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Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2)

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by Amanda Mackey

  “You remember where to go?” he asked.

  “Uh huh. Prescott’s not that big.” Turning a corner, I recognized the burger joint on the corner and knew we were close.

  Beside me, his breathing had accelerated and his body was quaking with nerves.

  “You all right?”

  “Yep. Just can’t get there quick enough. Once I get him, I’m never letting him go.”

  “He’s lucky to have you as a brother.” I meant that. It didn’t matter that Dallas had Down syndrome. Jagger loved his brother more than his own life. The fact that he’d incarcerated himself after the murder of their father proved that.

  “And I’m lucky I have you.” He reached across and placed his hand on top of my head, brushing my hair back in a gentle sweep.

  Slowing down out front of Dallas’ house, I gave Jagger my best, compassionate smile, happy he thought that. He was a good man, that I knew. We’d been through a lot on the inside and I’d seen him at his worst after his cellmate, Cut’s death.

  He was ridiculously handsome with his blue eyes that changed to green depending on the day, what mood he was in, and what he wore. Today they took on more of a green hue, a color I loved on a dark-haired man.

  A freshly shaven jaw accentuated his sumptuous mouth that begged me to kiss it. That’s exactly what I did, needing him to know how I felt in that moment. He didn’t resist, rather he garnered control of my mouth as always, and had me yield to his possession. God, I loved kissing him. His lips were so soft, yet so strong. We both whimpered at the same time but for the second time that day, he pulled away.

  “Jesus, Rose. You’re really going to make me lose control, and as much as I fucking love that idea, now is not the best time, beautiful.”

  Smiling, I gave him another peck and reached for my purse in the back. “I know. I just wanted you to know I couldn’t be happier for you right now.”

  Angling his head sideways to peer out the window, he looked back at me with eyebrows raised. “This the house?”

  “Yep. Let’s go.” I was so excited to see Dallas again and remove him from the clutches of Mrs. Radcliffe. Knowing we had the courts behind us gave me extra pep in my step as I got out and walked up onto the grassy verge, followed closely by Jagger.

  He placed his fingers through mine and we strolled up the path from the mailbox to the front door. I motioned with my head to Jagger. “Go head. You can have the honor.”

  Grinning, he knocked loudly.

  There was no car out front, but the garage door was down, so it was probably inside. Jagger was restlessly moving his legs while staring at the wooden porch floor at his feet.

  Once we had Dallas with us, I had plans of stopping at a department store and getting Jagger some clothes. He literally only had the ones on his back. The house he’d shared with his brother had been repossessed by the bank, and whatever had been inside had been sold off or donated to charities. He would be starting all over again, and I was going to do all I could to help. I wondered where his family home was. I knew Jagger was from Prescott. Perhaps it was nearby.

  Jagger knocked again as we waited patiently, the only sound was a plane high in the sky passing over. Not even the trees stirred.

  “They might be out back?” I knew I was clutching at straws though, because we would hear them talking. At least Dallas.

  The longer we waited, the louder Jagger’s knocks became until a sick feeling crept up from my stomach into my throat. I couldn’t look at his face, but glancing to the left, I noticed the veins bulging in his hands and forearms.

  “Where the fuck are they? They were supposed to be home.”

  “Maybe they’ve just popped out to do some grocery shopping. Let’s just wait a few minutes. I’m sure if they’re out they won’t have gone far.”

  “My patience is already wearing thin. I want my brother.”

  He pushed past me to a large window on the right. With his face up against the glass and his hands on either side of his head to shut out the glare from the sun, he peered inside.

  “Jesus! Rose! Get over here!”

  What on earth? “What are you doing? You shouldn’t be looking in someone’s window.”

  Stalking to me, he gripped my arm and pulled me across the porch. “Look. Fucking look!”

  Chapter Three


  Empty! The goddamn place was empty. The rage was building inside again and I wanted to smash my fist through the window.

  “I…it doesn’t make sense! Why would she leave?” My brain was catching up fast, piecing together what was transpiring.

  “Probably because she doesn’t fucking want me to have Dallas. Cocksucker!” Throwing my fist into the timber window surround, I let my fury loose, pounding again and again, not feeling the pain.

  “Jagger, stop!” Rose tried to pull me away, but I wanted blood. Tearing myself off the porch, I hurtled around the side of the house to a gate that would let me in the back. If that bitch woman thought she could steal my brother from me and disappear, she was sorely mistaken. She didn’t know who she was dealing with.

  Opening the latch, I shoved the gate open and entered the grassy yard, weeds too long and lawn in need of a mow. A dilapidated clothes line sagged in a corner, but apart from that, the space was empty.

  My anxiety was becoming its own entity. This couldn’t be happening. Eyeing a ramp leading to the back door, I ran up and looked through the small dirty, glass pane. A laundry with a tub, washing machine, and dryer filled up the small space with no other items on any shelves. Further through to a hallway, it was hard to tell if the entire place had been cleaned out, but my nauseous instinct told me there was nothing left.

  Dallas would be oblivious to what was going on. There was a good chance Mrs. Radcliffe hadn’t even mentioned my release, and if she had, he probably wouldn’t comprehend what it meant. Shit.

  Kicking the door hard, I made my way back around the front to Rose, who sat on the porch with her head in her hands. She looked up when she heard my boots on the wooden floor.

  “Call the police,” I barked. “They’ve gone.”

  I could tell Rose was horrified. “Jagger. I’m so sorry.” Standing, she walked toward me but I wasn’t in the mood to be coddled.

  Moving out of her grasp, I seethed. “They could be across two states by now! How are we going to find them?”

  She was dialing 911 with one hand while stopping short of me, her other hand at her side.

  I barely heard her talk into the phone, explaining the situation as I began pacing. My mind was figuring out how to get my brother back. My earlier excitement had faded real quick. It was supposed to be a happy day. Not only getting out of prison, but picking up Dallas. It had all been arranged. Mrs. Radcliffe had just sealed her own fate by running. I was certain if you were in the foster care system, you had to let the authorities know if you were moving house or state. There was no way they would have given her clearance. Legally, he was mine now.

  Rose put her cell in her pocket and moved over to me. “Police said they’ll be here shortly.”

  “I’m going to fucking kill her when I find that damn woman!” I leaned up against the front door, head back, and eyes closed, attempting to settle.

  A soft hand touched my face, causing me to open my eyes. Rose was inches away, sympathy blanketing her features. “We’ll find him, okay? We’re in this together.”

  She didn’t know what she was saying. To take on my screwed up life. She’d be better off without me. “You don’t have to get involved, Rose. You’ve got work. You’ve got a life. I don’t want you putting it on hold for me.”

  Stepping in closer so our torsos were lined up, she lifted her arms and put them around my neck, drilling me with her stunning eyes. “I’m in this whether you like it or not. You can’t get rid of me. I’m not just doing it for you. I’m doing it for Dallas. I’ll have you know that when I start something, I see it through to the end, and this is no different.”

  I grip
ped Rose’s waist and pressed her in tightly, laying her head against my chest. With Dallas gone, she was all I had. Somehow I’d won the lottery with Miss McAllister. Kissing her head, I held on for dear life, drawing whatever strength she was offering. I was going to need it all and more, because inside I felt like I was dying.

  She reminded me a lot of my mother. Her loyalty and compassion. Holding her in my arms allowed me a moment of reprieve from all the drama. Drowning in her floral scent took my mind back to happier times when all I had to worry about was making my mother smile one more time so I could bask in the way it lit up my insides. Her patience with Dallas had been astounding, even in times of great challenge. I’d adored her and looked up to her and was shattered when she’d died. A large piece of me had gone with her. A void I’d never been able to fill. Until Rose.

  A police car rolled up and parked in the driveway. Two male cops got out and approached. Rose and I pulled apart and moved forward to greet them.

  “Rosalind McAllister?” the tall, blond younger of the two asked.


  Smiling at her and then turning to me, he queried, “Jagger Reed?”

  “That’s me.” I kept my hands by my side, hoping it would ground me.

  The older, greying officer nodded to the younger one and then proceeded to walk around the side of the house.

  “I’m Officer Kent. I’ll be taking your statement,” he said, pen and pad in hand, ready for business. “Did you just get here?”

  “Not too long ago. We’ve driven from Buckeye. We came to pick my brother up. He’s been in foster care for the last eighteen months. We had authority to come get him either this morning or tomorrow. I’m his brother, and he’s been assigned to live with me permanently now,” I offered in the calmest voice I could muster.

  Officer Kent proceeded to scribble notes. “Were you in contact with the occupants of the house?”

  “No. I…uh, I was released from prison this morning.”

  The cop looked up from his writing and studied me for a moment. Rose cut in to offer an explanation.

  “He was given a full pardon. Wrongfully accused. We drove straight here. The last time either of us spoke to Mrs. Lena Radcliffe was weeks ago. The same with Dallas Reed, Jagger’s brother.”

  Looking back to his notes with a nod, he continued to write.

  The older officer appeared from the side of the house and strode over. “Place looks vacant. Nothing inside to say they left in a hurry. I’m going to ask the neighbors on either side if they know when the residents moved out.”

  I hadn’t thought of that. If a truck had picked up any furniture, surely neighbors would recall something.

  Rose was cool and composed, which was more than I was. My insides were a firestorm, churning and building with each passing second. She took everything in stride. Perhaps that came with her job. Working at Arizona State would harden anyone. Shit, it had hardened me but just not where my brother was concerned. It must be twice as bad for a woman. She had balls, I’d give her that. Seeing firsthand how she’d handled the prisoners, I had nothing but respect for her.

  “And the person you were here to collect is named Dallas Reed?”




  The officer stopped writing and eyed Rose and then me. “He’s twenty? What’s he still doing in foster care?”

  Not wanting Rose to answer, I spoke up. “He’s got Down syndrome. He can’t take care of himself.”

  He seemed appeased, so I breathed out in relief. “What’s next?”

  All this handing out information was enabling that woman to take my brother further away. I knew it had to be done, but while we were standing around, they were probably flying down a highway across the country.

  “We’ll put an APB out. Drive around the neighborhood door-knocking. Asking in shops, etcetera. The first twenty-four to forty-eight hours are critical. I’m hopeful no harm will come to him if the woman merely wants to keep him for herself, but considering you were given full guardianship as of today, we’ll treat it as an abduction case. Do you have a photo of Dallas on you?”

  Freaking abduction! Why the hell would anyone want to abduct a twenty-year-old Down syndrome man who needed help feeding himself? I would have thought she’d be only too happy to hand him back. Fishing out the only image I had of Dallas, I handed it over and the officer took a photo of it using his cell before he passed it back.

  “I’ll need both your contact details, and as soon as we know anything, we’ll call you.” Same drill they had to tell everyone. It wasn’t doing a damn thing to calm me down. I was ready to detonate. Giving him our cell numbers and Rose’s address, there was nothing more we could do.

  The gray haired cop ambled over. “Left yesterday. A truck came sometime in the afternoon, stayed for about an hour, and pulled out. Nobody could tell me anything more than that. We got a description of Mrs. Radcliffe’s car. Late model Ford Taurus. White in color. We’ll call the local moving companies and see if we can get a destination for the truck.”

  Shit. They had a good head start, wherever they were headed. I sent out a silent plea the officers could locate the truck. Silly move on Mrs. Radcliffe’s behalf. Trucks working for companies could be traced. She obviously hadn’t thought out her plan very well.

  Bidding the officers goodbye, Rose walked with me to her car. “We can do a drive around if you want?”

  “Fuck yeah. Even though I’m not holding out any hope of finding them in Prescott, at least I’m doing something.”

  “That photo of Dallas? It might come in handy.”

  Diving back into the back pocket of my jeans, I dug out the creased and faded photo. It was taken three years ago at Heritage Park Zoo. He had a tiger behind him and was beaming. He loved animals, and to a certain degree they sensed he was different and treated him gently. The day was one of the few etched into my memory as being exceptional because it had just been me and him. We’d left our drunk father at home passed out on the sofa, needing the day of freedom and distance to simply have fun. Watching Dallas’ face light up numerous times during the day had briefly outshone the fact that come dinner time, we’d have to return to find the scumbag either still unconscious, or hungover and barking at us as soon as we walked in the door.

  “Let’s do the rounds of the business district. We can call in to a couple of gas stations too. Perhaps Lena filled her car up before leaving Prescott.”

  “Okay. We’ll have to stick together as I only have the one photo.”

  Parking at one end of the main street, we got out and began our assault. Some store owners recognized Dallas but hadn’t seen him yesterday. They were surprised to learn of Mrs. Radcliffe’s sudden departure. Both Rose and I left our cell numbers in case there were any sightings. It was slim to none, but miracles did happen.

  We checked out the historical area, coming up empty. Walking in jeans and boots in the hot Arizona sun was insane, but I didn’t have a choice. Rose must have noticed my brow and neck dripping, because she stopped me with her hand to my arm.

  “Before we go any further, we’re getting you at least a change of clothes and something to eat. I, for one, am starving, and need my caffeine hit.”

  Apprehensive about wasting time, I faltered, narrowing my eyes and chewing on my lip.

  “Jagger, we’re not going to be long. We need to keep our fluids and strength up, and you need some new clothes anyway.”

  I knew she was right. The police would call if they heard anything, along with the people we had just questioned.

  “Fine, lead the way, Miss McAllister.”

  “I know there is a JC Penney and Dillard’s on Gateway Boulevard.”

  Motioning for her to take me there, she smiled her sexy ass weapon of mass destruction and took off with purpose. I paused a moment to study her backside, allowing myself a guilty pleasure while drowning in the pile of shit that was my life. Damn, she was fine. The gentle sway of her hips.
Her long hair sashaying down her back with the movement. I wanted to grip that shiny mane and pull on it while balls deep in her. Maybe sex would help ease my torment.

  Catching up to her, I kept stride as we strolled toward JC Penney. It wasn’t somewhere I normally bought clothes from and I couldn’t help wondering if I was going to walk out looking like a freaking cowboy.

  Ten shirts, five pairs of shorts, two pairs of jeans, running shoes, and some personal items, and we were loaded up with a fair hike back to the car. The sales assistant had let me keep the shorts and cut off shirt on, so I paired them with the running shoes and immediately felt cooler.

  “I think I’m ready for that food now,” I huffed as we hauled our stash back.

  “How about I wait here and you go get the car? Rose asked, batting her flirty lashes at me.

  “Nah uh. This was your idea. You’re not getting out of it that easily,” I offered, changing the bags to even out the weight a bit more.

  Rose had two of the six bags and I’d given her the lightest, being the gentleman I am.

  She’d paid for it using her credit card, but I was going to reimburse her with interest once I started work. It wasn’t fair that she had to spend her money on my shit. It didn’t sit well with me. I’d been the main provider for years, so relying on someone else to buy everything was extremely uncomfortable. I was keeping a tally.

  My bank account was pitiful. Most of the money I’d earned before going to prison had been spent on my father’s drunk ass bills and taking care of Dallas. I needed to get working as soon as possible.

  Passing a café, Rose slowed, checking out the inside before she stopped altogether. “There’s no one in here. Let’s grab a table.”

  She didn’t wait for me to agree or argue, but pushed through the open entrance toward the counter and the menu board.

  Needing a decent feed, I conceded. It would be my first real meal since leaving prison.


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