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Billionaire Bride

Page 3

by Ava Catori

  “I have a couple of morning appointments, but tomorrow afternoon is fine,” she said hesitantly. Kennedy swallowed hard. Everything inside of her screamed that this was a mistake, but on seeing Scott again she couldn’t help but wonder…what if? What if it was their chance again? What if he’d matured? What if he realized she truly was the one that he wanted now that he’d had time and space? She was a fool. Leopards don’t change their spots. Just tell him what he needs to know about real estate, get closure, and then say good-bye. It was the smart thing to do; only Kennedy wasn’t smart when it came to her heart. She ignored the red flags from the past. What made her so sure she could handle him this time? She should have said no. Hanging up the phone, she regretted saying yes.

  Scott decided to update his friends on his swift progress. “Already have a date,” he started with a text. He knew his phone would ring quickly. Ross beat Hawk to the call.

  “Damn, brother, you’re working fast,” Ross said.

  “You didn’t give me much time. After all, she’ll be a bride by the weekend.” Scott gloated, flaunting his superiority in his friend’s face.

  “A date is a date. A wedding is another thing. I’ll believe it when I see it. Otherwise, have my cash ready.” Ross goaded his friend.

  Hawk’s text blipped through. “It’s a long way from the altar.”


  Scott made plans. He’d juggle a few extra things the following day, but he’d work it out. He needed their date to go perfectly. His goal was to make her feel like the only girl in the world.

  Scott didn’t want to be stuffy in his work clothes. He wanted a more casual look. He decided to make a pit stop home, freshen up, and throw on some dark jeans, and a pull-over. The Maserati would be too flashy for today. He went with the less pricey BMZ Z4 Roadster. While he had a lot of cars, his favorite was actually the old second generation Chevy K5 Blazer he’d rebuilt. It was a late 1970’s model, black with tinted glass, and big ass tires. It was a man’s truck. Sure, he could have gone with something newer or more loaded, but in his day to day life, it was the refurbished Blazer he liked the best.

  He didn’t expect his hands to be sweaty on the steering wheel. It couldn’t possibly be nerves, right? Scott took a deep breath and tried to shake his anxiety. Was he excited to see Kennedy, or worried about losing the bet? Would she have second thoughts and slam the door in his face? He deserved as much. He’d put her through a lot in the past. He’d grown and matured, mostly… except for the stupid bets.

  What did he have to prove? Why was he so hell bent on winning at every cost? Would losing deal him a crushing blow? It was silly. His competitive nature pulled him in like a ragged gambler.

  Pulling up to Kennedy’s place, he got out of the car and walked up the walkway. Nice curb appeal, clean hedges, neatly trimmed, neutral coloring on the home; it was a safe choice. She was hardly a risk taker, which was one of the reasons he’d grown bored in the past. He loved the adrenaline rush of taking chances, while Kennedy liked the comfort of what she already knew. That went for the bedroom as well as her choice of homes.

  Scott reached over and rang the doorbell. Bzzzz. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he went in with high hopes.

  Kennedy answered the door with a grim reminder that he wasn’t her favorite person. “I was thinking; maybe this isn’t such a good idea. I think it’s better if we just say it was nice to see each other and leave it at that.”

  “What?” Scott arched an eyebrow. “Wait, what happened between the time I talked to you and now?”

  “We have history…” Kennedy started.

  “Okay, let me stop you right there. You remember the old me. This is the new, more mature, grown-up version of Scott. I just wanted to talk to you about the last couple of years and real estate. You’re not comfortable enough to talk to me?”

  “It’s not that. It’s just…” She stopped. “Fine, no, it’s fine. Why don’t you just come in? That way it’s not like a date or anything. You can ask me your real estate questions and then head out. I just think it’s better to keep things neutral. I’m afraid if we go out, well, it’s just not a good idea.” She regretted inviting him in. Torn between wanting closure and wanting to see him again for God knows what reason, she widened the door and allowed him to enter.

  “I wanted to at least offer you a nice lunch,” he said. “We can order in if you want.”

  “I can feed myself. I appreciate the offer, but let’s just finish up here and move forward. I’ve already spent too much time dwelling on the past.”

  Scott nodded. “I feel like a jerk. I’d love to at least leave you with a better impression. I guess that’s not really possible. I’m sorry again for the turmoil I threw into your life.”

  “Real estate is the topic of the day. Let’s keep it there,” she said, forcing herself to keep control of the conversation so it didn’t accidently flow into the past, laughing about the good times they did have before the hurt and pain.

  Scott slammed headfirst into the wall she put up. The only thing to do was scale the wall and get to the other side. He’d do whatever it took. No way was he losing this bet; besides, he was appreciating just how much Kennedy had filled out. She stammered about how she needed to lose weight, but honestly, he liked her better this way. She had full curves that were soft and feminine, and the extra pounds filled her bust line. Her clothes didn’t do much to hide the change, and he wasn’t complaining.

  The last thing Scott wanted to feel around Kennedy was arousal. It took him by surprise. His cock stirred. He didn’t have time for that. He needed to find a way to punch through the brick wall in front of him.

  She insisted she wasn’t interested in anything but real estate talk, but her eyes flickered and danced when she looked at him. Her hand drew up and played in her hair, wrapping a tendril around her finger and then letting it go. A soft apple blush touched her cheeks. She could hide it all she wanted, but Scott knew she was still attracted to him.

  He’d kept himself in good shape, and she knew damn well what he was capable of in bed. Even if she wasn’t willing to play on the kinky side, he’d given her multiple orgasms on many occasions. Their past wasn’t all bad. He watched her try to deny her lust, but knew with the right combination of words, he might unlock the vault she was hiding behind.

  Scott stretched, flexing a bit to show off. Kennedy turned away and led him to the living room. He’d rather visit the bedroom, remember the past a little bit, but he was more of slut than she was. He could play without emotions tangled up. Kennedy on the other hand attached emotions to everything, absolutely everything. It may very well be the key that he’d need to thaw her frozen heart.

  She jumped right in; talking about how she’d made the transition to real estate and then asked him what he wanted to know. It was as if she expected him to have a list of questions ready to go.

  Scott shook his head and changed gears. No way would she loosen up if she was all business. “Sounds like you’re really enjoying this new direction. I’m sorry the commercial work didn’t continue for you. You have the best head of hair out there,” he teased.

  “Thanks,” she said, blushing, as her hand wound up through her hair, pushing it behind her shoulder.

  It was long and lustrous, shiny and sexy. He used to love how her dark mahogany hair contrasted her creamy skin when she sat over him naked. Her hair just barely covered her pebbled nipples, teasing him. When she’d blow him, if he was lucky, she didn’t pull her hair back into a ponytail. It draped over him, grazing against his balls as she lowered and lifted her mouth onto his hard cock.

  Scott shifted as his dick started to grow and pressed tight to his jeans. He needed to clear his thoughts, because all he could picture was seeing her naked again. He wanted to play with her fuller breasts. He wanted to grab her tight around those curvy hips and plow her hard, filling her with his massive cock. Well, in his mind it was massive. In reality, it was probably just above average. Scott cleared his throat. “Do you
remember that time we got caught in the rain?”

  A soft smile spread across her face. She let her tongue run slowly over her lips and with a whisper she admitted it was something she couldn’t forget. “It’s one of my favorite memories.”

  “I think back to that a lot. I was so in love with you,” he started.

  “Yes, only to shatter my heart not a few weeks later. You were so in love with me that you had another girlfriend on the side. Apparently, you were you so in love with her too. It’s a shame that I wasn’t enough.” Kennedy drew her arms tightly around her chest. “You should probably go. Dredging up old feelings is not what I agreed to.”

  “I’m sorry.” He stood and offered his hand to help her up, but she refused it.

  Walking to the door, she said good-bye. “I’ll admit, it was nice to see you again; but our journey ends here.”

  Scott watched her suck her bottom lip in. Without thinking, he cupped her face between his hands and kissed her lips with a gentle tenderness. “Good-bye, sweet dove.” He turned to leave, reaching for the doorknob. He hated himself for the pain he’d caused her in the past. She didn’t deserve it. She sure as hell deserved somebody better than him.

  “Wait…” She was afraid to see him go and lied to herself because it was easier. She didn’t want him to leave. Not again. She hated all the feelings that bubbled up. There were crappy times, but there were so many wonderful times too. They were young and foolish. Of course he wasn’t ready to settle down. Of course he wanted to play the field. What hot guy wouldn’t? But here he was, standing in front of her again. Something she never thought she wanted…until this moment.

  Chapter 7

  A chill ran up Scott’s back. Was he twisting fate, taking a chance that would ruin both of their lives? Or was it possible that after so much time passed, there really was a spark that never died between them. There was obvious chemistry brewing, but what would that mean? He had a goal, and only a few days to get her to the altar. It was all a game. Or was it?

  Scott didn’t want to have feelings. They shook him up, tempting him to go all in and give her another chance. Frustrated, he didn’t like the options. He didn’t need to be weighed down by marriage and babies, and women who were insecure as hell in the bedroom. She had her moments, but as much as he’d adored her, he ached for a free spirit that enjoyed making love as much as he did. She went through the motions, but held back too much. He wondered if that had changed over time. Doubtful. She was who she was. It felt shallow to even think that way, but forever is a long time.

  It was more than just the sex that drove him crazy. She’d wonder where he was, checked up on him, and played the role of clingy, insecure girlfriend one too many times. He wanted a woman that was independent, strong-willed, and didn’t rely on him for all of her entertainment. They could be partners and lovers, sure, but expecting every minute of every day to be together, no way. Looking back, the smothering insecurity chased him away more than anything else.

  “Do you want to get lunch,” she asked, slowly losing her ground. She wanted to spend more time around him. She forgot the hold he had over her, and how damn attractive he was. She could deny it all she wanted, but Kennedy knew she’d fall, and fall hard, given the chance. Her insides twisted up inside of her, not sure how she wanted him to respond.

  “Lunch would be nice.” He lifted a finger and circled her succulent lips, barely grazing them. “I forgot how much I liked kissing you. Forgive me.”

  Holding one another’s gaze, neither dared to move. Kennedy finally turned away, realizing she was playing with fire. “Are you ready?”

  “Right,” he said, letting the moment pass. Scott didn’t mean to kiss her, it just sort of happened. He wasn’t in love with her any longer, though he enjoyed thinking about the past time to time like anybody. Yet, there she was before him, stirring up old feelings. He wanted to brush his lips to hers, and to drink in a kiss that would pull them back together.

  Over lunch, there was obvious flirting; a thoughtful touch of her hand, a blush across Kennedy’s cheeks, and a casual hair flip. Scott’s gaze fell to her pouty lips, wanting to trace the soft ruby mouth that he couldn’t look away from. He knew where that mouth had been. Scott shook his head, trying to chase away the thoughts. It wouldn’t do him any good to get emotionally attached to the girl. He’d break her heart in the end.

  Kennedy leaned in closer, giving him an opportunity. Her kiss was his for the taking, but he held off, unsettled with his mixed emotions. What if she had been the one all along? What if they were supposed to come back together? Was it fate stepping in, or was he simply melting into the competition, riding it out for all it was worth?

  Lunch played out in one long succession of ‘should I or shouldn’t I’. When she placed her hand on his thigh, his body made the decision for him. He moved closer and cupped her face in his hands. “I’ve missed you,” he said before pressing his lips to hers.

  Kennedy filled with warmth. Heat rose into her cheeks, while her head filled with visions of possibilities. Giving in was all she wanted. When he pulled back from the kiss, she snapped back to reality. She needed to remember that Scott Bishop meant pain. He’d hurt her again. He’d grow bored, move on, and wasn’t the kind of guy who committed himself to relationships. There was no point in holding on. “Thank you,” she purred. “I’ve enjoyed the afternoon, but I should go.”

  “Please don’t. Let’s just go for a drive and talk. I’ve missed seeing you,” he pleaded.

  “We both know where this will end up. I don’t have it in me to be crushed again.” She had to be honest.

  Scott lowered his head. He’d already caused her pain in the past, he got it. And yet, he truly wanted to spend more time with her. Sure, it started as a game, a bet and all of that, but being around Kennedy brought back feelings he wasn’t planning on.

  With a little more convincing, she agreed to go for a drive along the river, and then say their good-byes.

  Chapter 8

  Brooke London settled in with her tablet and placed an order. A tuna melt on rye, a diet soda, and a side of fresh fruit in place of the fries. It was her regular getaway for lunch. Work had been crazy lately, and getting out of the office was the only way she got a few minutes to herself. The little café barely stood out among the strip of boutiques and stores. It blended seamlessly, offering respite from a busy city street.

  Ross Weber ran over to the little café, looking to grab a bite. His morning had been hectic, and if he went to his usual haunts people would find him. He’d found this little place by accident, and once he realized how good and simple the food was, he kept the secret to himself. He called in an order for take-out, but decided he might just stay and eat it there. He needed to clear his head before going to the next meeting. There was talk of bringing another person into his area. He was the face of Modern Markets, but the marketing department thought that a woman’s face and voice would add more value as most women tended to do the larger part of grocery shopping. He hated the idea of sharing space with some over-hyped actress that would need to primp and demand more air time. He worked hard at being just the right voice and face for the exclusive markets.

  Modern Markets didn’t just do commercials, but they had a line of helpful videos on their website, as well as an infomercial. People thought he was crazy to do one, but damn if sales didn’t grow even more after it ran. They had a full 30 minute piece on the wonders and special conveniences of the store. Each section was highlighted in the most sensational way; employees (actors) smiled and helped guests while perfectly chosen soft music played in the background. Every product looked like the epitome of its self. “Always fresh, always forward thinking, Modern Markets is the market you’ve always wanted” scrolled across the screen.

  Opening the door to the small cafe, soft chimes jingled. Ross went to the counter to pick up his food. “Hi, I called in an order for a turkey sandwich.”

  “Sure thing, it’s right here,” the woman said, as he paid
his bill.

  “Do you mind if I grab a seat? I think I’m going to just eat it here. I need a few minutes of quiet.”

  “Not a problem, I’ll send someone over to get your drink order,” she said.

  “Great, thanks a lot.” Ross headed to a table and sat down. He was oblivious, so lost in his own world, that he never noticed the woman from the market sitting directly behind him. Pulling out his phone, he checked for new messages and then turned the ringer down. All he needed was ten to twenty solid minutes of quiet.

  The woman from behind stood and went to pay. Ross’s head was down, buried in thought, and about to pick up his sandwich. As she walked out of the café, he lifted his head on hearing the door chimes. He saw her through the window. Dropping his sandwich, he yelled to the woman behind the counter. “I’ll be right back.” Ross shot out of his seat, scrambling to catch the woman before she hopped into a cab and out of his sight once again.

  Breathless, he called out to her. “Brooke!”

  Brooke turned to look at the man calling her. “Do I know you?”

  He obviously hadn’t left the same impression on her. “The grocery store, produce aisle…” he rambled, before spitting out his name. “Ross Weber. Turns out I was sitting right behind you at the café. That’s some coincidence, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  He hesitated. No. Do it now. This is fate stepping in. “Would you like to get a bite to eat sometime? Well, not now, you just ate, but maybe another sometime?” He shook his head. He rarely stumbled, but this woman got his heart beating fast and hard.

  “Sure,” she said. “Give me a call.” She went to give him her number, but he’d left his phone on the table when he ran out. Laughing, she followed him back to the café and sat with him for a few moments, offering her phone number.

  “Are you doing anything this weekend? Maybe we could do dinner?” Ross suggested.


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