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Billionaire Bride

Page 6

by Ava Catori

  “What, baby?” He held her close, dropping his hands from her hair onto her back.

  “I’m afraid.” She hated to admit it.

  “There’s nothing to be afraid of, we’re in this together. Marry me, today,” he whispered.

  “I’m afraid of being made a fool. The bet, the money, I don’t know what’s real anymore.”

  “I don’t care about the money. It’s yours to do what you want with. We can donate it to your favorite charity. You can keep it. We can tell them we don’t want it. I really don’t care about the money. What I care about is you.” His lips met Kennedy’s again. Marriage was big, but they’d tackle it together.

  She slipped out of his arms and stepped back. “Scott, is this for real?”

  He nodded with the truth in his eyes. “Yeah, it’s for real. Like, ‘pack your bags, move into my house, there’s a minister outside waiting to marry us’ real. ”

  “It’s crazy,” she said backpedaling.

  “Be crazy with me,” was his only answer. “Say yes.”

  “I’m sorry.” She backed away. “I don’t trust you. I can’t marry somebody I don’t trust.”

  The arrow rammed through his heart. Their past history tainted her vision. It was his doing. “Do you believe in second chances?”

  “I did, until you hurt me the second time,” she reminded.

  “I should go. I’m sorry.” With that, he turned and headed outside, his shoulders low, his posture shouting disappointment.

  Kennedy watched him go down the walkway toward the waiting cars. It would be the last time she saw him. Her eyes went wide realizing that she wouldn’t see him again. “Scott, wait,” she said running out behind him. “Don’t go. Yes, I’ll marry you…on one condition.”

  Scott caught her in his arms and celebrated with his future bride.

  Chapter 15

  Kennedy stepped into the white gown Scott had supplied, hoping it would fit. It was a little bit tight, but hugged her curves beautifully. She stared at her image in the mirror trying to grasp what was happening. None of it made sense. It felt like a dream. And yet, there she was, dressed and soon to be married.

  Kennedy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to quell the nerves that jumped through her body. Why was she doing this? What did she want? What did she fear? Was it life without Scott that scared her the most? Or being alone and unsatisfied? How could she be certain that he’d be faithful? She couldn’t live with another betrayal. He promised, but his promises were empty in the past. Why was she willing to risk it all? What had he done for her, other than say he missed her? Why was that enough?

  Kennedy sat in one of the chairs, feeling the dress squeezing her. She hadn’t been happy with herself in ages. Maybe marriage and having Scott would fulfill her and bring her the happiness she’d missed so desperately. Anything had to be better than where she was currently at in life, even a billionaire that swore to love her forever, but couldn’t be trusted. Kennedy Reynolds was settling. It was the best offer to come along, and after too little thought she jumped in.

  If it started as a game for Scott, it ended as a game for Kennedy. She’d win. She’d win his heart once and for all, and it would become a real marriage, not a phony one of convenience. And the money, damn straight she was banking the bet’s winnings. If things went sour, she would at least have something to fall back on. It was like winning the lottery, only with a hot, sexy man attached to it. Kennedy Reynolds was ready to play the game of life.

  Running a brush through her hair one more time, she slipped the short veil on. She always thought she’d pick out her own dress. It’s not that this one wasn’t exquisite, but she’d missed out on the chance to find it herself with her friends and family. And walking down an aisle with friends nearby, she’d miss their faces as she said her vows. She’d miss the congratulations, the clapping, and the joy that a celebration brings. Instead, she’d silently stand in a parlor with Scott and some minister she’d only just met, and say vows she wasn’t sure she was ready to say.

  Kennedy had never pictured her wedding day like this. She closed her eyes with an unsettled feeling spreading through her veins. She deserved better. Slipping out of the room she was in, she found another empty room across the hall. She needed time.

  Scott knocked at the door. “Are you ready?” There was no answer. Opening the door, he realized she was gone. Where was she? Did she have second thoughts and run away?

  Scott made a call. “Ross, yeah, it’s me. She’s not here. Yes, she knew about the bet…”

  Kennedy leaned in against the door. She could hear him talking.

  “No, it’s not about that. Yes, I’m sure I want to go through with this. All this time, I’ve never met another woman that gets to me the way she does. Yeah, I didn’t expect to fall back in love. Hell, maybe it’s not love yet, but it will be. Did you take care of things? Okay, I need a few minutes to track her down. Hurry up.” He hung up the phone and sighed. Turning down the hallway, he called out to his future bride.

  Kennedy waited until he was gone before opening the door. He did want her. It wasn’t a game anymore. She was stunned. Walking down the hallway, she called out after Scott.

  On finding one another, Scott stopped in his tracks. “Wow, you look amazing. You’re beyond beautiful. I don’t even know what to say.”

  Kennedy blushed at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  “I have a surprise for you, but it’s this way,” he said taking her hand, leading her out to the parlor. Turning the corner, he frowned. The surprise wasn’t there yet.

  The door opened. Turning toward it, they saw Scott’s surprise walk through the door.

  “Brooke?” Kennedy’s eyes opened wide. She ran over and hugged her friend.

  “I couldn’t miss this,” she said. “Scott said you needed your best friend here, and who I am to disagree on your wedding day.”

  “He told you? And you’re not freaking out?”

  “Sure, I freaked out some, and then I realized he’s the one you’ve always loved anyway. I figured maybe fate finally stepped in and made the both of you realize now was the time.” She turned to Ross. “This one over there is claiming he’s going to marry me one day. Of course, I told him not until he chases me long enough.”

  “Are we ready?” Scott was getting antsy. “Did you bring the ring?”

  Ross nodded and then smiled at Brooke. “Better watch yourself, or you may be married by the morning.”

  Kennedy panicked. This was real. This was going to happen. “Wait.” She ran and sat at the bottom of the steps. “Is this a mistake?” She stared up at the others.

  “It doesn’t have to be,” Scott said.

  “I’m scared.” Kennedy clasped her trembling hands.

  “I won’t let you down. I promise.” Scott pulled her into an embrace.

  “People don’t do this. They don’t jump in with both feet, knowing it might be a mistake.”

  “Sure they do, all the time. What about Vegas? Think about all those quickie marriages, people who are drunk, those who are convinced they found their one true love, or people who take chances. It’s the same thing.” Scott tried to calm her nerves.

  “Great, so I’m getting married like drunken people in Vegas. That makes me feel a lot better,” she said.

  Brooke stepped in. “Kennedy, is this what you want? Don’t be pressured into if you’re not ready. I thought since you were here…the other day you were so angry, but here you are. I just assumed that you knew he was the one. You know… the guy that you’ll never get over and want to spend the rest of your life with.”

  Ross stepped up and grinned. “Brooke and I could take your place.”

  Brooke laughed. “Not so fast, cowboy. We didn’t even go on our date yet.”

  “I knew the moment I laid eyes on you. We’re destined. It’s okay if you’re not there yet. You will be one day.” Ross took her hand.

  Scott looked at his future bride. “Do you want to do this? If you’r
e not ready, we can stop this. We can start over, date for a while…”

  “Which would lead up to this moment again, if we’re lucky,” she said.

  “Luck has nothing to do with this. You got away from me, because I didn’t treat you right. I’m going to spend my entire life making it up to you.” He reached for his bride. “Are you ready?”

  Kennedy sighed. “It feels weird.”

  “Take a chance on me,” he coaxed. “We’ll make babies together, travel, and share our lives.”

  She shook her head. It was risky, but what did she have to lose?

  Chapter 16

  The minister spoke, “Marriage shouldn’t be entered into lightly…” and continued his words, before the couple would take their vows.

  Kennedy stopped the wedding. “I can’t do this, Scott. I’m sorry. I can’t marry you today. If you truly want to marry me, I’ll marry you tomorrow.”

  “What? Wait. Why in one day?” He was confused.

  “If I marry you today, I’ll always wonder if it was because of the bet. But if you’re willing to lose a million dollars and still marry me tomorrow, it will be because you love me.” She apologized to everybody and started to turn away.

  “But I do love you,” he said. “Why should we throw away so much money? It would be yours to do as you wish.”

  “I’m not marrying you for your money, Scott. I’ve loved you for years. You know that. If you truly love me, marry me for love, not money.”

  He took her hand before she could get too far. Looking into her eyes, he said, “I’ll marry you tomorrow.”

  “I don’t want to start our marriage wondering if it was real or a game.” She looked at her future husband, hoping for understanding.

  Scott looked to Ross. “I won. Maybe not the money, but the woman I didn’t even know I needed.” He scooped her into his arms. “I’ll meet you back here tomorrow.”

  “Really? You’ll marry me tomorrow?” She needed to be certain.

  “Yes, I will. I’ve been going through life, not knowing what was missing, but on seeing you again, I know.” Scott tenderly kissed her forehead. Turning toward Ross, he joked. “You better take the money and run, before the future Mrs. Bishop changes her mind.”

  Ross looked at the minister, and then Brooke. “Do you want to get married?”

  Brooke laughed. She realized Ross wasn’t laughing. “You’re not joking? I’m flattered, but I’m nowhere ready to get married.”

  Ross feigned relief. “Phew, I wasn’t quite ready yet myself. Now, maybe tomorrow I’d consider it, but definitely not today.”

  Brooke squeezed his hand. “Why don’t we leave these two alone so they can talk? I think you mentioned something about a first date? Let’s go get a bite to eat.”


  The minister asked if he was needed for anything else. Kennedy smiled. “Will you marry us?”

  Scott looked at her surprised. “What?”

  “Knowing that you were willing to marry me tomorrow was all I needed to know,” she winked. “Besides, the money will make a nice nest egg should things go sour.”

  Scott shook his head. “Aren’t you a clever one? Do you want me to grab Ross and Brooke?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I think this should just be you and me.”


  “…I now pronounce you man and wife.” The minister finished the ceremony.

  “This is for real? We’re married?” It was the craziest thing she’d ever done.

  “It’s for real, Mrs. Bishop. I’ll have our family lawyer handle the marriage license end of it.”

  The couple thanked the minister, photographer, and witnesses and saw them off. Standing looking at one another, they were lost and yet found. “What does this mean? I need to sell my house, and move, and there are so many things to take care of. I have to change my name and let people know and…”

  “Shhh,” Scott whispered, placing his finger over Kennedy’s lips. “We’ll figure that out later.”

  Taking her hand, he led her up the stairs to his bedroom, now their bedroom. He’d waited for this moment for…part of a week. It was kind of amusing how it all worked out, but nobody said life would be simple.

  Walking into the bedroom, Scott realized how long it had been seen he’d seen her naked. He’d treasure this moment. Scott placed a hand on her shoulder and turned Kennedy around. His fingers played with the zipper of her dress. Fumbling a bit, he pulled it down slowly. The noise of the zipper lowering broke the silence in the room.

  Her dress loosened. Kennedy held onto the front of the gown, not ready for it to fall off yet. “Scott, was this all a mistake? Were we foolish to go through with it?”

  “Foolish, probably,” he said with a grin. “But you’re back in my life. You’re everything I wanted and didn’t know.” He caressed her neckline with small, dotted kisses.

  Kennedy rolled her head to the side, letting him access the sweet spot that left her tingling when his hot breath was on it. Suckling her neck, he reached around to help her find the courage to drop her wedding gown.

  Closing her eyes, Kennedy gave into the sensation and let her dress fall to the floor. She stood in her laced lingerie, almost bare. Kennedy stepped out of her shoes and the gown that draped around her ankles. Turning, she faced her lover.

  Scott smiled. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her new, fuller curves left him anxious to lie naked with his new wife. “Do you remember…” he started.

  “Shhh, we’re starting over. I’m only looking at the future.” Kennedy slipped her hands behind her back and unhooked her bra. She held it in place, her hands over her breasts, and let the shoulder straps drop. With one hand, she sensually moved the bra from one breast and then the other. Her rounded, teardrop breasts offered a voluptuous shape. Her nipples were pebbled and hardened with his eyes on her.

  “Gorgeous,” he whispered as he moved in to touch her. Her warm skin was milky and soft to the touch. Lowering his mouth, he suckled a nipple between his lips.

  Kennedy’s world exploded. Everything happened so fast. She forgot how good it felt to have his mouth on her. She’d not been with a man that way in years. Nobody ever measured up, and she’d stop things before they got to that point. Confusion slipped to the side of her brain as she let go and sank into the feel of his wet mouth on her breast.

  Scott circled her nipple with his tongue, and then sucked it back into his mouth. He found her other breast, and cupping it, he kneaded her tenderly. He desperately craved more of her. He needed to hold her, caress her, and keep her next to him. He wanted to be inside of her and claim her as his wife. Scott prayed he wouldn’t turn into his father and stray, and hoped that he didn’t just make the biggest mistake of his life.


  Alexis and Matt laughed and ran around the backyard, excited for their new tree fort and swing set that was being delivered. Scott directed the delivery crew. After this was in place, the fence guys would start. If they were getting a dog, they’d want a fence.

  Kennedy sat on the patio watching her husband. She stood and poured another glass of ice tea for her mother-in-law. “Do you have enough shade?”

  “Yes, thank you dear.” She smiled at her daughter-in-law. When she first heard what happened, she thought her son had lost his marbles. Getting married that quickly seemed risky, but Scott was the happiest she’d ever seen him. After five years of marriage, he was truly the man he was meant to be.


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