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Sons of Justice 1: In Good Hands (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh, well, don’t worry. We won’t be alone.”

  “What do you mean?” Cherokee asked.

  “We’re never really alone, Cherokee. They protect us even from afar. It’s special. It’s a family. Everyone around here, and even in town, watch over the women, single or taken. Whether we find a man or men to love here, or some in town, women are protected and watched over by all the men. It’s a special part of Repose. It also gives additional confidence when traveling off the campground. Cesar, the sheriff, has a close relationship with the commanders, your men. I’m sure he’s already been informed about our little trip.”

  “Wait, back up. My men?” she asked.

  Mercy chuckled.

  “I’ve been around here for a bit longer than you. I’ve seen how it happens. The instant attraction, a connection, but then there are the worries, the situations and risks getting involved might cause. It’s rather an interesting process. You’re going through it now with the commanders. Who by the way, are definitely the craziest, most resourceful soldiers you will ever meet in your life. They are bad-ass and some. That’s why they are in charge of everything. So if they set their sights on you and want to make you their woman, you become all the soldiers’ responsibility. They all would move heaven and earth to protect the commanders’ woman.”

  Cherokee swallowed hard.

  “I’m a schoolteacher. I’m up for the position of nursery school teacher because that’s where a vacancy is. Seriously, you think I’m going to let my guard down and get involved with such intense men like the commanders? Hell, Mercy, I’ve told you about the way Spartan, Hans, and John treat me and talk to me. They give orders and command. Nolan and Brye, not as demanding, but still conversations of the third degree. It’s unnerving. I don’t know if I should be turned on or scared shitless.”

  Mercy chuckled. “That about sums up how I feel about Scout and his team.”

  Cherokee widened her eyes. “You like them?”

  Mercy exhaled and then slid down off the fence. She turned to look up at Cherokee. “I mentioned that attraction, the fears and anxiety, about giving in? I can’t. I’ve got scars that run deep, Cherokee. My focus is living day-by-day, teaching kids because it’s something I’m passionate about and love to do. I can’t let down my guard and let a man or men in. My battle wounds run way too deep.”

  “Well, you’re not alone.” Cherokee got off the fence and stood there, slid her hands along her short shorts, and then held Mercy’s gaze. “I’m here for you now. This is my new life, and like you, I’m going to take it one day at a time but always looking over my shoulder and always fearing the danger could be coming from right around the corner.”

  Mercy squinted. “Your men won’t let whomever is after you get you. Whether you want to give in to the attraction or not, keep them close, Cherokee. With men like Spartan, John, Nolan, Hans, and Brye nearby, you’re safe and secure, and they won’t let that person or people get close. Remember that because it isn’t bullshit.”

  Cherokee nodded her head, and they started to walk back toward the house, her thoughts on whom she might see first, but as they came up the hill, who was sitting there in a Jeep but Nolan and Brye, as well as Scout and Fort. Cherokee felt her heart pound as she locked gazes with Brye and then Nolan. Scout and Fort got down and stared at Mercy.

  “Hey, guys, what are you doing? Watching them train to get pointers?” Mercy asked.

  Scout chuckled and shook his head.

  “Keeping eyes on things. What are you two doing?” he asked and looked over Cherokee.

  She felt Brye’s gaze against her skin. Her nipples hardened, and her belly tightened. She went to fix her ponytail and turned to look back out at the men as they heard the cheers. She smiled. Once again, the signs of camaraderie, support, and family filled her heart and made her think about her dads. She felt the hand on her hip and the large, thick body press up against her back.

  “We’ll give you a ride back,” Nolan said, and she turned, looked up into his dark brown eyes, inhaled his cologne, and gave a soft smile, despite the tears in her eyes. He squinted, picking up on her emotions, and he slid his hand along her belly and gave her a little hug. She had to do all she could not to lean back and suck every bit of the effect that move, having him close, had on her.

  She pulled away, and then Mercy had her hands on her hips.

  “Where are we supposed to sit?” Mercy asked.

  Scout slapped his thigh. “Right here. Let’s go,” he ordered and Mercy’s face flushed and then Nolan took Cherokee’s hand and led her to the Jeep.

  He got in and then told her to get on up on his lap as Brye drove. The second she slid onto his lap she knew she was in trouble. She felt Nolan’s hard erection, then his arm wrap around her waist, and the Jeep began to move. She remembered the feeling of being in his arms the other night on the deck, wedged between him and Brye. Her face felt flushed, and she forced the thoughts from her head. It wouldn’t be smart.

  A glance behind her at Mercy showed the poor woman raising her eyebrows up and down at Cherokee and looking as white as a ghost. The confidence Mercy normally showed appeared to be nowhere to be found. Mercy was attracted to Scout and Fort, and just like Nolan, they were taking advantage of having her on their laps and holding her close.

  * * * *

  Nolan held Cherokee tight, keeping one arm wrapped around her midsection and one on the side rail as Brye took the bumps a little fast and hard. They all bumped up and down, and Nolan heard Mercy gasp then Scout and Fort chuckle. Scout told Mercy he had her. Nolan felt Cherokee grip his thighs and then place one hand over his arm.

  “Lean back against me,” Nolan told her, and she shook her head.

  “I’m good,” she said, and as Brye took another big bump, Nolan slid his hand down over her hip and upper thigh, feeling how feminine she was, and solid, too. She was in incredible physical condition. He inhaled her shampoo, and then she shifted.

  “Hold on.” Brye took the hill faster and then the bump.

  They laughed, but she and Mercy gasped. Cherokee turned slightly, grabbed onto his shoulder. He turned her so she was cradled in his arms and she had to place her arm around his neck. He gripped her body snugger, and holy fuck, his cock was so damn hard. The woman had to feel it under her ass.

  “Here we go, Mercy’s place first,” Brye said and then took the turn and slowed down for some people walking.

  Cherokee went to readjust her position, but Nolan held tight.

  “Stay,” he ordered and held her gaze with a firm expression, and the poor woman looked shocked. Then she licked her lower lip, and Christ, it took massive willpower not to kiss her right then and there.

  The Jeep stopped, drawing him and Cherokee back to the present.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at eleven. We can grab lunch in town,” Mercy stated.

  “Okay, bye.” Cherokee watched Scout and Fort get out with her.

  “Talk to you guys later. Thanks for the ride,” Scout said, giving them a casual, side salute, and Brye gave a salute back and then started to drive.

  “I should move into the backseat,” she stated.

  “Stay right there,” Brye said and placed a hand over her thigh.

  She looked at Brye, and Brye held her gaze then glanced back at the road. They were both touching her, and Cherokee wasn’t pulling away.

  As they got to her place, he pulled the Jeep into the driveway and then parked. She went to move, but Nolan stopped her. He reached up and cupped her cheek and stared into her gorgeous green eyes.

  She looked at Brye, who stroked her thigh, but Nolan didn’t take his eyes off of hers.

  “We should get out.” She lifted up.

  Nolan looked at Brye and saw his serious expression, his nostrils flared and that look that showed what Nolan was feeling.

  She got down with Nolan’s assistance, and Brye was there, looking her over in the tank top and short shorts. It really pissed them, Scout, and Fort off
because the security guys by the front gate referred to Mercy and Cherokee as the two hot runners.

  Men were talking about Cherokee and showing interest. Doc’s brother, Cody, had stopped his truck to talk to Cherokee before her run this morning, too. They all saw from the window and were jealous and pissed. Except Spartan, who said Cody was closer to Cherokee’s age and was a good soldier. Spartan was denying his attraction to Cherokee while the rest of them were finding it harder and harder to not make a move.

  She stopped by the front door. “Well, thanks for the ride, although it wasn’t necessary.”

  “We thought otherwise,” Brye said, arms crossed in front of his chest, staring at her.

  “Why is that?” she asked.

  Nolan looked at her. With those green eyes, gorgeous blonde hair, and full lips, she was sweet. Hell, she looked like she tasted sweet, too, and they weren’t the only men thinking that.

  “We have our reasons. Now, about tomorrow,” Nolan said.

  “Not your worry.”

  “It is our worry and our responsibility to ensure that you’re safe,” Nolan said to her.

  “Spartan said it was okay, and I believe he accepted Channing accompanying Mercy and I. He has some kind of meeting with the sheriff, so we’re going to do some shopping and grab lunch then head back. I need some clothes for work.” She pushed a loose strand of hair from her cheek, behind her ear. The move caused her large breasts to push forward from the top. Nolan stared at her and then looked at Brye.

  “Channing? Did you know about this?”

  Brye shook his head.

  “Well, talk to Spartan. I guess it was his idea. Anyway, thanks for the ride.” She unlocked her front door and headed inside.

  Nolan looked at Brye. “What the fuck?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s go talk to Spartan.”

  As they headed back to the Jeep, Nolan knew exactly what Spartan was doing. He was pushing her away from him and them. He didn’t want to face the attraction he felt. Now they would be sitting home wondering if she were okay, if men were hitting on her, and hope Channing didn’t suddenly feel an attraction to her, too. Fuck!

  Chapter Four

  Amber Holmes pushed the stroller with one-year-old Georgie, along with her husbands Jed, Jaret, Ledger, and Kye. Jaret held Ella’s hand, now four years old and attending her first day of nursery school. Amber swallowed hard. She couldn’t believe it. Her baby girl was going to school.

  Everyone was greeting one another from town and talking about their babies and how they were starting school and how exciting and crazy it was. Amber felt emotional and worried about Ella’s safety like most parents but then felt the hand on her shoulder and Jed press closer.

  “She’ll be just fine. She’s a soldier’s daughter. We’ve all taught her well and you, too.”

  She smiled. Ella was their daughter. They treated her no different than their son, Georgie, except maybe spoiled her as a little girl. Amber didn’t mind though. Her husbands loved Ella as their daughter, and they were her fathers. Gabe would be proud and happy about it. She knew that.

  “Good morning, children.”

  Amber smiled the moment she saw the teacher. Everyone in town raved about Miss Brooks. She was gorgeous like some princess, as the kids liked to call her, and she was all smiles, soft-spoken and very sweet, the best teacher around, and she taught nursery school this year because the other teacher, Margaret Feathers, was having a baby. They’d needed a new sub to teach kindergarten and one of the young women, Mercy Thomas, who had been working in the school longer, took the kindergarten position. Amber heard from other parents about how lucky they all were to have landed Cherokee this year and perhaps Mercy next year.

  “My name is Miss Brooks, and I’m going to be your teacher this year. We’re going to be learning lots of fun things, but we’ll also have some rules. Those being to show respect, care, and patience with one another. Now let’s give your moms and dads one more hug and kiss good-bye and you’ll line up right here in front of me.”

  It was amazing how all the children reacted to her, their eyes fixed on Miss Brooks, ready to go to school. Apparently Ella was more than ready as she started to rush to be first in line until Ledger swooped her up and gave her a kiss.

  “The teacher said one more hug and kiss, sweetness.”

  “Aw, Daddy,” she complained but then kissed him. He passed her to Jaret, who hugged and kissed her next, then to Kye, who did the same and tickled her, then to Jed, who squeezed her tight, and then to Amber. Amber fixed Ella’s little dress and brushed her hair from her cheeks and smiled with tears in her eyes.

  “I love you, baby girl.”

  “Love you, too, Mamma.” She hugged Amber tight, kissed her hard on the cheek, and then leaned into the stroller and kissed her brother, Georgie, and then rushed to get in line.

  Ledger hugged Amber.

  “Come on, Mamma. It won’t be long before it’s time to pick her up from school. Let’s get Georgie home, and then when he naps, we can all play.” Ledger gave her ass a tap.

  She chuckled, wiped the tears from her eyes, and watched her baby girl head into her first day of nursery school. Where had time gone?

  * * * *

  Cherokee couldn’t stop smiling. This had to be one of the best classes she’d ever taught. Although she had been teaching second and third graders over a year ago in Sun Valley, this was a nice change and a reminder of how precious life was and how innocent the young were. She was lucky to be alive, and she wasn’t taking that for granted. A whole school year had passed. She hadn’t thought she would get a job, never mind end up in a town like Repose. She was ready, just in case Stanston and his men found her. The thought saddened her and frightened her at the same time. She knew next time she wouldn’t be so lucky to get away. Stanston would bring backup.

  This time she had Spartan, John, Nolan, Hans, and Brye. Men her fathers knew, and the men she was growing more and more fond of every day. It had been tough trying to resist the attraction. She didn’t want to admit that she had feelings for them, but she did. In fact, she had been thinking a lot about her virginity and about the attempted rape. Would she even be able to let a man touch her, never mind five?

  She felt uneasy and intimidated. The five men were like no others. They were fierce, commanding, in charge at all times, and nearly forty. She was twenty-four. Could the age difference cause problems? She wondered, but she shouldn’t. It was becoming pretty obvious that Spartan didn’t want her in that way, nor did he want his team staking some sort of claim. That was exactly how it would be. A claim to Cherokee. To her body, her life, and she would belong to five men.

  The thought aroused her, but she pushed the emotions aside. She wouldn’t cause a gap between lifelong friends. Spartan wasn’t interested, but other men were, and avoiding dating was getting difficult. She was lonely. Her friends were dating or flirting and going out to The Station on Friday and Saturday nights, and she should be going, too. In fact, she would text Mercy now and tell her she was in. It was time to live and be free from the fears of the past.

  She thought about her dads like she did most every day. She wondered where they were. She was getting emotional lately, worrying that they could be dead or held prisoner somewhere and no one was helping them. It was killing her inside, but she couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  When her dads had left a few years back, Cherokee had been teaching in a school in Oklahoma. She was fresh out of college, making her own life, her own living when her dads accepted a mission, some sort of special operations detail for the military. Since their wife, her mom, Marie, had passed the year before, they had been struggling to keep motivated and move on. Seeing that Cherokee had her life together and was so independent and well trained by them, they debated about taking the job overseas. She pushed them to do it. To leave the town for a while and engage in activities that helped to save people’s lives. She’d been twenty-one and more than capable of handling things on her own.

  She wished she hadn’t pushed them to move on. She regretted that decision for a lot of reasons. Not just because of Stanston.

  Then the tornado hit her town. Everything changed. Buildings, homes, and lives were destroyed. She needed to find a job and move on, and the opening in Sun Valley, Arkansas, was miles away but a small window of opportunity.

  Cherokee felt the sense of anxiety in her chest. She subconsciously rubbed along her side, at the faint scar from the knife wound. She took a deep breath and released it then refocused on the kids and checked on the pictures they were making of their families. Repose was nothing like Sun Valley. There were no hidden organizations and agendas, just sincerity and security amongst the town’s people. Women were protected. Not that she needed any, She had Spartan and his team, plus Doc Genova and his brothers, Channing and his buddies, Mercy, and now Laci and Bo, two other women Mercy had friended and Cherokee was getting to know, too. Her new life was good, and she was safe here in Repose and perfectly fine being alone.

  Her father referred to Spartan and his men as their brothers-in-arms. Men they trusted her life to. Fellow Sons of Justice was what they all were. She swallowed hard.

  She didn’t really know much about the organization and that was how it was supposed to be. No questions asked. She’d helped out recently with things when she was off from school for the summer, like cooking up a storm when they had middle-of-the-night emergency guests who’d traveled long and escaped death, but mostly spent time camping out on her own. She trained her mind to no longer fear the nights or the nightmares of being attacked or the need to have any of the men keep her company or hold her in their arms as she slept on the porch. They were pretty pissed about her camping out alone, but she knew she wasn’t alone and that they were nearby. She was becoming more and more dependent on these men and their protection, and perhaps it wasn’t good at all. Like Mercy said to her, if they weren’t staking a claim of guardianship, then they didn’t feel the same way, and she was young, beautiful, and professional and other men were interested in Cherokee, so why not explore and date some?


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