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Edge of the Heat 2 (Westwood Harbor Corruption)

Page 16

by Ladew, Lisa

  As he bent, his white, button down shirt flapped up and Emma saw a gun in a holster. She darted in, unsnapped the holster and pulled the gun out quickly, backing up and thumbing off the safety with it pointed straight at Norman’s back.

  She kept backing up, slowly, back the way they had came. Her world narrowed to the sight of his back over the gun’s sights and the feel of her finger on the cold, hard metal of the trigger. He would fall, or he wouldn’t. He would rush her, or he wouldn’t. He would retreat, or he wouldn’t. She was ready, playing her reaction to each scenario over in her mind. Dust whipped around her, unnoticed.

  He pulled the last syringe out and clasped a hand to his throat. She could see tiny droplets of blood between his fingers, slowly dripping to his collar. He turned on her, his face deadly. She saw clearly that he planned to kill her now.

  She stopped and planted her feet in the sideways shooter’s stance that Norman himself had taught her all those year ago. Make your body as small a target as possible, he’d told her. She’d always loved shooting, even in the army. She’d always been good at it too. Her mind didn’t want to shoot a real flesh and blood person, but her body didn’t care. Her body was in charge.

  “Stop Norman, or I’ll shoot you.” Her voice rang over the desert, clear and strong.

  He kept coming, his lip curled up in a sneering, skeptical smile. He was only 5 feet away. She took her aim from his chest, out to his shoulder, held her breath, and squeezed.

  The shot hit him in the arm and knocked him to the ground. He screamed this time, a guttural, aching sound. She moved the gun sights back in to land on his chest, still not wanting to kill him though. She healed people, she didn’t kill them.

  He reached for his boot, probably for an ankle holster. “Stop Norman!” she screamed. His fingers pulled up his pant leg.

  She fired again, twice this time, tears streaming down her face.

  Norman’s body jerked and twisted and he fell to the ground without another sound.

  She stood there. Waiting for him to move again. She stood there, as the dust kicked up around her and the helicopter landed 50 feet away. She waited and watched, barely breathing, watching for the slightest movement.

  She was still standing, rigid, unmoving when Craig came up behind her.

  “Emma, it’s me, you can put the gun down.”

  She couldn’t though. He could move at any second. He was just playing possum, she knew it.

  Craig put an arm gently around her shoulder, and his other hand over the gun she was holding. “Baby, let go of it, it’s Craig, I’m here and you are OK. You did it. He can’t hurt you again.”


  She let go of the gun. Her knees gave out and she dropped to the harsh desert ground.

  Chapter 24

  Emma’s fingers clawed at her throat, the taste of desert dust clogging her mouth.

  “Shhhh, sweetheart, it’s a bad dream, that’s all, you’re home in bed. Norman is paralyzed in the prison hospital, remember? He can’t hurt you. You don’t have to shoot him again.”

  Her eyes flew open. She was home, in her new home she shared with her boyfriend, sleeping in bed. She tried to force herself to relax and take a few deep breaths.

  He put his hand on her forehead and smoothed her hair away from her head. “Was that a bad one? Are you OK?”

  “Not too bad.” She grabbed his hand and held it, snuggling into his bare chest.

  He held her close. “Was it the end again?”

  “Yeah, the shooting. I keep shooting him over and over again. But this is the first time in a week, so it’s getting better.” She gave him a weak smile.

  “Yep, way better. Dr. Anderson said this would happen. If she’s right, then you shouldn’t have them at all in a month or so.”

  She already felt sleepy again, but didn’t want to stop talking to Craig. She glanced at the clock. It was 6:40. She didn’t have to be up for an hour. Sunlight streamed in the windows, chasing all that was left of the dream away. Vivian was following the moving truck in today and Emma was supposed to meet her at her new place at 10. Emma snuggled into the blankets, suddenly blissful at the thought of Vivian living in Westwood Harbor, only a few short blocks from her and Craig’s new place. She almost felt disappointed that work had cleared her to come back so quick after learning the true nature of her ‘arrest’. She’d only have a few days to help Vivian unpack before she had to return. Oh well, she did miss her job and she missed seeing Jerry every day too.

  No sense getting too happy though. The question of Craig staying or not staying always loomed large in her mind. If Craig had to go somewhere else for the FBI it would kill her.

  She looked up at Craig and kissed his chest, and with her lips still pressed up against him she said “yeah, but if you have to leave town, then what? I don’t want to try to face the dreams without you here.”

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you?” he said, sitting up a little. “Me and Hawk have been permanently reassigned. We are now working out of the Westwood Harbor FBI office for good.”

  She smiled against his chest. “How wonderful.” She thought for a second. “But what happens when you finally catch that Senator? I know you guys will eventually.”

  “Emma, I don’t care if it takes 6 years, or 6 days. When we finally put him behind bars I am retiring from the FBI forever.”

  “Really, you mean it?” She jumped up and kneeled over him. “Don’t joke about that Craig, I couldn’t take it if you were joking.”

  “I mean it. Didn’t I tell you I always wanted to be a firefighter for real?”

  Emma beamed. She couldn’t imagine. Craig. Hers, here forever. Did that mean …? She thought back to the first time she ever talked to him, when the flash of a baby with big dimples and strawberry blond hair had come to her mind.

  She twined her fingers in his and brought his hand to her lips. That was tomorrow. For right now, having him here in her bed was enough to keep her warm and happy for a good long time.

  The End


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  There will be a third book to the Edge of the Heat Series if there is enough demand for it.

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  About the Author

  I live in Idaho. I have been married for 18 years to the only man on this planet who will put up with me (I’m a handful) and we have two amazing boys (10 years old and 1 year old at the time of this writing). We have a 7 year old husky/golden retriever mix (dog) who is just awesome and gorgeous. I love computers and the internet. I love my facebook friends. I love books and I love my google nexus. I only buy ebooks these days - they are SO convenient! I like to walk for exercise as much as possible, which hasn’t been often since the baby was born. Hmmmm, what else do you want to know? :)

  I always, always, always wanted to write when I was a little girl. Stephen King was my favorite author. I stopped being able to read him when my first son was born though (too many kids getting hurt). These days you can probably find me reading Julie Ann Walker or H.M. Ward instead. I publi
shed my first book at 41 years old. I’m not sure how it took me so long to do what I really wanted to do since I was a kid. I love writing and I love interacting with my readers.


  This book is dedicated to my husband who is my rock, our sons who are my heart and motivation, and my friends, two of whom I will mention by name here.

  Joan Adams, my constant cheerleader. Thank you for boosting my spirits every week with your love for the story.

  Lisa Howard, you are like a good editor and agent all rolled into one. Your thoughtful critique and good ideas really have helped me put on my professional author’s hat. I will forever be grateful.

  And I would like to thank Amanda Harris for creating another cover as hot as the first. Find her here:





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