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Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire (Encounters of the Heart Book 2)

Page 27

by Ann Marie Bryan

  “Look at me,” she told him softly.

  And he did. But the insecurity in his eyes almost did her in. While uncertainty filled her heart, Godly determination pushed her forward. She exhaled, and touched his hand.

  “I forgive you,” she told him, hoping that whatever was ahead of them would be far better than their current situation.

  “Tha-Thank you.” Tears flowed from his eyes, and this time, he cradled her in his arms, gratitude flowing from his heart. “Thank -” His voice broke and tears ran down his face on to her cheeks. He shifted and dotted her forehead with kisses. “I love you,” he whispered fiercely. “Thank you.”

  Sliding off the bed on to his knees, he dropped kisses on her belly. “I love you both.”

  Heat oozed from her belly, and spread like wildfire through her veins. She purred.

  Larry gazed up at her, his hands on either side of her. “I want you to know that I love you. No. I need you to know that I love you. I choose you. It has always been you.”

  She nodded, not looking at him.

  “Babes, please. Please look at me.”

  She looked at him, and then looked away, petrified by the love and tenderness in his eyes.

  He waited, knowing she needed time.

  A few seconds later, she shifted her head to look at him. God, what am I to do with this man who won’t let me go? Her gaze soft, she touched his cheek with her hand. “I’m embarrassed. I’m sorry I slapped you. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  He pushed away from her. “I deserved it,” he lamented, sitting back with his knees up.

  “No matter. It’s against everything I believe in. It won’t happen again.”

  He nodded, and then his eyebrows climbed his forehead. “You almost slapped the Holy Spirit out of me.”

  “Beat you up pretty bad, huh?” She gave him a wry smile, and his chest bubbled with hope.

  “Pretty bad,” he joked, even though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I don’t know if I’ll ever recover, especially my pride.”

  She watched the brokenness in his eyes, for he’d realized she had not committed to giving their marriage a second chance.

  Silence stretched between them as she stared blankly at him, not making a sound.

  Larry’s nerves almost reached snapping point.

  But he didn’t have to wait long, for she seemed to have found whatever she was seeking. In the next second, she leaped from the bed.

  He reeled back, almost losing his balance when she landed on his chest, her arms tangling around his neck. Murmurs of “Thank you” erupted from his lips as he caught her and wrapped his arms around her.

  With a contented sigh, she snuggled closer to him. She wanted to pass the test - Can I still model the principles of godliness when my back is against the wall?

  Perhaps for the first time since their soul crushing take down of each other, she was filled with renewed hope, and something ignited in her heart. He was still the man of her dreams, the man to whom she had pledged until death do we part. And he was hers to keep.

  He stroked her hair gently, before reaching down and rubbing his hand lightly over her belly. She gasped and whimpered softly, before sighing in pure bliss, her face wearing an expression of sheer pleasure.

  When he wanted to kiss her lips, she allowed him. And she kissed him back too, encouraging his tempo … zealously. For she remembered, “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.”

  He paused for a moment to smile at her, ignoring her breathless murmurings. He no longer felt fearful, instead he felt never-ending hope. The pain had diminished somewhat in her eyes, and there was a spark of hope there. He had much work to do to regain her love and trust but he was confident that because they were trusting in God, all would be well.

  He hovered even closer, their breaths mingling and every nerve in his body came alive. I could never get tired of this view. The air crackled with expectation as he eased her into a sitting position, got to his feet, and then bent to lift her in his arms.

  She clung to him with bated breath as he placed her on the soft, rumpled sheets.

  He fell in bed beside her, only to hear her muttering, “Trying to be patient here.” Smiling, he leaned back against the pillows and opened his arms to grant her access to all parts of him.

  She grinned down at him. “I love you, my husband.”

  Tears filled his eyes and his breathing was labored. “I love you too, my wife.” His heart warmed as he looked into her eyes. Thank you, Lord, for my bold, brilliant, beautiful, and blessed wife. He was grateful for they were on the edge of tomorrow and it was good.

  He reversed their positions, careful not to rest on her belly. Then, he remembered a pressing question that was on his heart. “Are we having a boy or girl?”

  “Talk later,” she replied, anticipation making her breathless. Right now, they had unfinished business. This was no time to discuss having twins, and worse to fight again over not knowing their genders.

  His senses attuned to hers, he ran a finger down her cheek. “You better be glad I love you.”

  “You do?” She lost a breath and giggled.

  “Yes, I do. I love you so much.” His voice was a soft timbre caressing her ears. Pushing away strands of her hair from her cheeks, he smiled tenderly at her. “I have never loved you more.” Then, unable to help himself, he rained gentle kisses all over her face, while delighting in the quick intake of her breath. When he knew she could take no more, he pulled back and gazed at her, a slight smile touching the corners of his lips.

  She laced her arms around his neck, bringing his face closer to hers. Good Lord, I love this view. Far deeper than that, she sensed that Larry loved her. And in that moment, her husband was everything she remembered, and so much more.

  Her finger traced his lips, and it was almost his undoing.

  “Play nice,” he groaned out hoarsely, shuddering, before allowing his lips to dance over hers.

  Her hands seemed to be everywhere on his powerful frame as a rush of heat enveloped her, then another, and another …

  When he lifted his lips from hers, she reached for him causing his heart to pound at full throttle. Without hesitation, he captured her lips once more, kissing her slowly - tasting and teasing - and without restraint. They groaned in sync as delicious jolts of pleasure ricocheted through them.

  They would definitely be making new, precious memories. And, yes, they would be driving each other to the brink, for this was no ordinary love. They had gained a deeper love for each other. A love that was heaven sent and perfected by the Holy Spirit. For their mirrored hearts were now reflecting the heart of God, and forever sealed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.


  01. Which character can you relate to most, and why?

  02. Do you believe in love at first sight?

  03. Why do you think it was so difficult for Larry to

  forgive Rozene?

  04. Discuss the strategies that Larry used to win back

  Rozene’s affection.

  05. Can you identify with how Rozene felt when she

  found out about Larry’s deception?

  06. Why do you think Rozene ended up in an affair

  with Chandler?

  07. Why did Larry’s father want him to be head of the

  family business?

  08. Larry told his mother about his infidelity. Was that

  a good idea?

  09. How is it possible that two people who love each

  other committed adultery?

  10. When we don’t deal with past issues they become

  giants in our lives. Can you see where this occurred

  in Larry’s life?

  11. Do you agree that the grass is
never greener on the

  other side?

  12. Can you recall a time in your life when you needed

  someone’s forgiveness?

  13. What role did Pastor Fotola play in helping to

  Restore Larry and Rozene’s marriage?

  14. Why is it important to guard our hearts?

  (Proverbs 4:23)

  15. How well are you guarding your heart?


  Thank you for taking the time to read Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire, and for your continued support. As always, I am excited to share what God has placed on my heart. He continues to do amazing things on my writing journey, and I am simply happy to do my Father’s will.

  Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire is Book 2 in the Encounters of the Heart series. This series is based on Proverbs 4:23 –“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Book 1 - Shades of the Heart is a novel about the courage to love in the midst of broken promises, and ultimately about the healing power of forgiveness. Although the books are in a series, they are also stand-alone novels.

  I pray that the story of Larry and Rozene touched your heart in a meaningful way, and that you experienced the amazing grace of God as you read. Remember, “Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;” (1 Corinthians 13:4-6)

  Don’t you ever forget, you are Victorious By Design. Happy reading.

  With love,

  Ann Marie


  I would love to hear from you. Tell me how Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire may have spoken to you. As always, I would like to hear your testimony about God’s faithfulness.

  Please connect with me at:








  Stay victorious.

  Ann Marie



  Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along

  A Circle of Love Novel

  Two paths, destined to cross. Friendship, faith and love are intertwined in ways neither could have imagined. Can love conquer all things? Find out in the heartwarming and humorous pages of Unforgettable, My Love Has Come Along.

  Mirrored Heart

  A Short Story

  He is determined to keep his secret close to his heart. She is living under the crushing weight of her own secret. Will their marriage survive when mirrored secrets are exposed? Find out in the page-turner, Mirrored Hearts, a fascinating story about faith and love in the face of crushing secrets.

  Encounters of the Heart Series

  Book 1 - Shades of the Heart

  A Novel

  A riveting story about the courage to love in the midst of broken promises, and ultimately about the healing power of forgiveness, and the journey to rediscovering one’s identity.


  Encounters of the Heart Series

  Book 3

  (The story of Chandler Peynard)


  Ann Marie Bryan is a dedicated, graceful, multi-talented leader with a passion for excellence. She is the CEO and Founder of Victorious By Design, an organization dedicated to providing top quality professional writing services, comprehensive personal and professional development programs and exceptional performing arts services to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations.

  Ann Marie’s greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by tapping into their God given potential. She enjoys dancing, teaching, writing, meeting people and traveling.


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  You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

  Embrace your uniqueness, talents and abilities.

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