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Mine to Steal (Mine to Love)

Page 22

by T. K. Rapp

  “You deserve more than an open relationship, Faith. You deserve someone who’s going to treat you like a queen. Someone who wants to spend as much time with you as possible and has no desire to be with anyone else, no matter how far apart you are. Hell, you deserve someone who will move heaven and earth to make sure you are as close as possible.”

  Her smile was nonexistent until I finish the words, but when it appears, her eyes turn glassy. “You think?”

  “I know,” I answer with finality as I look into her eyes. “I would.”

  Chapter 24

  Faith is meeting me at my place so we can hang out and watch a movie. Things have been entertaining between the two of us lately, to say the least. I’m not sure what will come from her visit with Brad this weekend, but the phone calls and texts between us have been light, even though we’ve done our share of flirting.

  According to Jett, the overall atmosphere at work is better, too.

  Since I missed my morning run, I decided to leave work early so I could get a few miles in. Early October is cold, and running in the evening is exactly what I needed to wake my body up. Faith said she would come over after she went home to change when she gets off work, which times perfect with my run.

  She should be here in a few, so I barely have enough time to take a quick shower and get dressed. Luckily, we have no plans to go anywhere, so I throw on a t-shirt and running pants so I can lounge in comfort.

  There’s a loud knock at the front door, but Jett will take care of it while I finish up.

  “Faith’s here,” he announces as he shuts the door. He’s taking Cheyenne out to dinner and a movie; Jett hates going to the movies.

  “Be there in a sec,” I call out before heading to the bathroom to run a brush through my hair. I stubble along my jaw isn’t too bad, so I forego the shave.

  My bedroom is at the end of a short hallway, and it gives me a view of pretty much every part of the apartment, and right now it’s giving me a view of the woman I want to be with more, every time I see her.

  She’s standing at the counter talking to Jett and Cheyenne, laughing at something he’s saying. No doubt it’s something stupid, but they’re getting along. I like how easily she conforms to any situation she finds herself in. Faith still doesn’t know I’m aware of the prank he played on her, so she has no clue how amazed I am she can look at him and genuinely smile the way she is right now.

  Jett and Cheyenne do something to get her going again, and she laughs so hard she grabs her stomach. As she rights herself, her eyes meet mine, and she sobers.

  She eyes me up and down and raises a brow at my clothes, and I do the same to her since she is dressed down, too. But I like that she’s dressed in her black yoga pants that show off her curves and a plain blue t-shirt. She isn’t trying too hard, but then again, she doesn’t need to.

  “I thought you were heading out,” I say to Jett as I walk out to join them and give his girl a hug. “How’s it going, Cheyenne?”

  “Not too bad,” she says with a smile. “Waiting for this one to get prettied up, but he takes forever.”

  “Cayenne likes it spicy,” Jett laughs at his own lame joke.

  “Yeah, yeah, Romeo. Let’s go.” She tugs his hand toward the door. “It was nice meeting you, Faith.”

  “You, too. Cayenne, was it?” She laughs.

  “See, Doubt gets it.” Jett is pointing at me as Cheyenne shoves him out the door with a laugh.

  “Hey, you got a second for a story?” Faith chimes in before Jett grabs Cheyenne’s hand. He pulls her out the door and slams it shut leaving Faith wide-eyed, staring after him before she can get a word out. “Guess not,” she shrugs with a crooked smile.

  “Were you going to tell her the -”

  “Pissing story?” she finishes for me before answering, “Hell yeah. I warned him.”

  Uncertainty courses through my mind as to where we go from here. We haven’t been alone since the night at her place, but I like having her on my turf. We’re friends. Friends hang out. Friends hug. I walk over and wrap an arm around her and give her a light kiss on the top of her head.

  “Romeo, huh?” she asks as I walk her over to the couch. “There’s more than one?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  She gives me a sideways glance and nudges my arm until it hits me. That’s the name Kayla gave, for whatever reason, when we had our blind date. I laugh and playfully nudge her back.

  “There’s only one.”

  Some of Jett’s crap is laid out on the couch, because that’s how he lives, so I grab it and toss it into his room, shutting the down behind me so I can join Faith on the couch. It’s hard to try and read someone who tries to keep things so well hidden. I’m sure she’s concerned about her visit with Brad this weekend, and as much as I want to sell myself so she’ll actually look at me, it’s something I want her to decide for herself.

  “Are you nervous about talking to Brad?”

  “No,” her voice betrays her answer, and when she continues, I see why. “He’s not coming in to town.”

  “Why not?” I try to hide my relief since he won’t get to see her, but at the same time, my frustration spikes.

  “We talked last night, had an argument, and then he decided he’d have to come in another time because work was really busy.”

  “Why were you arguing?” It’s none of my business, and she’d be right to tell me so. I’d tell me so.

  “I told him about the job offer.”

  “You did?” I ask, taken aback by her admission. This means she’s really considering it, and it’s enough to get me to relax a little.

  “Yeah. I told him I thought it could be a great opportunity to show off what I’m able to do, and it will be years before I get the chance at Rock Solid to do anything like you have offered.”

  “It could be good all around,” I admit with a smile, but she doesn’t return it.

  “That’s where we started fighting. He was saying your company isn’t going to last, and if I wanted to tank my career, then I should go ahead and accept your offer. We went back and forth and then he said that you’re trying to get into my pants to get back at him.”

  Asshole. He would use scare tactics, especially since he knows nothing about my business and where we are headed.

  “And what do you think?”

  “I think you have a great company. Clearly your clients are happy, and you have a really good team.”


  “But Rock Solid has been around for fifteen years, and they have a brand that is recognizable across the country. Don’t get me wrong; I know TM is growing, that’s not what I’m trying to say. But the access to resources are probably not as vast as what RS has.”

  Damn. That stung a little. My pulse is racing, and I wish I could blame it on my run, but I know it’s her words. My defenses rear their head when I respond to her statement. “I created this company because Rock Solid wasn’t using their resources and clients were unhappy. My blood, sweat, and tears went into growing this into what it is now. We may be smaller than Rock Solid, but you have no idea how many calls I get from businesses who are with my competition that are ready to sign with me. But it sounds to me like you made up your mind, or Brad did it for you.”

  “First of all, no one makes my mind up for me. Brad gave me his input, and I defended your company. Second, I’m sorry if what I’m saying feels like a personal attack, because it’s not. All I’m saying is I’m not sure about what I should do.”

  Calm down. “Do nothing,” I challenge. “Take the safe route and stay with Rock Solid. The offer is there, but you need to do whatever is going to work for you.” I exhale a breath to try to relax, and she does the same.

  “Can we watch the movie?” she asks with a faint smile. I know she’s trying to get things to feel like they did minutes before I asked about Brad, but it’s a little hard to let go.

  “Yeah.” I get up and grab two DVDs. “Are we laughing or crying?” I ask,
holding up the movie she brought and my own.

  “Step Brothers makes you cry?” she asks with a puzzled look on her face.

  I feign shock and hold up the movie. “You don’t?” I ask before a smile pushes through, and she starts laughing.

  “Just for that, we’re watching 50 First Dates, and there’s nothing you can do about it,” she protests crossing her arms over her chest and tries to pout, but it looks too cute to be legit.

  “Do you have a crush on Sandler or something?” I ask, and I think back to the other movies she’s mentioned she likes.

  “And if I do?”

  “I’d question your taste in guys, but then again, I think I already did,” I laugh, turning my back to her while I put the movie in. I know she gets the jab I made at Brad, but I’m not taking it back.

  The movie starts, and I grab some snacks for her sweet tooth before joining her on the couch. Opening credits are on the screen and she moves a bit more into my space. “I question my taste in guys too,” she looks pointedly at me when she finishes. Her eyes are boring into mine and neither of us are willing to break, this has become somewhat of a game between us and every time we play it, the temptation is much harder to ignore.

  “Is your phone buzzing?” I ask her when I’m finally snapped back into the here and now. I look around, but she holds hers up.

  My phone is charging on the counter so I tell her to keep the movie going because I doubt I’ll be long. Kayla’s name flashes on the screen and I welcome the interruption.

  “What’s up?”

  “Hey. You busy?”

  “Not really, sitting here watching a movie.”


  I don’t answer, because she knows I’ve been seeing Faith outside of work situations, but I’ve also confided the odd relationship she has with Brad.

  “I guess that means you’re still open for dates?”

  “No,” I drag with a laugh. “No more of those.”

  “I have one more for you. It’s the one who cancelled weeks ago. Unless you and Faith are together.”

  Faith is still watching the movie, and she glances back and smiles at me before returning to the movie. I want her. I want to be with her, but she doesn’t know what she wants, and I don’t want to wait around for her to decide that it’s Brad.

  “Tell me when and where,” I finally say, much to Kayla’s satisfaction.

  “Okay, her name is Fiona.”

  “Does that make me Shrek?” I ask monotone.

  “Can I say I’m a little disturbed you know who that is?”

  “I have a nephew,” I remind her.

  “Anyway. Fiona,” she continues, ignoring my comment. “She’s free Saturday night. She’ll meet you at The Bistro at seven.”

  “Alright. I’ll be there.”

  We hang up, and I turn back around to the living room. Faith is engrossed in the movie when I rejoin her to catch up, though I haven’t missed much. I’ve seen the movie enough times to know what’s going on.

  “Everything okay?” she asks, keeping her eyes locked to the screen.

  “Yeah, it was Kayla.”

  “Oh?” It’s a question laced with uncertainty, one she doesn’t finish; maybe it’s one she doesn’t want answered.

  “She wants me to meet someone Saturday,” I answer as I look over to find a trace of anything in her face or body language, but she’s a steel trap.

  “I didn’t realize you were still doing the blind date thing,” she says with indifference.

  “I haven’t been,” I start while I try to formulate my next words. “There’s someone I want so much that sometimes it takes every bit of effort not to reach out and touch her, but she’s with someone else. And as long as she’s with him, I can’t have her. Besides, I’m not sure she wants me anyway. We’re friends, that much I do know, but I don’t think it’s enough.”

  Her features are still neutral, but I know she heard every word I uttered. She’s infuriating in her stoic posture, and I want to grab her and make her look at me. Make her say something - tell me that she does feel it - that she doesn’t want Brad anymore.

  She leans forward and stretches, revealing a view of her abdomen underneath. I want to pull her back to me and kiss her. Fight, dammit. Say something.

  She pushes herself up from the couch and blows out a deep breath. “I need to go.”

  “The movie isn’t over,” I counter as I continue to get a view of her back. She turns to me and her nonchalance pisses me off, but it fades.

  “I can’t be around you anymore, Trey. This, whatever it is, I can’t do.” I don’t like the tone of resignation in her voice.

  “Then don’t. I’ve told you how I feel, and you’ve said nothing. I guess you made your choice. What am I supposed to do, sit here and wait like a dumbass while you’re with someone else? I mean, aren’t we friends?”

  “Yeah,” she scoffs, “we’re friends. Friends who have slept together, made out a few times and hang out, but I can’t be around to watch you and the revolving door that is your dating life.”

  I’m not sure what I expected, but Faith ending this, whatever this is, is a blow. I’m up towering over her in an instant but her eyes give nothing away.

  “You are the one who’s with someone. You are the one who doesn’t know what you want. You are the one who’s settling for less than you deserve. Maybe you’re right, we shouldn’t be around each other anymore.”

  I walk to the door and yank it open for Faith to leave. She remains in place where I snapped at her, still unemotional. When she finally moves, she grabs her purse, her posture confident and sure as she passes me without a word.

  The door shuts behind her, and I fist my hair in agitation as I lean against it. My head is screaming to chase after her and talk some sense into her, but that part in my chest - it tells me that I have saved myself from more irritation down the road.

  Chapter 25

  “Today’s the big date, huh?” Jett asks through labored breaths as we run. I finally talked him into getting off his ass this morning.

  “Yeah, Fiona.”

  “Fi-OH-na,” he enunciates before coughing from being winded. “Where’s she from?”

  “I guess I’ll find out tonight,” I shrug while increasing my pace.

  “Have you talked to Faith?”

  “Nope. We’re not really speaking right now.”

  “I noticed. But you’re not being a little bitch about it this time; what’s different?”

  My strides increase more and Jett struggles to catch up, but somehow he manages and even passes me. I speed up and ignore his question. “Doing anything with Cheyenne tonight?”

  “Nah, she’s going out with her friends,” he shrugs half-heartedly, “so I guess it’s a quiet night at home for me since you’re not going to be around.”

  He keeps running but I stop in my tracks and look at his wake. Jett stops running and places his hands on his knees while he tries to catch his breath. “Why’d you stop?”

  “You’re really into this girl, huh?”

  “What?” He laughs and tries to run again, but stops and looks at me. “Are you any different?” I run my hand over my jaw while I try to figure out where he’s going with the question. “You’re going out on a date with some girl, but you and I both know you’re in love with Faith.”

  “In love? Are you serious? She’s a friend. And sure, I think she’s gorgeous, and yeah, I’d like to see if there’s more between us, but all we do is argue.”

  “And yet you both seem to like that,” he laughs.

  “She’s got a boyfriend,” I remind him.


  “I’ve got a date tonight.”

  He shrugs his shoulders. “Not like you really want to go anyway.”

  “We’re friends,” I say, “correction - were friends.”

  “Alright, if that’s your story, but mark my words, you love that girl. I don’t care that it’s only been what, two months, but you do.”

>   “Can we finish this run? I have to get back home and get some work done before I meet Fiona tonight.”

  “Lead the way, Bro,” he says, getting out of my way.

  The run and subsequent shower did little to get my nerves in check. I hate when Jett decides to finally join the conversation and throws in observations I never asked him to make. I’ll use the energy to get some work done. Cavette and I discussed the next ad, and he made a few changes. Luckily they won’t take too much time to get done.

  In the middle of adjusting the text, an email comes over. When I open it up to see who it’s from, shock doesn’t cover it.

  Emerson, Bradley

  October 11, 2014 2:22 PM

  To: Miller, Trey

  Subject: Job Offer


  I was informed by Faith you offered her a job with your little startup company. We’ve talked it over extensively and even though she hasn’t made a decision, I’m sure she will do the right thing and remain with Rock Solid because there is more room for growth here. You certainly wouldn’t want her career to take the nosedive yours has taken, now would you?

  You might have filled her head with ideas of better options, but I would appreciate you keeping your interest in my girlfriend strictly professional.


  Brad Emerson

  Rock Solid

  Is he serious with this email? She will do the ‘right’ thing? He’s still the same pompous ass he was when we worked together. I shouldn’t bother responding to this message, but I think he needs to understand how valuable she is, since he’s clearly delusional enough to think she would stay where she isn’t valued.

  We might not be talking at the moment, but I do want what’s best for her.

  Miller, Trey

  October 11, 2014 4:18 PM

  To: Emerson, Bradley

  Subject: Re: Job Offer


  I do not feel it is appropriate to discuss the offer I’ve made to Ms. Young with you. I respect any decision she makes whether she chooses to remain with Rock Solid or join my team at TM. My understanding is Cave Camo and Outdoor is extremely pleased with her work, and I want to acknowledge that. Rock Solid is very lucky to have her.


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