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Someone Like You

Page 23

by Syd Parker

  Aspen held her thumb and forefinger a hair’s breadth apart and smiled conspiratorially. “Maybe a little.”

  “That makes me happy.” Gabrielle confessed with a shy smile. “I guessed you might be.”

  “You were right.” Aspen acknowledged the comment with a smile. “And this foodie is hungry, so start slicing.”

  Gabrielle laughed and cut into the gruyere, handing several slices to Aspen. “Now, you were telling me what a gorgeous creature Lex is.”

  Aspen blushed. “So I was. Honestly, she is one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Her parents are from Greece, so she has the typical dark coloring and strong features. The first time I saw her, she literally took my breath away. Her eyes are so soulful. I can get lost in them for hours and not even realize that time is passing. You think you can see everything on my face. You should see Lex. They just reach out and pull you in, long brown hair that falls around her face, sculpted cheek bones and full lips that you just want to kiss.” Aspen shivered as she thought about Lex and how every time she looked in her eyes or even thought about her, it left her breathless. “Anyway, we were together for five years before she left.”

  Gabrielle’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “She’s the woman in the picture Someone Like You. Isn’t she?” Her mind flashed to the woman who had visited earlier and bought the sketch. She had been wearing a baseball cap, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail. Even so, Gabrielle was struck by her beauty. She was almost certain that she was Aspen’s Lex.

  “What?” Aspen noticed how quiet Gabrielle was, and that she was no longer eating.

  “Nothing, I was just thinking it’s a beautiful piece. I can tell just from looking at it that she would be hard not to fall for. So what happened? Why did she leave?”

  “Mmm…” Aspen shrugged. “We went through a rough patch, and she realized that she didn’t want the same things anymore.”

  Gabrielle sensed that there was more to the story, but she didn’t push. “Five years is a long time to hold onto someone.”

  Aspen laughed. “It would seem so.”

  “I guess when you love someone that much, you never really let go.” Gabrielle slid the empty tray to the edge of the table. Somewhere between discussing lavender cheese and Aspen’s break up, they devoured the entire tray of cheese. “Any chance she feels the same way?”

  Aspen nodded. “Yes.”

  “So what’s the problem? Why aren’t you together?” Gabrielle pressed. She could tell from the emotions that flashed across Aspen’s face as she talked about Lex that there was more to the story, but she could also see what any fool could see. That Aspen still loved her.

  “It’s not always that easy.” Aspen admitted quietly. “Sometimes, love isn’t enough.”

  “Oh, honey.” Gabrielle reached across the table and squeezed her hand softly. “You still love each other. That’s all that matters.” She pulled her hand away quickly, making room for the waiter to set their pizza down between them. “One more glass then cut us off, or I will start telling my deepest, darkest secrets.”

  Aspen sat quietly, watching Gabrielle serve them both slices of hot pizza. She blew on hers and bit off a small bite, savoring the flavor of the spicy sausage, paired with the pungent goat cheese. All the while, her mind repeated Gabrielle’s words. That’s all that matters. For the first time in months, she began to wonder if she had made the right decision by saying good-bye a second time.

  Chapter 25

  Aspen zipped up her portfolio and let out a contented sigh. This was it; her big debut in New York had come and gone as quickly as the changing of the seasons. She glanced outside and saw the spring rain bouncing off the window and smiled. She was eager to get back to the ranch and see the girls. Jonathon Riley had cared for them while she was gone, and she knew they were fine, but she just had the urge to see her babies again.

  “Is that everything?” Gabrielle stopped beside Aspen and smiled. “Need any help?”

  Aspen shook her head. “That’s everything, I think. I’m sure I’ll get halfway home and realize I forgot something.” She heaved the heavy portfolio onto a bench. “Oh, I almost forgot. I wrapped Someone Like You and put it in your office. I hope they enjoy it.”

  “What’s next for you?” Gabrielle toyed with the silver chain around her neck. Last night, dinner had been amazing and the conversation never lagged. She and Aspen discovered many shared interests. She regretted taking so long to finally ask her out and regretted even more that Aspen’s heart was taken, despite her protests that she and Lex were over. “Promise you will come back and do another show.”

  “If you are offering, I’m in.” Aspen laughed softly, her eyes twinkling brightly. “The drive isn’t bad. Hint, hint.”

  Gabrielle’s smile widened. “You read my mind. I’d love to have you in the fall…I mean have you come down…ugh, I would love to have you exhibit in the fall.” Realizing that her words would be misconstrued, Gabrielle smiled ruefully and shook her head. “That did not come out right.”

  Aspen smiled shyly. “It’s okay. I think I know what you were trying to say, and I would be honored.”

  “Good, that’s good.” Gabrielle took a deep breath and smiled again. “So this is it. You're really leaving. Are you still going to try and get a permanent show back home? You could make it big here. You’re willing to give that up?”

  “Yeah.” Aspen smiled reminiscently. “That’s my home now. This past month was amazing, but it made me realize I’m not a city girl. I have no aspirations to be the next Braque or Renoir. I draw because it’s inside me, and I have to let it out. If I can share a little piece of myself with a small part of the world, then that is enough for me.”

  “Something tells me that Aspen Lane is going to be a name we hear a lot of in the future. You may not have grandiose plans, but it may be out of your control. You have an amazing talent, don’t forget that when you’re holed up at the farm.” Gabrielle’s eyes danced mischievously. “I know it is because you just love mucking stalls, and God forbid, you give that up.”

  Aspen shook her head. “How did you know?”

  “Honey, you may be able to take the girl out of the farm, but you can’t take the farm out of the girl. Believe me, I’ve tried.” Gabrielle looked down at the floor. “There’s a reason I still spend my vacations back home. There are some things you just don’t let go of…no matter how hard you try.”

  “True.” Aspen agreed, but she had a funny feeling that Gabrielle wasn’t just talking about the ranch. Aspen glanced at her watch. “Well, I guess I should be going. I’ve got a bit of a drive ahead of me, and the rain is going to make it even longer.”

  Gabrielle studied Aspen’s face and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “I should be the one thanking you.” Aspen rested her hand on Gabrielle’s arm. “Thank you for letting me have this experience. It means more to me than I can tell you.”

  The two women stared at each other for several more seconds before Gabrielle pulled Aspen into her arms awkwardly. She held her close, probably longer than she should have, but the feeling of Aspen in her arms felt too good to let go of right away. Gabrielle finally broke the embrace and held Aspen at arms’ length, holding her gaze. “If anything ever changes with you know, let me know. I’d love to take you back to the farm and show you my life.”

  Aspen bowed her head and smiled. “I’ll remember that.”

  Gabrielle pulled away and adjusted her suit jacket. A movement outside caught her eye, and she stared out the window. “Umm, Aspen?”


  Gabrielle nodded towards the window, a cryptic smile touching the corners of her mouth. “I think someone is here to see you.”

  Aspen looked confused. She followed Gabrielle’s gaze, and her jaw dropped. Standing outside the window, watching the exchange with a perplexed look was Lex. Aspen’s breath caught in her throat the second her eyes met Lex’s. She wasn’t sure how long she stood there staring before Gabrielle nudged her forward. S
he walked on auto-pilot towards the front door. Aspen pulled the door open and stepped onto the stoop. “Lex.”

  “Hi.” Lex shuffled apprehensively, unable to hold Aspen’s piercing gaze. She bobbled her umbrella nervously and smiled apologetically when she splashed tiny droplets of water on Aspen. “I’m sorry.”

  Aspen shook her head dismissively. “What are you doing here, Lex?”

  “I…” Lex stammered for several seconds and finally rubbed the back of her neck uncomfortably. She took several deep breaths, only meeting Aspen’s eyes when she thought she could speak without hesitation. “I need to say something. These past three months have been dismal without you. I realize what I took away from us when I walked out. I know what a hell you lived in because of me. I can’t change that, but I would like a chance to make the next five years and every one after that better. Not a second chance, a first chance. I’m asking you to give me a first chance at making us happy. I’m not the same person I was five years ago, but my heart never stopped loving you.”

  Aspen stared at Lex in a stupor; after all this time to find her here and make a declaration of love made Lex either really optimistic or just a fool. “Lex, I thought we decided this already.”

  “No, we didn’t. You did. You didn’t give me an opportunity to say much before you walked away. Now it’s my turn and damn it, you’re going to listen before you run away.” Lex dropped the umbrella and let the rain come down on her. Putting her arms out, she twirled around, letting the water drench her body. “You told me a long time ago that you wanted someone who would dance in the rain for you, do whatever it took to show you her love. That’s what I’m doing now. This is me, dancing in the rain, asking you to love me. I’ll do flips, whatever you want me to do to prove to you that I love you.”

  Aspen shook her head, blinking back tears. She felt the ache in her heart push into her throat and leave her breathless.

  “Aspen, you own me. You control me. I belong to you.” Lex stopped and let the rain drench her. She searched Aspen’s face. “Every feeling I have is controlled by the look on your face.”

  Aspen’s eyes took in every bit of Lex’s face, the rain-soaked ringlets that fell across her brow, into her eyes, teasing her cheekbones, her soulful eyes, sad and lost, but hopeful in every glance, her full lips, with tiny droplets of water bouncing off of them. It was enough to make Aspen’s heart ache with want. She swallowed hard, biting back her tears. Maybe Gabrielle was right, maybe, just maybe love was enough.

  “I can’t breathe without you. I can’t sleep without you. I exist to be with you.” Lex stepped under the awning, cupped Aspen’s chin in her palm and brushed a tear off her cheek. “Can’t you see? I love you. I’m in love with you. You’re the love of my life.”

  Aspen’s heart pulled her body closer to Lex without her realizing it, two magnetic forces meeting their perfect mate. The ache of wanting Lex pierced her chest painfully.

  “I realized I will never want someone like you. I want you.” Lex pulled Aspen close, the heat from her body taking away the chill. “My life is you. My future is you. Without you, I’m nothing. I love you. I belong to you. We’re in this together.” Lex felt her heart pound in her chest. All the emotions that she tried to keep down were tripping through her body, love and fear coexisting in discord.” I want to face the world and everything in it with you by my side. One word from you and I’m yours. But if you don’t want this, tell me no and I’ll walk away forever.”

  Aspen finally let the tears fall. She wouldn’t fight her love, couldn’t even if she tried. She knew what she felt was bigger than she or Lex combined. Her heart was and always would be Lex’s. This time, when she let Lex inside, she knew that there would be pain, but she knew that this time, they would face it together. The thought of living the rest of her life without Lex hurt more than anything that they would encounter. Aspen cupped Lex’s cheeks in her hands. She leaned forward and captured Lex’s lips against hers. She kissed away the fear and the hurt, leaving room for hope and love. Breaking the kiss, she smiled, truly smiled for the first time in years. “Yes.”

  Lex felt her body explode. It was all she needed to hear to make everything right. She leaned her forehead on Aspen’s and hugged her hard. “Forever.”

  Aspen felt a calm overtake her body. She found her way back home. She grabbed Lex’s hand and pulled her out into the rain, letting it soak them both. “And always.”


  Aspen hung the sketch on the wall and stepped back, surveying her handiwork. She felt Lex’s strong arms slip around her waist, and she leaned backwards into her.

  “It looks good.”

  “Mmm, yes it does.” Aspen turned her head and kissed Lex’s chin. “The subject was quite beautiful.”

  “Was?” Lex’s eyes danced. “She isn’t anymore?”


  Lex growled and spun Aspen around to face her. She kissed her hard on the mouth then broke away, laughter in her eyes. “Care to rescind that, Mrs. Tataris?”

  “I’m not sure.” Aspen’s blue eyes twinkled mischievously. “I might need some more persuading.”

  Lex smirked. “Is that so?” She leaned forward and met Aspen’s lips, sliding over them slowly. She pulled Aspen’s bottom lip into hers and ran her tongue over it slowly, the heat building between them. Lex’s tongue brushed against Aspen’s, electricity shooting through her body. Reluctantly, she broke the kiss before it was out of control. Their company would be arriving any minute, and Lex didn’t think that Aspen’s mother and aunt needed to find them in a compromising position and naked at that. “Did you know I was the one that bought it?”

  “I had a sneaking suspicion. I’m glad. I wouldn’t want your face in another woman’s house.”

  Lex kissed Aspen’s nose and smiled. “Then it’s a damn good thing you didn’t turn me away twice.”

  “Mmm, yes it was.” Aspen returned Lex’s playful smile. “Deep down, I knew you belonged to me, on paper and in person.”

  “Don’t forget.” Lex teased. “I would have to tie you up.”

  “That, my dear wife, sounds like a perfect proposition.” Aspen waggled her eyebrows suggestively then left to answer the door.

  Lex watched her walk away, jaw halfway to the floor. She smiled, knowing that she had a lifetime with Aspen to explore that proposition.

  Not quite the end….

  Author’s Notes and Ramblings

  Aside from writing, I have a few other things that I’m passionate about. I consider myself a bit of a foodie, which you will notice in my novels. My characters love to eat as much as I do! With that in mind, I’m taking a few moments to include Lex and Aspen’s favorite recipes, as they love to share their secrets. Some of them are a bit outside your normal pizza and burgers, so a sense of adventure is necessary. I hope you enjoy!

  Pear and Prosciutto Pizza


  1 (.25 ounce) package pizza dough yeast

  1 cup bread flour

  1 teaspoon salt

  2 teaspoon white sugar

  2/3 C warm water (110 degrees)

  6 cloves of garlic, peeled

  1/2 tablespoon olive oil

  8 slices prosciutto, cut into halves

  1 ripe pear, peeled, cored and sliced

  8 ounces shredded gruyere cheese

  1 tablespoon cornmeal for dusting

  1/2 tablespoon olive oil


  Preheat oven to 375 degrees. If using a pizza pan, allow to preheat for twenty minutes to come to temperature. Spread garlic paste over crust and top with sliced pears and prosciutto. Sprinkle cheese over the top and brush edges with olive oil. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown.

  Pizza Crust – In small bowl, combine dry ingredients and mix well. Add warm water and combine. Add flour if necessary to make a stiff dough. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead for two minutes. Roll out dough to form a 12” circle.

  Garlic Paste – Place the garlic in a sm
all square of aluminum foil. Drizzle ½ Tbs of olive oil over the garlic and seal foil. Roast garlic in the preheated oven until soft, about twenty minutes. Smash garlic with a fork.

  Pasta Puttanesca


  6 ounces dry pasta, cooked al dente

  1 ounce olive oil

  1 tablespoon minced garlic

  4 anchovy fillets, chopped

  32 ounce can of diced tomatoes

  1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes

  2 tablespoon capers

  3 tablespoons Kalamata olives, pitted

  1 teaspoon fresh minced oregano

  8 fresh basil leaves, torn into pieces

  1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley leaves

  Salt and freshly ground black pepper

  Freshly grated Parmesan

  Basic Directions – Aspen changes the order some

  In a saute pan, heat the olive oil. Add the garlic and saute 1 minute. Add the anchovy fillets, tomatoes, and red pepper flakes. Bring to a boil and lower to a simmer for 15 minutes.

  Add the cooked pasta, capers, olives and oregano. Toss to mix and coat pasta with sauce. Turn off heat. Add the basil and parsley. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

  Divide between two plates and grate fresh Parmesan cheese over the pasta. Serve immediately.

  Lex’s Pan Seared Filets with Shitake Mushroom Sauce


  1 1/2 cups sliced shiitake mushroom caps

  1 tablespoon all-purpose flour

  1/3 cup merlot or other red wine; keep the rest of the bottle for drinking.

  1/3 cup minced shallots

  1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

  1 cup beef broth

  2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

  1 teaspoon tomato paste

  1/8 teaspoon dried rosemary


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