A Warrior's Promise
Page 23
His hands did the same, pushing hers aside as his body eased against hers, forcing her onto her back. His lips then left hers. Though she protested with a groan, he paid no heed, and, in a moment, she understood why. His lips captured one nipple and began to tease and torment, and she was soon writhing with pleasure. He did the same to the other, but it was when he traveled down her entire body, teasing, tasting, and tormenting that she knew she’d gone mad with the want of him.
She tugged at him. “I need you inside me.”
He laughed softly, then worked kisses down along her body until finally he buried his face between her legs.
He had no sooner tasted her than she came, with such an explosive intensity that she screamed out his name.
While her tingling climax reverberated throughout her body, he slipped over her and into her. She startled for a moment, but as he began to move, his rhythm slow at first, then turning faster and more powerful, he sparked her to life again before the previous sparks could completely fade away.
She grabbed hold of his muscled arms, braced on either side of her, and hung on as he drove in and out with precise control. She didn’t think it possible to feel such exquisite pleasure as she had before or more than she had; but mercy help her, she did. The pleasurably intense sensation grew rapidly inside her until she moaned wildly with the need for release.
“Please, now,” she begged, eager for what awaited her.
He brought his mouth down on hers and kissed her with such a driving demand that she thought she would explode there and then.
“Not yet,” he said after he tore his mouth away from hers.
And though he was already deep inside her, she ached to have him even deeper, and so she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. His thrusts took on a more frantic speed, and Charlotte welcomed it, ached for it, didn’t want it to ever end and yet did. She wanted to share that explosive moment with him, and he didn’t disappoint her.
They both erupted in exquisite pleasure. It rushed through her again and again and again. She kept a firm hold on Bryce and squeezed tight, as if holding firm she could make it last forever, keep him buried deep inside her forever.
Finally, he collapsed against her, and she wrapped her arms around him, though in moments she found his deadweight too much to bear. He realized it and rolled off her, though he slipped his arm around her and lifted her up and over to lie on top of him.
“Do not move,” he said with labored breath. “You are right where I want you.”
She rested her head on his hard chest. “And I am right where I want to be.”
They let their breathing calm and the last sparks of pleasure fade away.
“You’re not upset with me that I woke you?” she asked teasingly.
“Wake me that way as often as you wish.”
“Be careful what you advise, or you may never get any sleep.”
“Worry not; I have the stamina to make love to you as often as you wish,” he said with playful bravado.”
“Again, I warn you to be careful, for I may test your claim.”
“And I shall rise to the occasion and be victorious each and every time.”
She sighed, more than content with the moment.
“Why didn’t you wait in my bedchamber?” he asked.
She raised her head and smiled at the love that shone so brilliantly in his eyes. She’d never grow tired of seeing it, and she hoped it would be there for more years than she ever dared expect.
“I thought I was in your bedchamber,” she said, and grew concerned. “Did your mum purposely separate us?”
“It would seem that way though I don’t know why.”
“Perhaps she does not like me,” she said, though she hoped that was not so. It would make matters so much more difficult than was necessary.
“I don’t believe that to be so. I saw how her admiration for you grew along with the telling of your tale.”
“She can still admire me though not think me suitable for you.”
“It is not her choice.” He yawned. “And I will speak to her about it.”
Charlotte grinned. “I have only met your mum, but I can see how protective she is of her sons and how much she loves you all.”
“A mother’s way, I suppose. You no doubt would be the same.”
Charlotte rested her head back on his chest, the steady rhythm of his heart a soothing cadence. “I will keep my children safe and defend them with my life.” She yawned, her eyes growing heavy with sleep.
“It is good to know our children will be safe,” he said, his words slowing as sleep crept over him.
“We do not know what the future holds for us.”
“No one does, but I do know one thing . . .” He paused, fighting to stay awake long enough to finish. “I have no intention of ever letting you go.”
Charlotte smiled, her eyes closing as well. “I love you too.”
Chapter 30
Charlotte quietly slipped out of bed, into fresh clothes, a blouse too big and a skirt too long, and left the room without waking Bryce, Odin as always by her side. She wanted to return before he woke, hoping they could start the day with not only a kiss but making love. She intended to see if his stamina was as potent as he claimed.
She smiled at the thought and the remembrance of falling asleep on top of him. She didn’t know how they had ended up in each other’s arms, but it didn’t matter. It was where she had wanted to be, and the way he had held her, so snug and tight, told her it had been where he wanted her.
She recalled with delight his way of letting her know how very much he loved her.
I have no intention of ever letting you go.
His words had warmed her heart and tickled her senses. One day, when he was burdened no more with missions for the true king, he would tell her that he loved her. She would be patient and wait; after all, her mission to find her da remained a priority. Their love would only grow stronger from the wait and make them appreciate it all the more.
Right now, however, she had to address something that troubled her. Though Bryce had every intention of seeing to it, it wasn’t for him to tend to.
She entered the great hall and smiled. She had been right to assume that Mara would be up before anyone. She’d make certain all was ready for when her family woke, and it would afford them time alone.
“Good morning,” Charlotte said upon approaching the table where Mara sat focused on the flames in the hearth.
Mara jumped and turned with a start. “I didn’t hear you approach.”
“I tread lightly,” she said, letting an anxious Odin out of the keep before joining Mara at the table.
Mara motioned for her to sit. “A wise thing to do.”
Charlotte wrapped her hands around the tankard of hot cider Mara offered her. “I’m also direct with my thoughts and opinions.”
“Much like me,” Mara said, crossing her arms to rest on the table in front of her.
“Good, then we can be honest with each other. Do you feel me unworthy to be Bryce’s woman?”
Mara took no affront at Charlotte’s blunt question and answered without hesitation. “You are not only a worthy woman; you are courageous where most would be fearful. I admire your tenacity in your search for your da. He is important to you and comes first above all else—” She paused and looked directly at Charlotte. “Bryce needs a woman who will understand that he is a warrior first and foremost, that his mission to support and protect the true king will always take precedence over all else.”
“You mean that my mission to find my da interferes with his mission for the true king,” Charlotte said.
Mara nodded. “Bryce needs to remain focused during these difficult times that grow ever more difficult. He can let nothing stand in his way.”
“You can’t mean that you think my love for him would be a deterrent.”
“I’ve seen strong and courageous people destroyed by love and rulers toppled or never brought to power because love inter
“Bryce and I both are well aware that our missions must come before our love.”
“But does your love for each other understand that, or will it rear its jealous head and interfere?”
“Did you feel this way when Duncan and Reeve found love?”
Mara grinned. “I welcomed their women with open arms though Mercy arrived shackled to Duncan and Tara, having been thought a death bride, gave me a stir. But your arrival” She shook her head. “You have a tenacity that reminds me of a friend who was more a sister to me. And she not only suffered greatly for it, but those around her did as well.”
“What happened to her?”
“Her own tenacity brought about her death.”
“I am sorry to hear that about your friend,” Charlotte said, “and though we may be similar in nature, I am not her. I will not hurt those I love; I will protect them, with my life, if necessary.”
Mara shook her head. “You echo my friend’s words, though in the end, she failed.”
“My da taught me that what strikes one as failure could be victory for another. Perhaps your friend was more victorious than you thought.” Charlotte stood. “I want to get back before Bryce wakes.”
“Think on what I said, for I will not see Bryce suffer again.”
Mara nodded. “My friend who suffered and caused others to suffer—was Bryce’s mother.”
Charlotte was about to sit down and find out more when Carmag called out good morning.
“We will talk more on this,” Charlotte whispered, and turned to greet Bryce’s da with a smile. “I was just going to wake Bryce.”
“Take your time,” Carmag said. “I enjoy some quiet time in the morning with my wife.”
Charlotte nodded and left the pair sitting close together, holding hands, and whispering, though she didn’t think they were exchanging whispers of love.
She hurried up the steps, her mind awash with what Mara had told her, though certain Mara hadn’t told her all. And she intended to find out, partially to assuage her own curiosity but more so for Bryce. Obviously, there were things he didn’t know about his true mother.
Charlotte’s da had kept her mum’s memory alive with the many tales he had repeatedly shared with her. He felt it was a way of keeping her in their hearts. Bryce had been young when he had lost his mum, and if Mara knew something about her, then she should share it with Bryce. This way he could keep a part of her with him.
First, however, she would speak with Mara and see what she knew about Bryce’s mum and why she had failed to share the knowledge.
She hiked up her skirt and hurried along the hall, quietly opening the door when she reached it. She walked over to the bed and smiled. Bryce still slept. His chest was fully exposed, as was one leg; the blanket covered the rest of him. He looked much too appealing.
While she debated about waking him again, she shed her clothes, stood for a moment, and made her decision. Lifting the edge of the blanket, she crawled beneath and gently slipped over him.
His arms came around her, as if expecting her to be there. She bit at her lower lip once again, debating with herself. Should she do what he had done to her and drive him completely mad with passion?
It wasn’t a long debate or a necessary one. She had already made up her mind as soon as the thought had come to her. She wanted her turn, and she intended to take it.
She started at his chest, kissing his hard, warm flesh, and slowly made her way down the length of him. She didn’t notice when his arms had fallen away from her, though it was easy to see she had aroused him.
If she had woken him, she didn’t bother to find out. She was much too intent on her course of action. Besides, she was quite enjoying herself and quite surprised by her own body’s responses. Passion was budding in her, and she was eager to have it burst into bloom.
When her mouth settled over him, he bolted up, sending her tumbling off him and onto the floor.
“Damn it, woman, I thought I was dreaming,” he scowled, peering over the side of the bed.
“You weren’t,” she said, getting quickly to her feet, “though the dream has now ended.”
He hastily reached out, snatched her around the waist, and yanked her back in bed on top of him. “I loved the dream, I want to go back into the dream, I want to linger in the dream.”
“But you’re awake now,” she teased with a laugh.
“I’ll go back to sleep. Here, I’m shutting my eyes. I’m asleep. The dream needs to return.”
A knock sounded at the door.
“Go away; I’m asleep,” Bryce shouted.
“You can’t be asleep, you’re talking.”
Charlotte recognized Reeve’s voice and grinned.
“I’m talking in my sleep. Go away, Reeve, before I come out there and beat you.”
“Too late, I know you’re not asleep, and I need your help.”
“Get Duncan to help you,” Bryce yelled back.
“Mercy isn’t feeling well. He won’t leave her.”
That had Charlotte jumping out of the bed and slipping back into her clothes.
Bryce followed, grumbling, and grabbed his shirt and plaid, casting a quick glance over Charlotte. “Those clothes are too big for you.”
“That’s what was left for me,” Charlotte said.
“I’ll see that you’re found more suitable garments.”
“I’ll take care of it,” she assured him. “Reeve needs your help.”
Another knock shook the door. “Hurry up.”
“I’m going to enjoy beating you,” Bryce called out.
“Are you bringing Charlotte to help you?”
Charlotte had to laugh though she stifled it when she saw that Bryce hadn’t found it funny.
Once he finished dressing, he reached out and yanked her into his arms, giving her a sound kiss. “Tell me you will—”
She finished before he could. “Finish what I started as soon as we have a chance to be alone.”
“Which will be soon, very soon,” he assured with a nod.
He released her then and marched to the door and swung it open.
“That was fast; are you sure you satisfied her?” Reeve asked, grinning.
“You know I’m going to make you suffer for this, don’t you?” Bryce said.
Reeve laughed. “You mean you’re going to try.”
Charlotte smiled at their brotherly antics but asked before they turned to leave, “Is Mercy all right? Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Her time draws near, and if she sighs, Duncan thinks there is something wrong with her,” Reeve said. “But Tara has gone to make sure all is well. We’ll all be gathering for the morning meal in about an hour. We’ll see you in the great hall then.”
Bryce hesitated, but she would not see him forgo his duties because he worried over leaving her on her own. He should know that she would keep herself occupied; though perhaps that was his worry.
“I’ll see you then,” she said with a smile. “I have Odin to see to.”
The mention of the big dog assuaged his concern as she knew it would. She didn’t follow far behind them as they descended the stairs, though they parted company once in the great hall. Bryce and Reeve left the hall while she cast a glance around to see if Odin had found his way back inside. Not seeing him, she went in search of him.
He wasn’t hard to find. He had made friends with a short, wiry man sitting on a bench outside his cottage. He seemed to take pleasure in Odin’s company. Though on closer inspection, Charlotte noticed that the man was sharing food with Odin.
“You must watch him,” Charlotte said as she approached them. “He’s quite the successful beggar.”
The man laughed and rubbed behind Odin’s ear. “He has manners and waits his turn.” He patted the empty spot next to him on the bench. “Please join us. I’m Neil.”
“Charlotte.” She introduced herself and gladly accepted the piece of bread he offered as she s
at. It was tastier than any she had ever had, which was why she finished it so quickly. “That was delicious.”
He gave her another. “My wife, Etty, is the cook and a good one.”
“Excellent cook,” Charlotte said between bites. “And I can assure you that Odin will be visiting you often.”
Neil laughed and, with a tilt of his head and a squint of his eyes, he said, “You look familiar.”
“I doubt we’ve ever met,” Charlotte said. “I only arrived here yesterday.”
“I have not lived here long myself.”
“Then perhaps our paths have crossed,” Charlotte said. “I have traveled the area extensively.”
He shook his head. “I cannot place where I have seen you.”
“Perhaps it’s my da you have met,” she suggested, though she doubted it. “I have some of his features and inherited his short height and slim frame, though he has white hair and—”
“Idris Semple,” Neil said with jubilant smile, “a man of great knowledge.”
Charlotte was stunned, and it took her a moment to find her voice. “You know my da?”
“He was summoned to appear before King Kenneth. I served at the king’s court.”
“My da wouldn’t let me accompany him there,” she said, “though I didn’t want him going alone.
“He is a wise man. We had good conversations, and I look forward to speaking with him again.”
“My da is not with me,” she said regretfully. “He was taken prisoner by the king’s soldiers.”
Neil shook his head. “I feared that would happen and warned Idris to get as far away as he could.”
“He paid heed to your advice,” she said. “We left our lodgings the day after his return from court. It took months before the soldiers found us.” She said a quick silent prayer before asking her most important question. “I learned that he might have been taken to a secret prison. Would you know where it would be? ”
He turned sorrowful eyes on her. “I have heard of such a prison, but I don’t know its location, though—” He seemed to ponder a moment. “A man arrived here a few days ago, not too right of mind, and though he was offered shelter, he preferred to provide his own, far removed from others. Worried that he might be dangerous, Duncan spoke with him. He assured everyone that the man needed time to recover from being a prisoner of the king.”