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Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13)

Page 26

by Linda Bridey

  For the second time, Rick put the engagement ring on Gina’s finger and then took her in his arms. The kiss they exchanged conveyed their love for one another. On Rick’s part, he tried to reassure her that he meant every word he’d spoken. For Gina, it was asking him to show that he meant all those things.

  Rick got to his feet and brought Gina along with him. He unlocked the sewing room door and opened it. He never stopped kissing her as they stepped into the hallway. Joe came around the corner and would have spoken, but Rick had pulled his gun on him. Joe disappeared into his and Lacey’s room and the couple kept moving until they reached Gina’s room. Once inside, they locked the door and rekindled their passion for each other.


  April in Dawson brought with it tantalizing glimpses of spring. Gina and Rick’s wedding was scheduled for the last Saturday of the month and rapidly approached. Ryan had been overjoyed to have his daddy back and followed Rick everywhere whenever he was around. Chloe had surprised Rick by hugging him and telling him that she had prayed every night that he would come back. Until then, he hadn’t truly realized how much of an impact he’d made in the little girl’s life.

  Both children had agreed to let Rick adopt them and he couldn’t have been prouder that they would carry the Westlake name. He felt as though it was a legacy to the man who’d finished raising him. How he wished that Emery were still alive to meet Gina and the kids. The kids had fallen in love with their new house and couldn’t wait to move in. Neither could Gina.

  Gina had immediately seen the change in Rick. The times were few and far between when he woke up during the night with a nightmare and they were not nearly as unsettling as before. He needed no more alcohol or medicine in order to get through the night. By the time a week had passed, she saw that she’d made the right decision.

  Otherwise, Rick was still tough and sarcastic and a general pain in the rear to some people, especially Joe. Rick had done as he told Jack he would and just shown up for work the next day. Mitch had just watched as Rick had thrown his hat on the coat rack and taken Curtis out of his pocket before hanging up his coat.

  No sooner had Rick sat down at his desk than Mitch threw Rick’s badge at him and said, “It’s about damn time you get back to work,” with a big grin.

  Rick had laughed and said, “Yes, boss.”

  Despite Joe’s protests, Jake had taken Rick back at the bar on a part-time basis. He’d hired Lydia and Charlie Benson’s one son, Caleb, as a full-time bouncer, but having a third bouncer on the payroll was a good idea, Jake reasoned. Jake had also missed Rick and Curtis and was glad to have them back. Being part-time was fine with Rick since he now had a family and wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.

  Gina was amused at Joe’s moping about her and the kids moving out. Joe wasn’t the only one who would miss them. Randall got a little misty-eyed about it from time to time. Gina kept reminding Joe that she would be there with the kids a lot to keep up with all of the mending there. Rick had said that her machine should stay at Joe’s and they would buy her a new one for their home, that way she wouldn’t have to cart sewing home all the time.

  Claire was not up to performing her duties as a bridesmaid. Joe offered to fill in and he was laughed at until they realized he was serious.

  “I guess if Sammi was Jake’s best woman, I can be a … what would I be called? Bridesman. Yeah, I could be a bridesman,” he said as they sat eating supper one night.

  Rick said, “Technically, wouldn’t that be me, since I’m her groom? The bride’s man would be the groom. We could call you The Guy Who Will Do Anything to be in a Picture.”

  Joe had thrown a piece of potato at Rick in retaliation. Rick had whistled for Curtis who came on the run. In his haste to get away from the ferret, Joe had actually gotten up and run across the dining room table. He disappeared down the hallway into his bedroom. He wouldn’t come out until Lacey assured him that Curtis was corralled into the playroom. Randall had laughed so hard that he started on a coughing jag and had to leave the dining room as well.

  While it didn’t look like Rick and Maddie would ever be close, they had agreed to be civil for the sake of the rest of the family. Sunday brunch with Geoff and Maureen had resumed and the older couple got used to being called Dad and Mom. The novelty of Rick’s identity had worn off and most everyone didn’t give it much thought anymore. Mike had taken his finals early so he could home for the wedding. It was no surprise that he easily passed all of them.

  Gina and the kids were quickly adopted into the family, including the Lakota side, and Chloe and Ryan were doing fairly well in picking up the language. Joe had not gotten his way about being the ‘bridesman’. Gina had instead picked Abby since by the time April came she was feeling up to the job. Her and Elliot’s third little one had come in January.

  Zach was not at all sure he liked having another little sister. Jessie Bradbury was a sweet baby who looked just like her mother. Abby was thrilled with their newest edition and also about being back to work, even if it was only on Mondays and Tuesdays. Caleb, the new bouncer, had no idea what to do with her, which he told Reckless.

  Reckless had responded, “And you think the rest of us do?”

  The wedding day was blustery and snow flurries whirled around on the breeze. Rick and his groomsmen stood outside, none of them minding the chilly weather because the church was overly warm. Reckless was not happy about wearing a suit and kept trying to adjust the tie.

  “Sitting Duck, quit doing that or you’re going to ruin that tie,” Rick complained.

  “It is choking me.”

  “If you ruin that tie before the ceremony is over, it’ll be me choking you. Which would you prefer?” Rick said.

  Reckless had left the tie alone after that. Geoff joined them and asked if he could have Rick to himself for a few minutes.

  “Rick, I know that we really haven’t had a lot of time together, but I’d still like to offer you some fatherly advice, if I may.”

  Rick looked up at his father and said, “Shoot.”

  “Do whatever it takes to be a good husband. Marriage can be hard sometimes, as I well know, but it is also a joyous thing and not to be taken lightly. You’ve already faced more darkness in your life than anyone should ever have to, and while I’m sorry you had to endure it, I’m not sorry you’re here now. You got through all that, so I know that you’ll be able to deal with whatever challenges lie ahead of you.

  “Never go to bed angry, even if it means staying up all night. This next bit of advice is something that men have to work especially hard at: listen carefully to what she’s telling you. Everyone says that women speak a different language than men, but that’s not really true. We often just don’t pay close enough attention. We men don’t like to look stupid, so we say that women just don’t speak plainly.” Geoff chuckled.

  Rick smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Show her every day how much you love her and do the same for your children.” Geoff had to pause there a moment and blink away a few tears. “They are the most important people in your life now and deserve your time and attention before anyone else. Lastly, no matter what happens, always, always, keep the barn door closed with any other woman but your wife.”

  That last statement set Rick to laughing.

  “Come inside now, son. They’ll be starting soon.”

  Rick followed his father inside, still laughing.

  Gina sat quietly amid all of the laughing and joking going on around her as her bridesmaids and Chloe had a good time. She only half-listened and smiled where it was appropriate, but she was thinking about Tony. She heard him telling her how happy he was that she had found someone who made her and the kids happy. He had been that kind of man and Gina was certain that he would have liked Rick.

  No longer did she feel any guilt over having fallen in love with another man. Gina was certain that Tony would have given her his blessing. Chloe hadn’t yet started calling Rick “Daddy” and
she might never do so, but Rick was fine with that. As long as he could be a father-like figure in her life, he would be satisfied.

  She chuckled to herself as she thought about the man she was about to marry. Nothing about him was normal and she admitted that it was one of the things that had attracted her to him in the first place. He kept everyone else but her and the kids on edge. Whatever it was, he seemed to be able to turn it on and off at will.

  She knew that life with Rick would always be interesting and fun. They were looking very forward to making more Westlakes. Gina said that the next little boy they had should be named Emery, which had greatly touched Rick. Ryan had told them to hurry up and have a baby because Chloe wasn’t getting any younger and if they waited too long, she wouldn’t be able to keep up with another little brother or sister. When asked about this strange statement, he told them that that was what Marcus had told Seth about him and Maddie having another child.

  A knock on the door of the room the women were using interrupted Gina’s thoughts. Randall, looking dashing in a tuxedo, had come to collect her. He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face when all of the women exclaimed how handsome he was.

  “Now, now, ladies. I shall keep my dance card open for all of you. No need to fight over me,” he said. “But for now, there is only one woman I will be escorting. The rest of you know what to do, I believe.” And so he had ushered them out of the room to take their places.

  The wedding march began and it had a completely different sound because Ben had offered to play for the ceremony. Curtis was not going to be carried by Lacey, but Ryan had insisted that his buddy help him carry the rings. Therefore, Curtis had been out fitted with a little harness made especially for him and the rings tied to the harness. Ryan would hang onto Curtis’ leash.

  Soon, Chloe came down the aisle in her pretty white dress, throwing her rose pedals and casting furtive glances J.R.’s way. Rick almost laughed as he saw Joe draw his legs up off the floor when Ryan entered the sanctuary with Curtis. He would have paid good money to see Joe jump over pews if Curtis got loose.

  Everyone laughed as they saw the ferret scurrying down the aisle ahead of Ryan. When they reached the altar, Jack untied the rings from the critter and ruffled Ryan’s hair. Seth remembered doing the same thing to Mike when he’d been Marcus’ best man.

  Rick motioned both Chloe and Ryan to him and hugged them, thanking them for doing such a good job. Then they went to sit with Geoff and Maureen. Curtis was given to Reckless who didn’t mind holding the ferret in the least. It gave him something else to concentrate on besides the uncomfortable suit he wore.

  Once all of the bridesmaids had come down the aisle, Rick looked back up it and saw his bride. She was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever had the pleasure of laying eyes upon. He would never forget the way she looked in her long, flowing, cream colored dress. Her wavy hair was done in an intricate braid and her large, dark eyes held such love in them. He flashed his grin at her and she responded in kind.

  Gina was very glad for Randall’s strong arm because when she first saw Rick, she felt a little weak at how handsome and debonair he looked in his tux. He drew her gaze and she couldn’t look away as he smiled at her.

  Randall saw the look that passed between them and smiled a little as he guided Gina to the altar. When he gave her hand to Rick, he said softly, “I know she will be in good hands. Isn’t that right, Rick?”

  For once, Rick knew what it was like to be the one being intimidated. Randall’s message was clear and Rick said, “Yes, sir.”

  “Very good, Rick,” Randall said. He kissed Gina’s cheek and sat down with Joe. “Sir, put your feet on the floor. The ferret is contained. Stop acting like a ninny.”

  “Y’all are gettin’ mouthy, Randy,” Joe complained, but did as he was told.

  The couple exchanged their vows, never looking away from each other. Rick’s hands trembled a little, but this time it was through happiness instead of fear. Gina couldn’t stop the tears that flowed from her eyes from time to time. Their kiss was sweet and touching. Afterwards, Rick smiled at her and said, “Guess which ego I am right now?”

  Gina smiled and asked, “Which one?”


  “Well, that just happens to be my favorite one yet,” Gina said with a chuckle.

  Their dance at the reception wasn’t the most graceful and Seth yelled that he’d be happy to cut in and dance with Gina if only to save her feet. Rick had laughed and finished the dance without breaking her feet.

  “Ok, I think Dancer is done for the rest of the evening,” he said.

  “I think that’s probably a good idea, Husband,” Gina agreed.

  While Jack’s best man’s speech wasn’t eloquent, it was heartfelt and humorous because he burped a couple of times during it. At the end of it, he said, “I guess I shouldn’t have eaten before the wedding,” and grinned while everyone laughed.

  That night, when Rick and Gina arrived home, he carried her over the threshold and set her down. Ryan and Chloe were staying with Tessa and Dean overnight, which thrilled Chloe because she’d be able to see J.R. The day after next, the newlyweds and their children would be making the trip to Ohio so Rick could meet Gina’s parents. They would stay the better part of a month so Rick could get to know all of her other family as well.

  But for that night, they were each other’s world and nothing else would intrude. Through fear and heartache, pain and uncertainty, they had overcome it all and were beginning the rest of their lives together. Despite secrets that had threatened to tear the fabric of many lives apart, they’d had the courage to stand strong, face their fears, and find that love truly does conquer all.

  The End

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  Linda’s other books

  Westward Winds (Montana Mail Order brides Book 1) FREE BOOK

  Westward Dance (Montana Mail Order brides Book 2)

  Westward Bound (Montana Mail Order brides Book 3)

  Westward Destiny (Montana Mail Order brides Book 4)

  Westward Fortune (Montana Mail Order brides Book 5)

  Westward Justice (Montana Mail Order brides Book 6)

  Westward Dreams (Montana Mail Order brides Book 7)

  Westward Holiday (Montana Mail Order brides Book 8)

  Westward Sunrise (Montana Mail Order brides Book 9)

  Westward Moon (Montana Mail Order brides Book 10)

  Westward Christmas (Montana Mail Order brides Book 11)

  Westward Visions (Montana Mail Order brides Book 12)

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  © 2014 by Linda Bridey

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior consent from the copyright owner and publisher of
this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, or places is purely coincidental.

  First Printing, 2014


  Cover Design by Melody Simmons of eBookindiecovers




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