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Page 2

by Phoenyx Slaughter

Somewhere in the back of my head, I’m surprised at the soothing, nonsense sounds I’m using to calm Karina down.

  “Where is he?”

  She pulls back and shakes her head. Fury at the idea of her protecting him amplifies my anger. She seems to sense it and works to get the words out.

  “Let me get her some water, Dante,” Luck says, stepping outside. I’d forgotten all about him.

  He brings a bottle in from the car. “It’s warm,” he says apologetically as he hands it to her.

  She takes a couple sips, her eyes never leaving my face.

  “I don’t know,” she finally gets out. “He said he was going to get food. I begged him not to leave me tied up. I was so scared something would happen and I’d be trapped...” the rest of her words are lost to harsh sobbing.

  Behind me, Luck curses. “Jesus Christ, you never leave someone alone tied up. What the fuck?”

  “No shit,” I mutter.

  Karina hiccups and takes another sip of water before setting the bottle down. She throws her arms around me, almost knocking me on my ass.

  Turning my head, I meet Luck’s concerned gaze and nod. “Give us a minute.”

  “Yeah. I’ll wait in the truck in case he comes back; so he doesn’t get spooked.”

  He shuts the door behind him.

  I stand, lifting Karina into my arms. “Come ‘ere.” Gently, I settle us on the bed with my back to the headboard and her in my lap.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  She sucks in a few shaking breaths and sniffles. “No. But I was so scared.”

  We don’t speak for a bit. The weight of her body comforts me. Fuck knows what I’m going to do about this. These feelings she’s stirred up in me. I don’t even care. Just want to take care of my girl.


  Somehow, Dante found me. Relief and happiness overwhelm me. Also, fear, because I’m afraid of what Dante will do to Logan if he finds him.

  I’m furious, but I don’t want Logan dead.

  I don’t want Dante to be the one to kill him. I can’t handle that.

  “Tell me what happened, baby girl,” he says after I calm down.

  I sit up to organize my thoughts. Being pressed against Dante like this is making my body want inappropriate things.

  Even though only a few hours have passed, it feels like months. I have to stop and think. “I ran out to the store to grab something. I was making you dinner.”

  The corners of his mouth turn up and he squeezes my hand.

  “When I got back Logan was waiting. He said you sent him to pick me up because the club was on lockdown and he was taking me to meet you at the club’s safe house.”

  He runs his hand through his hair, making it stick up in every direction. “Shit, baby girl. I shoulda explained things to you. Club’s ever on lockdown, I’ll bring you to the clubhouse. I’d never send Logan—”

  “I didn’t think so but I wasn’t sure.”

  “I know. Not your fault. I’ll tell you right now. If I can’t be there, I’d send Luck,” he nods at the door. “Whip’s our RC, so if I can’t get you, he’d be someone else I trust. Romeo, our president. He’s a pig, but he wouldn’t hurt you. But baby, I’d call you, something, so you knew what to expect.”

  “He said I wasn’t important enough for you to worry about. That’s why you sent him, and didn’t call.”

  Dante pauses and glances away. “I know we haven’t been together long, Karina. But you ain’t some slampiece to me. I don’t know of a single man in the club who wouldn’t do everything possible to protect their ol’ lady.”

  My nose wrinkles. Ol’ lady? I prefer when he calls me his baby girl. He seems to sense it because he chuckles and runs the back of his hand over my cheek. “The women who’re important to them,” he explains.

  “Oh.” I’m so ashamed for letting Logan’s words mess with me.

  “What else, baby girl?”

  I shrug because I’m not sure how to put into words the crazy shit that came out of Logan’s mouth.

  “He said you sent him to Mexico to get killed because of me.”

  Dante’s face turns to stone. “Motherfuckin’ pussy. That ain’t true. It’s a tough run, but all of us have done it.”

  I’m shocked because it’s the most he’s ever told me about club stuff.

  “He said you kill for the club.”

  If it’s possible, his face locks down even harder.

  “I protect the club.”

  My fingers trace over his jaw. “I don’t care. I just care that you’re good to me. You’ve treated me better than anyone in my life. Logan was furious when I explained that to him.”

  Dante’s jaw works, but he doesn’t say anything.

  “I don’t deserve you,” he finally mutters.

  There’s no excuse.


  I know full well what kind of fucked up life I’ve chosen. Got no business bringing an innocent girl into it. Especially, if I ain’t gonna keep her safe.

  Club’s had it easy the last few years. It’s made me soft. Throw Karina into the mix and I’m a ball-less pile of mush. Been too busy worrying about sticking my dick in her, rather than explainin’ shit to her.

  “What else, baby girl?”

  “Nothing, just a lot of nonsense.”

  I want more answers from her, but I think she’s done. She yawns and I pull her against me, reassuring her that she’s okay. Hell, reassuring myself.

  A low knock interrupts our quiet. The door eases open and Luck pokes his head in. His mouth turns up as he takes us in.

  “A car drove through the lot, but didn’t stop. Not sure if it was him and he made me or it was nothing.”

  I give him a description of Karina’s car and he shakes his head. “Doesn’t mean anything. He coulda dumped her car and gotten another,” Luck says. I nod at him to come in and he shuts the door behind him.

  “You okay, Karina?” he asks gently.

  She nods, her cheek sliding over my chest and her arms tighten around my middle. Luck smiles as he takes a seat at the table.

  “It’s been over an hour, brother. What’re you thinking?” he asks.

  I glance down at Karina who seems to have fallen asleep. I don’t know what the fuck to do.

  I want to wrap both hands around Hemi’s throat and stare into his eyes while I choke the life out of him. Since that doesn’t seem to be an option, we should probably head home. No reason to keep my girl in this filthy motel any longer.

  “Let’s head back.”

  Luck nods. “Should probably keep her at the clubhouse until we figure this out.”

  My first instinct is to tell him to fuck off, don’t tell me how to take care of my girl. Except, he’s right. Even with all my degenerate, fucktard brothers around, she’ll be safe there.

  Leaning down, I press my lips to her forehead. Yeah, that’s how far gone I am. Don’t give a shit about my brother seein’ me bein’ all sweet with her. “Baby girl, wake up. We’re gonna head back.”

  She shifts, snuggling into me tighter, and mumbles. Luck stands and chuckles.

  “Can you take her?”

  Alarm crosses his face for a brief second, but he scoops her out of my lap, holding her until I’m up and able to take her.

  We get her settled in the back seat and get on the road. It’s dark and I’m fighting exhaustion. When we’re maybe halfway home, I twist to check that she’s still asleep.

  “If something happens to me, promise you’ll look after her.”

  Luck’s driving so he only glances at me for a second. “Why you thinkin’ like that, brother?”

  “Nothing. This whole fuckin’ mess is making me realize I should make sure she’s better taken care of. He told her I sent him to pick her up because the club was on lockdown and he was takin’ her to our safe house.”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You haven’t been together that long. She’s young. It’s not a stretch that you wouldn’t have shared everything
with her.”

  “No. But he used that against her. Someone else could.” I stare straight ahead. “I told her she can trust you. I’d send you. Explained we ain’t got a safe house.”


  “But beyond that. We all know the risks. You seem to understand…know her needs. So if something happens to me, I want you to make sure she’s okay.”

  Luck doesn’t seem to know what to say to that.

  I think of how to explain it better. “I don’t want someone like Romeo gettin’ his hands on her.”

  “Yeah. I hear what you’re saying. Of course. But can we not talk about something happening to you. It’s bad luck.”

  I can’t help laughing at that. “I ain’t sayin’ ‘fuck my girlfriend,’ bro. Just—”

  “Yeah, I got it,” he says with a snicker.

  “I’d want you in my role too. But Romeo already knows that.”


  Feelings time over, I relax into the seat and plan how I’m going to murder Hemi when I find his disloyal ass.


  “Wake up, baby girl.”


  My mouth’s dry and my tummy’s queasy. It’s dark. I realize I’m in the back of an SUV, covered with a blanket. Blinking, I sit up. We’re stopped.

  The back door opens and I scramble backwards.

  Dante pokes his head in and holds out his hand to me. I grab it gratefully and he tugs me out¸ wrapping me in his arms. “We’re at the clubhouse. Gonna stay here for a bit until things calm down.”

  I’d rather be alone with him at the cabin. He seems to understand. His hand runs over my head and down my cheek. “It’ll be safer for now.”

  This is the quietest I’ve ever seen the Iron Bulls clubhouse. Even the club girls are muted.

  Romeo storms from one of the rooms and over to us. Gone is the wise-ass perv face I remember.

  “You find him?” he barks at Dante.


  Romeo lifts his chin at me. “She okay?”

  Never mind me. I’m just standing right here.

  “Yeah. I’m gonna keep her here for a day or two.”

  Romeo’s gaze shifts to me, but none of the lewd comments I’m expecting come out. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  I’m too shocked to answer with words, so I nod instead.

  That’s about all the civility Romeo’s capable of. He raises an eyebrow at Dante. “When you’re done reuniting, meet me in the chapel.”

  Dante’s response is to wrap his arm around me tighter.

  “You can fill me in while we’re waitin’ for him,” Romeo says to Luck.

  Without thinking about it, I reach for Luck’s hand. “Thank you,” I whisper. I feel terrible that it took me this long to say it.

  Luck raises an eyebrow as if he’s surprised. “You’re welcome, Karina.”

  Dante walks me into the bathroom and strips me down. I sway on my feet and hold onto his shoulders for balance, making him smile.

  He pulls me to him and strokes my hair. “I got you, baby girl.”

  My breath catches and I choke back a sob. No one has ever taken care of me or comforted me this way. I can’t resist nuzzling against him. He shifts to open the shower stall door and flip the spray on. After waiting for the temperature to adjust, he nudges me inside.

  “I’ll be right back. Take your time.”

  I’m a jumble of emotions. Part of me wanted him to join me. Another part of me enjoys the alone time.

  Washing off this whole, horrible event helps me feel more like myself. Dante enters the bathroom, silently closing the door. A plastic crinkling noise makes me crack open the shower door.

  One corner of Dante’s mouth lifts in a tired smile. “Asked one of the girls to grab a few things for you.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  After stepping out of the shower, Dante wraps me in a fluffy towel and dries me with such gentle care, I almost cry. Wrapping the towel tightly around me, he leads me across the hall to his room.

  “Gonna take a room upstairs, babe, so when we’re here you can have your own bathroom,” he murmurs as he shuts the door. I have no idea what he’s talking about. There’s an upstairs?

  Exhaustion slams into me with the force of a brick wall once I’m safe in Dante’s room. He helps me into one of his shirts, then pulls the covers back and waits for me to get in bed.

  “Lie down, Karina.” He nods at the closed bedroom door. “I’m going to lock that. You need anything, I’ll be in the chapel. It’s the big room right off the main bar area.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  Karina’s out before her head even hits the pillow. Staring down at her, I don’t know what to think. Something that almost feels like a conscience won’t let me take advantage of her. I’m shocked I didn’t fuck the hell out of her the minute we set foot in this room.

  Even now, there’s a strange disconnect stopping me from wakin’ her up and stickin’ my dick in her. She said he didn’t hurt her. It doesn’t stop my brain from thinkin’ my girl’s been violated and I should be takin’ better care of her.

  I cover her up and, as promised, lock the door behind me.

  “That was fast,” Romeo says with a snicker when I take my seat at the table.

  The fact that I got nothing, signals I ain’t in the mood to fuck around and Romeo gets down to business.

  “Heard from our Mexican friends. Hemi ain’t down there. Spoke to Bolt—”

  I have to stop him there. “You bringing the Savage Dragons in on this?”

  Romeo’s not a fan of being interrupted. “Yeah. Thought they should keep an eye out for the little punk.”

  “They’re more likely to give him shelter than hand him over.”

  Romeo shrugs. “You still gonna kill him?”

  Here’s where my supposed level-headedness comes in handy. “Depends. I ain’t sittin’ at this table with him again, I’ll tell you that.”

  “Didn’t expect you to, brother. We’re still missing a package, though. It might be easier to get him to come in, if he knows you ain’t gonna slit his throat first chance you get.”

  Wolf pipes up for the first time. “Call Tucker. He should be out that way. Got connections to both Bolt’s crew and Hemi.”

  “Yeah, was thinking that too,” Romeo says. He whips out a burner, placing it on the table and leaving it on speaker for all of us to hear.

  “You’ve reached Ken Rivers…” blood thunders through my head when I hear the name. Not exactly an uncommon last name, but that, combined with the fact I know Karina’s dad drives a rig…

  “What’s wrong, Dante?”

  My head tips up to find prez staring at me with a confused expression. “Nothin’.”

  We can’t reach Tucker. Romeo moves to other club business and I’m havin’ a bitch of a time sittin’ still. I gotta talk to my girl. I need information from her.

  He finally closes the meeting and asks me to stick around. When everyone leaves, he gets up and shuts the door.

  “How’s she doing?”

  I’m surprised he gives a shit. “Resting.”

  “He hurt her?”

  Now normally, I’d think Romeo was asking so he’d have something to get off on, but he seems genuinely concerned.

  “She said no. But he left her fucking tied up and alone. She was terrified.”

  “Jesus. What a little shit. How’d we misjudge this fucker?”

  “Don’t know, brother.”

  “Fuckin’ Tucker’s the one who introduced me to him. Vouched for the little fuck. Definitely need to have words with him. She tell you why?”

  I cock my head at him. “Whaddya think? You heard him the night I laid his ass out.”

  “Yeah, but I thought he got over it. Been fuckin’ Sadie ever since.”

  That’s how out of it I’ve been. Haven’t really noticed or given a shit about anything except my little bitch.

  “You stayin’ up here tonight?”
/>   “Think so.”

  He nods. “Clubhouse will be packed. I’ll come get you if I hear back from Tucker or anyone else.”

  “Thanks, brother.” I stand and Romeo slaps my hand.

  “Glad it ended well, Dante. That coulda gone real wrong.”

  That’s what keeps nagging at me the most.

  Karina’s still asleep when I get back to my room. Someone turned the music up in the clubhouse, so I doubt she’ll be able to sleep much longer. I slide in beside her and pull her tight to my chest. One of her breathy sighs later and my dick’s twitchin’ to life.

  Never remember sleeping with a woman before she came into my life. Fucked plenty of them. Never let any of them stay long enough to sleep.


  “I’m here, baby girl.”


  She turns in my arms, her soft breath tickling my chest. It’s impossible to fall asleep, but holding her calms me.

  I’m hovering right at the edge of sleep when she whispers my name again. Shifts a little. Arches her tight little body against me. Her soft lips travel over my neck and down my chest.

  “Dante, I need you.”

  My eyes snap open. Sleep’s the last thing on my mind. “I’m here.”


  I’ve got her naked in about five seconds. Dick free and in my hand in another two seconds. Pinned flat on her back under me a second later. She spreads her legs and hooks her feet behind my back. “Please.”

  Fuck me. I’m sliding into her tight, wet cunt a second later. We both groan as I let her adjust. I feel like I’m motherfuckin’ home again.


  This is what I needed. Damn Logan for making me doubt Dante. Doubt myself.

  “Harder, Daddy” I whisper against his ear.

  “Fuck, baby girl, you tryin’ to kill me?”

  He pulls out, urging me to turn over and get on all fours. It’s dark, but I don’t need to see him. I just need to feel his warmth and protection surrounding me. Feel him inside me. We groan together as he fills me, teasing me with a few short strokes, before gripping my hips and pounding into me like crazy. His fingers twine in my hair, twisting and pulling me up against him. His mouth on my neck sends streaks of pleasure down to my nipples. It’s as if he knows it too, because he loosens his grip in my hair. Both of his hands cup my breasts as he slows his frantic thrusting. Rough thumbs tease and roll my nipples until I’m panting and squirming.


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