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Forbidden Lust: 3 (Lust for Life)

Page 6

by Jayne Kingston

  “We’ve only been seeing each other two days,” Oscar reminded him, forcing himself to ignore the sinking in his gut. “Neither of us knows where this is going yet.”

  Diego simply looked at him. “You know where you want it to go.”

  He was right. Oscar was ready, and Eva… fuck.

  She’d told him she wasn’t ready for marriage and kids in exactly those words, standing outside the reception hall with him just two short nights ago. And while Oscar’s entire world had been dumped upside down the moment he’d kissed her, he only had her little fit over him moving as a gauge of whether things had changed for her. And that wasn’t really all that much to go on.

  “You’re already there, man,” Diego continued, gesturing more expansively to the house. “You’ve got the house and the retirement plan, and I know you want a family. You’re good at that commitment thing, and you get all soft in the head around kids.”

  Oscar crossed his arms. “I would never push her into anything, Diego.”

  “I know that. I love you both, but don’t compromise what you want out of life, because she might never want what you want. She and I are a lot alike you know.”

  “Minus the juggling half a dozen friends with benefits thing.”

  Diego hunched one shoulder and grinned. “Right. Minus that.”

  Oscar let his gaze drift down the street, empty and mostly dark except for a few lit porches here and there. Something that had been clear for far longer than he was willing to admit seemed to settle deep into his bones and spread through his body, rich and warm.

  “I want Eva.” He looked at Diego, as sure as he’d ever been about anything. “Whatever else that does or does not include is icing.”

  Diego pushed off his car and hugged Oscar again. “Good luck,” he said with a chuckle. “Just give me a heads-up when you decide to tell my family so I can make sure I steer clear of the madness for a while.”

  And with that he released Oscar, got into his car and drove away.

  Oscar was still standing in the driveway a couple of minutes later, still trying to get his head around everything Diego had said, when Eva’s arms slipped around his waist from behind and she pressed her warm body to his back.

  “How did that go?” she asked, her nose and mouth touching his shoulder.

  “He wished me good luck,” he told her.

  “Asshole,” she muttered, with no small amount of affection.

  Oscar turned in her arms until they were face-to-face. “I’m not going to just drop everything and take off to Chicago,” he assured her, drawing her close to his body, his desire for her hot, instant and greedy.

  She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his mouth.

  “I know,” she sighed, tightening the hold she had on his waist. “I know,” she repeated, and turned her face up to his. “Take me to bed, Oscar,” she whispered.

  “Or I have a new porch swing we could break in,” he suggested. It was shielded from the street on two sides by wide trellises that were thickly covered with morning glory and hidden deep in shadow at that time of night.

  Her fingertips dug into his back and she made a soft, erotic humming sound that went straight to his cock. “Even better.”

  Chapter Seven

  With his arms still around her, Oscar walked Eva backward to the front porch. He didn’t kiss her, didn’t say anything, just maneuvered her where he wanted her, those eyes holding hers hostage. When they reached the two steps that led to his porch, he picked her up and carried her to the swing, which was indeed very well hidden.

  He lowered her onto the cushioned seat of the swing and she ran her hands up his arms and shoulders, laced her fingers behind his neck.

  “Shouldn’t you be the one sitting?” She bounced a little, making him smile. “The seat’s kind of low for you to fuck me standing up.”

  He caught her face in his hands and the world swam as he took her mouth with deep, easy possessiveness. God it was good, that lush mouth of his, moving slowly over hers, his tongue sliding in and out with the promise of how good it was going to be when he got down to actually fucking her.

  “I’m not going to fuck you from here,” he said, releasing her to open the buttons on her shorts. “I just want to taste you,” he added, and slid the hot tip of his tongue along her lower lip.

  “Well then.” She raised her hips so help him get her shorts off. “By all means.”

  It was odd, being naked from the waist down. Outside. On a front porch in what was outwardly a respectable middle-class neighborhood. Odd but dirty and not a little taboo. And thrilling as fucking hell.

  Oscar deepened the kiss, gripped her hips and pulled her ass to the edge of the seat. Her head fell back as he stood, their mouths still locked together. Reflexively, Eva spread her legs and rocked her hips, the feel of the cushion on her pussy making her want to grind against it to get some relief.

  He took a throw pillow from beside her and dropped it to the porch floor, lowered slowly to his knees and tugged her hips until her ass was barely balanced on the edge.

  “Open wide for me, Eva,” he said as he wrapped his hands around her ankles and brought her feet up to his shoulders.

  She let her knees fall to the sides and he groaned appreciatively.

  “Yes, just like that, baby.”

  The rough sound of his deep voice combined with the cool night air against her hot, wet cunt made her muscles tightened reflexively. He slid his hands around her thighs from below, hooked his long fingers over the tops to open her even wider and dove in.

  Eva’s mouth dropped open and her eyes tried to roll back into her head when his mouth immediately found her clit and closed over it, his tongue moving in a lazy circle that had her leg muscles trembling and her back arching instantly.

  She gripped the edge of the seat to steady herself. “God fucking damn, Oscar.”

  In the dark she could see him look up at her, which caused its own kind of thrill. She gasped and thrust against him when he sucked once, twice, three times in a slow rhythm, then let her go to lick her almost from her ass, all the way to the top of the slit where her pussy started. He sat back on his heels and one hand moved around her leg, so he could slowly stroke her clit with the tips of his fingers.

  “Show me your tits,” he said, eyes still on hers.

  She was pretty sure she was going to rocket right off the swing and through the porch roof if she let go of the death grip she had on the edge of the seat, but she took a chance. His gaze didn’t leave hers right away as she lifted the hem of her t-shirt, exposing the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

  Oscar rose so he was standing on his knees, changed the angle of his hand, and slipped the first couple of inches of his middle finger inside her. His thumb slid through her slickness on its way to press down on her clit and his middle finger stroked her. Her hips automatically started to rock, showing him the pace she needed.

  “Play with your pretty nipples for me,” he whispered, eyes glittering.

  She shook her head. “I’ll come too fast,” she said, panting now.

  The pace of his fingers quickened. “I’ll do it again, slower next time.”

  Having no reason to not believe him, she brushed her hands over her tight, aching nipples, making herself gasp as her back arched into her own touch. He groaned another throaty “yes” and kept up the pace with his hand, eyes on her tits now.

  God it felt fucking amazing, doing something incredibly dirty out in the warm summer night air. Too far gone to care who might accidentally see them at that point, Eva rolled both her nipples between her fingers and felt the throbbing tightening of her cunt around Oscar’s finger.

  “Let me have one,” he told her, leaning close.

  She moved her hand and his mouth was on her, sucking gently, his tongue circling at the same pace of his thumb on her clit.

  “I’m going to come,” she told him, voice shaky, one hand still tugging greedily on her free nipple, the other buried deep in
his hair, gripping him tight.

  “Not yet,” he said against her skin, then grazed his teeth over the length of her nipple as he also pulled his finger out of her. He brushed his lips up the length of her neck and along her jaw until their mouths were touching. “I want my mouth on you when you come, sweetheart. I want to feel every throb of your tight cunt on my tongue, lick up every drop of your sweet wetness.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Oz,” she said with a shuddering laugh.

  He chuckled, then buried his head in her neck and nipped at her skin with a growl she felt all the way through her body. He’d only kissed his way to her sternum before headlights lit up the driveway, and then the front of his garage.

  “No, no, no, no,” they both started to chant at the same time, Oscar straightening to look over his shoulder and Eva quickly moving back to pull her shirt down.

  “Who the ever loving fuck could it be now?”

  “Just stay here.” He got to his feet. “I’ll get rid of whoever it is.”

  “Oscar.” She grabbed his arm and he turned back to her. “I’m half naked.”

  “They can’t see you,” he assured her.

  In the driveway the headlights went out, the engine turned off and the driver opened their door in quick succession.

  “Stay,” he whispered quietly, and walked away.

  Eva was shaking so hard she was surprised the chains holding the swing to the porch roof weren’t rattling. It had to be a health hazard to stop suddenly when a person was so close to orgasm, she mused, looking around for her shorts. She didn’t see them, but they were just as black as the shadows under the swing.

  Her head came up with a snap when a woman’s laugh drifted across the yard. She stood slowly and went to peer through the morning glory.

  The woman was almost as tall as Oscar, model thin and had a mass of red curls that had been twisted into a messy knot almost on top of her head. Her long legs were fully on display in a pair of cutoff jean shorts and she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra under the body-hugging, spaghetti strap tank she was wearing. Only she wasn’t barely an A like Eva. She was a solid C going on D.

  Eva turned and went down on her knees so fast she felt the corner of the swing’s armrest brush dangerously close to her forehead. She groped into the shadows a minute before she found her shorts, had them pulled up and almost buttoned when the car in the driveway started and Oscar reappeared at the top of the porch steps.

  “I should go,” she told him, her thoughts spinning wildly out of control.

  He simply said, “No.”

  Ice slipped through her veins. “Stay? No?” She moved past him to go into the house and get her purse. “Again, Oscar, I’m not a dog who will obey your every command.”

  “I’m well aware of that,” he answered in the same calm tone she’d just used.

  She went to the living room where she’d dropped her purse and heard him slide the lock on the front door as she slung it over her shoulder.

  She faced him, hands on hips. “You can’t keep me here against my will.”

  “And I won’t.” He widened his stance and crossed his arms. “You remember we’ve only been seeing each other two days, right?”

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m five, asshole.” She’d been wearing shoes. Shoes she’d left out on the patio. She went through the still-open sliding door to get them.

  “And you realize I had a sex life that didn’t involve you before then, right?” he asked as he followed close behind her.

  Good Christ in heaven she wanted to swing around and clock him with her purse.

  She found her sandals and jammed her feet into them. When she turned he was standing in the doorway with his hands braced on the doorframe so she didn’t have any room to pass. Fully intending to let herself out the side gate, she turned to walk away, but he caught her around the waist and pulled her back against his body.

  Eva stilled. “Let go.”

  “I didn’t have you pegged as the jealous type,” he murmured, lips brushing against her ear. “I kind of like it.”

  “Oh get the fuck over yourself. I’m not jealous.”

  Yes she was. The idea of that woman’s long legs wrapped around Oscar’s waist, her big tits bouncing as he fucked her, made her so sick she wished she never would have laid eyes on the gorgeous bitch. Which was all kinds of wrong, because he was right—she was not the jealous type. Never had been.

  It was highly unsettling, but she understood all too clearly why she felt it now.

  Part of her wanted to push out of his arms and leave, get far enough away she could get her head on straight. But the way he was holding her close had his thick erection pushed against the seam of her ass. Whether it was still hard from what they’d left unfinished, the redhead or the fact that she was fighting him, she didn’t know.

  Didn’t care. All she knew was she wanted it. She wanted him.

  “I let her know I was already occupied for the night,” he said, kissing her neck as he pulled her back inside slowly, not forcing her. “With the woman of my dreams.”

  He didn’t need to. Her temper was cooling even as her pussy heated again.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Oscar.”

  “Fuck you, yes,” he said, smiling against the spot where neck curved into her shoulder as he slowly removed her purse and set it on the kitchen table. “Fuck with you, no.” He reached over and closed the sliding patio door. “Not anymore.”

  And just like that he had one hand between her legs, fingers cupping the mound of her pussy with a delicious pressure, his other hand under her shirt, squeezing her breast. She pulled her shirt off over her head with shaking hands as he went for the buttons on her shorts, then stripped them down her legs. By the time she turned his own shirt was off and his shorts were dropping to the kitchen floor.

  “Here,” she said, giving him a slight push so they went down to the floor together, him on his back and her on hands and knees above him.

  She nipped and licked her way up his stomach and chest but didn’t stop to kiss him before she straddled his head, legs spread wide to give him full access to her pussy. He obliged by gripping her ass with both hands and raising his head to meet her as she came down on his mouth.

  Her back arched and her mouth fell open as he devoured her with an enthusiasm that was overwhelming. She was instantly back to the point he’d taken her to out on the porch, and then she was coming, crying out between deep, ragged gasps for air, rocking her throbbing clit against the pressure of his incredibly talented tongue.

  It was too much and not enough at the same time. Before she was even close to coming down she crawled backward and gripped his dick. She’d fully intended to fuck him right then and there, but he sat up and grabbed her by the hips, holding her off.

  “Up,” he said, giving her a playful smack on the hip.


  “No condom.” He got up and helped her stand on her barely functioning legs, slung her over his shoulder as if she weighed nothing, carried her up the stairs and dropped her onto his enormous bed.

  Eva bit back another wave of jealousy when she got a glimpse of the large number of condoms strewn in the nightstand drawer—obviously kept at the ready for leggy redheads, or whoever happened to stop by apparently—as he took a couple out.

  She was no different, she reminded herself. She kept condoms as a just-in-case in her own nightstand. Just not as many, for Christ’s sake.

  He dropped one onto her stomach and it startled her out of her thoughts.

  “Where’d you go just now?” he asked, lifting one of her legs by the ankle to kiss the arch of her foot.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She tore open the condom wrapper and let her gaze wander down his body, over his beautiful chest to his cock, which was so hard it was practically pointing toward the ceiling.

  “You sure?” He kissed his way up her sole to her big toe.

  She pulled her foot out of his grip and sat up, stroked the smooth, hot hardness of his
prick several times before she sheathed him. “Positive.”

  Because in the end all that mattered was she was about to have him inside her. No matter who’d come before, she was with him in that moment.

  Eva scooted her ass to the edge of the bed, stretched out on her back and opened her legs for him. Oscar picked up her feet and pushed until her knees were spread high and wide. She reached between them and angled his cock until he could slip the head inside of her. She watched goose bumps spread over his skin and his eyes closed, mouth open, as he slowly pushed himself deep.

  “My God,” he breathed. He pulled all the way out so his cock sprang free. Eva was already grasping at him, pulling him back before she realized he’d done it on purpose.

  They both groaned when he pushed deep and then retreated all the way a second time. She willingly helped him again, because the rush she felt every time he entered her was going to drive her absolutely out of her fucking mind.

  “Touch yourself.” His eyes were so heavily lidded she could barely see his irises.

  “You’re so bossy.” But she was already licking her fingers, reaching down to rub her clit, completely exposed by the way he was still holding her legs open.

  He bit out a rough “Fuck” and then started to do just that, his hips moving in a smooth, steady glide, stomach flexing with each forward thrust.

  “Faster,” she commanded, moving her fingers quicker and tightening her stomach in a way that she knew would put more pressure on his cock from within.

  Sure enough, he let out an agonized groan and pumped into her harder.

  Between the pace of her fingers and the glorious feel of him fucking fast and deep, Eva was writhing on the bed, her skin pulling tight all over her body, lungs unable to drag in enough air. And when she came it was with her teeth clenched tight and her entire body seizing so that she practically sat up straight on the bed with it.


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