile, signaling as usual, by touching the back of his neck, that he would be ready in a moment.

  Just then, Pastor Fotola approached Larry and she was sure she saw anxiety in Larry’s gaze. Strangely, she felt the need to rescue him. She politely excused herself from among the ladies and motioned to him.

  He arrived by her side and hugged her waist happily. “Ready?”

  “Nope. Try again?”

  He looked at her puzzled. “What?”

  “Felt the need to rescue you.”

  “Me? Why? From who?”

  “Pastor Fotola.”

  “Pastor Fotola?” A strange glint appeared in his eyes before he quickly masked it with a chuckle. “You’re ready to leave, huh?” He poked her side. “You made me a promise. Don’t think I forgot. I’d like to get started.”

  She let his avoidance slide. “I hate to say, but me too.”

  Larry swallowed hard. “Play nice.”

  She grinned at him. “I’ll try. Give me a moment; need to use the restroom.”

  “Don’t be long. I’m holding my breath.”

  “You may not want to do that,” she chuckled, sliding out of his arms. Later, she would ask Larry what was happening between him and Pastor Fotola. She knew that Pastor Fotola had counseled him through the period of their separation and understandably so, he and Larry had a great relationship. But now something was not right between them.


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