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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 16

by Kaliana Cole

  “Hey, it doesn’t matter. Slide down and have a sleep. I’ll wake you up later.”

  Jade snuggled down on the comfortable lounge, her head resting on Nate’s lap. He stroked the hair back from her temple. She could feel the gentle touch of his gaze against her cheek. Brett came in before Jade fell asleep. He gently lifted her legs before sliding onto the other end of the lounge, resting his hand on her knee. Jade was too full and tired to complain. When Matt came in, however, he made Jade smile.

  “This just isn’t fair. I’m out there doing all the work, and they get an end each.”

  Jade smiled at the complaint in his voice and patted the floor in front of the sofa where she lay. “Come and sit here. You can be my teddy bear while I sleep.” She didn’t have to ask him twice.

  She put her arm over his shoulder, her palm coming to rest on the swell of his chest. She snuggled in contentment, falling into a dreamless sleep warmed by the heat of the men surrounding her, the latent power of Nate’s thigh under her head, the comforting weight of his and Brett’s hands resting upon her, and the strong steady beat of Matt’s big heart under her palm.

  Comfort just didn’t get any better than that.

  Jade woke once, much later, when Brett slipped out from under her legs, but the reassuring weight of a quilt being spread over her and Nate’s soothing touch soon had her slumbering soundly once more. The gentle kiss Matt laid on her cheek blended with the dream of floating in a warm cocoon.

  She woke as the first soft light of dawn was streaking the eastern sky. It took her a few minutes for her to get her bearings. Waking with a human pillow beneath her head was a novel experience. She realized she still lay on Nate, but Brett and Matt were nowhere to be seen. She tried to extricate herself without waking him, but he was already awake.

  “Morning, darlin’.” His greeting was quiet and stained with sleep as he brushed her hair back from her face.

  “Hey.” Jade found her voice was no better, husky and dry from lack of use. “You should have woke me up.”

  She rolled to look up at him looming over her, knowing she would be a frightful mess after a night sleeping on the lounge. He, however, looked as rugged and handsome as ever, albeit a little tired. His eyes were soft and heavy as he gently pushed the unruly hair back from her face. “You needed the sleep.” His thumb grazed the dark circles that had developed under her eyes in recent weeks. “Besides, I like being your pillow.”

  “You look like you didn’t get much sleep.”

  “I can catch up today. I don’t have much planned unless Elly calls.”

  “I need to go home.” Jade stretched, curling her toes and working the kinks out of her back and shoulders. Sleeping with an underwire bra on was not a recommended practice, she decided, straightening the offender before relaxing back against Nate’s thigh, just too damn comfortable to move.

  * * * *

  Nate’s battered heart filled with warm satisfaction as Jade made no move to actually exit the lounge. It seemed she was as loathe to give up her warm position as he was to have her leave it. However, Jade had animals relying on her for their breakfast.

  With a lazy smile at the sleep-tousled woman in his lap, he stretched himself, knowing they couldn’t stay this way forever. He was careful to keep his persistent morning erection from coming into contact with her, though. He had promised her a pressure-free time. It wouldn’t do to let her know just how much his chivalry was costing him.

  “Coffee?” he asked, knowing her weakness.

  “Mmm, real stuff or instant?”

  “Real. It’s not as good as yours, but it’s not bad.” He gave her a cheeky grin. “What do you think we are, complete philistines?”

  “The thought did cross my mind,” she teased back. “And I would love a cup before I go.”

  He lifted her head with one big hand while he slid out before propping it on one of the cushions he had been sitting against. “You stay there. Coffee will be ready in five.”

  * * * *

  Jade watched him walk from the room with an indolent smile. While not as big or beefy as Matt, Nate still had one hell of a fine ass. Getting her hands on that body was an excellent inducement to resuming a physical relationship with the man. But she wasn’t ready quite yet. As she wallowed in his scent on the lounge, though, she knew it would not take a great deal of persuasion for her to cave to his wants. Especially with the sweet, caring man that was peeking through the sex-on-legs, arrogant facade.

  This Nate was the one who had sprung up when help was needed. The same one who had gone to the pharmacy to buy tampons for her when she had been stuck at home with the chicken pox with only her father and Harry. The one who had soaked up her tears when one of her horses had to be destroyed when it broke a leg.

  But while it might be different circumstances now, she was still healing her wounds, and Nate would always try to be there when she hurt. Whether she wanted him to be or not. The only times he had not been there, she still had not recovered from.

  She sat up when she heard him coming with the promised brew, taking the offered cup gratefully. One day, she promised herself, she would overcome her caffeine dependence, but taking a sip of the smooth blend, she decided that day would not be today.

  Brett came through the door, fully dressed for work. “Sleeping beauty awakes!” He came to drop a kiss on her cheek. “Can’t stay. I have to get to work. Ring me if you want to go for a drive later.” He headed out the door.

  Nate had a funny little smile on his face when she accepted Brett’s kiss. She gave him curious eyes but didn’t give voice to her question. She hadn’t yet had enough coffee to stir herself that far.

  Jade finished the coffee and reluctantly rose from her cocoon of warmth. She used the bathroom in the hall and did her best to tidy the mess the night had made of her hair. She repaired the damage the best she could with only her fingers for a comb and splashed cold water on her face in an effort to wake herself enough to get home in one piece.

  What she didn’t expect when she headed back up the hall was to run smack into the naked chest of the youngest Kelly brother. Not just naked chest, but naked body, she amended as his slack genitalia pressed into her stomach. The man was as nude as the day he was born.

  Matt gave her a “sorry, babe” as he steadied her, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He kissed the top of her head before he stepped to the side to let her pass. Blinking in astonishment, Jade slipped past, unable to resist looking over her shoulder as he continued on to the bathroom, completely at ease with his state of undress.

  The man was an oversized work of art. The ink decorating his body once again left Jade breathless as her gaze lingered on the perfectly proportioned span of his torso, that undeniably edible ass, and the long, cleanly muscled length of leg. He looked like a Greek god. A smile quirked Jade’s lips at the thought. He was a lot better endowed that any statue she had ever seen. They would have to put an 18+ sign on the Accademia if the model used for “David” was hung like Matt.

  The flush must have clung to her cheeks as she entered the kitchen where Nate was rinsing their cups. He raised his eyebrows questioningly when he saw her color, and her face went from flushed to a full-throttle blush. “What happened?” he asked, clearly amused at her discomfort.

  “I, um, ran into Matt.”

  Nate grinned in understanding. “I take it he is running around the house butt-naked again?”

  Jade’s embarrassment grew. “Yeah. Does he make a habit of that?”

  “All the time. The big bastard is completely comfortable with his nudity, so he expects the rest of us to be okay with it, too. I see he took you by surprise. Did he behave himself?”

  “He was a perfect gentleman. He was just so, so naked,” Jade tried to explain her shock.

  “Yeah, there are better sights in the morning. I know that from experience.”

  “There are?” Jade’s mouth flew into gear before she saddled her brains. She slapped a hand over her mouth, unable t
o believe she had actually voiced that thought in such an eager tone.

  Nate had a chuckle at her discomposure. “You had better go home and feed your animals before your mouth gets you in any deeper. I might start to get a complex. I’m the one who sat with you all night, and you ogle my little brother.” His smile held a quality that said he was fishing for compliments.

  “Believe me, if you had appeared as naked as him, I’d be ogling you, too. Now give me a kiss. I’ve got to go.”

  “Demanding little wretch, aren’t you?” He wiped his hands on the dishtowel as he came toward her. He lifted her easily to the marble bench top, grinning at her quickly suppressed squeal of protest.

  He stood between her knees before she could bring them together, the depth of her seat on the bench stopping her from feeling the evidence of his desire. He dropped his hands from her waist to rest on the swell of her hips. “I think you should give me a kiss.” His laughing eyes were made level with hers by way of her elevated perch.

  Jade grinned knowingly and reached out to get a good handful of the super-fine hair licking at his collar, feeling the heat of his skin against her fist. She pulled him closer, pressing a small kiss at the corner of his mouth where it curled up endearingly.

  “That’s it? That’s all I get after sitting with you all night?” His provocative smile dared her to correct her deliberate mistake.

  She brought him back within reach and began to lay a line of soft little kisses against the smiling seam of his lips, from one side to the other, managing to keep them playful but chaste. As much as her awakening body was telling her to use her tongue mercilessly, Jade held herself in check. Nate had been a total gentleman last night. Shoving her tongue down his throat and then going home wouldn’t be playing fair. She had never teased this man without intentions of following through, and she didn’t plan on starting now.

  Nate must have sensed her decision not to maul him because he pulled away, happiness playing around his face as he stepped back and patted her thigh. “Go home, wretch. I’ll see you later.”

  Chapter 20

  The day flew by for Jade. She worked Kenny, this time putting Matt on an unenthusiastic Toby to go out for a hack with her. They headed into the state forest. Jade marveled at the way the trails had overgrown in the last fourteen years. Most of the bridle paths she had used were no longer passable. Only deer paths remained. Toby coped with the exercise, his fitness level much improved due to the time spent on the walker.

  Jade had held back a giggle at the sight of Matt aboard the hefty quarter horse. He made the large animal look like a pony under his extreme height. Matt’s feet were level with the palomino’s knees. Although the sturdy animal carried him easily, Toby made his disgust known eloquently, rolling his eyes and swishing his tail as Matt mounted him.

  They had also gotten the last of the young stock handled that morning. Now that they were all taught to lead, every one destined for the sale could be prepared in earnest. Jade, Matt, or Anna handled the animals until they knew they could be trusted to the enthusiastic care of Luke and Dean. They were groomed daily, fed special rations designed to get them looking their best, and exercised with long walks and lunging in the arena. When offered for sale in six weeks, the horses would be at their physical peak.

  After an enjoyable lunch spent bantering with Matt and Anna, during which she was pleased to see the twins losing some of their innate shyness, Jade gave Brett a call. He arranged to meet her at the old airfield later that afternoon. She also called Elly to inquire about the quality of farriers available in the area, the one she had favored years ago being long since retired. Jade had done the first basic trim herself, with Matt assisting, to accustom the young horses to the experience and fix any major problems, but it was time for a professional to look them over.

  Elly gave her two names, letting her know that both came from over near Buffalo but serviced the area regularly. They were also on par skill-wise, so Jade decided the way she always had.

  “So, which one has the best ass?”

  Elly had choked on her laughter before asking why.

  “If you are stuck holding horses all day with an ass in your face, it may as well be a good one. If it’s not me, it will be Anna holding them, and she appreciates a nice view as much as the next woman.”

  Elly had laughed before telling her to call Phil Burton. Jade doubted he could compete with the quality of male butts in her life at the moment, but if it was passable, he would give Anna someone to hassle instead of Matt.

  Matt was still scared of the older woman.

  With a couple of hours to kill before she had to leave to meet Brett, Jade went to check up on the fillies in the “girls’ barn,” as Matt had christened it. She found Matt there showing the two youngsters how to pick up the hind foot of a fractious horse without risking life and limb. She stayed back watching him, finding his winning way with animals extended to people as well.

  He taught both boys how to keep a hand on the hip so they could feel the slightest twitch the animal made, as all ligaments that controlled the potentially dangerous limb ran through the nexus beneath their palm. Both Luke and Dean accomplished it admirably.

  Matt would make a wonderful father, Jade thought as she watched him teach the lads. A wave of sadness washing over her that that was something she couldn’t give him. He deserved someone who would give him the chance to be a father. Complications during Christopher’s birth had meant that she was not to have any more children. A tubal ligation had ensured it.

  She was feeling the regret when Matt noticed her at the door. He left the boys to finish up with the filly, coming over with concern showing in both his face and his tender tone. “Hey, what’s the matter, Jade?”

  She lowered her head to look at the shavings that had escaped under the stall door. “Nothing anyone can do anything about,” she replied matter-of-factly. She tried to smile, but she knew it fell far short of convincing.

  Matt looked at her carefully. “Come on, let’s go for a walk.”

  He let himself out of the stall and hailed Anna down the aisle. He asked if she could supervise the twins until he got back. The perceptive woman took one look at the unusually fragile appearance of her employer and glanced sharply at the big man who dwarfed her. “Sure thing, sweet cheeks. You take as long as you need.”

  As soon as they cleared the building, Matt took Jade’s hand in his much larger one. He led her around to an alcove created where two buildings met. He straddled the bench built in the corner and drew Jade down to sit before him and fixed her with gentle eyes. “Now, what has got you all troubled? I hate seeing you upset, Jade. You know that.”

  She looked out over the broodmares grazing in the distance, trying to gather thoughts and words. She knew Matt would not give up until she gave him a satisfactory answer, and she knew full well he could tell when she lied. That only left truth. “The thing is, Matt, I just realized that a relationship for us, all of us, is not going to work long-term. I was becoming so sure that I could handle what you have to offer, and then it all got shot down in flames.”

  “Why? What happened?” True worry creased his brow as he searched her face.

  “All three of you deserve to have more than I can offer, Matt. I was watching you with the twins. You would make such a wonderful father. I can’t give you that, Matt. You need to find someone who can give you the family you deserve.” Tears broke free, spilling silently down her cheeks.

  “Don’t cry, honey.” He gathered her close, letting her shed her tears on his broad chest. “That’s not something you have to worry about. You’re all upset over nothing.”


  “Shh.” He put a fingertip against her lips to stop the words. “I’m going to tell you something that Nate has been stressing over since you told him about losing Christopher. You see, he thought you would want more children. The problem is that even before you left years ago, we all made a decision.

  “We’re farmers, Jade. We know
all about genetics and inheritance. Our father was defective, and our grandfather before him. It wasn’t learned behavior but an innate part of them. We carry a gene for violence we did not want to pass along for any child to have to deal with.

  “We have all had vasectomies, Jade. Not one of us will risk bringing a child into this world to deal with what Brett has gone through, battling the rages that consumed him.

  “He has spent so long bringing the monster under control. His whole life is about maintaining control. He has mastered it because he doesn’t touch alcohol or drugs, and he lets that monster out to play on a very short lead occasionally. He gives it a small taste of power in a setting where there are rules to follow, and that keeps them both happy.”

  Jade realized he was talking about the domination and submission scene. “So it’s not just a personal kink that drives him in that area.” She had stopped crying and was just leaning against his chest, absorbing comfort from the embrace of his body.

  “That is right. Being a Dom is what keeps Brett sane. He manages to restrict it to actual scenes for the most part, but there are some who get off on total control in all areas. They live, eat, and breathe the D/s lifestyle.”

  “I couldn’t do that.” Jade sniffed, burrowing against the soft worn cotton of his work shirt.

  “You don’t need to tell any of us, Jade.” He gave her a squeeze, his voice holding the edges of amusement. “We know how much of an independent little shit you are, and we wouldn’t have you any other way.” He kissed the top of her head reassuringly. “We just ask that you don’t do anything stupid. If Brett catches you speeding on an open road the way he did the other week, he will put you over his knee and paddle your ass. And if I see you putting a newly broken horse over four-foot slip rails like I seen you do to Kenny a few weeks ago, I might feel the need to do the same.”

  “Really?” Jade’s tone was dry and mocking. She knew there was no way in hell Matt would ever lay a hand upon her in anger.


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