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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Kaliana Cole

  She could feel his thickness sliding past her fingertips as she cupped her sex. Gripping firmly, she leaned back just a little to direct the pressure of the shaft she impaled herself rhythmically upon. Moaning like a wanton, she decided the G-spot was no longer a myth perpetuated to make women feel inadequate.

  She arched back. The action lifted her dancing breasts, making him divert his attention from the fingers tickling at his shaft. He licked his lips hungrily. Jade smiled when he wouldn’t give up the view of her flickering fingers to sate his oral fixation.

  There was such thing as being too wet, she soon discovered as the pads of her fingers slipped and slid in the juices coating her engorged clit. She couldn’t obtain any purchase in the slick mess of her folds. She growled her frustration.

  “What’s wrong?” Matt’s deepened voice held desire to match the slack pleasure on his chiseled face.

  “Too wet.” She panted, her movements becoming less fluid in her desperation.

  “Wipe it all over me. Paint me with your cream.” Matt’s fingers dug harder into the flesh of her hips. Jade knew it was costing him to let her stay in control.

  Her liquid desire soon adorned his mouth-watering washboard abs and the magnificence of his immense chest.

  “Feed some to me, Jade. Don’t waste it all.” Matt begged, “I’ll hold you. Use both hands.”

  Jade was quick to use her left hand to indulge Matt with her taste. Now that she had some resistance, her dominant hand was busy creating the delicious friction that had been absent before. Coupled with the luscious sensation of his hot mouth suckling on the two fingers she pressed against his rapacious lips, the quick action on her clit was about to send her over.

  “Come with me, Matty. Let me have it all.” Her pitch rose as the pleasure escalated.

  Desperate not to go alone, Jade withdrew her clean fingers from the addictive wet suction of his mouth. She reached behind her and fondled the drawn-up balls she bounced against with every frantic downward stroke. His gasp of surprise and the ensuing moan sent her soaring toward orgasm.

  Turning her hand to reach more of his fuzz-covered sac, she let out a gasp of her own when the knuckle of her thumb grazed against the tender bud of her anus. The explosion the accidental touch triggered staggered her. Spine arching, she felt her pussy grip Matthew’s thickness as he forged high inside her.

  All illusions of control were shot to hell as he thrust upward, using his vast strength to force her hips to meet each desperate stroke. Pummeling her as he erupted, his scalding seed spewed forth endlessly.

  The resulting increases in fluid made the exquisite agony of her fist-like grip on his exploding cock so much sweeter. His roar of release was muted as he buried his head against her heaving breasts, holding her tight as he rode out his own explosion.

  The contractions were still rippling through their conjoined flesh when she was ripped from his tender hold.

  Jade was shocked to find herself kneeling on the floor between Matt’s wide spread legs. His cry of dismay over their early separation quickly died as Brett grabbed a rough fistful of her hopelessly tangled hair and speared her face toward Matt’s slickly shining cock.

  “Lick it clean for him, Jadey. Good girls always clean up after themselves.”

  She felt the tip of Brett’s cock brand her pussy with its blistering heat a split second before he rammed home. He sunk all the way with a single thrust. The rough rasp of denim and steel told her he hadn’t removed his jeans.

  The erotic thrill of being naked while he remained dressed added to the bombardment of her overwrought senses. Her body arched to the violent pounding as she licked the sinful taste of their combined juices from Matt’s rapidly re-engorging member. Feeling wanton and wild, she yielded to Brett’s mastery.

  * * * *

  Brett took her without mercy. He set a forceful, rapid pace that he knew he could sustain for as long as it took. He laid a perfect handprint on each of the blushing globes of her ass, reveling in the way her pale skin retained the mark.

  He watched her hungrily lave at Matt’s cock. She had appetites they had barely begun to tap. There was no doubt in his mind that she was the perfect woman for them. It was her they needed to convince.

  Ravenously, he dropped his eyes to the tight pucker exposed between the cheeks he spread wide with his hands. He felt her push back harder against him as the hole was stretched with the separation. He had seen the immediate reaction to her inadvertent touch earlier. Anal play could become so addictive that some subs got to the stage where they just could not come without something in their ass.

  Keeping up his brutal rhythm, he scratched upward at her asshole with the tip of her thumb. She groaned around the thickness of the cock she was greedily consuming. He gathered some of the juices spilling forth from her accommodating sheath and made sure she was well lubricated. Ruthlessly, he shoved his thick thumb into her ass.

  When she stiffened in protest, he waited for her to relax before pulsing his invading digit in time with the thick member forging within her. Jade went wild. Bucking her hips to meet every stroke, she attacked Matt with renewed frenzy, swallowing him gluttonously while she tongued and suckled at his balls and shaft with equal voracity.

  The savagery of her onslaught was in direct proportion to Brett’s offensive upon her willing flesh. She loved the rougher treatment. He was sure Matty had never dreamed of having a woman lick his dick after sex. Sure, he would have seen it in cheap pornos, but fuck! The reality was staggering.

  Matt clearly wasn’t bothering to hold back his burgeoning orgasm, and Jade wasn’t far off, by the escalating pitch of her cock-muffled cries. The downright insatiable way she threw herself back upon the twin impalement of thumb and cock had his own release well within reach. Brett’s savage smile was more of a grimace as he tilted her hips farther forward so the slap of his balls would strike her clit squarely with each hammering. He blinked back a bit of surprise as the squeezing of his thumb became like the pressure of a vise, her scream was but a muffled gurgle as she convulsively swallowed his brother’s spume. He hadn’t expected her to come that easily.

  Knowing she was at the end of her endurance, Brett allowed his ironclad control to lift, spurting deep within her as her own orgasm still fluttered around his cock. Groaning with the strength of his release, he let himself enjoy her warm, wet embrace as he held her hips steady when she would have collapsed.

  * * * *

  Total and utter exhaustion. Boneless satiation. Feelings rather than thoughts were all Jade was capable of. Oblivion was hovering tantalizingly just out of reach. A riot of sensation and emotion welled up, building an alien landscape of feelings and warmth.


  Earth shattering and soul-destroying.

  Desperately, Jade searched within for the fortitude to take hold of herself as unfamiliar sensations warred inside. Panic broke free and ruled supreme.

  She tore herself away from the men still caressing her body, stunning them with her actions. She snatched up the old quilt that was over the arm of the lounge. Holding it to the front of her panic-stricken body, Jade screamed wildly, “Out! Get out! Go!”

  Tears streamed down her face as her panic ruled, and she ran from the room.

  * * * *

  Nate watched her departing figure with disbelief. The incredulous looks he was getting from his brothers mirrored his own feelings. Jade rushed into the bathroom, and he heard the slide of the bolt as she locked herself in.


  This wasn’t the way he had imagined celebrating their long-overdue consummation.

  He got some clothes on and sat in one of the old ladder-back chairs at the kitchen table. Head buried in his hands as he tried to understand what had just happened.

  Brett and Matty had redressed. His youngest brother looked like a victim of shellshock, eyes wide and unfocused, pain written in every slumped and huddled inch of his large frame.

  Brett had closed down, a kind of suppressed fur
y painting his features, his posture stiff and as unyielding as his face.

  He turned to face Nate. “Find out what happened, Nate. Find out what is the matter with Jadey, or by God, I will.” He clapped a hand on the shoulder of his younger brother. “Come on, Matt, I will take you home.”

  The pain-filled shell of the youngest Kelly went where he was directed.

  Nate watched them leave. He had no idea of how to fix something when he didn’t know what was broke. He figured he would treat it like any other disaster. You ride out the storm the best you can, and then you pick up the pieces. He just hoped to hell there wouldn’t be too many parts to try to put back together this time.

  Chapter 15

  Jade huddled like a small, broken creature in the bottom of the shower, the hot spray burning her body but not doing anything for the ice-filled void in her psyche. She had thought she was past this. She had thought she was whole again. But the dreaded numbness was back.

  Her independence over the past eighteen months and the planned return to the ranch had given her a sense of purpose, a reason to rejoin the living. But the icy void had remained, not harsh or acute, just a weight that she had become inured to.

  Overwhelmed by the attention of the Kelly brothers, replete and free from conscious thought, the icy façade had cracked. To suddenly feel, after so many years of a numbness that became superficial sentiment at best, had sent her emotions into complete breakdown.

  She couldn’t risk opening herself up to the threat of such overload again. Sending the Kelly’s far away from her was the only answer. Letting them in, only to lose them when her secrets came out, would be the end of her.

  Eventually, the water went cold, the chattering of her teeth forcing her to uncoil from the fetal position and drag her body from the shower. Wrapping a towel around her, she went straight to her bedroom, climbing into the bed and burrowing under the heavy blankets, unmindful of her soaking, tangled hair. She drew the pillow Nate had slept on to her chest, burying her face in his lingering scent and letting her tears fall where they would. She welcomed oblivion with open arms.

  * * * *

  Nate Kelly sat at the kitchen table, still trying to wrap his head around this morning’s events. Jade had loved it, that he was sure of. At no time had she shown any reticence.

  She had accepted him wholly, even pushing herself to take the thickest part of him that he forced upon no woman.

  She had taken Matt with an eagerness that was all the more poignant for the tenderness between them.

  And Brett. He had been watching Brett carefully, making sure his dominance stayed under control. But Jade had surprised him, backing up to his brother for more, even as she brought Matty to a second climax with her willing mouth.

  But then it had all gone wrong. Her last orgasm had peaked and she had been up, screaming like a mad woman for them to get out. He had expected a little shyness, maybe a little embarrassment. Her reaction was not even a case of buyer’s remorse.

  The only time he had seen her act so unreasonable was if someone or something threatened one of her horses or one of them.

  He had once seen her take on a pair of wild dogs trying to maul one of her foals armed with nothing but a stick, screaming her defiance as she threw every curse and abuse in her vocabulary at them. He had been coming back from an afternoon rabbit shoot and fired the old twelve-gauge, scaring the big dogs off. Jade had been eleven.

  At sixteen she had gotten herself suspended from school. He had no longer been there, but he had heard about it in vivid detail. The incident had begun with one of the seniors winding Brett up. That had been a satisfying but unchallenging past time for a few of the mentally deficient ones, goading and then watching Brett Kelly go right off the Richter.

  Jade had come around the corner in time to see one of the seniors give Matty a push, who had stepped in to settle his brother’s rage. The poor, unsuspecting seniors had thought it was the Kelly boys they had to watch, not their self-appointed guardian. Jade had gone through them like a whirlwind, leaving pain and destruction in her path. The half a dozen culprits were on the ground bleeding in a matter of a minute.

  Legend says there is still a stain on the carpet outside the principal’s office where Jade had sat watching her knuckles bleed, waiting for the poor man to sort out all the stories that were flying. Onlookers’ versions had clashed with that of the eighteen-year-old testosterone freaks who couldn’t admit they had been soundly thrashed by a sixteen-year-old girl.

  Never had she sprung to her own defense, it was all water off a duck’s back.

  It would be totally out of character for her to have reacted the way she did this morning for her benefit. If there was no self-preservation involved, it meant that once again she was protecting them.

  But from what?

  Did something in her past jeopardize their potential relationship?

  He knew she held secrets, some of older vintage than others. Her pregnancy was a new one. Whatever had occurred there would mark Jade for life, no matter what had happened.

  If a mother no longer had a child to hold, for any reason, there would be scars.

  Deep and wide and never forgotten.

  But he knew there were bigger secrets than that in Jade’s past.

  The cursory investigation into his father’s death had ruled it accidental. The coroner and the local police agreed that his untimely death was inflicted by the horse he had been breaking at the time. Patrick Kelly’s skull had been cracked by a hoof. The horse had broken the top rail on the seven-foot-high round yard and escaped.

  He and his brothers had been at his cousins in town when it had occurred, returning to find their father’s lifeless body.

  Nate had seen more in that twenty minutes waiting for the ambulance and police to arrive than the investigation had ever revealed.

  Firstly, the rail was broken inward, not outward. And the hair imbedded atop it was white and chestnut, not black.

  Secondly, the hoof print visible under Patrick’s hair bore the tell-tale signs of nail heads. The hoof that had struck him had been shod. The two-year-old he had been working on when the boys had driven out that morning was not.

  Nate had carefully wiped the gate latch before grabbing it as he would to open the gate and obscured some clear tracks of a shod horse with his own boot.

  Brett’s eyes had locked with his, and he knew that he, too, had read the signs. Brett left him to do what needed doing and went to comfort Matty.

  The thing was, Matt hadn’t looked half as broken that September day as he had looked this morning when Brett had steered him out through the door.

  He knew without a doubt that Jade had been involved with the death of his father in some way. Jade had disappeared two days later, and he had found her big red hunter, Axle, wandering in the state forest a week later. He’d had healing scrapes on both front cannons.

  The big horse had always been more like a dog than a horse, jealous if Jade paid too much attention to one of them and refusing to let anyone else ride him. Jade had once come off him at a local one-day event, sustaining concussion when he had slipped on the wet course. Axle had stood over her and not allowed the paramedics to touch her. Only Matt who had been strapping for her that day had been able to remove him from Jade’s side.

  He could only speculate what had driven Axle to break into the yard. The horse had to have smashed his way into the yard, for he knew Jade would have never risked injuring the eventer by jumping such a height.

  He suspected his father had had his hands on Jade or had been threatening her in some way. Axle would have turned the world inside out to come to his mistress’s defense and stopped at nothing to protect her.

  A just end for a cruel man.

  The creaking of the old inner-springs alerted Nate to the fact that Jade had gone straight to bed. He got up and gave the long-forgotten bacon to Gypsy, lying at the front door. The lack of tail thump told him the grizzled hound was more than aware of the tension within the
old farm house. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up, the face in the mirror looking ten years older than it had this morning. He noticed the water trail leading to Jade’s bedroom door and grabbed a towel. His knuckles rapped softly on the doorframe. No response, but that was better than “go to hell.” Taking the lack of answer for permission enough, Nate stepped into the room.

  The tear-streaked face buried into the pillow he had used last night broke his heart. Dripping wet hair soaked the other pillow. He had suspected she hadn’t dried it when he saw the floor. Her eyes were closed, but her breathing was fitful even in sleep. Nate sat down behind her and wrapped the towel around the mass of water-darkened locks.

  There was absolutely no response to his touch.

  Her mind had forced her body to rest the only way it could, by shutting of the power. Her near-catatonic state would last for however long it took for her body to recover from the after-effects of adrenalin overload. Coupled with physical and mental exhaustion, it would be hours before she woke.

  Nate ran his fingers along a stray tress. The rough texture was a dead giveaway that she had wet but not washed her hair. He restrained a grim kind of smile when he thought about the mess it would be in when she woke. Tomorrow was going to be a bad hair day of epic proportions if he left it the way it was.

  He got up to rummage through the bathroom, secure in the knowledge that a brass band could parade through the house and not wake her. He found a paddle brush and a spray bottle of leave-in conditioner. Thus armed, he returned to the bedroom to do battle with her unruly hair.

  Separating the tresses into manageable lots, he got to work. He grinned to think of what anyone would make of big, tough Nate Kelly playing lady’s maid. But at least it kept his hands busy. Even after the wet hair had become a shiny, silken mass, he continued to run the brush through. His touch had calmed her, her breaths deep and even, and her muscles no longer ticked and twitched.


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