Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1)

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Runt of the Litter (Halfbreed Chronicles Book 1) Page 11

by Hemlock, Isabelle

  “Avery, are you hurt?”

  I was going to try to let her in on how my day’s been, slowly, and carefully, but I can tell she’s getting upset, and I don’t have the heart to let her linger in worry for even a moment longer. I take her face between my hands and lean in to give her a kiss. A sweet, little peck, nothing more, nothing less, and when I pull back slowly, I give us just enough space to look at one another, but not enough to let go of her, “Riley, I’ll tell you everything, but can I ask you something first?”

  She lifts her right eyebrow, and I absentmindedly rub my thumb along her cheek, “Wha-What’s going on?”

  I smile faintly, the sting on my side bothering me just enough to keep me grounded to the moment, “Remember how you said you wanted to go away for the weekend?” She nods slightly, and I continue, “Let’s go, right now - a few days, just you and me. We can go to the beach, rent a cabin, whatever you want.”

  She leans into me, her quizzical look meaning I’m not getting her out of this house, till I explain more first. Riley doesn’t even have to ask me, I just know I need to tell her, and sigh before finally pulling back just enough to lift my shirt along my left side. Her eyes go wide, as she zeroes in on the bruises already starting to form, and the redness of the welts near my rib cage. Her eyes shoot back to mine, and she’s instantly on me, carefully running her fingers over them, her lip quivering, “What - who, did this to you?!”

  I roll the shirt back down, and straighten a little, bracing myself for the inevitable, and try to bide him some time before Hurricane Riley barrels down on the guy, “Baby look, I know it looks bad, but I promise I’m fine, I even got checked out by a doctor, and nothing is broken, or even fractured. I’ll be all healed up soon enough, I promise.”

  I figured it’d help, but instead she’s silent, waiting for me to seemingly add more to this narrative, and we stand there, unmoving for just another moment, before she speaks up, “Tell me who did this to you. Now.”

  I can see when her mind puts two and two together, and I see the wolf inside of her flashing to the forefront. Her hands clench into fists, and a low growl rumbles up from deep within her chest. If I wasn’t so scared for the man, I’d actually be a little turned on by her, but within a moment, she’s ripped passed me, and all too late, I realize her Dad is pulling up into the driveway. “Great,” I mumble.

  He can barely make it out of the car, before Riley pushes him back against the door. He doesn’t try to fight back though, and if I can just explain everything to her, we can get this over with quickly, “Riley, wait - “

  “What - the - fuck - Dad!”

  Her Dad puts up his hands defensively, but otherwise does nothing to block the few slaps she lands on his arms, and shoulders, before I grab her hands and pull them towards me. I need to explain it now, or it’s just going to get worse from here, “Riley, I said ‘wait’ - “ She’s practically phasing in front of me, and I move my hands up her arms, and hold onto her shoulders, “Baby, look at me.” When she doesn’t, I say it a little more firmly, until she finally looks away from her father, and directly at me, “I challenged him.”

  She looks confused, then shocked, and then her gaze shoots to her father, who I guess nods. I wouldn’t know, because I’m not looking away from her, until I know her wolf isn’t sitting at the forefront, ready to pounce for my honor, or something, “Look, I challenged him, so we could all finally agree that I can do more than anybody has been giving me credit for.”

  Riley knows I’m right, because her wolf retreats with its tail tucked between its legs, and my beautiful woman comes back to the forefront, ready to listen, “So I challenged your Dad, and we began to fight, and though he got a few punches in, I’m more of a lightweight. I was able to outrun him, land a few quick punches of my own, and keep dodging the rest, till he was too tired to fight anymore. I won more by default, then strength, but at least now you and him can both know I can handle a duel with anyone who wants one. I can protect you enough to earn being your mate.”

  She leans forward, kissing me gently, before resting her forehead against mine, and though I’d love to relish in it, I need to say one more thing before moving forward, “And just so you know - I don’t think we should worry about how much I can protect you, as much how you can protect yourself. And in turn, how we can protect one another. We’re going to be partners from here on out, and though I’ll fight for you tooth and nail, I know that I can count on you to fight for me just as much.”

  Riley pulls back, tears in her eyes, and I want to kiss her - and tell her I love her, and how though I had wanted to wait till the bloodtest came back, that I don’t even care anymore. I just want to be with her, however she’ll accept me, and however I’ll accept myself. But just as I’m about to go tell her to pack (so I can tell her all those things on the way), her Dad who I managed to forget for a whole minute, chimes in, and though Riley looks at him for a second like maybe she’s about to tell him off, I cling to her and silently beg her not to.

  “Riley, look he came to me - and . . . I can admit I was wrong about the guy. If you two are really mates, I’ll accept it. I promise, wholeheartedly.”

  Finally, I see her smiling at him, and relief instantly floods us all. And just in time, to join in on the golden family moment, Savannah, who I guess must have been watching everything from a window, hops down the front stairs and joins our little group on the driveway. Suddenly, she pushes herself and her father towards us, and within moments, we’re all enveloped in a group hug that I never would have imagined happening in a million years. But still I embrace it - it’s nice, and though I know we didn’t have to have it, deep down, I appreciate having her family’s blessing about us.

  When we separate, Savannah offers to cook a big dinner, and all of us are too hungry to resist. But while she cooks, Riley packs, and I have a bag already attached to the bike. I don’t know which cabin we’re holing up in, but I don’t even care. Soon enough we’re going to be on the road, and by bedtime, we’ll be mated.

  Chapter. 24 – Riley

  I woke up this morning, scared to death that I would have to get creative in order to convince Avery we belong together, and yet here I am, on the back of his bike, and we’re riding off into the sunset. The beach is only about an hour away, and luckily during the fall, it’s pretty much dead of tourists. We might even have the beach pretty much to ourselves, and no neighbors to listen in on us - which will be great, seeing as I plan on letting my man know that I’m enjoying myself.

  I wish I could squeeze him a little tighter, but he’s sore I’m sure, even with the tylenol he took. Yet I doubt it will stop either of us from finally mating tonight. The only question is, how hard I’m going to ride him, or if I’ll have to be gentle.

  It doesn’t take long to register us, and luckily, it’s high tide, the waves might muffle the noises coming from our cabin. The lights are off in either cabin beside ours, so maybe we really don’t have to worry about neighbors. Part of me would love to sit down in the sand, watch the sunset, and just snuggle, but there’s plenty of time for that. Right now, I just want him to sink into me. The sooner the better.

  “After you,” his voice interrupts my thoughts, as he holds the door open for me. I want this, and I want it now, but my need to make sure he’s okay, trumps even my physical desires, so before I step inside, I look at him and quietly ask, “Avery - are you feeling up to this? I mean, because of your ribs.” No sooner do I say the words, and he scoops me up into his arms. We both drop our bags, and I can’t help but giggle into his neck as he carries me across the threshold. Any other werewolf - at least the ones I have met - would have chucked me inside, thrown me on the bed, and pounded his chest (metaphorically speaking). But here is my man, my mate, carrying me like I’m some sort of lady, and sets me down on the first chair he spots, near a fireplace.

  He tries to let go, I assume to get the bags, but my hands stay wrapped around his neck, and he smiles down at me, “My ribs are fine - good enough to
still carry you, right?” I nod, but still don’t let go, “Riley, I can handle two bags - come on, let me go get them, and then I can bolt that front door shut.”

  Slowly I slink my arms away from him, and to my side, but as soon as he turns away, I jump up and look for a bathroom. I can hear him calling after me, surely wondering what the heck I’m up to, but I play coy, and merely tell him to follow me. I want to make sure he’s relaxed, and that his aching muscles aren’t sore after the day he’s had. I’m always going to find a way to take care of my man.

  When he’s caught up with me (just before I turn on the water), he pulls me to him from behind, and I melt into his embrace, before feeling his hardness press into my buttcheek. I can sense that any playfulness we were having is melting away quickly, and I press right back into him, making us both groan a little, “I was just trying to get us a bath, help relax you a little.”

  He nibbles at my neck, and I crane it slightly, so I can invite him to suckle on me a little more. My wolf doesn’t really like the idea of submitting to anyone, but for our mate, we’ll play along. For now. When his mouth reaches up to my ear, I shudder when he gently tugs at my earlobe, “The only thing that’s going to relax me, is getting to sink into your wet pussy.” I feel like I could cum just from his words alone, and whatever thoughts I had about being gentle evaporate, as I feel his grip on me tightening. It’s his wolf, coming to the forefront, to challenge mine. He wants to know if I’m a worthy mate, and I turn around quickly to look into his eyes. Our wolves staring at one another, and instantly, they recognize the perfect match.

  I growl, not because I’m fighting this, but because I’m trying not to shove him out of the room, and onto the nearest bed. We haven’t even been here ten minutes, and I don’t even know where the bedroom is, but we’re finding it. Now. We fumble, and kiss, and moan, and touch, and I manage to pull off his shirt, while he’s tugging at my blouse. When the buttons don’t open quick enough he seems to get frustrated and I tell him to just tear it off, I don’t care. I just want his hands on my breasts.

  When he does, we’re both so relieved, that we chuckle, laughing at our own desperation. We’ve stopped in the hallway, and I spot the bedroom just behind him. For a moment, we remain still, twisted in each other’s embrace, but otherwise, unmoving, as I look deep into his soul, reaching out to his wolf, from mine. Once started, there’s no turning back. When the mating frenzy begins, we’ll keep going until our bodies are spent, and satiated. He looks right back at me, unafraid, but I still have to ask - not because I fear he might be changing his mind, but because I want to make sure that he really is comfortable, and not in pain from his fight earlier.

  But he surprises me when he’s the one to speak up first, “I’m ready, Riley.”

  I search his eyes, but I know he is, though probably a little nervous, I’m sure.

  But ready none the less, and I slink my arms down to his wrists, grab his hands, and lead us into the bedroom.

  Chapter. 25 – Avery

  I lock eyes with her, and once again, I feel my inner wolf’s fur gliding against my own skin. He wants to join in, too, but I’m keeping him at bay for as long as I can. In some ways, I’m terrified of what will happen next (not the sex part, but the inner beast part), but if anyone can handle my wolf, it would be Riley, and so, as she silently pleads with me not to change my mind last minute, I nod a little.

  We walk side by side, together, into the bedroom. And once my legs reach the bed, I feel a gentle push guiding me to lay back on it. Before I do, I take off my shirt. She fights looking down at my bruises, but she can’t help it. Her eyes glance down, and I see her lips twisting a little, fighting the urge not to get upset. I should distract her . . .

  Reaching in front of me, I pull on her ripped shirt, and it easily falls to the floor. Her eyes come back to mine, and just like that, her mouth turns into a knowing smirk. She bends her arms behind her, and unhooks her bra, and just like before, I catch those big tits of hers in my waiting hands. And just like before, we both groan.

  I want to worship her body, take my time, but our bodies have different ideas, and really, that’s okay. We got the rest of her our lives to take it slower later. So when she pushes me onto the bed, I gladly let myself fall back, and watch her glide over me in one smooth motion.

  She’s hovering over my pants, and the tips of her fingers tuck under the waistband to pull them down along my legs. The bulge of my dick is only contained within the confines of my briefs, but she wastes no time in practically ripping them to shreds. I think the remains end up somewhere on the floor behind her.

  I’m naked, straddled by my raven goddess, and though I should feel insignificant and vulnerable at what she is seeing - somehow knowing that every fiber of her being has chosen me, makes me want to howl in the air. I am worthy, because she chose me, and I will spend the rest of my life proving her right, making her feel certain about her choice.

  My cock strains under her stare. What was just moments ago, the beginning of an erection at the possibilities, has now turned into a hardened instrument of mutual pleasure. It matches my frame: tall, lean, but powerful. My brothers boast about their ten inch cocks, but I think my nine inch one will satiate her. Considering the way she licks her lips, I don’t think I have anything to worry about. The thought of her raven hair falling over my thighs, while her head bobs up and down with her mouth on my dick, makes beads of precum gather at the tip. If I don’t get inside of her soon, I might just burst. My eyes narrow on hers, “Take off everything baby.”

  She sits back onto my thighs, and even through the underwear, I can feel her desire between her legs, the warm sticky wetness that will easily take everything I give her. Because our bodies were made for each other. When she slips off the skirt, my mouth waters, wanting to lick my tongue over the hardened pink buds on her breasts. I hope it’s what she wants, and my hands move from my side, to hers, slowly weaving up her ribcage, and finally cupping her mounds. They feel firm, and swollen, spilling over my grasp. My thumbs stroke across the most sensitive spots for just a moment, and I can feel her body leaning into my grasp. She only has to moan my name once, for me to sit up so I can finally get a taste of the rest of her body.

  I latch onto the right one, still strumming the left, and she instantly wraps her arms around my head, silently begging me to keep going. My teeth graze across to the other, and when my tongue touches the center, she bucks against my hips, making me want to push her down onto the bed, and sink into her. But I have to take my time, enjoy it. I won’t last long the first time, and I want to make it as pleasurable for her as I know it will be for me. I need her on the edge, so when I do get inside her, she won’t last long either.

  I reach down, feel the last hindrance in my way - her panties - and pull at them till they snap in half, easily flying to the bedside, to join my own shredded ones. She looks down, slightly surprised since it’s probably the most forward thing I have ever done with her. But I’m fighting against my even more brazen wolf. If he had it his way, she’d be pinned beneath us, with her ass in the air, while I take her from behind. He’s quite the pervert, for making those thoughts swim around my mind, but considering Riley didn’t even shrug at the panties shredding, maybe she wouldn’t mind him taking over a little.

  When her eyes go back to mine, I move my hand from her breast, and watch for any objection. None comes, and I slowly lower it to her core, the center of her pleasure, where I will find mine momentarily. I dive passed the little curls just above it, and sink my finger in between the folds, looking for that elusive bud that I’ve been told allows the woman to enjoy it as much as the man.

  With the way her body jerks, and her head flings back, I smile, grateful to have found it on my first try. Between strumming her clit, and sucking her nipple into my mouth, I can feel her grasp tightening around my neck. Her scents are mingling with mine, and all I can feel, smell and taste anymore, is her. That delicious mix of lilies and honey, has me so delirious, that I wond
er if I’ll cum, before I ever get inside her.

  Just when I was beginning to think she was close though, I’m flung back onto the bed - hard. I’m about to wonder if I did something wrong, when I look up, and see Riley climbing on top of me, grabbing my cock. And though I’m about to cum just with her hand on it, I don’t even have time to brace myself. She straddles it for just a moment, before she locks her eyes with mine - then sinks down onto my cock so fast, that I suck in a deep breath, wince, and let out a groan.

  It takes everything in me not to cum on the spot. The warm, wet, tight walls clamping down on me, makes me want to howl, as I shoot up into her - but I’m straining not to give in just yet. But the way she rocks her hips on top of me, isn’t helping things. My back arches off the bed, my head dips back into the pillow under me, and I force myself to concentrate, to stay in the moment, to not let myself cum just yet.


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