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Kate's Outlaw (Steam! Romance and Rails)

Page 7

by E. E. Burke

  He nudged the horse into a loping gait. With no option other than sliding off, she tightened her hold on him and pressed close.

  The wind blew strands of his hair into her face and it tickled her nose. She nuzzled his neck. He smelled of soap and leather and sunshine. She hadn’t intended to sniff him, but she couldn’t very well avoid it sitting this close.

  He didn’t seem to notice, or maybe he’d become resigned to the necessity of having her hug him to stay on the horse. For her part, it would be best if she ignored this inappropriate longing and focused on what was more important—convincing Jake to take her to the council.

  “With the council’s support we could persuade my father to change routes. The proposed line follows the old Texas Road. It’s the most direct path, but also the most rugged terrain we’ve encountered. Henry complains all the time about how expensive it is to build. You could help us locate a better alternative.”

  “I’m not a surveyor.”

  “But you know this land, and we have surveyors. They can assist you.”

  “I’m not taking you to the council,” he said, a bit too firmly. Why was he so determined to keep her away from the Cherokee leaders? Did he not believe her when she said she wouldn’t turn him in?

  “I promise I won’t betray you, if that’s what you’re worried about.” She hugged him.

  He stiffened. “Stop doing that.”

  Kate loosened her hold. Her eyes began to sting. She wasn’t normally weepy, but Jake had the power to hurt her. Why? Because she cared about what he thought. She cared about him. This wasn’t just a physical attraction. She respected him and was even starting to admire him. If they’d met some other way, she might’ve set her cap for him. That is, if she could’ve drawn him away from the beautiful women hovering around, hungry as hummingbirds.

  What was the point of dreaming up an imaginary situation? Any relationship with Jake—past one of mutual benefit—wasn’t going to happen. Still, they could work together to find a solution that would help his family and keep her father’s railroad solvent long enough for her to inherit it.

  “So, if you won’t accept my help, what do you plan to do?

  “You’re worse than a woodpecker.”

  “I’d stop pecking if you’d give me straight answers.”

  He lapsed into silence again. But this time he didn’t act as if she’d annoyed him. He appeared to be thinking before he replied, something he did often. It was a good trait. One she’d do well to cultivate. “I’ll wait for the courts to decide,” he replied finally.

  “The courts? That could take years. Do you want to leave your future in the hands of a group of men who have no vested interest in seeing your people treated fairly?”

  “You’re saying you have a vested interest?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. If I can resolve this standoff, my father will see that I’m capable of playing a larger role. I’ll gain more influence in decisions. Maybe even a place on the board.”

  He straightened his spine, which made it difficult for her to hold on. Disappointment threaded through her. Was he pulling away because he couldn’t bear to have her touching him? Perhaps he viewed this attraction between them as nothing more than an inconvenient itch.

  “You want power.” He made it sound like a curse word.

  “Power that can be used for good.”

  “I don’t know of any power that’s used for good. Especially in the hands of a white man.”

  She fisted her hands against his stomach. “Your haranguing against whites is wearing thin. And in case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a man. I’m a woman.”

  His muscles contracted on a huff. “How could I not notice with you pressing your breasts against my back?”

  Was he being crude in an attempt to shut her up? She wasn’t so easily offended or dismissed. “Well I know how it feels to be powerless and unable to protect myself. I would never use my strength to prevail over someone in a weaker position.”

  His shoulders tensed at her not-so-subtle dig. “That explains why you’d want to see me hung from the nearest tree. Not why you’d want to help me.”

  “Hanging you won’t do either of us any good.”

  “Glad to hear you think so.” At his droll tone, Kate relaxed. If he was bantering with her, they were back on steady ground.

  She pondered her next move. “If my father agrees to give up those government grants, do you think your leaders would lease him the land for right-of-way?”

  Jake’s chest expanded and he heaved a sigh. “Are you always this persistent?”

  “I wouldn’t get anywhere if I backed down every time the mule balked.”

  “First I’m pig-headed. Now I’m a mule.”

  She smiled against his back. “Are you seeking confirmation…or forgiveness?”

  A breeze blew past, carrying with it the fragrance of peaches. She peeked over his shoulder. They were nearing an orchard and the trees were laden with fruit. Several hours had passed since breakfast. His aunt had packed leftovers, but fresh fruit was too tempting to pass up.

  “Can we stop here and get some peaches? Do you think whoever owns it will mind?”

  “I know them. They won’t mind if we take a few.” He halted near a tree where the branches were sagging from an abundance of treasure. After dismounting, he helped her down.

  Kate picked two peaches and handed him one. Jake tucked the fruit into a sack hanging from his saddle. She bit into hers. Sweetness exploded in her mouth. “Mmm, delicious.”

  His eyes lit with interest. Wrapping his fingers around hers, he brought the peach to his mouth and took a bite. She stared, entranced, as he licked the juice from his lips. He drew her closer, took off her straw hat and hung it on the saddle horn, tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. His touch set of a sensual blast that reverberated down to her most intimate parts, the same as when he’d kissed her and fondled her breasts.

  God forgive her, she wanted him to kiss her again. Touch her.

  As if he’d read her mind, his arm curled around her waist. He bent his head, molding his lips to hers. The peach dropped from her hand, forgotten.


  Jake couldn’t stop himself. Not even if they’d been standing in front of a steam engine. Redbird’s lips were wet with juice and too luscious to resist. He delved into the depths of her mouth, so sweet. He couldn’t get enough.

  She removed his hat and ran her fingers through his hair, returning his kiss with fervor. She had a hunger for him, as well. He couldn’t imagine why, outside of some physical attributes women found pleasing. Maybe that was the only reason. Based on how she was kissing him, it would be enough to gain her consent.

  Gripping a handful of her hair, he pulled her head back so he could taste the creamy skin on her neck. She melted in his arms with a moan. He unbuttoned her jacket and shirt, tugged the ribbons on her undergarments, slipped his hand inside and palmed her bare breast. Her nipple constricted into a tight nub.

  Need coursed through him, hot and heavy. His erection strained against his trousers. He pressed it into her soft belly and shuddered with the most intense hunger he’d ever known.

  “Jake, please—” Her breath hitched as he fondled her.

  “I will,” he rumbled. “I’ll please you.”

  He covered her mouth. She eagerly accepted his tongue, even rubbed hers alongside his, pulling a helpless groan right out of him. If she learned this fast, he’d be her willing slave in no time. She was supposed to be his prisoner, but the further they’d ridden, the more she’d wheedled and joked and made him crazy with wanting her, the tighter the bonds had become. How the hell would he let her go?

  Maybe he didn’t have to let her go…at least, not yet.

  Inside him, two beasts grappled for control. One whispered she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and he should take advantage of it. The other reminded him if he took her and put a babe in her belly, he was no better than the careless yu-ne-ga who’d sired him.

  Her tongue twined with his. Did she realize how blatant an invitation that was? No, she was an innocent just getting her first taste of pleasure. There were so many things he could show her, and he didn’t have to spill his seed inside her to enjoy them. He knew ways they could find pleasure without making a child.

  He stroked the turgid tip of her breast and felt her tremble. God yes, he could please her, and she could please him, and then they could go back to their lives and forget about each other. His body throbbed in anticipation.

  Who was he trying to fool? If he did those things with her, he’d never get her taste out of his mouth or her image out of his head. Not to mention, if he coaxed her out of her clothes, he couldn’t guarantee he wouldn’t give in to the temptation to bury himself inside her and thrust until he reached oblivion. He’d never wanted a woman like he wanted this one.

  With a frustrated groan, he broke off the kiss.

  She blinked as if awakening from a trance. He half expected her to slap him or pull away. Instead, she gazed at him with longing…and trust.

  His heart wrenched like she’d reached inside his chest and wrapped her fingers around it. Redbird trusted him. She might even believe she cared for him…and all he could think about was using her.

  He closed his eyes, in agony. He couldn’t do it. As much as he wanted her, he couldn’t use her and then toss her aside. He removed his hand from inside her shirt and folded her in a tender embrace, placing a reverent kiss on the top of her head.

  “We have to leave.” He tried for a firm tone, but his voice sounded hoarse.

  She tilted her head back. Tears welled in her eyes. The last time he’d kissed her, he’d made her cry.

  He released her and stepped away. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry you kissed me?”

  “No.” He would never be sorry for that.

  “Neither am I.” She hugged her arms like she was trying to comfort herself. Was that something she’d learned as a child? She’d grown up virtually alone. He understood loneliness, even with family around, but that didn’t mean he could fill the emptiness her life, any more than she could shed light into his. They were from worlds as far apart as the sun was from the moon.

  She stared off at some point over his shoulder, seemingly oblivious to the tears streaking down her cheeks.

  The ache in his chest got worse. “Why are you crying?”

  Her gaze shifted, meeting his with uncomfortable directness. “Why are you taking me back?”

  Did he need to elaborate? “You know why. It’s not safe for you here.”

  “That’s not the only reason.”

  That was the only reason he was going to give her. He searched for his hat and picked it up from the ground where she’d dropped it. “We need to get moving before we run out of daylight.”

  “I’m not going back to the worksite,” she announced.

  He drew the reins over his horse’s neck. “We’ve been through this. I’m not taking you to the council.”

  “I know. You’ve made that crystal clear.” She stomped over to a low-hanging limb and picked another peach, then stuffed it into the sack holding the rest of their food. “I want to go to Ladore.”

  “Ladore?” he exclaimed. “That’s another two days’ ride.”

  “Not if we catch the workers’ train.”

  “We?” He circled his finger beside her head. “Has something jarred loose? Why do you think I’d get on that train with you?”

  “Because it’s the quickest way to get to Ladore.”

  “I don’t want to go to Ladore.”

  She acted like she hadn’t heard him. “I have a room at the hotel, and I want to get fresh clothes and clean up. I’ll send a telegram to my father to meet us there. You can explain to him in person what you want.”

  “Your father?” The heat had to be getting to her. “He won’t talk to me.”

  “He will, if you make it worth his while. You can suggest an alternate route and since you know the council members, you can serve as a go-between for the negotiations.”

  Jake’s head was spinning. “What negotiations?”’

  “The ones where we’ll work out a compromise. One that will be satisfactory to both sides.” She spoke slowly and clearly, as if she were speaking to a half-wit. Then she turned and lifted her foot. It was a moment before he realized she wanted him to help her into the saddle, not kiss her boot.

  Once they were mounted, he kicked the horse into a brisk trot. She circled her arms around his waist and smashed her breasts against his back. Did she think because she rubbed her sweet body against him he would grant her wishes?

  “I’m not going to Ladore,” he rasped. God, he wanted her in the worse way, and she was using his weakness against him.

  “You’d rather go to jail?”

  He flushed with anger. “Are you threatening me?”

  “I’m negotiating.”

  “It’s called blackmail. Maybe your father calls it negotiation, and that’s why you’re confused.”

  “Call it what you will. I didn't want it to come to this. If you’d just be reasonable about our idea—”

  “Our idea? Since when did it—?”

  “All you have to do is tell my father you’re sure the council will approve. Once he’s signed off, you and I can take the proposal to them. In return, I’ll make sure the railroad doesn’t come anywhere near your aunt’s farm.”

  “And if I refuse, you turn me in to the sheriff for stealing?”

  “No, I tell them you abducted and molested me.”

  “Thunderation!” he roared. “That’s a lie.”

  “No, it isn’t. You did abduct me, and you kissed me. Three times.” She waved three fingers in front of his face.

  “That’s not molesting you.”

  “It is in polite circles.”

  Jake retreated into sullen silence. He had no one but himself to blame for mess. And if he were honest, he had to admit a part of him wanted to follow her and see where it might lead. Nothing good could come from them staying together. Except, he might be able to make up for abducting her—just a little—by helping her gain her father’s approval for her idea.

  Her idea. Not his. He wasn’t sure the council would go for it, but he’d present it. Kate was right about the courts. They could drag this out for years. He wanted an end to the feud as much, if not more, than she did. And leasing land seemed a better solution than stealing payroll.

  But he wasn’t getting on that train. One of the workers might recognize him from when he and Charley had posed as tracklayers. If Kate overheard, her mind would start working and she’d start asking questions. The kind he didn’t want to answer.

  He hauled on the reins, turning the horse north towards Kansas, a two-day ride at best to make it to a town he’d never intended to visit again. “All right. I’ll take you to Ladore. And after we talk to your father, I’ll go to the council. But you won’t be coming back with me.”

  Chapter 6

  Jake’s stallion splashed across yet another creek and water sprayed the bottom of Kate's pantalets. She heaved a sigh. Her outfit had been past saving before they’d left the farm, but she wished he would stop galloping through every mud hole just to annoy her.

  The horse charged up the bank. She glued herself to Jake’s back to keep from toppling backwards. Aggravating man. Was he hoping she’d fall off?

  She’d won a victory convincing him to accompany her to Ladore. Wasn’t her fault he was a sore loser. This wasn’t how she’d wanted to accomplish things, by dragging him in front of her father, but it was better than letting him go with no resolution in sight.

  They crested the edge of a plateau where lion-colored grass bent by a persistent wind stretched for miles around. Jake had driven them hard, stopping only to catch a couple hours sleep or snatch a bite to eat. He hadn’t touched her again except to help her mount or dismount. She tried to ignore her disappointment. His disregard was for the best. She lost all reason whenever he pu
t his hands on her.

  "Are you comfortable?" The tautness of his muscles signaled he was not. Was he bothered because her breasts were pressed against his back? He should’ve thought of that before he stormed the bank.

  "I'm enjoying this ride more than the one we made to your hideout."

  He muttered something in Cherokee, a curse no doubt, and slowed the horse to a walk.

  Kate released a ragged breath and sat back. The close contact tormented her as well, even though she’d never admit as much to the stubborn lout. He might still want her, but he didn’t like her. His mood would improve when they bid each other goodbye.

  Her eyes began to sting. She adjusted the straw hat to block blinding rays coming from the west. In the distance, buildings rose out of the prairie. They were getting close to town. Once they arrived, she’d send a message to her father and arrange for their meeting. And after that Jake would leave.

  Despair tore through her so strong she nearly toppled off the horse. She ventured putting her arms around Jake’s solid form. Over the past five days, he’d been her anchor in more ways than one. She didn’t want to part with their last memories being sour ones. She had to try to mend the bridge she’d burned by blackmailing him into doing her bidding.

  “When we arrive I’ll arrange a room for you at the hotel.”

  "I don't need a hotel.”

  Would he deny her even this small gesture? "Don't worry about the cost. I can pay for it. You’ll need sleep and a good breakfast before we meet with Father.”

  "Why? Will meeting him spoil my appetite for lunch?”

  Confrontations with her father had ruined her meals more than once. “It might.”

  “Then I’ll eat enough in the morning to last me through the day. But I can find my own lodgings.”

  “There’s only one hotel in town.”

  “I’ll sleep in a stall at the livery.”

  She huffed in annoyance. “You’re not going to sleep in a barn.”

  “Don’t count on them giving me a room.”

  "Why not? Because you're an Indian?" She gave him a reassuring hug. "Don't worry. Eden won't turn you away. I’ve rented a room there and can vouch she takes in railroad workers who look a lot scarier than you."


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