Final Ride (Lords of Mayhem)

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Final Ride (Lords of Mayhem) Page 2

by Shyla Colt

  * * * * *

  Hawk scowled as he strode from the cabin to keep from losing his cool. He couldn’t stand uptight, snobby bitches like the princess he’d just left. She let her mouth get ahead of her every time. Most of the guys thought it was funny. He didn’t. It didn’t surprise him one bit she’d landed knee-deep in shit. She had a vibe about her that screamed trouble. If ever a woman needed to be laid across someone’s knee, it was Hilary, or Harpy as he’d come to think of her. He stopped in front of the cabin that housed Specs and Gadget and knocked.

  “Come on in,” one of them called.

  He stepped inside.

  “Where’s Hil?” Specs asked. A deep frown wrinkled his brow and sat at odds with his upbeat attitude.

  “She’s back at the cabin. I didn’t kill her if that’s what you’re worried about,” Hawk said, amused. “You got a crush on her or something?”

  “No.” Specs scowled. “She’s like a sister.”

  “Right,” Hawk said skeptically. “Well, your sister’s fucked up and I think she’s holding back. It ain’t a secret I’m not her favorite person.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Gadget said thoughtfully.

  Hawk shook his head. “She’s been looking into the girls Levi, Peter, Linden, and Emmit had dated.”

  “Jesus, if they know that, it could be more than just her in trouble,” Specs said.

  “The women?” Hawk asked.

  “Maybe. At the very least they’d pay them a little visit to make sure they weren’t growing bold. They’d be fools not to,” Gadget said.

  “Shit.” There was nothing Hawk hated worse than a man who put his hand on a woman. It was the ultimate act of cowardice. “What do you need to find out what’s going on?”

  “I’m working on Hil’s phone right now. My biggest concern was how they found her at the library. They had to have tracked her some way. Or been following her,” Specs said.

  “I’m working on her computer now. We could use Hilary here to ask her questions, but that’s about it,” Gadget said.

  “I’ll send her over. Just give me a second to enjoy the quiet.”

  Gadget snickered. “She’s not that bad, Hawk.”

  He grunted.

  “We got good news and bad news,” Gadget said.

  “Good first,” Hawk said feeling like he was in rapidly rising rushing water.

  “We know who the victims are, and what might sway them toward helping us. She was thorough. I’ll give her that,” Gadget said.

  “Great, she’s a regular girl scout. What’s the bad news?” Hawk said. He cracked his knuckles.

  “They know she knows, and I give you anything they’re looking for her,” Gadget said.

  “Of course they are,” Hawk said as his fingers itched to wrap around her neck. She’d kept how much she knew about them to herself. Did she talk to them already?

  “We got to keep her safe,” Specs said.

  Hawk nodded.

  “We should see if she brought all her research with her. I’m going by what I can find, but she’s good at clearing things out,” Gadget said.

  “Her phone’s clean. I think they were following her,” Specs said.

  I don’t know if that’s better or worse. “Now we really need to know if she visited the victims.”

  “I’ll go get her,” Specs said standing.

  Hawk closed his eyes. He’d be stuck babysitting her. Pres was tied up with Boston which left him in charge. This wasn’t a task to pass off to someone else. He wasn’t used to being challenged. Especially by a woman. Hilary seemed to live for the conflict. I could think of more interesting things to have her mouth do. The minute she first set foot at a Mayhem picnic she’d caught his eye. But she had this crazy frosty vibe that killed his thought of approaching her. It didn’t stop his dick from getting hard though. He’d rubbed quite a few out to thoughts of the curly-haired beauty. Most of them involved creative ways to fill those full lips of hers and shut her mouth.

  “Tell me what you found before she gets here,” Hawk said, shoving aside thoughts of her on her knees.

  “They were tracking her. Every time she looked at something. I’m not sure what tipped them off. She went about it the right way with a dummy email, but they were anticipating it. Given the fact that research is a part of her profession they’d be imbeciles not to. And that’s the thing with these guys; they’re stupid smart, and careful,” Specs said.

  “But we got them now, right?” Hawk said, ready to end this mess brought on by self-indulgent assholes who thought the world owed them something.

  “Yeah, it’s a matter of time until we track down their names, and aliases, and then there’ll be no hiding. Thing is. We can’t alert them. Hil needs to continue as normal online,” Gadget said.

  “All right I’m going to go put my head together with Pres and come up with a plan of action. I want you two to keep working your magic on the computer and watch her.”

  Convinced the two could handle the live wire, he went to seek out Tiny. I love being the bearer of good news. Truth was, the higher up on the chain you were the more shit you had to deal with. He strode out of the room, closed the door behind him and scanned the room. If he had to interrupt Tiny in his room with Boston, he’d get his ass chewed out. Relief hit him when he spotted them across the room talking to Moose and Joey. The girls had gotten close with their impending bundles. He shuddered. Kids scared the fuck out of him. Needy, crying, whining little things that depended on you completely to thrive didn’t rate on his to-do list right now. He walked over and cleared his throat.

  “Sorry to interrupt, but I need to borrow you for a minute, Tiny.”

  Tiny stood from his chair. “I’ll be back. You stay here and relax,” Tiny said, placing a kiss on Boston’s puckered lips before he straightened. “How’s Hilary doing?”

  “She’s good physically, but mentally I think she’s still in shock. It hasn’t hit her yet.”

  “Damn. They’re growing bolder,” Tiny said.

  “No, desperate. She’s been working on finding the women they used as their own personal playthings and getting them to turn on the men.”

  “Jesus, did she make contact with these girls?” Tiny asked.

  “Not sure yet. She keeps talking about how this was all theory, but I don’t trust her.”

  “Can’t say I disagree. I’ve been waiting for that bomb to explode. She means well, but she doesn’t understand how this world works. It’s nothing like it is in those books she writes,” Tiny said.

  “That’s for damn sure,” Hawk said.

  “You know she’s your responsibility until all this is done, right?” Tiny said.

  “I figured as much,” Hawk said.

  “Good luck with that. Most of the guys would wring her neck before the night was up.” Tiny smiled. The evil grin that always came before Tiny forced Hawk into situation he wasn’t going to like.

  “You’re about to be a dick aren’t you?” Hawk shook his head.

  “I already have a front. She’s your house mouse.”

  “What?” Hawk’s jaw dropped. Tiny knew he couldn’t stand Hilary.

  “We’re going to make them think they’ve got the best of us. Call off the lockdown and put our plan into motion.”

  “What plan?”

  “The one we’ll come up with as soon as we get all the information we can. We need this shit settled. Things are popping off with serious threats. These boys are rich men who think they own the world. Pfft, child’s play for us once they’re smoked out of their hidey holes.”

  “Agreed. But shit man. Living with Harpy is going to be a bitch.”

  “We all sacrifice for Mayhem, my friend,” Tiny said. He patted Hawk on the back, smirking.


  “Are you going to tell her, or should I?” Tiny said.

  “I will. You want to call a meeting?”

  “No, no church until we know exactly what we’re dealing with. Everyone deserves a
few days of rest after the move and the cleanup… Damn still can’t believe Firecracker had it in her to kill a man.”

  “Never know what you’re capable of until you’re pushed to that breaking point,” Hawk said.

  “True enough. Let’s go see if the boys have anything for us.”

  They opened the door to the room where Hawk had left Hilary. He watched as she spoke with a voice full of authority and confidence. This wasn’t the same woman he’d left minutes earlier. She’d shaken off her slump and gotten back to business. He had to give her props for her swift recovery. Tiny closed the door behind them, and the three at the table looked up.

  “You got something you want to tell me, Hilary?” Tiny said.

  “I’m sure Hawk filled you in, but I’ll own up to my mistakes. I did some digging and went too deep, and they caught me, and now I have a massive target on my back. I took all the precautions I could. If I had thought this was unsafe, I never would’ve tried it.”

  “At least you’re honest about it. I’m not mad. I’m sure they’ve been watching all of you girls for a long time. It’s luck that nothing happened until tonight,” Tiny said. Her shoulders relaxed. Her relief was an unspoken but palpable thing. Did she think we’d actually put her out?

  “Specs, Gadget, tell me you got something for us to use,” Tiny said as he walked over to the small station they had set up at the end of the table.

  “Notes and my thoughts on the best way to approach these girls. I wanted to ask Juliette. She would go a long way toward convincing them,” said Gadget.

  Tiny nodded. “I promise you soon Milo Prescott a.k.a. Emmit Rice and Quinn Tideswell a.k.a. Linden Lewis won’t be people any of you need to worry about. This has gone on too long, and the casualties are rising,” Tiny said.

  “W-what are you planning on doing with them? If they all die it’s going to look damn suspicious,” Hilary said quietly.

  Tiny arched an eyebrow. “Normally I wouldn’t answer this question, but you’ve done too much of the legwork to be shut out. We’re going to handle this more civilly. That’s all you need to know,” Tiny said. His voice took on a hard edge Hawk knew all too well. Hilary’s eyes grew round. Yeah, he’s not fucking with you. Don’t make him put you in your place. She gave a curt nod

  “Find everything you can. Tonight we’ll call church and get this shit going. Hawk, make your explanations.” Tiny turned to Hawk, who shook his head.

  “Hilary, let’s head back to my cabin. You’re going to be with me for a while,” Hawk said.

  “I’m sorry?”

  Me too.

  “We’ll talk once we get there,” he said not about to be embarrassed in front of his brothers. She was gearing up for a blowout. He could see it in the turned down corners of her mouth and the fire in the depths of her brown eyes. She wrapped her arms around her waist and followed him out the door. Her delicate jaw tensed and released. She’s going to let me have it when we get inside. Funny that this woman had more balls than any woman three times her size.

  They stepped inside the cabin and he gestured toward the couch. “You should take a seat.”

  “I’ll stand.”

  He shrugged. “We’re going to call off lockdown, make them think they have one over on us, and you’ll be going undercover with me.”

  “Undercover as what? No one would buy me as a biker babe,” she said with a scowl.

  “You’d be surprised what good makeover will do. You’re going to be a house mouse, my house mouse.”

  “Your what?”

  “House mouse. It’s a woman taken in as part of some sort of deal. She works off the debt in ways predetermined before she arrived at a brother’s home.”

  “You’re turning me into some sort of prostitute?” Her shrill voice made him wince.

  “Because they do a number of things, from keeping house, to caring for kids. Not everything is sexual, Hilary. Or is that what you’d like to do with our agreement?”

  “N-no,” she stuttered.

  Seeing her frazzled made him smirk. “For me, it’d be a glorified maid.” He shrugged.

  “Listen, Harpy, if I took you, you’d want it, and I’d damn sure be shutting that mouth of yours. This is to keep you safe. You think I want you all up in my space? Cause I don’t. Pres laid this down, so we’re following it to the letter.” Her mouth opened and closed. “What, cat got your tongue?” he goaded. If he had to be uncomfortable, she could be too.

  “You’re such an asshole.”

  “Not the first time I’ve heard that and it sure as hell won’t be the last. Let’s lay down some ground rules. Then maybe we can avoid killing one another.”

  Hilary sneered. “Somehow I doubt it.”

  “You and that mouth.” Hawk shook his head. Most women would be afraid for their lives right now. If Hilary is, she sure as hell doesn’t how it.

  Chapter Two

  Hilary tried not to let her nervousness show as she sat on the couch and took in her surroundings. The adrenaline was wearing off, and she began to realize the gravity of her situation. For the unforeseeable future, she and Hawk would be joined at the hip. The cabin smelled like him. She was surrounded by the scent of leather and a subtle cologne that made her mouth water. She scanned the space with a critical eye, shocked to find it neat and orderly.

  “You expect a pig sty?” Hawk said. The amusement in his voice struck a raw nerve. It was like he saw through her front to the terrified woman shaking her boots. This was heavy shit. She’d seen what these men were capable of and knowing she was number one on their list of things to fuck over was nothing to sneeze at.

  “I didn’t know what to expect.”

  “I keep a clean house, and I run a tight ship.” The authority in his voice made her want to purr. She respected strong figures. A pool began to form in the center of her panties. Traitor. Her long-neglected body saw sex on two legs. It didn’t give a fuck about her feelings.

  “Is this where you lay down the law to the little woman?” she huffed. While the M.C. wasn’t as bad as she’d imagined, she couldn’t stand the skanky biker bunnies ready to do whatever they needed to do just to gain a morsel of someone’s attention. It sickened her.

  “Harpy, we both know there’s nothing small about you.” His gaze raked over her, leaving flickers of fire in its wake. Unable to withstand his penetrating gaze, she looked away.

  “Harpy? Are you really calling me that?”

  “Sharp tongue, take no shit attitude. I think it fits.”

  “It’s not very flattering,” she said.

  “You want me to flatter you, Hilary?”

  “What? No.” She glanced at him, mortified. Can he see how much I want to toss him down on the bed and ride him to completion? Her face grew hot.

  “Just checking. Because I can be very nice when I have a mind to. That’s one thing you need to remember. You treat me with respect and I’ll do the same for you. This situation isn’t ideal, but it’s necessary. We both know that. The things I’ll ask you to do are for your safety. I’m going to be straight with you and say right now, you’re not going to like them.”

  Her stomach bottomed. “I’m not going to like what?”

  “The way you’ll become invisible and be treated like property. House mice are generally seen and not heard. They don’t talk back, and they don’t assert themselves, which is always going to be your first instinct. You need to bury that deep. This is to keep you safe. They tracked you down and tried to take you out once. We want to make it harder for them find you. ”

  “You make this sound like some Master-slave type relationship. We were freed by Lincoln, you know?”

  Hawk snickered. “See that right there.” He pointed. “I like your spunk. But it has no place in this world, not with the role you’re playing, and you’d better learn to play it well. First thing you need is a crash course in all things M.C. I’ll have Fancy and a few of the other girls talk to you.”

  “I’ve been around long enough to get the p
icture, Hawk.”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Not as a house mouse. Your girls are old ladies; there’s a world of difference in those positions. You need to look the part too.”

  “Look the part?” she said.

  “As much as I love those curls, they have to go. They’re like a signature thing with you, and dye wouldn’t hurt.”

  Her hand flew up to pat at her tendrils. “Dye! Straighten. No I can’t.”

  “You can and you will, Harpy.”

  “Who’s going to make me?” she asked, desperate to take back some of the life being ripped from her hands.

  “Me if I have to.” He took a few steps forward, pausing a few inches from her body. She looked up. “See I have this theory that you’re in need of a good spanking. So I wouldn’t put me to the test.” His voice deepened, and she pressed her thighs together to relieve the pressure building between her legs.

  “I don’t need to be manhandled into doing what you want.” She clenched her jaw, ignoring the quivering going on in her belly. No one had ever spoken to her like this. A part of her liked it. Her nipples hardened. Maybe a little too much.

  “Oh, I think you need to be handled pretty badly.” His minty breath caressed her face, stirring curls of her hair.

  “You don’t know what I need.”

  “Do you?” He arched a brow.

  “I used to think so,” she whispered. The events of the day caught up with her and the fight seeped from her body. Her shoulders slumped, and self-doubt attacked like an invading army who’d found a weakness in a fortress.

  “Hey you’ve been through some shit today. It’s a lot to take in.” Hawk’s voice softened, and the kindness was her undoing. Her eyes watered, and her lower lip trembled. Do not cry in front of him. Do not cry in front of him. He sank down beside her and wrapped an arm around her side. “Sit, breathe, relax. You didn’t bargain for this kind of trouble. It’s okay to let down your walls, babe. We got you. You’re Mayhem. I didn’t mean to freak you out. But I want to make sure you understand how serious this is. We need to play it to the letter.”

  “I get it. I do.” She swallowed air, evening out her breathing and blocking the tears that wanted to fall. “I’m good now. Thank you.” She cleared her throat, embarrassed. The last thing I needed was the V.P. of Mayhem seeing me about to dive head first off the deep end. He probably thinks I’m some sort of liability.


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