Book Read Free

Lifting Tail for the Alpha

Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-682-9

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  This is for you. Thank you for always being there, no matter what.


  Romance on the Go TM

  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  The music was loud, but it felt good to have the beats flowing through Xavier’s body, vibrated everything inside of him until he felt loose and relaxed. He threw back the rest of his beer and followed a group of people into the kitchen. These parties were common with the younger members of his pack, and because he wasn’t a wolf shifter, but of the bobcat variety, there were times he felt out of place. But he supposed many children who were adopted felt somewhat out of place, whether they were shifter or human. He also didn’t miss the way a few of the more ignorant wolves in the pack looked at him, as if he were some disgusting creature because he was a feline, despite the fact he had been a member of their pack his entire life.

  He pushed past a few guys talking about all the human pussy they got last weekend when they went into town, and Xav curled his lip. At twenty-five he was still a virgin, but that was by choice, and he wasn’t ashamed of that fact. There had been plenty of females who had offered themselves to him, but that wasn’t what he was into. Of course he never revealed he was gay, because although most, but definitely not all, of his pack treated him as if he were one of them, he didn’t know how kindly they would take to his sexual orientation.

  “Xav, come do a shot with me!” Annalisa, a tiny wolf shifter with a dirty mouth gestured him over. They had grown up together, but where he was more reserved and stuck to himself, she was a wild child, even making him do things that were out of his comfort zone, but that he was glad he had done in the end. She was only ninety pounds soaking wet, and when he stood next to her, with his six-foot-two height, and two-hundred pounds of muscle under his skin, he felt like just breathing on her would break her in two. “Come here, it’s shot time, or two, or hell, let’s not put a number on a good time.” She shoved a shot glass in his chest, the overly filled glass and her rough actions causing the liquid to spill over the side. “Drink up, cupcake.”

  “I thought females were supposed to be all gentle and shit.” He teased her, but Anna wasn’t the type of wolf that liked being called anything that sounded feminine.

  She glared at him and punched him in the arm. It felt like a bug bite for how much force was behind it, but then again her fist was half the size of his. He loved her like a sister, and because she had been the first one to befriend him when everyone else stayed away, she had been the only one he told about his sexual orientation. He tossed the shot back and clenched his jaw as the burn of the alcohol slid down his throat. “Shit.” She grinned and gave him another. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”

  “Yeah,” she said seriously and threw her shot back. She slammed the glass on the counter and breathed out roughly. Tears started to form in her eyes, but she shook it off. He couldn’t help but laugh. She cocked an eyebrow. “We are getting you laid tonight and popping your bobcat cherry.”

  He curled his lips in distaste. “Do you have to put it like that? And besides, who in the hell do you know in our pack that is, well, you know?” He felt weak for feeling like he had to hide who he was, but that was life, and he accepted it. He wasn’t weak or puny by any means, and was in fact one of the bigger males in the pack, but that didn’t mean he felt comfortable telling a bunch of Neanderthal wolf shifters that he preferred cock over pussy.

  “There are always the townies.”

  He shook his head. “No, I don’t need to go trolling for a piece of ass, Anna. I’m not that hard up, and besides, there really isn’t anyone that I’m interested in.” The look she gave him was almost of astonishment, and he swore her perfectly arched blonde eyebrows reached her hairline. She had a sprinkling of light freckles across the bridge of her nose, and to anyone who didn’t know what a little spitfire she was, she might seem almost innocent. He snorted at his thoughts, which had her narrowing her eyes.

  “I won’t even ask you what you’re thinking about, but you and I both know that you are interested in a certain someone.” She wagged her eyebrows, and her grin stretched across her face. Yeah, and that someone was the future alpha of their pack, and the one person Xav most definitely couldn’t have for many reasons. As if his thoughts conjured up the one male that had his dick harder than fucking steel, the sound of people roaring out their cheers and laughing had him turning around and watching as Arsen stepped into the kitchen. The female the future alpha was arranged to marry followed behind him, but that was the norm with her lately. She was a Grade A bitch of the worst kind, but then again Xav assumed being promised to the future alpha might give anyone’s ego a kick-start. Her barely covered breasts bounced with every step she took, and she had a constant pinched look as she took in the other females. That stick definitely needed to get pulled out of her too-tight ass.

  He turned his attention back to the big, brooding future alpha. Whereas Xavier had blond hair and green eyes, Arsen was the opposite with his black hair cut short to his head, and his bright blue eyes that missed nothing. He was always scanning the crowds, taking in every little detail, but that was how an alpha acted, and he was born to play the part. He was also the biggest fucking male in their pack, and at only twenty-five he still had a bit more growing to go, especially when he claimed the throne of alpha and his wolf fully emerged. The fact he was taller and more muscular then even his father, the current alpha, had people giving Arsen a wide berth whenever he entered the room. Yeah, he looked damn fine, but Arsen knew it, because the cocky ass smirks he gave everyone told Xav those thoughts were going through the wolf’s head. Shit, Xav’s fucking cock became instantly hard, especially when he took in the snug t-shirt Arsen wore, or the fact none of his muscles, or the power he wielded, were hidden. The hairs on the back of Xav’s neck stood up, and he lifted his eyes to see Arsen watching him. Well, fuck, no way in hell the wolf hadn’t seen Xav checking him out. He had seen his future alpha look at him on more than one occasion, but Arsen was damn good at hiding his emotions from everyone—another alpha trick for sure. But this look was different, and the future alpha wasn’t trying to hide anything. Arsen wanted him, that much was clear, and that actually had Xav talking an involuntary step back. No fucking way was he reading the alpha correctly. He looked at the shot glasses, and surmised the alcohol had to be screwing with him and his senses, even if he’d had only a small amount.

  Xav turned to the side, hoping to hide his hard-on. The expression on Arsen’s face had been intense and full of need. He shook his head and looked at Anna. She watched him with a knowing smirk. He needed more alcohol, wanted to get drunk, and hoped to wash away the lust that thickened his blood. He had to have picked up on the alpha’s desire for a female in the kitchen, because no way in hell was the male he had been lusting after nearly his entire life sharing the same desire for him.

  “Just give me another damn shot, and make it a double.” He shouldn’t
get drunk, because it would only make his arousal that more intense, but fuck it. He was aroused, ashamed, and confused. She handed the shot with a bit of uncertainty in her expression, but he didn’t acknowledge it. He tossed the shot glass back and downed the liquid fire, and shoved it back to her for another. He might as well drown his “sorrows”. Anna was right though. Xav did need to get laid, but the only one he wanted was Arsen. Maybe he should just go relieve his stiffy with a townie. “I need some air.”

  “Want me to come with you?” Anna sounded slightly worried, but he shook his head and smiled at her, hoping to relieve her unease. She may give him a hard time, but she was a good friend, the best in fact.

  “Nah, keep being the bartender. I’m just gonna head upstairs. I know Braydon has a balcony up there in one of the spare rooms. Hopefully there isn’t anyone fucking. I just need to be alone for a minute, and get some air.” He didn’t mention he also needed some time to get his hard-on to go down. He turned, kept his head lowered so he wasn’t looking at the male he wanted with a fucking passion, and headed upstairs.


  Arsen had watched Xavier throw back the drinks like they were water, but he hadn’t stepped in and told the little bobcat to take it easy. It wasn’t his place, no matter how much he wanted him. Although calling the huge male “little” was most definitely not the right word. He may not be as big as Arsen, but he was a big fucker, and one that got his blood boiling and had his cock hard. Arsen had never thought himself to be gay. He had screwed females, enjoyed it even, but the first time he had seen Xavier as a male he had wanted him … desperately. But Arsen was good at hiding his emotions, a trick only the alphas in the pack could pull off. Arsen couldn’t lie and say he hadn’t thought about being with another male throughout his life, about what it would feel like to feel muscle against muscle, but they had only been thoughts. To be honest, he might get off being with a female, but he never felt any kind of connection with them. They were an outlet for his uncontrollable appetite, but he never treated them with disrespect because of it. He just wanted to let go, be who and what he wanted to be, and not worry how it would affect the pack. But that wasn’t in his cards. What he knew for damn sure was he wanted to fucking take Xav hard and fast, get lost in the other male, and fuck anyone up that told him it was wrong. There were too many times to count where he had jerked off just thinking about the bobcat, about imagining what it would feel like to have Xav’s ass clenching around his cock as he plowed in and out of him. Or how it would feel to knot inside of him, feeling that muscle harden and thicken as he became locked inside. But that also wouldn’t happen seeing as knotting only occurred with mates, and he hadn’t found his yet. But even though that was his reality that didn’t mean he didn’t think about it all the fucking time. Fuck, now he was getting hard, and given the way Tabitha was acting, it was clear the wolf shifter, whom he had been arranged to marry because her father was a head council member, thought it was for her.

  She leaned in close so only he could hear her say, “Arsen, if you want me to take care of that we can go into a spare room.” She was wearing way too much fucking perfume, and he was annoyed at the way she was rubbing her tits against his bicep. “I’m not all about waiting until we are married.” He let out an exasperated breath and moved past her, because the only thing that sounded appealing was the sexy, muscular bobcat that had his blood pumping faster than ever before. Arsen had a few beers and a couple of shots already, and although he had a good buzz going on, he wasn’t so drunk not to realize that he wouldn’t be able to get Xav out of his head until he finally had the cat.

  And maybe that was all this was, an infatuation for him because Arsen needed to stick his dick in his tight, hot ass? Even after that thought slammed into his brain, he knew that wasn’t it. He had felt a hell of a lot more than arousal for the bobcat. In fact, he had gotten into a lot of fights over what some dipshits said about Xav, about how he wasn’t a part of the pack and didn’t belong. Xav was more of a part of this pack than half of the wolves at this party right now. He was loyal and fierce, strong and determined. Arsen had sensed the uncomfortable aura that usually surrounded Xavier, like he believed the asshats that said he wasn’t a true pack mate. Arsen beat all of their asses, because yes, he would have done that for any other member of his pack, but he felt differently for Xav. A hell of a lot differently.

  “What’s wrong, Arsen? You don’t want to go fuck in one of the spare bedrooms?”

  “No, I don’t, actually.”

  “Dude, come do a shot with us.” Marius called out to him. Arsen wanted to follow Xav as he had watched the male head down the hall, but he had stayed rooted to his spot, still so unsure about a lot of things. He glanced over at Annalisa, the little wolf Xav always hung around, and saw her watching him with a strange expression. Had she picked up on his emotions? He sure as hell hadn’t hidden them. There was no denying the bobcat wanted him. Hell, he had been able to smell it through the thick fog of spilled alcohol, cloying perfume, and sex in the air. Xav had been hard, and the thick length of his cock pressing against his jeans had been proof enough that Arsen wasn’t the only one feeling this attraction. What could it hurt to test the waters, and go after a little tail?

  “Nah, maybe later, man.” He scrubbed his hand over his face. He was losing it, really fucking losing it. He couldn’t be with a male simply to quench his own taboo desires. That would be wrong on so many levels. He moved past Tabitha, past his friends, and headed upstairs. He didn’t need to push the people out of his way, because the crowd parted for him on their own. It wasn’t that they were afraid of him, not the whole reason anyway. Being the next in line as the alpha, even if he wasn’t going to ascend for several more years, gave him a certain power that he emitted. It made all others know their place, and fall into line. It was the natural way of things, and had been that way since their kind was created.

  Shit. He rubbed a hand over his hair and gripped the short strands at the base of his skull. He had a lot of pressure hanging on his shoulders, and most of the pack didn’t realize how much it took to be an alpha, or to be the next in line and lead everyone. Yeah, Arsen was still young, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a lot of worries, a lot of that having to do with protecting his pack when the time came, and not letting them down.

  He stepped onto the landing at the top of the stairs and headed toward the bathroom. He should have just left the party, but he also wouldn’t deny himself some time to wind down. When he wasn’t studying and training to lead, he was learning the dynamics of the pack. People may think all he did was party and fuck, but they couldn’t be more far from the truth.

  The bathroom was the last door on the right, but he stopped when he passed an open doorway and stared into the dark room. The scent that came from that room was dark and heady, and his semi-hard cock punched to full blown erection. There was a set of patio doors that led out to a veranda, and through them he could see the object of his desire. Xavier had his back toward Arsen and leaned against the wrought iron banister. Even through the distance Arsen could smell the strong, potent, and masculine scent that was everything Xav. He also didn’t deny himself the enjoyment of checking out the man’s ass. Fuck, but he was hot, and filled out the denim in muscular perfection. Things shifted inside of Arsen, and his wolf rose up, taking control and demanding he get what he wanted. And what he wanted was the sexy bobcat right there for the taking.

  Stepping into the room he shut the door quietly behind him and continued moving toward the balcony. He knew the moment Xav scented his presence, because the other male’s back straightened and he turned around. Arsen stood in the bedroom, just a few feet from Xav, and he didn’t bother hiding his clear desire. His cock was hard, painfully so, and all he could think about was all of the hardness that was the bobcat pressed against him. Arsen took in his broad shoulders and defined chest that could be clearly seen through his white button down. Fuck, he could shoot his load just looking at him. He lowered his eyes to the i
mpressive hard length still pressed against the fly of his jeans. Yeah, he was a big boy all right, and that sight, and the knowledge that Xav wanted him just as fucking much as he did, had carnal lust slamming into him so forcefully he had to brace an arm on the doorframe.

  “You need something, Arsen?” Xav’s voice was deep and rough, with a slight growl to it that had his blood rising.

  “Yeah.” Arsen said that one word on an animalistic growl. His wolf was in full control now, and he felt the slight shift in his body. His claws came out, and his canines descended. He had always known there was something different about how he felt about Xav, but being so close to him and not refusing to allow his emotions to come forth had everything becoming crystal clear. Xav’s chest rose and fell fast and hard, tightening the material of his shirt against his cheat, and outlining his six pack and the small copper colored nipple, which Arsen could see clearly. They were machines of flesh and bone, with the ability to shift and take down their adversaries, but right now the only thing Arsen was thinking about taking down was Xav’s pants.

  He watched as the other male’s throat worked as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing and causing heat and lust to pound through Arsen’s veins at an astounding rate. “Come here, Xavier.” He kept his voice low. The air stilled around them, but the temperature rose. When he didn’t come closer Arsen said in a deeper, harsher voice, “Get the fuck over here, Xavier.”

  Xav straightened and pushed off the banister, but despite the fact Arsen was soon to be the alpha of their pack, there was a hint of defiance. It should have pissed Arsen off, but instead it turned him the fuck on. Xav took the ten steps it required to get to him, and then he stopped, inhaling deeply, and exhaling just as forcefully. Yeah, Xav was feeling it, too, and there was no fucking way Arsen was going to stop this. “You want me, bobcat.” Xavier lowered his head but kept his eyes trained on Arsen. “I can scent your need for me—”


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