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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 3

by Kaliana Cole

  “I suppose you were responsible for Adam Jones, too?” she asked over her shoulder as she rinsed the plates.

  Nate had a chuckle. “No, you did that one all on your own. He told me he wasn’t going out with a girl who could beat him in an arm wrestle. So Matty beat him up for making you cry.”

  “I always did wonder about that black eye.” She turned back around. “Do you want another beer?”

  “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind another. How about we sit outside? The day’s too good to waste it being inside”

  Jade went into the bathroom to freshen up before facing Nate again. It would be so easy to forget and just enjoy everything he offered. But he had only ever showed signs of wanting her when she had belonged to someone else.

  She was her own woman now, but she had also learned to guard her heart. Chasing after things you couldn’t catch was for fools and dogs. She knew he had desired her before. An erection of the size he sported was a little hard to hide.

  She still remembered the first time she had felt it. She’d had Brett pinned to the ground and was proceeding to bash the living crap out of him over something he had said to provoke her. God knows what. It had never taken much where Brett was concerned.

  Nate had ripped her off him, near shouting at her for her to settle down as she had struggled wildly, calling him every name under the sun as he refused to let her get back at his brother. He had ended up taking her to the ground and trying to pin her by sitting on her waist with her hands pinned on each side of her head by his. But years of working with horses on the farm had leant her plenty of strength, and coupled with the towering rage she sported, she was able to use her legs as leverage and throw Nate off her. She had been scrambling back toward Brett when Nate had landed fair on top of her back and pinned her arms again.

  “Settle down.” He had growled in her ear, pressing her body into the grass beneath it. She had struggled to get out from under him, but all her effort achieved was to seat him more securely between her thighs.

  Surrender had never been a part of Jade’s vocabulary. It was the rough gravel in his desperate “For fuck’s sake, stop it!” that he had ground out against her temple that had her paying attention to the heat of him pressed against the length of her body.

  The bulge that had burned against her ass had grown and lengthened inexorably as she froze in wonder at the sensation. Experimentally, she had wiggled against it, glorying in the heartfelt “fuck” that had accompanied the involuntary thrust against the cleft of her denim-clad ass. She had all but felt him grit his teeth as he had yelled at his brother to get out of there, now.

  Her hopes of further exploration of this newfound development was short lived as he had let her go and stormed away, leaving her frustrated and confused. It was the first of many times that he had let her know that part of him wanted her, even though he had never acted upon the scorching heat between them.

  Jade splashed some water on her face to help drag her back to the present and dried herself before the mirror. She decided against running a brush through her hair. Nate had seen the streaky mess much worse than it was now.

  She poured herself a scotch on the way back out to the veranda. The Lord knew how much she needed something to fortify herself against the temptation waiting outside.

  Nate had made himself free with the iPod speaker in the corner and had one of her country playlists on. The one titled “Slow and Sweet,” unless she was mistaken. Gary Allan crooned away soulfully. He had turned the volume down so it was just a low, calming sound in the background.

  He had also taken up residence on the old two-seater settee with one arm along the back and his knee half propped on the seat so that he would crowd the only place left for her to sit. That was typical Nate. He had always been a master manipulator.

  Choosing to ignore his power play, Jade sat down in the proffered space, swirling the well-aged scotch around the pair of ice cubes and sending them tinkling against the glass.

  “I must have you worried if you have gone for the heavy liquor, darlin’.”

  Jade allowed herself a small smile. She had wondered how long it would take for the “darlins” to start flowing again. The slow drawl in which he always said it never failed to make a lick of pleasure crawl along her spine.

  “Yeah, I will admit I’m a little edgy.”

  “Why?” He flicked at her hair where his hand rested above her shoulder. “There is nothing you can say or do that will change the way I feel about you, and I would like to think that we have enough history between us that you could hear what I have to say with some degree of understanding.”

  The serious look in his eye was not one Jade was familiar with. “I guess you are right. I’ve got to let go of the grudge I have held for the last fifteen years or so.” She gave him a tremulous smile. “Fresh start?” she asked too brightly.

  He wasn’t that easily fooled. “Not quite, there are a few things I need to get off my chest first.”

  He rubbed his big hand down his face tiredly before reaching out to capture the stray lock he had been toying with earlier. Locking his gaze on the errant curl, he continued. “Since I heard you were back last week, I’ve laid awake at night wondering how to explain myself to you or wondering if I could stay away and not have to.

  “When Elly rang me last night and asked me to come and give her a hand, I thought I would use that as a chance to set things along the path I had decided they should go. I thought we could be friends and neighbors, and that’s it. Then I pulled that stupid stunt with the gate, and all my good intentions were shot to hell.”

  His eyes moved over to lock with hers. Jade’s heart nearly stopped at the raw need she saw. “I have never had anyone react to me the way you do, darlin’. It’s so damn beautiful it takes my breath away.”

  The magnetism in his gaze had her straining toward him, but he used his grip on her hair to hold her back. “Not yet, darlin’. Hear me out first, and then you can jump my bones to your heart’s content if you still have a mind to.”

  Jade blushed as she leaned back and tossed back her forgotten drink in one go. She was surprised it hadn’t vaporized in the heat that had flared up at his declaration.

  “Now as embarrassing as it might be for you to know, I know exactly how you felt about me when we were younger.”

  Jade choked back a laugh. “It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. I do not think I had even heard of subtlety back then. I think stripping off and throwing myself at you on my seventeenth birthday took care of any doubt you may have had along those lines.”

  “Yeah, that was a little forward, even for you.”

  Jade had made herself free with her father’s bourbon bottle on her seventeenth birthday. In her tipsy state she had decided to stage a seduction that Nate wouldn’t be able to shrug off. She had cornered him down by the stream and performed a strip tease, determined to show him that she was all grown up.

  He shook his head in amused memory. “Do you have any idea how much will power it took for me to walk away that night? Or how long it took me to get rid of the hard-on?” He sat back with a smile.

  “I must have pounded on that thing for a month. Every time I thought I had it beat, a picture of you naked and mad as hell would pop into my mind, and up it would come again.”

  They settled down in companionable silence for a few moments before Nate grabbed the bull by the horns. “The reason I never made a serious move on you was Brett and Matt. They loved you as much as I did, darlin’. With everything we went through together, I couldn’t do that to them. I didn’t protect them from the old man just to break their hearts over you.”

  Jade looked at him incredulously. “Brett? I knew Matty had a bit of a crush on me, but Brett? We couldn’t go five minutes without a referee to break up the fight!”

  “But you were always the first to fly into anyone who stirred him up. The tension between the two of you was amazing. I always wondered how the two of you survived puberty. It would have only taken
one of you to grope somewhere they shouldn’t during one of your battles, and you two would have gone at it like jackrabbits in spring.

  “The point is, Jade, you were a part of all our lives, and we refused to let that come between us.” He gave her a wicked grin “And the only accommodation we could come up with then—well, an innocent like you were wouldn’t have even heard of a threesome, let alone a foursome.

  “You’re embarrassed. That’s so sweet.”

  “Not embarrassed. I’m impressed actually. I didn’t think the male mind would stretch quite that far at that age.”

  “Never underestimate the male mind when it comes to sex, darlin’.”

  “Okay, so I understand the past, but what has that got to do with us now?”

  “What it means, darlin’, is that it is only going to be a short time before Brett realizes I have been to see you, and Matty is due back any day, for good this time. That’s another complication.

  “What I’m telling you is that there is never going to be any jealousy between us where you are concerned. Basically, you want one, you get us all. Either singly or en masse, that’s up to you. Now, there is a chance Brett and you won’t find that spark. He is a hell of a lot more controlled now than what he used to be like, but don’t dismiss him out of hand because he used to be an unruly brat.

  “And as for Matt, I think you won’t have any trouble seeing him as all grown up now.” He looked at her carefully. “You are not going to pass out on me now, are you?”

  Jade knew her eyes were more than a little glassy. “Let me get this straight. I can finally have you, but if I do, Brett and Matty come as part of the package.”

  “That is basically it.”

  “I cannot believe this. I spent eight years tied to a man who got insecure if I even talked to another man, and you want me to fuck your brothers. I’m sorry, Nate, but the idea is going to take some wrapping my head around.” She stood and leaned against the rail, looking out across the valley.

  Nate rose to stand behind her, sheltering her within the curve of his big body as he leaned on the railing on either side of her. Jade could feel his heat soaking through her clothing even with the small distance he kept between them.

  “Take all the time you need, darlin’. We have all waited so long. A little longer won’t hurt that much” He stroked her hair back over her shoulder before laying his strong hands on them, gently kneading the tension there. Gradually, the tightness dissipated, and she relaxed back into the curve of his body.

  “No pressure?” Jade asked, eyes still closed, savoring the magic of his hands.

  “None at all, darlin” He leaned down to nuzzle against her neck where her head had lolled to the side.

  “That don’t mean I won’t try a little persuasion.” He kissed a line up her neck to her earlobe, playing his lips over the simple silver studs she wore.

  “Oh god, if you keep doing that I’m going to melt.”

  “That’s the idea,” he admitted huskily as he slid a hand to her waist, dragging his wicked mouth down to her shoulder, biting gently at the sweet spot where her shoulder met the column of her neck.

  Involuntarily, she arched up against his mouth, a small moan escaping her control. In answer Nate took a bigger bite, taking the muscle beneath the skin between his teeth and biting down harder until she gave up a moan of surrender.

  * * * *

  Nate licked an apology over a perfect rendering of his teeth marks marring her skin, hiding an anticipatory smile that would have done a tiger proud. It seemed his little darlin’ liked a little pain with her pleasure.

  He stood straighter, allowing her to turn in his arms. She reached up and caught the ultrafine hair at his nape that licked along his collar and pulled his head to within her reach. Nate reveled in the look of total abandonment on her face as he slowly yielded to her silent demands.

  This first deliberate kiss between them had been half their lifetime in the making. He was not going to let her rush him now.

  Their lips met softly, tasting and testing their fit. With a growl Nate gently licked into her mouth, catching her gasp of pleasure and returning her breath with a muttered curse as he felt her tongue came to stroke along his.

  Finesse flew out the window, along with most of his self-control as he fell into the kiss, their tongues dueling and teeth nipping as they sought to slake the hunger of years. The heat of her whiskey-flavored mouth had nothing on the fire burning through his soul. He clutched at the ragged remains of his self-control and held on for dear life.

  Her kiss was enough to send a man insane. She fell into it with total abandon, stoking the flames higher with her uninhibited passion. Swollen breasts were rasping against his chest even as the little vixen rubbed her mound against whatever purchase she could find on his lean, muscular thighs.

  It was the realization that she was driving herself toward orgasm that had the predatory male within him stepping up to take charge. There was no way she was getting an orgasm unless it was at his hand, and not before she decided to accept the Kelly brothers as a whole package.

  As good as it was, it was time to throw some ice on the proceedings. “Does this mean I should call Brett and tell him to come on over?”

  He felt a little smug that it took more than a few seconds for the meaning of his words to sink through the passion-drugged haze she floated in.

  “Huh, what? No!”

  “Just imagine it, darlin’. One of us could be going down on that greedy pussy of yours while the other kissed you and played with those neglected nipples.”

  Nate teased the stiff points with the back of his knuckles. He watched Jade’s head loll back as her body reacted to both the imagery he presented and his teasing caress. “Two cocks to pleasure you, four hands to touch you, and two tongues to do whatever you desire. We don’t scare easy, darlin’. Whatever your fantasy, we can make it happen.”

  He was more than a little disappointed to see her pull free of the sensual web he had spun. She moved away from him. “Go home, Nate.”

  “Sure, darlin’.” He stepped in closer once more. “Just one more thing.”

  He grabbed her hand in one of his and fisted the other in her mass of blonde hair, bringing her captured hand to rest along the ridge of his erect cock. “There is only one thing that makes me happy about leaving you in this state, darlin’. When I’m jerking this off tonight, thinking about all the things we could be doing right now,” he pressed her hand harder against his rampant flesh before kissing her palm, “I know you will be doing the same damn thing.”

  He kissed her hard, a real stamp of possession, before walking away. At the gate he whistled for the dog, but Gypsy merely cocked one eye before going back to sleep.

  He muttered something about a traitor as he fired up the truck and drove off, but a sight in the rearview mirror made him smile.

  Like a puppet with the strings cut, Jade sat down before she fell down.

  Chapter 6

  The arrogant prick was right.

  That was the only coherent thought as she chased her pleasure mindlessly. Images flashed inside her head, Nate and a tall dark shadow, the heat of their bodies, the roughness of their hands. Skin like hot silk, hard bodies peppered with crisp hair, darkly whispered words of sin.

  Her fingers flicked over the slickness of her clit and pinched at her sharpened nipple as she reached for the pinnacle, needing more than she was able to do for herself. With a frustrated groan she reached into the bedside table for the vibrator she seldom used.

  The jelly-type dildo was a modest six inches and not too thick. She had been married when she bought it and had not wanted to make David feel inadequate. She hoped to hell the batteries were not dead flat.

  With a sigh she slid it home. Her copious natural lubrication providing no resistance as the latex phallus expanded muscles long neglected. Jade pushed it deep, loving the stretch she could feel all the way to her womb.

  Images of Nate over her filled her mind as she began
to thrust the toy deep within, not bothering to turn on the vibrate function. The pads of two fingers circled the hard nub of her clit, faster and harder as the fantasy of being sandwiched between two men took hold. Every inch of her was covered by the heat of hard masculinity. She was helpless and vulnerable to their superior strength, loving every single second of their ruthless dominion.

  Her internal muscles clenched wildly as a stray thought crossed her mind: would they take her ass?

  After one painful and embarrassing experiment, David had thankfully ignored that part of her anatomy. But with Nate and his brothers embedded in her mind, the thought of two men had her willing to explore the possibilities. Her sphincter jerked in spasm, rebelling at the thought of being abused once more, but the seed of possibility had been sown.

  Jealousy had been her first reaction when she realized Nate had taken women with Brett before. His talk of not scaring easy had convinced her she wouldn’t be the first if she succumbed to their charm. But now, the thought of their experience was a definite turn-on.

  They would know how to prepare a woman properly. Know exactly how to get her to that point where she would do anything just to reach her orgasm. They’d drive a woman to want to do anything to please them, and make her beg until pain and pleasure became indistinguishable.

  David had never understood her need for rough handling. She knew Nate would have no such qualms. His bite alone walked closer to the exquisite pleasure/pain line than she had previously experienced. The thought of him using his teeth down the length of her body had her clenching desperately around the latex invader.

  The first orgasm hit hard and fast so Jade ruthlessly drove her body on to another. She rode the white-hot wave of orgasm all the way to the shore before lying there soaking up the gentle, lapping tide of aftershocks.

  While not sated, she had at least taken the edge off enough to sleep. The trilling of her phone on the bedside table five minutes later was not all together unexpected.


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