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Page 8

by Toppen, Melissa

“It really is,” he agrees, smiling at Addie who reappears with our drinks moments later.

  We place our orders, the poor girl having trouble keeping her hand steady as she jots them down on a notepad. And then finally, after what feels like too long, she walks away leaving me once again alone with Hudson.

  “So you said you’re joining Travis Travers on the last leg of his tour. What does that entail?” I waste no time jumping back in, eager to know everything I can.

  “The next show is in Ohio and then we head south again. Hitting the Carolina’s, Alabama, and Georgia before we head west. I think there’s something like sixteen shows left in the tour. After that one wraps up I’ll likely head back out with another artist on the label. Jerry seems to think I’ll be on the road for the better part of a year before I go back into the studio to start working on the next album.”

  “Jerry?” I question.

  “My manager.”

  “So how did you get signed?”

  “It was totally unexpected actually. A guy from Rock Saw Records saw me playing a local gig. Approached me after the show. I had a few meetings, submitted a demo, and the next thing I know I’m in a room with lawyers and label execs signing a record deal. It all happened so fast.”

  Hudson takes a drink of his water, pulling my attention to the intricate tattoo that spans the length of his forearm and wraps around the underside.

  “I got it last year after I got signed,” he says in way of explanation when he sees me staring at his arm.

  “It’s incredible.” I reach over and trace my fingers along the swirling lines that end on the back of his hand.

  I look up to find him watching me, an expression I can’t quite read drawing up his features. It isn’t until I look back down at my hand that I realize what I’m doing. Quickly pulling away, I clear my throat before asking, “What does it say?”

  It looks almost like a tribal with thick twirling lines but if you look closely enough you can see letters hidden within the design.

  “It says Demasi. See.” He extends his arm out and twists, showing me the letters with his finger. Once he points them out, I can see them clear as day.

  “Why Demasi and not James? Since you said you got it after you got signed.”

  “I wanted to make sure that no matter what happened from that point on, I never forgot where I came from. I may be Hudson James to everyone else, but to those who matter, I’ll always be a Demasi.”

  “I like that.” Taking a deep breath, I try to control my rapid heartbeat.

  “You got any tattoos?” he asks, leaning back into the booth.

  “Just the matching ones Emma and I got on her twenty-first birthday. I’m pretty sure you’ve already seen it.”

  “Have I?” He cocks a brow, a smile playing on his lips.

  “Three stars on my lower stomach. Ring any bells?” I tease.

  “I don’t know. I think you’ll have to show me again to be sure.” His smile widens, the dimple on his right cheek making an appearance.

  “Is that so?” I play along, loving this little back and forth we seem to be doing.

  “It is,” he confirms, leaning forward, his elbows coming to rest on the table.

  “Here you go.” We both jump, startled by the waitress who neither of us realized was there.

  “That was fast,” I observe, leaning back so Addie can place the salad I ordered on the table in front of me.

  “Anything else I can get you?” she asks, her eyes glued to Hudson the whole time.

  I bite back the urge to remind her I’m at the table as well, instead deciding to enjoy the show.

  “I’m good.” He smiles before flipping his gaze to me. “Lennon, you good, sweetheart?”

  I nod once, not missing the disappointed look that flutters over Addie’s face at the endearment or the way Hudson’s eyes dance with humor.

  “Enjoy your meal.” Addie turns and quickly walks away without another word.

  “Hudson,” I scold. “I think you just broke the poor girl’s heart.”

  “And how’s that?” He chuckles, picking a fry up off his plate and popping it into his mouth.

  “You called me sweetheart. Did you see the look on her face. She thinks we’re together now.”

  “We are together, aren’t we?” He pops another fry in his mouth, chewing slowly as he watches me.

  “Physically, at this very moment, yes. But what happens after we leave here? Addie could have been the one and now you’ll never know because you led her to believe that we’re a thing.” I’m teasing of course, but that doesn’t lessen the way my stomach twists suddenly envisioning Addie’s cheek pressed against the stock room door while Hudson drives into her from behind.

  I have to physically shake the image away.

  “Are you listening to yourself? Are you seriously trying to pawn me off on our waitress who’s probably not even old enough to drink. Are you that scared of me?”

  “I’m not scared of you. I just don’t think you should miss any opportunity. You never know where you’ll meet your soul mate.”

  “And if I’ve already met her?” he asks, his gaze narrowing in on the way my cheeks flush with heat.

  “Well, then good for you. I look forward to meeting her.” I shuffle the salad around my plate without breaking eye contact.

  Hudson thinks on that for a long moment before laughter rumbles through him, shaking his shoulders.

  “God I forgot how much fun you are to be around,” he says, shaking his head before his smile finally fades. “Why didn’t you call me?”

  It takes me a second to catch up with the shift but once I do, I find he’s fallen completely serious across from me.

  “I told you, I...”

  “You lost my number,” he interrupts, the look on his face telling me that he knows better.


  “Why don’t you tell me the truth? I’m a big boy. I can take it.”

  “It wasn’t anything you did that night, if that’s what you’re thinking.” I instantly feel guilty, not once considering he might’ve thought I didn’t enjoy our time together. “That night was...incredible.” I let out a slow breath, knowing incredible doesn’t come close to covering it.

  “Then why the radio silence after?” He waits patiently as I try to figure out exactly how to answer this question. Finally, I decide to be upfront with him.

  “I came to Nashville.” I don’t miss the way his eyes widen slightly at my confession. “The weekend after you left, Emma and I drove up. Colton had told her you were playing at Thrive and I let her convince me it was a good idea to show up unannounced. I knew if I called you I would let it slip. I’m horrible at keeping secrets. So I chose not to call at all, figuring you’d know why I hadn’t once you saw me there.”

  “But I didn’t see you,” he states the obvious, clearly confused.

  “But I saw you.” I set my fork down, knotting my hands in my lap before meeting his gaze again. “And I saw some brunette whose tongue was jammed down your throat.”

  “Lennon.” I quickly hold my hand up before he can continue.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Hudson. We had a one night stand. It was foolish of me to think maybe it was more. I’m not angry with you or anything. You made no false promises. Hell, we didn’t even talk about the possibility of seeing each other again.”


  “I mean it was fun, right? But seriously, driving eight hours to drop in on your one night stand...”

  “Lennon,” Hudson repeats more firmly and my words instantly die off when I realize I’m rambling.

  Pulling my hands from my lap, I pick up my fork and take a bite to avoid the sudden tension floating between Hudson and me. Chewing slowly, I avoid his gaze until his hand comes down to rest on top of mine just as I swallow.

  “I’m sorry you had to see that.” His words seem more sincere than I ever expected them to be. “I won’t make excuses or lie to you. But I will tell you that had I know
n you were there, the only girl sitting in my lap would have been you.”

  Even though his statement leaves me feeling tingly inside, I still have to push past the gut feeling I have that there’s more to it. Like I can sense he’s holding something back though I have no idea why I feel that way.

  “I guess it happens a lot, huh?” I smirk, deciding to keep the conversation light. “Girls sitting in your lap and sucking your face off, I mean. Probably a daily occurrence.”

  He sees through my banter, smiling as he shakes his head. “Happens more than I care to admit.”

  “Hudson!” I exclaim, playfully kicking him under the table. “You’re not supposed to tell me that.”

  “Gonna give it to you straight. Even if it makes you feel some kind of way.”

  “You wanna know what makes me feel some kind of way?” I counter, narrowing my gaze at him. “This entire conversation.”

  His smile spreads, instantly followed by the deep chuckle that makes my skin prickle.

  “Doesn’t like to talk about women sucking my face off. Noted,” he says, the gold specks in his dark eyes practically sparkling in mischief.

  We spend the rest of lunch on lighter topics. I tell Hudson about Emma and Robert, noting that I think she’ll be pregnant in no time.

  I ask about return trips to Destin, surprised to learn that he and Colton haven’t been back since spring break five years ago. Though he doesn’t say why they broke the tradition.

  We talk about my job designing remodels for Emma’s father, Jeff Barrett. And while I confirm I still live at the same condo, I leave out the fact that I moved out for a few months and then moved back in, not wanting to have the Gage conversation with him.

  By the end of lunch it feels almost as natural as it did that night five years ago.

  Hudson’s smile is easy as we exit the restaurant, his hand reaching out to take mine as we step out onto the sidewalk.

  Looking down at our adjoined hands and then back up to Hudson, I can’t help but wonder how the hell I ended up here. Looking into the same dark eyes I’ve dreamt about more times over the years than could ever be considered healthy.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you back.” Hudson turns, pulling me alongside him.

  We’re within a block of my hotel before either of us makes any attempt to speak.

  “This was fun,” I say, keeping my gaze forward as we weave through the busy afternoon crowd.

  “We should do it again.” He nods and I feel his eyes on the side of my face.

  “Pretty soon you’re gonna be too famous to spend your time with someone like me.”

  “Someone like you?” he questions, pulling me to a stop just a few feet from the entrance of the hotel.

  “I’m just saying.” I shrug. “Famous people don’t have time for a nobody like me.” I’m joking but I feel like maybe I’ve hit a nerve, even though he recovers instantly.

  Pulling me off to the side so that we aren’t blocking the sidewalk, he steps closer, his hand settling on the back of my neck as he forces my face upward.

  “My fame would never change who you are, Lennon,” he says softly, his eyes holding my gaze.

  “And who am I?” I push out past the knot that has suddenly formed in my throat.

  “Someone I should have fought for five years ago. Good thing I know better than to make the same mistake twice.”

  Before I can even think to respond, Hudson’s face dips and his lips press against mine. It’s not a hot and heavy kiss like he delivered that night outside the club, but it still causes me to sizzle from head to toe.

  He pulls back all too soon and I’m left wondering what the hell happens next. Is this it? Is this all I get? No matter what he says the truth still remains. He’s going on tour for who knows how long and I have a life in Florida. The reality of our situation feels heavier than it should.

  Dropping his forehead to mine, he lets out a slow breath, his hand going from my neck to my shoulder.

  “I don’t want to say goodbye yet.” His admission dulls some of the fear I felt only moments before and replaces it with a slew of butterflies that erupt in my stomach.

  “Me either,” I admit, pulling back so I can look at his handsome face.

  “Can I see you again before you leave?”

  “I don’t see how that will be possible. If it were any other weekend I would. But this is for my sister. I can’t bail on her.”

  “I get it.” He takes a step back, letting his hands fall. “You’ll call me later though, right?”

  “Nope.” I shake my head, trying to act totally serious but failing miserably. “You’ll call me.”

  With that, I push up and lay another light kiss to his mouth before I whip around and walk straight into the hotel without a backward glance.

  Hudson’s laughter can be heard until the door closes behind me and instantly I feel the loss of him.

  This is so not good...

  Chapter Nine

  After texting Emma the watered down version of my lunch with Hudson, I gave my sister and the other girls the same info. I left out the fact that he kissed me or that I kissed him, figuring it would probably incite more questions which I had no clue how to answer.

  It wasn’t long after I arrived back from lunch that we all started to get ready for our night out. I hadn’t realized it at the time, but Hudson and I were at Mimi’s for over three hours, something my sister instantly pointed out when I walked in the door at nearly four o’clock.

  Now here we are four hours later, dressed once again in matching shirts. Tonight’s attire is almost identical to the tanks we wore yesterday, but the words are different. The front of Starr’s shirt reads, I’m getting married, with Bride across the back. While ours say, So we’re getting drunk, with our role in the wedding on the back. The colors are also flip-flopped. Instead of white with red writing, tonight’s shirts are red with white writing.

  I partnered mine with short jean shorts and a pair of black chucks, while the other girls – minus Sandy – are sporting big fluffy tutus and heels. They tried to sell me on wearing one, but there was no way I was bar hopping in downtown Nashville looking like a wanna be fairy princess. Not to mention their feet will be killing them all night.

  We’ve just stepped into the fifth bar of the night and I’m already rocking a pretty solid buzz. Our goal is to walk into every bar on the strip, do a shot, and stay for one song. So I’ve had four shots in the matter of thirty minutes; a blowjob, a buttery nipple, sex with an alligator, and my favorite in name only – slut juice.

  With each stop we rotate who orders and pays, and since everyone has paid but me, minus Starr who’s not paying for anything tonight, I instantly head toward the bar. Since it’s my turn to pay, I get to pick the shot. Problem is, I have no idea what the hell to order.

  Sliding over to the far side of the bar away from where several people have congregated, I wait patiently for someone to come take my order, still not sure what the hell I’m going to get.

  I pull out my phone thinking I can look up inappropriately named shots to get an idea of what to order. Based on two of the four drinks we’ve had, I don’t think they’re basing them off taste but the name alone.

  I’ve just pulled up a list of shot names when my phone pings in my hand, a text notification at the top. Hudson’s name catches my eye instantly.

  Quickly exiting out of the web browser, I click on the message, my eyes going wide the moment I do.

  Hudson: I think I liked Luscious Lennon better. Though I have to admit red is definitely your color.

  Looking up, my eyes trail down the bar. Hudson’s here. He has to be. It’s the only way he would know what I’m wearing. Not able to hide my smile, I turn my gaze the other way and freeze when I meet a pair of dark brown eyes, semi hidden under the same black baseball cap Hudson wore earlier today.

  He flashes me a wide smile and instantly my heart does something funny in my chest.

  Of course, the bartender chooses this momen
t to stop in front of me, barking out a rough, “What can I get for you?” as he wipes the bar in front of me where someone had spilled something.

  “Oh, um...” Completely off my game, I stutter over my words several times before managing to say, “I need six shots named after something sexual.” My cheeks redden when I hear Hudson’s low chuckle as he slides up right next to me.

  “How about a piece of ass?” the bartender suggests, his thin mouth twitching slightly.

  “I’ll take six pieces of ass,” I say, blushing further when I feel eyes shift my way. “Perhaps I said that too loudly,” I say, turning my gaze toward Hudson.

  He’s smiling widely when he leans into me and replies, “I’d settle for just one piece of ass.” His sultry look pins me to the barstool.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask after I’ve somewhat composed myself.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “How did you know we’d be here?”

  “You said every bar on the strip. I picked one and hoped you’d show up sooner rather than later.”

  “Hudson,” I start, but he quickly cuts me off.

  “Don’t worry. I know tonight is about your sister. Which is also kind of why I’m here.” He knocks his shoulder gently against mine.

  “What are you up to?” I turn to face him, crossing my arms in front of myself.

  “Guess you’ll have to hang around long enough to find out.”

  He leans down and kisses me softly on the cheek. His hot breath on my face has my body tingling in all sorts of places. If it wasn’t for Starr and this being her bachelorette weekend, I’d be begging Hudson to take me with him so I can quench this sudden and relentless thirst I feel to be pinned beneath his body with him moving inside of me.

  Hudson pulls away just as the bartender reappears balancing six shot glasses in two hands.

  “These are on me, Glenn. Do me a favor and signal the guys, would you?” Glenn, the bartender gives Hudson a nod before making his way around the bar and into the crowd, leaving only one person to help the ridiculous amount of people still waiting to be served.

  “You’re not paying for those. All the girls are taking turns and this was my turn.”


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