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Scarlett Limerence

Page 30

by K. A Knight

  “Good boy, George,” he tells me, eating the biscuits, and I chuckle as I walk back to the sofa, throw myself on it, and wrap my arm around a stiff-looking Scarlett. She melts into my side, making me grin wider as she plays with my fingers, still taking in Lydia’s home. I pass her a biscuit and she smiles at me, eating it as we wait.

  Lydia comes in and passes over two mugs of tea to us before going back for hers and the biscuits, which she places on the side table next to the sofa as she takes the other couch. Watching us with a knowing smile, she nods at me, giving me her blessing, which means the world to me.

  I was going to marry Scarlett anyway, but knowing Lydia likes her too makes it better.

  “So, Scarlett, tell me everything about you. Max didn’t tell me much. He’s never been one to talk,” Lydia presses, throwing me a look and focusing back on Scarlett, who glances at me nervously before diving in.

  She charms Lydia effortlessly. I notice the woman already loves my girl, it’s hard not to. Her eyes well when she hears about Scarlett’s parents and her dad leaving, and I know Lydia’s already adopted her, though Scarlett doesn’t know it yet.

  They talk for hours, with me adding something in now and again, but I let them bond, get to know each other, happy to just be here and see my two favourite women getting along.

  “Well, lovely, you’re always welcome here,” Lydia states, after it goes quiet for a while, and Scarlett perks up.

  “Thank you.”

  “We have Sunday family dinners here every week, whoever is free comes over. You’re welcome every week, dear,” she tells her, reaching over and patting her hand, and I notice Scarlett shakes from the touch, not used to love from a mother figure, which hurts me to see.

  “Thank you, I would love that,” she whispers, her voice thick, so I draw Lydia’s gaze away, wanting to give my girl a chance to recover. This must be overwhelming for her.

  “How’s Pix doing? She must be, what, fourteen now?” I ask.

  “Fifteen,” Lydia corrects, her face lighting up as she tells me how everyone is doing, getting me all caught up.

  Scarlett joins in, asking questions, and before we know it, it’s late afternoon and we are all talked out. “I better get Scarlett back to the city, Lydia, before it gets too late,” I insert regretfully, and Lydia gets to her feet, pulling me into her arms.

  “You do that. Don’t you be a stranger now, young man, I missed you,” she chides lovingly, and I close my eyes, feeling her warmth and friendly hug heal my heart.

  “I missed you too, I’m sorry,” I tell her, and she smacks my back.

  “Stop apologising,” she orders, and then leans closer, whispering, “I love her, you lock that shit down.” She pulls back with a wink, before turning to Scarlett and embracing her.

  I plan to, I promise mentally.

  I watch as Scarlett and Lydia exchange numbers and another hug before we make it out of the door. Once we’re in the car, Scarlett looks at me, her eyes wide and confused at what just happened, and I can’t help it, I laugh.

  “That’s Lydia for you, she’s a whirlwind. I felt the same way when Milo first brought me here. It was tough growing up. Love had to be earned, but Lydia gives it freely, her house welcome to anyone who needs it. It shocked me to my core, and I don’t think I’ll ever really get used to it,” I admit, leaning over and kissing her. “You did amazingly well,

  baby girl,” I whisper, before clicking in my belt and pulling out of the drive, waving at Lydia who’s waving from the door.

  We’re on the motorway before Scarlett utters a word. I let her digest it all in silence, today was a lot, after all. “I love her,” is all she says.

  “Me too,” I reply, grinning over at her and flicking the radio on as we drive. “It will be a few hours before we get home. Close your eyes if you want, you didn’t get much sleep.” She nods at my suggestion, then curls into my passenger seat, doing just that.

  I split my attention between her and the road as I drive, my thoughts going back to the ring in my bedside table. I know it’s too soon to give it to her yet, she would panic, I think. I’ve had it since that night she first came over. I knew then and there she would be mine, I just didn’t realise how much she would come to mean to me.

  She’s my entire world.

  One day, one day soon, I’ll give her the ring. Until then, I’ll show her everyday how much I love her. It’s time we started to build our lives together, and I can’t wait for the adventures awaiting us in the future.

  When we pull up outside her apartment building, it’s dark out and she’s still asleep. I shake her awake gently and she yawns and stretches before smiling softly at me.

  “We home?” she inquires sleepily.

  “Yes, baby, come on.” I get out and open her door for her, and she slips out, automatically taking my hand as I lock the car and head up the steps. She’s tired, so we take the lift, with her leaning against me in the metal box until we get to her floor.

  I unlock her door and she kicks off her shoes, going straight to the kettle. “You want a coffee?” she calls.

  “Sure, baby,” I reply, taking off my boots and placing them next to hers. I freeze when I notice they’re lined up together, the image shocking me more than anything.

  Fuck, I want this every day—coming home together, making a life, our shoes next to each other at the door.

  I follow her to the kitchen, seeing her sorting the mugs, and I wrap my arms around her from behind, dropping my head on her shoulder. “This, this is what I want,” I whisper, as she leans back into me.

  “What do you mean, coffee?” she jokes.

  “No, you, coming home with you. Making tea, coffee, food, going out together. I want a relationship, I want a future with you, a home,” I tell her, admitting how entirely entwined she is with my heart and soul.

  She goes silent for a moment before she turns, her eyes bright with tears as she watches me. “Are you sure?”

  I lean my forehead against hers. “I’ve never been so sure.”

  “It’s what I want too,” she admits, and I grin.

  “Then that’s what we do, angel,” I tell her, before kissing her soundly, only to be interrupted by scratching at the door.

  “Alright, alright, I’m coming. Jesus, they might not even be back yet,” comes the voice of an out of breath Nadia and we both laugh, turning to see the door open and Milo bounding in with Nadia on his heels. She seems tired and winded, and when she looks at us, she breathes dramatically.

  “Thank God! Tag, you’re it!” she yells, before slamming the door. We hear her retreating footsteps, both of us looking down at a smiling Milo who’s waiting at our feet, his tail wagging along the floor like a mop, his tongue lolling from his mouth.

  “What do you think he did to her?” Scarlett asks, her voice choked with laughter.

  “Who knows,” I reply, almost laughing myself.

  “Like daddy like son, I guess,” Scarlett quips and giggles. “You’re both a handful.”

  “Good thing you can handle us,” I tease, dipping her dramatically, causing Milo to bark and jump forward. He licks at her face as she squeals, so I lick the other side, making her laugh and tap my shoulders, trying to get up and escape us both.

  There’s no escape now.

  Not ever.

  She’s stuck with us.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  Two weeks later...

  I’ve reduced my therapy sessions. I don’t need them as much now, since it seems both Max and I are healing together. I’ll still keep going though. I have a lot of trauma in my past I haven’t dealt with, and I don’t want it rearing its ugly head and ruining our future together. I haven’t told him some of it, but I know whenever I’m ready to, he’ll listen.

  Life is good, really good. More often than not, Milo and Max spend the night. During the day, I work or go to university, and he goes to his job. Every night, Max tells me what happened that day, keeping his promise for no
secrets. One night over dinner, an idea hits me, some unfinished business he can help me with.

  “Max?” I call, and he looks up from his sweet and sour chicken that we cooked together, his fork poised in the air.

  “Yeah, baby?” he replies, his hair in a bun on the top of his head. He lets me play with it and didn’t seem bothered that it looks like an alien took a shit there. He’s so good to me, even if I can’t take him and his alien poop bun seriously right now.

  “You think Keanu would help me with something?” I inquire, and he groans, dropping his fork.

  “Not without a favour or payment, he’s an ass like that,” he mutters, then narrows his eyes. “Why, what do you need that I can’t do?”

  “He’s good with computers, right?” I query instead, and he nods, his eyes filled with questions and worries. “If I could offer him something, would he help?”

  “Help with what, baby?” he presses, almost panicked.

  “I want to deal someone some justice is all, nothing serious, I promise,” I answer, grinning a little as he watches me.

  He analyses my words and looks over my face before reaching into his pocket and pressing a number. Putting it on speaker, he lays it between us on the scratched wood of my kitchen table.

  It rings for a while until an annoyed voice answers, “This better be good, I’m tracking a pirate.”

  I blink, looking up at Max who rolls his eyes as if to say, see? “From your weird command center, no doubt, Spider,” he mutters.

  “I heard that, what do you want, Baywatch?” Keanu calls, typing away in the background.

  “Baywatch?” I repeat, unable to help myself, and the typing pauses.

  “Scarlett, that you?” he inquires and I grin, staring at Max.

  “It’s me, unless Max has been introducing you to other women?” I arch my eyebrow at Max, who smirks and carries on eating.

  “Other women? I don’t think he even knew what a woman was. What’s up, cupcake? Need me to hit that big ass, rock-looking motherfucker?” he questions, seeming to give us his full attention now.

  “No, I need your help,” I state.

  “Well, shit, this got interesting, and to think all I was going to do tonight was bring down a pirate and download some porn,” he mutters.

  “Keanu,” Max snaps, and he laughs down the phone.

  “My time and help costs, Scarlett, what do you have to offer?” he replies, ignoring Max’s muttering and admonishments.

  “I need you to help me get dirt on a university counsellor, and compile it to threaten her with it,” I tell him instead, and he whistles.

  “And I thought you were all sweet. Bloodthirsty little thing, isn’t she, Max?” he remarks, and Max winks at me.

  “Hell yes she is,” he growls, his eyes alight as his foot drags up my calf under the table, making me smirk.

  “Ew, you two aren’t going to fuck, are you? Like, I like watching and all, but I don’t want to see your pale ass, Maximus,” Keanu interjects, making me laugh again. “Okay, blackmail material, again though, Scarlett, it’s not free. What do you have to offer?” He sounds serious now, and so much like Max. His voice almost cold...and a tad bit scary. It’s like a switch was flipped. Is this the real him? Spider, as Max calls him?

  “How about a date…with a real woman?”

  “Erm, Max might kill me if I take you out. I know I’m hot, Scarlett, but please control yourself,” he counters, his voice still serious, and I snort as Max growls.

  “Not me, my best friend. She’s crazy, foul-mouthed, and has legs for days,” I tease, and it goes quiet. “Do we have a deal?”

  “One minute,” he mutters, and I hear typing again. “Nadia Reynolds?”

  My mouth drops open as Max laughs and sits back. “Did you just—”

  “Of course I did, she’s hot, okay, deal. What’s the woman’s name?” he questions, as I look at Max, gobsmacked, who shrugs at me like I asked for this, which I guess I did.

  I give up the name, still in shock. “Give me five,” he tells me distractedly, and then hangs up.

  I stare at Max again. “Told you,” is all he says, making me grin and roll my eyes.

  “You like him, really,” I tease, knowing I’m right.

  “Don’t make me kill him,” he growls, and goes back to eating as we wait for Keanu to call back.

  Not five minutes later, he does, and a plan comes together.

  After we clean up, I tell Max the plan and he agrees it’s good. He offers to come with me, but it’s something I need to do alone, so I’ll do it tomorrow during her office hours.

  He takes Milo for a walk as I get ready for bed, both of us having fallen into an easy routine. While he’s out, I check on his birthday present I ordered, grinning down at the pink bag filled with leather, a blind fold, and some restraints. It won’t be long now, and I want to be prepared. When I hear his key at the door, I hide it away again and strip off my dress, hunting for one of his shirts to wear. Most of his clothes are here now and he told me once he likes me wearing them, so I try to as often as I can…and let’s be honest, men’s clothes are so much comfier.

  That’s how he finds me, bent over his drawer, searching for my favourite shirt with nothing on. “Stay,” I hear him order, and a door slam.

  I spin, raising my eyebrow when I realise he shut Milo out of the bedroom. He told me he hates it when we have sex when he’s in here, that he swears Milo watches like a pervert. He barrels towards me, his eyes dark as they drop to my body and ignite.

  “I was just getting dressed,” I tell him, and he grins at me.

  “Not anymore, you’re not,” he growls, grabbing the back of my head when he reaches me and yanking me to him. “I was just thinking on the way back that it has been far too long since I tasted your pussy,” he whispers against my lips.

  “It was this morning, remember? I woke up with your tongue inside me,” I tease.

  He groans in pain. “Exactly, far too long.”

  I laugh but he silences me with a hard kiss, dipping his tongue into my mouth as he reaches down and grabs my ass, his fingers digging into my globes as he hoists me into the air. I automatically wrap my legs around his waist, bringing my bare pussy into contact with his hard length pressed against the front of his grey joggers. I moan into his mouth, my nipples smashed against his chest as he carries me to the closest wall and pushes me against it, holding me there as he devours my mouth.

  His hand comes up to the wall near my head as the other grips my thigh, stroking along the flesh, and goosebumps rise in his wake. I yank my mouth away, needing to breathe and meet those dark eyes that are locked on me, watching my every move, always.

  “Want another show?” I tease, knowing how much he enjoys watching me and how much I enjoy having his eyes on my body, but this time I want his eyes and his body.

  “Show?” He raises an eyebrow, his hand moving higher and higher up my thigh. “What did you have in mind, angel?”

  “Hmm, I was thinking you watching me suck your dick,” I whisper, and he freezes before I’m yanked from the wall and tossed onto the bed, he follows me down, blanketing my body with his.

  “Oh, angel, I’d love to fill that dirty mouth of yours,” he tells me, grinning, while his fingers trail across my breasts. “Are you going to be a good girl?”

  “Never,” I taunt.

  “Good,” he whispers, before slamming his lips back to mine, his fingers tracing featherlight touches across my belly and down to my pussy, gathering my wetness as he pulls away, sits back on his knees, and locks eyes with me as he sucks his fingers clean. “Fucking delicious,” he growls, his eyes shuttering for a moment before he slides from the bed and kicks off his joggers, his hard cock springing free.

  Licking my lips, I sit on my knees, aching to taste him, to watch him unravel at my touch. The sensation of controlling this dangerous man with nothing more than my mouth is like no other. He strokes his hard length, watching me as I wiggle on the bed, wanting him in my mout

  He steps to the edge of the bed, winds his hand in my hair, and guides my head to his cock as I lean forward, bracing my hands on his thighs as I dart my tongue out to taste his cock.


  His taste explodes in my mouth and I groan, rolling my eyes up to meet his dark ones as I lick his cock again and again, loving the taste of him on my tongue. All man. He grunts, twisting my hair further so it’s on the edge of pain, and pulls me closer. I could resist, but I don’t. Instead, I open my mouth and suck him down, slowly at first.

  Gripping his thighs, I bob up and down on his cock. His stance widens as he grunts, his hips starting to move when he can’t hold back anymore, thrusting into my mouth. I dig my nails into his thigh and then watch him as I slowly suck him all the way down. Deepthroating him.

  “Holy fuck!” he yells, stilling. “Baby girl,” he gasps, sounding pained as I hold him there, before pulling back and swallowing him down again.

  I can feel the tremor in his thighs from holding still, his hand gripping my hair like a lifeline as I start to hum, wanting to laugh at the desperation on his face, especially when I reach up and cup his balls, rolling them in my hand.

  It’s my turn to gasp now. He yanks my head back, pulling free from my mouth with a trail of spit, and throws me backwards. I tumble to the bed, my legs splayed as I catch myself on my elbows.

  His eyes narrow, his chest heaving as he points at me. “You fucking dirty girl,” he growls, stepping up to the bed, his eyes running across my sprawled body as I grin at him.

  “Me?” I flutter my lashes, looking at him as I trace my hand across my own body, cupping my breast and tweaking my nipples as he watches. His eyes flare and his lips part on a pant. This is so much better than through the camera, watching him as he watches me. Seeing the need, the stark hunger he has for me. Rolling my nipples, I moan as pleasure rocks through me, then I let go and slide my fingers down my belly, parting my pussy for him. “Remember when I showed you this?” I purr.


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