It is What it is: A Hood Love Story

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It is What it is: A Hood Love Story Page 58

by B. , Ivory

  Ty sat at home in bed two days later in relaxation. She had not felt this at peace in a while. Her ringing phone took her out of that calming place and her mind went to Nice hoping that this was him calling. “Hello.” “You fucking bitch! Do you know what those animals did to me?” She heard Douglas’s voice come through the other end of the phone. Douglas was clearly under the influence, you could hear it in his voice. “That animal broke my eye socket! You ruined my life. I can’t go back to work because I have to stay away from you. All because you were whoring behind my back. I should have never dealt with a ghetto black bitch as yourself. I should’ve known better,” Douglas shouted furiously. Ty laughed. “Yeah Douglas you should’ve known better than to ever put your hands on a bitch like me. You fucked with the wrong one. By the way no one cost you your job but you. I know about your little ponzi scheme and so does the higher ups at the company. They informed the Feds and they are pressing full charges against you. So if I were you, I would be getting on the first thing smoking because you’ll be doing Fed time for that embezzlement. Now let’s hope you don’t become somebody’s black bitch in jail. And by the way, I sent over a mass email about your ponzi scheme to your judge Daddy and all his buddies over at the superior court house and to the country club your parents are members at. Let’s see what your rich parents friends think of their son being a common criminal and thief. Fuck off! Douglas and you have a nice life,” Ty laughed and hung up in his face.

  Two days later Rebecca was arrested at the job. She cried and boo hoo’d proclaiming her innocence; stating that she never knew the checks she was cashing was from embezzled money. The Feds weren’t moved by the theatrics they walked her right off the job in handcuffs. As they were walking her past Ty’s office Ty couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for the blonde airhead.

  Ty went through with her plan she had really sent out that mass email. Causing Douglas’s father to put in his resignation as a judge days after the email was sent. No longer was his mother getting welcoming smiles at the country club or invites to high society events. His entire family had basically became reclusive, too embarrassed to face public scrutiny of Douglas’s crime.

  Douglas was arrested by custom’s a week after Rebecca’s arrest trying to board a plane to Cuba. He was facing football numbers. Instead of trying to cut himself a deal and tell the Feds where he had stashed over 2 million dollars. He refused to say and things weren’t looking good for him. Douglas kept his word he did offer the Feds a heads up on a drug ring that they could bring down. The funny thing is, since he lied and withheld information about where he embezzled money. They didn’t believe him, nor did they want to make a deal. Because of Douglas’s greed he would be enjoying that money when he was old and grey. Like the coward he was he took his own life by hanging himself in his cell in the middle of the night. Ty couldn’t front the news of Douglas’s death hurt. Although he black mailed her into staying in that sick relationship, abused her both physically and emotionally she still felt a little bad about his demise. She never attended his funeral only sent flowers knowing his family probably blamed her instead of him.

  Show and Prove

  “Keema please sit your ass down before you go into labor,” Lucky warned. “This man got clothes all over the damn place, it’s driving me crazy,” Keema complained. “Keem it’s like a hand full of clothes. I’ll put them in the laundry just sit down.” Keema huffed she was so tired of being pregnant. Ty watched Keema and Lucky’s little spat and laughed. Keema had become so uncomfortable in these last months and she knew her girl was ready to drop that load.

  Ty tried to be discreet and call Nice but it was as if she made a PSA announcement that she was calling him because Keema and Lucky got very quiet as they tried to ear hustle the conversation. Ty hadn’t heard from Nice in a second and every time she called he would either tell her he would hit her back and never fall through, or act as if he were too busy to hold a decent conversation. No matter how hard she tried though she couldn’t get him off of her mind. “What up Baby girl?” Nice said into the phone. Where ever he was it was very noisy in the back. “Hey nothing, I was just calling to see what’s up with you.” “Same ole, Hahaha yoo you crazy for that shit right there son!” Nice laughed talking to someone in the background. Ty fell silent. He brought his attention back to the phone. “Yo ma what’s good?” “Nothing really, I just haven’t heard from you in a while.” “Yeah I know I been tied up. Yo nigga I already told you that Jawn is crazy, you wild for that one!” Nice hollered at someone in the background. Ty became immediately annoyed. She huffed and rolled her eyes. Nice could sense her attitude and wanted to stay clear of any drama with her. “Yo Ty I’ma hit you back in a little bit.” “You know what Nice do me a favor, don’t bother.” “What?! Ty what’s the problem?” “My problem is that I’m good enough to fuck but not return a phone call. Nice it’s obvious either your too busy or don’t want to be bothered, so you take care.” There was a long pause on the phone. “Yeah ma you do the same,” Nice said then disconnected the call. Ty sat there stunned and hurt. She wanted to cry but didn’t want to do it in front of her girls. She couldn’t believe this nigga. He didn’t try to make it right; he just let it go, like she was just a quick fuck. Even though Lucky and Keema didn’t hear the conversation verbatim from the looks of it things didn’t go good. “Girl fuck niggaz, better you don’t end up like this,” Keema growled pointing to her stomach trying desperately to get comfortable on the couch.

  Ty was up watching TV on a Saturday night alone. Her roll dog was pregnant and laid up under Jah and Lucky was loved up with Los somewhere. Her doorbell went off catching her undivided attention. She hadn’t been expecting anyone to come over. “Who is it?” Ty reached the front door and looked out the peephole to a bittersweet surprise. When she opened the door there stood Nice who was looking like he could get it any day, time or place and Kynah who looked pretty as a picture. Ty wasn’t exactly happy to see Nice but Kynah was a different story. “Ty Ty!” Kynah screamed. Nice boldly opened her screen door as if he lived there and Ky took off running inside past Ty. “Ty Ty I’m staying da night!” She announced happily. Ty looked at her run by with her little overnight Bratz bag on her back. “Ty can you do me this one solid and keep an eye on her for tonight?” Oh no this muthafucka didn’t. Did he just ask me to babysit while he go and do him with the next hoe? And I ain't heard from him in a week. “Ty Ty can you paint my nails tonight like Aunty Lucky do?” Kynah asked cheesing from ear to ear. Ty looked over at Ky and laughed. Ooh he lucky I love that little girl Ty thought as she glared at Nice. “Yeah she’s more than welcomed.” “A’ight, good lookin, make sure you lock these doors.” Is all Nice said before he turned and took her steps two at a time hopped in his Range Rover taking off into the darkness. “Ty Ty I’m gonna stay up till the mornin time. You know how to do that?” Kynah asked as she jumped from one end of the couch to the other. Kynah looked as if she was fueled up on sugar. Oh hell no! I’m far too tired for this shit tonight.

  Kynah’s plan to stay up all night was officially a wrap. She was knocked out within two hours of arriving. Ty had given her a little pedi and mani painting her nails a pearlish pink color. Even though she had begged until she was blue in the face for Ty to paint her nails what she called ‘hot red.’ Ty refused to she thought the color was far too grown and Kynah was grown enough. Not in a bad way, but in a way one could tell she had been exposed to far too much at her age. Kynah could recite every song on BET word for word and even the raunchy dances to go with them. But the little girl was sweet as sweet potato pie, and Ty adored her.

  By 1 in the morning Ty had just begun to doze off with Kynah snuggled next to her in bed when her home phone went off. Ty jumped up and grabbed the cordless before the phone woke Kynah. “Hello,” Ty said with attitude. “Baby girl you got a place for me to lay my head tonight?” She heard Nice’s deep voice pierce through the phone. Ty sat there on the phone for a second before she answered. “Yeah, you can stay here
for tonight.” “A’ight then come unlock ya door, I’m downstairs.” “You better be quiet when you come in here because my baby is already asleep.” Nice chuckled “A’ight I can do that.”

  Ty went to open the front door and sure enough there stood Nice. He walked in the house and stood right up on Ty invading her personal space. Ty took a few steps back before catching him staring down at her hardened nipples though her cami top. Ty cut her eyes at him rudely. Nice just chuckled. “You can either sleep down here in the guest room or upstairs in Lucky’s old bedroom.” “I’ll sleep upstairs, in Lucky’s old room,” Nice responded as he followed Ty up the stairs not being able to help himself as he watched Ty’s plump ass shake while she climbed the stairs. He reached out and pinched her ass. Ty shrieked at the sudden pain slapping his hand away “Boy stop” Ty showed him into the room and left. Nice took no time making himself at home stripping down to his wife beater and boxers. He walked into Ty’s room and Ty had to tear her eyes away from him. His body was gorgeous and he was smelling scrumptious as usual. He kissed Kynah goodnight as she slept, then he tried to lean over and kiss Ty on her lips and she jerked away giving him a nigga don’t go there look. “Oh I can’t get a kiss goodnight?” Nice asked grinning from ear to ear. “Goodnight Nice,” was all Ty said before she fluffed up her pillow and gave him her back. Nice chuckled; he knew Ty still wanted him, that’s why she gave him so much attitude.

  The next morning Nice took them out to eat at a soul food restaurant for breakfast. The food was great, everything from the grits to the buttermilk pancakes that seemed to soak up the syrup on contact. No one was really talking at the table, not even Kynah who usually had everything to say. She was busy pouring the whole container of syrup on her pancakes. When she was done Ty picked her up without a word and brought her to the bathroom to clean up. Nice looked on at the both of them as they walked back to the table hand and hand. What he noticed the most is that his daughter was happy, genuinely happy.

  The ride back to Ty’s was quiet. Kynah had fallen to sleep after filling her belly and Ty still didn’t have much to say to Nice, so she enjoyed the scenic view back to her house. The plan was to run in the house grab Ky’s overnight bag and bring it back out to Nice so he could be on his way. When he pulled up in front of her house she ran in grabbed Kynah’s things and brought them out to the car. “Can we talk?” Nice asked. Ty huffed and rolled her eyes. “You can eat a nigga’s food but can’t give him five minutes of your time? Five minutes ma, that’s all I’m asking.” Ty let out a hard sigh got back in the car and shut the door. “What is it Nice? What you want?” “I’m saying Ty, me and you have always been cool. All of a sudden you real funny style, like I don’t know what I did?” “Yeah Nice we real cool it’s nothing,” Ty said dryly. The cool comment getting under Ty’s skin and hurting her feelings. Nice screwed his face up. “Yo what is this Nice shit? Why you start calling me Nice all of a sudden?” Nice said with an apparent attitude. “Why? What’s the problem? Everybody else calls you Nice,” Ty said with attitude. “Yeah but you not everybody else,” Nice shot back.

  Ty blew out air in frustration and crossed her arms across her chest. She shook her head from side to side and rolled her eyes noticing they were watering up. She didn’t know what was wrong with her but Nice somehow always had that type of effect on her, to make her wear her emotions on her sleeves. “If I’m supposed to be so damn special you have a funny way of showing it. You say one thing but your actions say another.” “What you mean by that?” “You know what I mean. Nice don’t play stupid. You’ve been blowing me off playing me to the left like I’m some random bitch you ran up in and trying to avoid. Or maybe your just used to chicks being all on ya dick, chasing after you but you got me fucked up, nigga it’s not all that serious!” Silence filled the car and Ty thought for a second maybe she went a little too hard but that’s how she felt, so she let it be known.

  “Ty what the fuck you want from me?” Nice gritted. Ty turned and looked him dead in the eyes. “I want you. I want us,” She shot back. Nice stared at her expressionless as if her answer surprised him. Ty shook her head back and forth and rolled her eyes losing her battle with her own tears. Silent tears rolled freely down her face. She turned her head away from Nice but he touched her chin turning her to face him. “Then show and prove Ma. That’s all I’ma say. I’ll leave it up to you. If I’m what you want, then show and prove. I ain’t mean to hurt you Baby girl, I’m sorry if I did.” He said just above a whisper pulling her into his strong arms and hugging her. Ty hugged him back burying her face into his neck. Nice turned his head and kissed her deeply then sealed the kiss with a kiss on her forehead. “We good?” Nice asked. Ty shook her head yes still looking sad. “Listen, I got to bring Princess home so I can put her down. Once I get her settled in I’ll call you.” Ty chuckled a little, not convinced but she said “Okay,” and went into the house.

  Nice kept his word a little over an hour later he called Ty and they talked for hours. After that day they were inseparable, with him either staying nights with her or her staying out at his home with him. When she stayed with him her commute to work was longer but being with him was worth it, not to mention staying in that big ass house was a bonus. They did everything together and to outsiders they seemed like the perfect couple but in all actuality they weren’t a couple at all. Nice kept shit ahunnit with Ty though; he never denied or lied about who was blowing down his phones at all hours of the night. And he never put any of his friends before Ty. On the outside Ty was cool with it but inside she was dying knowing she was sharing the man she loved with another. Ty didn’t understand; she didn’t know what else she had to do to show and prove she was serious about them being in a committed relationship. At the moment Cassie’s song Official girl had been playing on heavy rotation on Ty’s iPod at the gym, in her car, every damn where. Like in the song she was desperately trying to make Nice see what he had in front of him and make her his official girl.

  It had been two months since Nice and Ty been kicking it with each other. Nice was falling and falling hard for Ty. He just tried to keep his true feelings at bay, being he wanted to protect himself from being hurt. Ty was the full package beautiful, intelligent, classy, and still down ass enough to smoke a blunt with him. Nice could talk to her as if he were talking to one of his boys. And on the flip side she fucked like a porn star; Ty’s pussy was grade A. Yes, baby girl’s head was certifiable. She even took it up the ass like a good girl. All of that was cool but what really counted in Nice’s eyes was the way she treated his daughter. She really and truly treated Ky like she was her own and it was genuine. It wasn’t just to win points with Nice, he knew that for sure.

  He knew things had changed for him as he packed his things to go back to Philly. He had been out in Miami for a whole week and hadn’t felt the need to sleep with another chick. Truth be told he hadn’t in some time now. It’s been all Ty. While he was down in Miami supposed to be focused on his grind his mind stayed on Ty. He missed her like crazy; all he wanted to do was hurry to get back home to her and Ky. He knew he would have to hurry and lock Ty down before somebody else did. And that’s what he intended on doing as soon as he got back to her.

  Just as Nice was leaving out of his suite headed to the airport his phone rung and he noticed it was Kynah’s school. “Mr. Richards this is the Principal here at Capital Prep. I’m calling to inform you that your daughter is here in the office. School has let out nearly two hours ago. We tried to contact her mother however there was no answer. Can you come to pick her up? She’s very upset.” Nice was stunned, he was so angry he couldn’t think straight. “No I can’t come. I’m out of town right now on business. I can send someone else to pick her up.” “Very well, Mr. Richards I also want to mention to you that according to our student handbook and our rules and regulations, If a child is picked up excessively late on more than three occasions over two hours late, we do have to call the local police which will regrettably end up as a CPS referral. Now K
ynah has been habitually picked up excessively late from school. We have no other choice but to follow our school procedures.” Nice was about to lose it on this old bitch, was she crazy?

  “Hold up, all that damn money I spend on tuition and donate to that school you not really telling me you about to call child protective services are you? You can’t be serious? More importantly, I was never informed by the school that Kynah has ever been picked up late.” “Well Mr. Richards Mrs. Lewis requested that we don’t contact you, she said that you were very busy with work and was often away on busis...” “I don’t give a hell what Mrs. Lewis told you. It’s the schools responsibility to contact both parents if there’s a problem and you failed to. Now since this is my first time being informed of Kynah being picked up late I guess there’s no need in calling CPS and another thing don’t count on that donation this year. Now can you put my daughter on the phone?” “Uhh,” the principal said getting choked up on her words. “Yes one moment.” “Daddy you comin to get me?” Kynah whimpered. It broke Nice’s heart to have to tell his daughter no; there was no way he could unless he had wings. “Daddy can’t, I’m in Florida, but I’m going to send Aunty Lucky or Grandma to come and get you instead okay. I want you to do something for me stop crying, if you can do that daddy is going to bring you a lot of candy how about that?” “Okay,” Kynah said trying to suck up her tears immediately. “Love you Ky.” “I love you too Daddy.”


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