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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

Page 7

by Hemlock, Isabelle

  I feel the blush on my cheeks, and lower my head to her neck, holding her a little tighter, “I feel amazing.” I can tell she’s happy with the way she moves under me, hands roaming back up, until she twists her fingers in my hair, so she can pull my head back up to look at her again. Riley always wants to look at my eyes, and to be honest, I like getting lost in hers, too, “But I need to tell you - that I hope you know . . . ” She looks like she might be bracing herself for whatever I’m trying to say next, but I’m quick to finish, “ - you should know, that you’re never getting rid of me now.”

  My grip tightens on her even more, because she’s making me want to melt right into her.

  I know I probably seem clingy, downright dependent on her, but the truth is: I am.

  Chapter. 14 – Riley

  I’m still relishing the deep ache I have from the bulge in his pants grinding against me. Every thrust also pressed against my clit, and his grunts, and moans . . . almost sent me over the edge myself. He doesn’t realize it yet, but I’m so close to having an orgasm, that though I love what he’s telling me now - what I really want is him to apply some more pressure to my clit so I can finish, too. Even now, I want to reach down, and unzip his pants, so I can get the real thing.

  But being a virgin, he deserves better than his first time being some afterthought, in the cheapest hotel in Sleepy Eye. I’m going to find a way to make our first time together special. So I keep my hands on his waist instead, enjoying the warm skin. When he tells me there’s no getting rid of him, I cling to him more, because I couldn’t wish for anything better. There’s no way to describe it, but I just want to keep holding him. Avery’s mine, now and forever, and I’m just glad he figured it out soon enough.

  Nonetheless, I need some relief, too. So I pull away just enough to get his attention, and look at my man. He’s got a nice little glow about him, and I can’t help but feel some pride that he derived pleasure from my body, even if he did end up having to do the work. Now, I just need him to do a little more, so I can get the glow, too, “Avery, will you touch me a little?”

  He looks a little surprised, probably because I can sound so calm about it, but my body gives me up. My hips rise slightly, trying to get his dick to press against me again, and my fingernails dig a little into his side. I sound gentle about it, but we both know I’m desperate here. He shakes his head as if he’s disappointed in himself, claiming he should of have realized I needed something, too, without having been told to do it - but I just pull him back down on me. I don’t care how we get to it, so long I’m cumming, too, “Just touch me.”

  Immediately, without any hesitation, he kisses me, and swipes his tongue across my lips, until they open up for him. It doesn’t take any time at all, till his hands cup my face, and though he’s pressing into me, his touch is still so gentle. I think that’s what I like most about my man, the way I never have to worry about him being too aggressive, or getting lost in his temper. There’s now way, a man who cups my face like he does, would ever hurt me. And I love him for it.

  I had managed to open his button up, and now with his chest pressing into mine, his nipples grazing across mine, makes my back arch off the bed. I’m aching for his tongue to sweep down, and he doesn’t disappoint.

  His lips pecker little kisses away from my mouth, down my chin, and I expose my neck to him in submission. He’ll never take anything from me, unless I offer it to him, I’m sure of it. I never have to be scared of some primal animalistic urge overtaking him. I feel submissive, and yet completely safe, and in control.

  But he continues to move down my body, he never does try to mark me with his teeth. Maybe he’s not aware of it, but werewolves will bite each other at least once, then seal the wound with our saliva. It’s a mark that will easily be noticed not by humans, but by the careful vision of other magical creatures. It will, along with each other’s smell on ourselves, mark us as mated, and no one ever messes with mates.

  For now, he settles between my breasts, seemingly inhaling my scent. My eyes close, and I lift my back up, desperate for those kisses to reach the more sensitive areas of my body, “Please Avery, please.”

  I wonder if I sound as whiny as I fear, but blissfully, his lips come to my right breast, and he breathes warm air over the sensitive bud, before darting out his tongue to quickly swipe across it. My body jerks, but his grip is so tight around my waist, we both know I’m not going anywhere. He immediately latches on, and sucks on it, until I’m whimpering from the sensation. Within moments, I grab my other breast and point it towards him, begging that tongue to give the other one some attention too. He does it even better than I could have hoped. Snatching both mounds into his big hands, he presses them together, and pulls both nipples into his hot mouth.

  I have never in my life cummed just from my tits being sucked, but once his bulge begins to grind against my core some more, we both moan, until I finally feel the relief I’ve been craving. I wrap my arms around him so tight, it probably would have killed a weaker man, and my whole body tightens as the waves crash over me. All I can do is moan his name over and over again, until the shaking finally dies down to a gentle rocking that is almost out of my control. My pelvis grinds against his, carefully and slowly, until finally the stars behind my closed eyes fade and I blink open to see Avery moving down my body. Breathlessly, I stutter, “A-Avery what - ?”

  He’s already down to my belly button, which only makes me squirm, before he pauses just long enough to look back up at me, from under those thick eyelashes, “I need more Riley - I need to hear you cum again.”

  My head instantly flings back from his confession, and I couldn’t stop it if I tried, because frankly the thought of any man wanting to give me one orgasm after another, makes me practically giddy. I don’t even try to keep my legs closed when he begins to wedge himself between my thighs. He moves tantalizingly slow, and at first I think maybe he’s done this before, but then he mumbles something about wanting to take it all in - before he dips his chin closer to my unbuttoned jeans, and actually sniffs against the material.

  I shudder at how much he seems to want this, want me, and though I thought I would have to spend the rest of my life convincing him I’m the right choice for him, it seems like he truly cherishes me. In so many delicious ways. Avery grabs the edge of the denim, his fingertips grazing against my skin, and I lift my butt just enough to help begin to pull them down. I practically hiss, when I try to contain the moans, bracing myself for what he’s about to do for me.

  And then there’s a knock at the door.

  Chapter. 15 - Avery

  She was the one who led me here, she was the one who wanted me to rock against her until I came. And she’s the one whose skin tastes so good, that all I want to do is sink my tongue into her core, and feel her writhe underneath me. I loved the way she moaned my name, and if it wasn’t for someone on the other side of the door, I’d be making her do it again.

  My eyes roam up her body, and settle on hers, and I want to smirk at the sight of her flushed cheeks. We’ve both had some pretty great orgasms, and if I can just get rid of the person on the other side of the room, we can get right back to things. I think we both hope that if we just remain still, the stranger will leave, but another rapid knock sounds on the door. Finally, silently admitting defeat for the moment, I pull my fingers out from the sides of her jeans, and stand up, practically sighing, “Just a little momentary pause, baby.”

  She acts almost shy, pulling her legs up onto the edge of the bed, and really, I don’t know why her laying on that bed makes me feel like sticking out my chest to pound on it - but she’s so damn fucking beautiful, that I feel something I haven’t in a long time, if ever: pride. Pride that she’s mine. Pride that she wants me. Only begrudgingly, do I leave her side, and head over to the door.

  Looking through the peephole, I’m surprised by who I see standing there, almost nervously (though just as determined - I recognize the familial trait). Riley asks me who it is, and I lo
ok back at her, over my shoulder, and raise an eyebrow in obvious confusion, “It’s your sister, Savannah.”

  She practically bolts off the bed, pulling up her jeans over those perfect hips of hers, and heads right beside me, looking through the peephole as well. Though I should be matching her confusion, I can’t help but let my hand rest on her ass. It’s like I can’t stop touching her. I’m desperate here.

  And blissfully, she doesn’t slap my hand away.

  Riley opens the door, and Savannah rushes in so fast, that I get a whiff of her scent - she’s got the same honey smell, but unlike Riley’s lilies, her sister smells like roses. Not that I care. No woman, even one as pretty as Savannah, would ever make my head turn the same way as my Riley. My Riley. Mine.

  I’ve never been the kind of brute that thinks a woman is a piece of property, but the protectiveness I feel for Riley, makes me feel like I might actually growl at any man, or even woman, who dares to keep her from me. She is mine. She wants me, and I want her, and nothing could be any simpler than that.

  “I’m so sorry to inter-,” all of a sudden Savannah crinkles her nose, and looks over at the bed, her eyes widening just a little, “Oh my God, this room smells like sex! Have y’all done it already?!”

  If it weren’t for Riley immediately gripping my hand, I might have fainted from the directness. Sure, two minutes ago, I had almost sunk my tongue in between Riley’s legs, and I will not shy away from her, but honestly, the thought of anybody else realizing what we had just gotten done doing - and by her sister no less, makes me feel a lot shyer than I was even a minute ago.

  Riley isn’t nearly as phased as I am though, “Not that it’s your business Savannah, but we haven’t had sex yet.” Savannah waves her hands in front of her, shaking her head, as if she really doesn’t want to hear anymore, and really, I don’t want Riley to give away her plans of seduction. To her sister. While holding my hand, “And besides, what are you doing here?”

  Savannah walks over, as if she’s about to sit on the bed, then stops, and heads for the nearby chair, “Look, Daddy is about a mile behind me, blazing mad, and I just figured I should give your man a chance to run before he gets here.”

  I stammer some sort of response, but even I have a hard time understanding myself, and luckily Riley is once again willing to take the lead, “How’d he even know we were here?”

  Her sister quickly answers, not wanting to let Riley think she had tattled on us, “Hey now, don’t look at me like that - I was at the house, and the manager here called to see if Daddy wanted to split up the block of rooms between him, and you, because you were here now. So of course Dad put two and two together, and now he’s on his way.”

  Riley huffs, but her sister smirks, “Well at least I managed to stall him by stealing the car to get here, while he’s the one who had to shift in order to run into the woods nearby. And then he’ll still have to find a change of clothes, before wandering into town. I must have bought you guys at least ten minutes.”

  I step forward, pretending to be some sort of strong man, who isn’t scared shitless right now. I have to hide it though, and convince these women that I can somehow handle this. And I think I might, after a few ideas swirl around in my head, “Then thank you for buying us some time - I think I know exactly what to do.”

  Both of them turn to look at me, and I’m sure they’d like something more than a vague reply, but I feel it’d make more sense to hurry us into the lobby before her Dad arrives and smells the sexy times that were had in the room. Suggesting as such to them both, we grab our things and look the door, waiting for the big guy to stroll in as casually as his anger will let him.

  We get there just in time. Their Dad opens the door so hard, it slams against the wall, and swings back with a loud thud. His nostrils flare, and his lips are a tight line across the bottom of his face. Meanwhile, the manager, sensing the tension, makes an excuse as to needing to get something in the back. Suddenly, we’re alone in the lobby, with Riley holding my hand, and Savannah sitting off to the side - and one angry werewolf glaring at me, knowing all too well what he’s interrupted from happening, “Good morning, Mr. Connolly.”

  “Is it? A good morning, that is,” the firm scowl on his face tells me we aren’t off to a good start.

  Chapter. 16 - Riley

  I know he means well, maybe my Dad does, too, but there’s no point in even trying to reason with him right now. The vein on his forehead popping out tells me he isn’t up to hearing much of anything, so I should just move this along and get Avery to a safe place, “Dad, be nice.”

  He shoots me a glare, and Savannah, never more than a foot away jumps from her seat and joins his side. Seemingly holding him back with her gentle presence, “Now Daddy wait – you know they are mates.”

  He doesn’t even look at her, just at me, then Avery, “Like Hell they are.”

  I want to get defensive, shout that this is happening with or without his approval, but Avery stops me. He’s subconsciously mimicking Savannah, standing beside me, and trying to keep me calm. It does the job well enough, because I keep my mouth shut, while he takes my hand in his. With more courage than my Dad, or even I, give him credit for, he holds his own, and looks back at my father, seemingly unphased by his rude attitude, “Sir, how about you, and your family come and meet mine? We can have dinner together tonight, and you could see for yourself that I’d make a good mate for Riley.”

  He huffs, and shakes his head in a defiant ‘no’, but just when I’m about to object, Savannah smiles, “We’d love to Avery – thank you for the invitation. We’ll meet you both there tonight, say six?”

  Daddy turns to my sister, practically aghast, but neither I or Avery are phased anymore by his rudeness. In fact, we refuse to pay anymore attention to it. I want to just focus on bonding with my mate. The sooner I can get my Dad out of here, the better . . . that is, until he suggests that I actually go home now, with him and Savannah.

  I could practically scream that he can’t tell me what to do, or not to do, with my mate, but shockingly Avery actually agrees, and my heart stings from the pain. I feel like I could whine like some lost little puppy, but he simply turns to me, and puts his hands on my cheeks. I’m sure my father is ready to growl at the sight, but blissfully he agrees to wait for me outside in the parking lot, once Savannah suggests it. After she successfully drags him outside, I finally allow my emotions to get the better of me, and look up into Avery’s eyes, sadness apparent, “You’re really okay with me just going back home with him?”

  Avery leans into me, giving me a kiss that is so gentle, I cling to him for more. My own hands wrap around his neck and I try to deepen the kiss, but he already begins to pull away. Though he won’t get far with my grip around him, and thankfully he doesn’t try to completely, “It’s not like I want to be away from you Riley.”

  Good, I think. He better be wanting me as much as I want him . . . “Then why let me go home now, when we could just hide out in that hotel room for a little bit longer?”

  I go to kiss him again, but he’s got more restraint than I do it seems, “Trust me darling, I’d love nothing more.”

  He sighs a little, and finally explains what I guess he deems to be his big master plan, “I’m just trying to show your father a bit of respect, do things a little bit his way, so I can earn his approval as your mate.” Too bad my Dad isn’t going to respect him until he turns into a werewolf.

  I cock an eyebrow at him, dubious at the idea of Avery ever getting on my father’s good side, and he must see that it’s a long shot at best, “Let me just give it a good effort, and then I promise, if I’m not winning him over with my cooking skills tonight, we can do it your way.”

  I smile – one, at the idea of my man cooking. And two, that soon enough, we’ll do things my way, which basically involves running away to a cabin in the woods, fucking like rabbits, and then reemerging, bonded for life, so even my father can’t object. But hey, if my man really wants to play the good ol’
boy card, then so be it. I’ll give him the chance my father won’t.

  But it’s still going to suck to have to spend so many hours away from him.

  I let my hands fall from his shoulders, then settle near the buttons of his shirt, tugging at the fabric to pull him into me, “Fine, I’ll let that brute out there think he can keep me away from you for one whole day – but by tonight, everyone is going to have to come to terms with the fact that you’re mine.”

  This time, he’s the one who leans into me, and the passionate kiss I was seeking a few moments ago begins to consume me as he pushes his tongue into my mouth. He groans into me, and I moan right back. I’ll miss him terribly, and I’m not really sure how either one of us is supposed to hold it together for so long without one another. The mating bond has already begun to form, and the pain and the ache between us will only be settled when we consummate our love. I don’t know if he knows this, but I will make sure that by tonight, he understands that this won’t be a long courtship by any means.


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