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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Cara E Holt

  “So what have you guys been up to?” I ask in an attempt to change the subject.

  Taylor smiles and looks adoringly at Scott. “We went bowling and got beaten by these two” Which has Blaine and Nicole laughing. I’m not quite sure how I feel about Taylor getting friendly with Nicole but I am glad to see Blaine moving on and dating again. Blaine again doesn’t make eye contact with me and hasn’t really done so since the day I told him I had chosen Lorcen. Lorcen must see where my thoughts are as he rubs my back softly.

  ‘He’s doing okay Eb. You can’t feel guilty forever.’ Lorcen says in my mind and I smile sadly and nod.

  “Earth to Ebs.” Scottt says and I realise he has been talking to me and I haven’t been listening.

  “Sorry what?”

  Scott laughs and shakes his head. “My you two do have it bad. I was saying a parcel came for you today. It’s over there on the side.”

  Puzzled I look to where he gestures and sure enough there is a box. I walk over and pick it up. “Funny. I haven’t ordered anything.” I bring it over to the island and take out a pair of scissors and cut through the tape. Inside the plain cardboard box is a pale pink box tied in black ribbon.

  Taylor leans in to get a better look. “Ooh this looks interesting. Come on open it!” I pull back the ribbon and the box open and peek inside.

  “What the..” I lift the item out and find it to be a t-shirt and hold it up to have a better look at it. I shiver when I see the t-shirt has a picture of shee-ra on her horse on the front. It is a vintage t-shirt. I know straight away who this is from.

  “A Tee. Cool.” Taylor leans in and takes it off me to have a look at it. “Who is it from?” I hold up a gift tag and she grabs it from me. “For my little shee-ra. Out of sight but never out of mind.”

  I look at Lorcen and he has his fists clenched. His jaw is set. I laugh nervously and lie. “It must be from one of my girlfriends back in England.”

  “Aw how sweet.” Taylor gushes.

  “Hey. Why don’t we hit the diner.” Blaines says standing and I am thankful that he is trying to change the subject and get them to leave. He clearly knows that the gift is from Devlon too.

  “You guys coming?” Scott asks as he stands.

  “Thanks but we ate at my grandma’s.” Lorcen replies, wearing his best poker face because I can tell inside he is seething mad over Devlon’s gift. They all say their goodbyes and head off out, leaving Lorcen and me alone in the kitchen. As soon as they are out of the door Lorcen slams his fist on the counter.

  “I’m going to beat the shit out of him if I can get my hands on him again.”

  I rub his back trying to calm him down. “He’s playing with us Lorcen. Don’t let him get to you.” I pick up the t-shirt and take it over to the bin and drop it inside.

  “A perfect day and then that prick has to go and spoil it.” He grinds, a deep frown still marring his perfect face. I slip under his arm so I am standing between him and the island and hold his face in my hands.

  “He can send all the gifts he wants but he will never have me.”

  Lorcen leans in and rest his forehead against mine. “He took you right from under my nose.”

  I shrug. “But I got away.” I kiss his lips in an attempt to distract him. “Don’t waste another thought on him today.” I wind my arms around his neck and playfully nibble on his ear.

  “You trying to distract me?” I can hear the smile in his voice.

  “Yep. Is it working?”

  He lifts my face to his smiling and his lips meet mine. “Definitely working.”

  Chapter Seven.

  That evening Lorcen portals us back to the unseelie realm for more training. He pushes me hard and I know it’s a reaction to the gift from Devlon, it has unnerved him. I’m getting good at fighting with my magic. I now have good control over my fire element. Recently I have been working on my air element, using it to push down my opponent. My general fighting skills have also improved. I am now quite good with a fae sword, however not yet good enough to beat my mate, he is without doubt one of the best swordsmen in this court. We are standing sword fighting and sweat sticks to my back when Drustan sifts in and sits himself on the bench in the room and watches us. We spar for another five minutes and then Lorcen suggests we call it a night. I am dripping with sweat and probably don’t smell too great while Lorcen looks like he has barely exerted himself. It is quite annoying.

  “Impressive.” Drustan comments as he hands me the towel at the side of him. “Have you tried tapping into your demon magic yet?”

  I lift my face from the towel. “My demon magic.”

  Drustan nods. “You have both Fae and Demon magic running through your veins. You should practise both. Demon magic can do things that Fae magic cannot do.”

  I continue wiping my forehead. “I don’t have anyone to teach me. I haven’t seen or heard from my father since he rescued me from Devlon.”

  Lorcen comes up beside me and offers me a water bottle. “You think that’d be a good idea?” He has removed his t-shirt and a topless Lorcen is very distracting to me.

  “I think she needs to be able to use both. It will make her stronger.”

  Lorcen takes a sip of his water and considers this. “So we need a demon. One that isn’t loyal to Lucifer.”

  Drustan nods. “I may be able to help there. Leave it with me.” He pauses and looks from me to Lorcen. “Why haven’t you asked Blaine to train with her on her water element?”

  Lorcen gives Drustan a stinking look.

  “You know, in terms of his water magic, he’s better than anyone else in this realm. He would be the best teacher for her.”

  Lorcen sighs and looking none too pleased at this suggestion, rubs the back of his neck. “Thanks for reminding me.”

  I face him with my hands on my hips. “Can we get past this. I chose you lorc. What’s the issue. You trust me right?”

  He nods instantly. “Of course.”

  I move to him and place my hands on his bare chest. Yes, I do use any opportunity I can get to do this, well who wouldn’t? “You could be there the whole time.”

  Lorcen smirks. “Oh trust me I fully intend to be.” He sighs in defeat. “I’ll ask him at school tomorrow.”

  I beam at him and stand on my tip-toes to kiss him. “I think he’d probably respond better if I ask him.”

  He frowns but bobs his head in agreement. “Yeah okay.”

  Drustan chuckles causing us both to look at him. He holds a finger up and twirls it around. “Wrapped around her finger.”

  Lorcen rolls his eyes but smiles. “Don’t I know it.”

  At school the next day I’m standing at my locker keeping my eye out for Blaine so that I can go and ask him about my training. I’m standing watching the hallway doors when Noah saunters over and places an arm around my shoulder.

  “Hey princess. So training with Blaine huh?”

  I nod keeping my eye on the door. “That’s the plan. Where’s Mel?”

  He sighs. “Crazy witch said something about needing to see a witch about a demon. That mean anything to you?”

  I shake my head and try to look nonchalant. I spot Blaine then and luckily Nicole isn’t with him so I head over, leaving Noah stood at my locker.

  “Hey.” I say nervously as I watch him sort his books. He gives me a polite nod but doesn’t meet my eye and continues loading his locker. “Spit it out then.”

  “Can you look at me please, just once?”

  He stops what he is doing and sighs and then his head swings my way and his eyes meet mine. He gives me an awkward smile. I can’t help but smile in return as he is finally looking at me and a plus, there’s a smile. I know I hurt him but I really do want us to be friends.

  I chew on my bottom lip. “I was huh kind of hoping you might help me.”

  Blaine frowns then. “I’m sure whatever it is your mate can help you with it.” I flinch physically. Ouch, that stung. May be we are a good way off being friends after all.
He must see the hurt expression on my face as his scowl softens.

  “I’m sorry that was harsh. Ask away.”

  I grin then. “I need someone to help me learn to use my water magic and well I was kinda hoping that someone might be you.” I look at him hopefully but also ready for a no.

  “He’s okay with this?” He asks and I know by ‘he’ he refers to Lorcen.

  “Yep. He is.” I fiddle nervously with my jumper sleeve.

  He closes his locker and then turns to face me. “Okay.”

  I look up at him not sure if I have misheard him. “Really? That is great!” I reach over and carefully squeeze his left arm. “Thank you.”

  He smiles a lazy smile. “We’ll train at night at the school pool.”

  I nod enthusiastically. “School pool sure. I can’t quite believe you said yes.”

  He gives me a sad smile then. “As if I could ever say no to you Ebony.” He coughs looking uncomfortable. “I’ll catch you later yeah.”

  I watch him walk off down the corridor and then walk back over to where Noah has been watching the whole exchange.

  “Well you’re smiling, so I presume it went well.”

  “It did.” My gaze is distracted by Lorcen walking down the corridor. He gets appreciative glances from every girl he passes which yeah does make me feel a tad insecure. I mean my boy really could have any girl he wanted.

  “Ebs.” Noah says his voice heightened. “What the fuck is with your eyes?”

  My hand flies up to my eyes. “My eyes?”

  “Yeah your eyes.” He points at them. “They are glowing red, princess.”

  “Ah shit.” I pull my hair over my face to try to cover them. I swiftly open my locker and stick my head in there, making it look like I am searching for a book. “It’s kinda been happening lately.”

  Lorcen reaches us with a puzzled look on his face. “What’s up?”

  Noah gestures his head towards me. “Princess has got glowing red demon eyes over here.”

  Lorcen moves round the door of my locker and comes to stand beside me and I cautiously turn my gaze so he can see my face. His eyes widen and then he leans in for a better look. “Woah Ebs! You look Hot.”

  “Really??! That’s your reaction?” I say exasperated.

  “I’m sure they’ll die down soon.” He tries to reassure me. The bell rings then and I look at him panicked. “Here.” He pulls out his sunglasses and pops them on my face covering my eyes. “Sorted.”

  He places an arm around me and we walk to English class. Even though I have the glasses on I keep my head down. We enter the classroom and I get a few weird glances from my fellow class mates as I hurriedly take my seat.

  “No sunglasses in class Miss Lockhart.” My teacher gives me a pointed look and waits for me to remove them.

  Blushing bright red and with my heart in my mouth I slowly take them off.

  ‘Your okay Ebs they’re normal.’ Lorcen tells me via our mind connection and I instantly relax my shoulder and take a deep breath. Thank god!

  Morning classes pass quickly and I’m stopped at my locker swapping some books over when Morgan walks past with her friends and with a cold determined look on her face she pauses as she is about to pass by me. I look at her in question. “You want something Morgan?”

  She folds her arms and looks down her nose at me. “You know he’s been with you all of five minutes. We were together for months. He’ll come back to me in the end. You just wait and see.”

  I feel my blood boiling and take a calming breath before I turn to face her. I’m about to snap out a reply when I feel his presence behind me.

  “Morgan. You should go to lunch.” He tells her coldly. She looks at him and I see her eyes tear up and I kind of feel sorry for the girl. I mean how do you get over losing this boy as your boyfriend?

  “She’ll never make you as happy as I did you know.” She looks at him like he is her entire world.

  Lorcen sighs and gives her a sad smile. “It’s been her since the moment I first saw her Morgan. She’s it for me. It’ll always be her.” My insides melt at his words and I can see the devastating effect it has on Morgan who flinches at his words. Morgan turns swiftly on her heels and rushes down the corridor, her friends give me the daggers and then rush off after her.

  I’m still feeling quite angry, how dare she come over and tell me I’m not enough for him!

  “You okay love?” Lorcen asks softly.

  “Not really. I think my eyes may be doing the red thing again.” I hesitantly lift my gaze to meet his. Lorcen moves himself so I am between him and my open locker.

  “Yeah the demon eyes are back Ebs.”

  “Shit. What do I do Lorc?”

  Lorcen looks at me blank but then he smiles. “I have an idea.” He leans and pulls me against his firm body and his lips cover mine. I lean into him and respond, wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “Get a room.” One of the soccer lads shouts laughing. Lorcen pulls back smiling and checks my eyes. “Normal.”

  “Thank god.” I sigh in relief. “Good distraction technique by the way.”

  Lorcen does a mock bow. “My distraction techniques are at your disposal.” I laugh and pull him in for another quick kiss.

  “On a serious note though. This red eye business is getting more frequent.”

  Lorcen takes hold of my hand in his and we walk towards the cafeteria as we talk. “Well anger was clearly a trigger just then with Morgan. What about the first time?”

  I grimace inside as I tell him. “Erm, it may have been jealousy.”

  “Really?” He stops and looks at me surprised.

  I groan. He is going to love this. “Yes really. Half the girls in school were checking you out this morning and well I was feeling a little possessive.”

  Lorcen has a massive satisfied grin on his face.

  “Wipe the smug ass grin off your face pretty boy.” I tell him with an eye roll.

  He squeezes my hand and his face turns serious again. “I’ll speak to Drustan about your eyes. May be he’s right about working on your demon magic.”

  Chapter Eight.

  That evening we drive over to the school which sits in darkness. It is strange seeing the building so quiet and devoid of students. We park up and walk to the pool. I’m presuming magic was used to get in without the security alarms going off. We enter the pool and Blaine is sat there on a bench at the pool side waiting for us. He’s dressed in just his swim shorts with his muscular upper body on display.

  “Hey.” I greet him nervously as walk over. Blaine smiles and yeah he looks me in the eyes again. I think we are making progress.

  “You swimming with your clothes on?”

  Lorcen wrinkles is brow. “There’s an idea I like.”

  Blaine stands and grins. “There’s no need to be shy Ebony. I’ve seen you in your bikini before you know.”

  I see Lorcen’s eyes narrow in anger, so I touch his arm pulling his attention back to me. “I’ll go and change. I’ve brought a costume.” He nods, his jaw still set firm and then looking at Blaine he leans and gives me a quick kiss. Yep okay so that was akin to a dog pissing on a fence to marks it territory.

  I change with super speed worried about leaving all that competitive testosterone out there. I step back out onto the pool side and walk self-consciously over to where they are.

  “So we ready?” I ask Blaine who looks me up and down and then winks and stands.

  Lorcen steps in-between us. “Make sure you keep your hands to yourself.” He warns.

  Blaine just grins and chuckles. I think he is enjoying winding Lorcen up a little too much. He walks to the edge of the pool and dives in. I give Lorcen a warning look and sit down on the edge and slide in and wade over to where Blaine waits. I see Noah put his hand on Lorcen’s shoulder and guide him over to the bench. Hopefully Noah can keep him from blowing up.

  “Okay let’s make a start. The first thing you need to learn to do is to build a connection between
yourself and the water. You need to see the water as an extension to yourself.”

  “Okay. Feel a connection.” I close my eyes and search for the said connection but don’t feel anything.

  “Maybe try to relax a bit more. Try floating on your back.”

  I do as he suggests and lie and float on my back. “Now feel the water around you. Feel it between your fingers and toes. Feel how it surrounds you. Just listen and relax and listen and fee the water.”

  I nod and keep my eyes closed. I relax and listen and I feel something shift, a connection I kind of can’t explain. “Good.” Blaine says encouragingly. “Now try to imagine the water lifting you, raising you high in the air.”

  I concentrate as hard as I can and picture the water beneath my body lifting me.

  “That’s it Ebs!” Blaine shouts. I make the mistake of opening my eyes and when I do and look to the side I see I am about eight foot above the pool. The roof of the pool is a lot closer to me now.

  “Don’t lose focus!” Blaine warns. It’s a tad too late and I plummet down into the water with a smack. Well that wasn’t in any way graceful! I come up spluttering and coughing. I give Blaine a dirty look when I see him trying to hold in his laughter.

  “You could have warned me earlier.” I tell him hands on hips in the water.

  He grins and holds his hands up. “But where’s the fun in that.”

  I laugh and look over to where Lorcen is sitting and he looks anything but happy. ‘Lorcen relax.’ I tell him through our mind connection.

  Lorcen looks at me still frowning. ‘I’ll relax when the little prince stops flirting with you.’

  I give him an exasperated look and turn my attention back to Blaine. “Okay, what’s next?”

  “Next you try to use the water to hurt me.” He gives me a challenging look.

  “Okay, how?”

  Blaine smiles and sifts further down the pool away from me. “Okay close your eyes again and imagine that I’m someone you hate. Someone that you want to hurt.”


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