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Perfect Match

Page 17

by Monica Miller

  “What?” I yelled and some of the people in the department looked at me with curiosity. “Sorry,” I muttered and looked at Katerine. “Who in the world would cheat on Matt?”

  “Not you apparently,” Katerine laughed. “You didn’t know about this, Emma?”

  “No… He never told me that… He said his Prom sucked, but seriously, my friend told me was just as great in high school and…”

  “Bitches will be bitches,” Kate shrugged and I nodded. “Anyway, don’t tell him I told you. Maybe he’ll tell you himself or maybe it doesn’t matter that much.”

  “And that’s why he’s always dating blonde girls whose name starts with “S”?”

  “Does he?” Katerine asked. “I have no idea, it could be. But he doesn’t seem too affected by it, you know. He said he had a perfect Prom afterwards. I don’t know when or…”

  “He was my date to Prom,” I whispered.

  “Look… I don’t know. I kind of feel really uncomfortable between you two. When I first saw you I thought you were dating, because he was looking at you with his eyes full of love and…”

  “Shut up, Kate,” I said laughing. “We never dated or anything.”

  “You should,” she shrugged.

  “Are you talking as Matt’s girlfriend?” I asked.

  “Of course. Not now, but… I do like him and we get along well, but it will not going to last, because we’re not the perfect person for each other. I don’t know what I want anymore because I’m totally screwed now. But you seem to be the perfect person for him, Emma.”

  “What happened to you?” I asked avoiding her statement.

  “I dated a guy for three years and… it didn’t go really well at the end. He just… left. Without an explanation and…”

  “So Matt’s just… rebound?” I asked with an annoyed tone.

  “Yes and no. He’s actually one of the greatest guys I have ever met. But I don’t plan on getting emotionally involved, not again. Anyway, I am not breaking up with him or anything so… But if you do end up together you could invite me to your wedding.”

  “I don’t know if this is your usual British humor or if you’re actually serious.”

  “Serious about what?” Matt asked appearing out of nowhere and he placed his hand on my shoulders. “You two don’t seem to be working at all. It’s nice gossiping on people, right? Especially when they’re not there?”

  “Of course it’s more interesting. Why would it be interesting if we were talking about you right now?” she asked and Matt laughed.

  “So you indeed were talking about me, right? I can’t blame you, I’m irresistible.”

  “Sure, Prince Charming,” I said and Katerine laughed and looked at us, and the fact that Matt’s hands was still around my shoulders while his girlfriend was standing in front of us was a bit confusing.


  “So that’s what she told you?” Gabrielle asked after I tell her about my discussion with Katerine. “She’s so nice and it’s obvious she noticed the chemistry between you and Matt.”

  “Oh, c’mon. You never support me!” I complained.

  “I’ve never said that. I’ll always support you and now I understand why he never actually made a move. I was reserved and reticent about getting involved in a relationship, but we’re talking about Shia… But it’s so bad that happened to him. I know what it’s like and it’s bad.”

  “What move? What? I know how it was like for you and I hated everything of it and I had no idea this happened to him and I hate that stupid bitch!”

  “This is so cute,” she said with a smile.


  “Not you, the text from Jensen. He’s a funny guy,” she said placing her iPhone on the table. “What did you said? That you wanna try with him now?”

  “No! He’s dating Kate.”

  “And we both agree she’s great and they look absolutely great together, but we know who’s Matt’s other half.”

  “What’s the matter with you, Gabrielle?” I asked laughing. “You spend too much time around Monica. She always says stuff like this. I don’t even plan on telling her about this, she’ll be all over me to do something and you know I won’t. It would be weird.”

  “What’s weird about it, Emma? The fact that you two are so crazy about each other and find every stupid excuse not to be together? First it was… I don’t know, everything that happened after Prom, and then he arrived in Los Angeles, and you dated Morgan, he dated that stupid blonde bimbo, then… I don’t know! You just find stupid excuses and don’t even try to say anything.”

  “You’re right,” I whispered. “I’m just afraid I’ll get too involved in this, because it’s Matt we’re talking about and…”

  “Yeah, but life is about taking chances, babe,” she said with a smile. “And trust me, that hottie is definitely worth the risk. He’s not my type anymore, because you’d have seriously competition!”

  “So funny,” I said rolling my eyes and Gabrielle laughed.

  But she was kind of right, in fact. Life was about taking chances. But how could I take a chance while he was dating Katerine? And supposedly I liked her. I mean, I actually like and appreciate her. But I actually was starting to think more about it. Maybe Matt and I could be good together.

  Chapter 18

  Not as bad as it seems

  ~ Matt Nicholls ~

  I opened my eyes and noticed Katerine’s arms around me. It was still dark outside, and I guessed it couldn’t be more than 5 AM. I moved carefully trying not to wake Kate and rolled out of bed running a hand through my messy hair.

  For a brief moment when I woke up, I wanted to have Emma next to me. But that was crazy because I liked Katerine for real and well… Emma was a completely different story. I know I was kind of crazy for trying to make her realize we could be good together before Kate arrived and then I let it go. Maybe because I thought of Kate’s arrival was a sign and you have to consider the signs. Maybe that one wasn’t the right moment to declare my attraction towards her. Because was just an attraction. Okay, maybe a little more.

  It could be more because I knew Emma for over four years now and I knew everything about her. So that could add some points to it. But it wasn’t like I loved Emma or something.

  Yeah, sure keep lying to yourself, my subconscious scolded me.

  I’m not lying to myself, I replied back then shook my head because I realized I was having a conversation in my mind. And you just can’t do that, because it’s crazy.

  I walked around the house with nothing to do, and then I took the remote and turned the TV on, and just my luck the volume was pretty high so I tried to turn it off, but I just can’t seem to manage it and it took me more than 10 seconds to do it. I dropped the TV remote on the floor and it broke to pieces.

  “Fuck,” I muttered and sat on the couch.

  Okay, let’s review this. I woke up next to my girlfriend wishing my friend, Emma, was the one next to me. Like an ordinary day.

  It wasn’t like I didn’t like Katerine. Because I did. Ever since I met her I felt she was different somehow and maybe she could be the person who would make me forget about Emma. Because I couldn’t. I’d ruin everything, like I always do. And my friendship with Emma was the best thing I’ve ever had. For real. She kept me on the line and it was so nice to hang out with her and see her laugh. But I don’t love her, like I thought in that dream.

  Yeah, it’s still echoing in my head that one. One does not simply dream about his best friend and forget it that easily.

  “Hey, what happened?” I heard Emma’s voice behind me.

  I turned my head immediately and saw her standing in the door frame with messy hair and she looked so tired. She was wearing only a long, tight t-shirt that made me cringe only thinking that I could…

  Matt, focus!

  “Um… Nothing, I-I…” Why are you stuttering, douche bag? “I couldn’t sleep and…”

rything okay with you?” she asked with a cute smile.

  I nodded before saying another stupid thing. Emma ran her hand through her hair and yawned, but still trying to walk towards the couch and stumbled across something on the floor.

  “Ouch!” she complained and I tried not to laugh. “Not funny. Oh. Kate’s still here?” she asked taking a black high heeled shoe from the floor. “She should be more organized,” Ems complained sitting next to me and yawned again.

  “Why don’t you go to bed?” I whispered tucking a strand from her hair behind her ear.

  Smart move, dumbass, I told myself as I felt my blood rushing through my veins.

  “And let you torture yourself until the sun rises?” she asked, laughing. “Nope, I can stay with you, if you’re okay with it. Or do you wanna be a forever alone? I would completely understand it.”

  “You’re way too sarcastic for 4 and a half in the morning,” I said after I read the hour on the screen of my phone.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered softly then started laughing. “Forever alone,” she added getting closer to me.

  “Yeah, I can’t even be a forever alone here. You’re all wrapped around me, but I can understand it,” I said with a smirk and she punched my shoulder. “C’mon, Ems, you know you want to.”

  “Mhm,” she whispered and moved closer to me. “I definitely want to be up at 4 and a half in the morning because I can’t keep my hands off you.” she said and then laughed.

  “I knew it!” I said and she laughed. “C’mon, you like watching me walk around like the Sex God I am and…”

  “Dude, are you being serious?” she asked and laughed. “I’m so freakin’ tired and I am making such an effort to stay here with you. I can’t keep up.”

  “Okay, we can continue this later.”

  “Or you can continue this with your girlfriend because she is actually in your room.”

  “Or… that.”

  She nodded and an awkward silence lied between us for a couple of minutes. Then Emma suggested watching a movie so we chose The Dark Knight and she took a blanket and put it around her shoulders and then shifted on the couch for about fifteen minutes.

  “What’s up with you?” I asked and she shrugged.

  “You know The Dark Knight bores me.”

  “One does not simply get bored at The Dark Knight, Ems,” I told her and she shrugged and shifted on the couch again. “You’re distracting me.”

  “Oh, shut up. Will you get me a glass of water, please?” she added in a whisper.


  “I said please,” she whispered. “I’m not in the mood to go in the kitchen, plus it’s dark.”

  “So you’re afraid of the dark now?” I asked and laughed.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Will you let me die here? I’m thirsty.”

  “What will you do if I get you your water?”

  “Let’s not go there,” Emma suggested and I laughed. “Please?”

  “Fine,” I said getting up of the couch and she grinned. “Don’t say I never do anything for you.”

  I stayed in the kitchen for a while, looking in the fridge for something to eat, but I wasn’t in the mood for making a sandwich and I just grabbed an apple I knew I’d hate and a bottle of water for Emma. She was still curled on the couch, looking so tired and cute at the same time.

  “There you go,” I said and she smiled gratefully.

  “Thank you, Mr. Nicholls,” Emma said and softly kissed my cheek and my heart skipped a beat as I tried to force a smile. “You’re awesome, did you know that?”

  “I’m not the one who got out of bed and stood with me because I couldn’t get sleep.”

  “True story,” she agreed and moved closer to me placing her head on my shoulder and I smiled to myself as I wrapped my arm around her.


  “Matt. Hey, wake up.”

  I opened my eyes and realized my back hurt like hell. I was lying on the couch and Emma’s arms were wrapped around my waist. And Katerine was in front of us. Crap. I knew this day was awful since I’ve woken up at 4 in the morning.

  She smiled sweetly and gave me a cup of coffee as I got up of the couch, trying not to wake Emma.

  “I’m sorry, we just…”

  “Oh, no problem,” she said reassuringly, shrugging her shoulders.

  I looked at her in disbelief, considering that she was my girlfriend and I just slept on the couch with my best friend. Who was hot as hell in her tight t-shirt.

  “You know, Emma and you would make a great couple.”

  “Are you joking?” I asked as I opened the closet to take a shirt. “Is this some kind of test you girls do?”

  “Nope. I’m just stating the obvious.”

  “Katerine… What kind of girlfriend tells his boyfriend that?”

  “I do. I mean, it’s what I think. And I’m not jealous about it, it’s just like you guys…”

  “Just stop it, okay?” I cut her as I walked towards the bathroom. “Hey, wanna join me?” I asked as I came back in the room.

  “Nope, I’m good,” she replied as my eyes went wide. “I took a shower earlier, Mr. Huge-Ego.”

  “That’s not the only thing I have huge…”

  “Just go, we’ll be late,” Kate said rolling her eyes, but her red lips turned into a genuine smile.

  I entered in the shower and let the water take away all my worries. It was good to feel the sensation of hot water falling down on my body.

  But everything was just weird. And awkward. The fact that I wanted to wake up next to Emma. And then I spend the night with her on the couch, watching The Dark Knight while my girlfriend was in my room. I have serious issues. Then Katerine decided that Emma and I should be together? What kind of girlfriend does that?

  Maybe it is true Emma and I could be a good couple, but that’s not happening. She made herself pretty clear. I understood, and learned to live with it. And now I’m dating Katerine, and she is one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. And I like her very much. It is easy to date her, because she always said what she wanted pretty clear, unlike other girls. Yeah, I’m thinking about my hot roommate.

  It’s not normal, Matt, my subconscious scolded me.

  I know it’s not normal, I argued back.

  It’s also not normal waking up next to the person you totally lust for, because let’s face it, I do, and the fact that we were so close on that couch and I couldn’t have a normal morning and I had to wake up with a boner and her thigh being so close to it make me cringe inside. And I was with Katerine now!

  All because I couldn’t sleep last night. Thanks to Emma, for haunting my dreams and memories. She’s not such a nice person.

  She doesn’t have anything to do with it, you’re the problem.

  Sure, the “it’s not me, it’s you” thing. Nice! You’re so smart.

  You’re being sarcastic with yourself. Don’t you think you really have a problem?

  Shut up.

  “Could you hurry, Nicholls?” I heard Emma’s voice outside the bathroom, and then she laughed something maybe with Katerine. God I really hope Kate won’t stop telling Emma those kinds of things.

  I got out of the shower and dressed as fast as I could, and bumped into Emma right when I went to the kitchen for coffee. She said good morning and went into the shower and I tried not to think about it while I drank the coffee.

  “So Emma is always that late?” Kate asked entering the kitchen all dressed up and ready to go.

  “Um, yeah. I’m used to that though,” I replied laughing. It was normal for me to wait for Emma. I didn’t even bother rushing in the morning.

  “I’m proud of you though. You’re always on time and also look hot,” she said wrapping her arms around me and I smirked.

  “Of course. I’m Matt Nicholls, babe,” I replied and kissed her cheek. “But man, you really look beautiful,” I told Kate and she smiled as she kissed me softly. />
  Despite everything I thought about when I woke up in the middle of the night and spent the rest of it with Emma, I enjoyed every minute with Katerine. She was the kind of person that made you like her immediately and I was irremediably attracted to her. Maybe because she was one of the girls I actually tried to get to know just like I did with Emma.

  “God, have you seen how late it is? Stop acting like teenagers and let’s go!” Emma complained opening the front door.

  “Sure, mom,” Kate said and I laughed as she followed Emma down the stairs.

  All the way Emma and Kate laughed because of something I couldn’t understand, but it was relaxing and also distracting to listen to their whispering. I was happy that for once Emma accepted one of my girlfriends. I had to admit, Kate was better than all my girlfriends so far. It wasn’t like I loved her or anything because I didn’t, but it was something that made me really care about her and like spending time with her. It wasn’t that weird when we spend time at the office and also at home or with my friends… But Emma and Kate went out a lot together. I have no idea where, but Kate always told me she has a lot of fun with Emma. And I’m sure Emma feels likewise, since they seem really close.

  I knew I have to give up thinking I’ll end up dating Emma, because that’s just not how it works. We are perfect as friends, we get along so well and we’d just mess it up. I know most of the time I wish there was more than friendship between us, but I’m a guy and Emma is smocking hot, beautiful, smart, but that doesn’t actually mean I wanna marry her or anything. I’d mess it up first thing.

  With Kate, on the other hand it was different. It was this mutual understanding between us and she made me feel more mature than I really was. It felt like a normal relationship, something I never had. I can’t call my other… relationships, um… relationships. They were just a thing or… Something.

  But no matter how long my relationship with Kate would last, I know I’d enjoyed every moment of it.


  I think it’s been about five months since I started dating Kate and I could say this was the longest relationship I’ve ever had. And the best, so far. It was safe and nice, especially since Kate was never jealous, mean or selfish, like most girls. The more I got to know her the more I liked her. Plus, she had a great friendship with Emma and usually they ignored me when Kate came to my place. Monica didn’t like her though and Ben couldn’t tell me the reason, but he said there was something about me and Emma. I didn’t care at the time. I knew Emma and I were friends and that’s it and she liked Katerine.


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