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Don't Come Looking for Love 2: Kenjay's Takeover

Page 3

by Natavia

  An hour later, I helped her into the house. The whole ride home she hadn’t said shit to me and I didn’t say shit to her. I should’ve left her ass there because of that shit she said to me! You don’t wish death on nobody! I don’t give a damn if she was in her feelings or not.

  I helped her into the bed then I noticed her hair has been shedding a lot lately.

  “Yo, why is your hair falling out?” I asked her.

  “It’s called fucking stress! Have you ever heard of that, Kenjay? Do you even know what the shit is?” she asked me.

  “I’m sick of your mouth! This is not even for us! Why the fuck can’t you take notes and be there for me like how Britain is there for her man? You acting childish as hell! When I talk to you it’s like talking to a wall! Do you think my heart isn’t heavy? I been to two fucking funerals in the same week! Bitch, do I look happy to you?” I asked shouting at her then she started laughing. I was starting to think this broad was crazy!

  “You are a lying sack of dog shit! You are a fucking coward and you are less of a man! You told me that you quit selling drugs! Don’t think I haven’t peeped how your phone has been going off! Then it’s a phone that I have never seen before!” she said.

  “Yo, you’re losing your mind and you are seeing shit! I don’t know what you are talking about! I only have one phone!” I lied to her. It was too much shit going on for me to tell her I was still hustling.

  “Just get the fuck out!” she said combing her fingers through her hair and more felt out onto her shoulders then she started crying.

  “I just want to fucking die!” she said. I went to hug her then she hit me. I ignored it then hugged her as she tried fighting me.

  “Yo, chill the fuck out!” I told her as she sobbed. I’m not a dumb nigga! What Latavia is going through isn’t just stress. This is some other shit!

  The last couple of days she has been in bed. I have to wash her up and change her clothes. She isn’t eating and she just lays there with tears in her eyes. I called Britain because I didn’t know what else to do.

  “Hello, this is Britain!” she answered.

  “Yo, I need a favor!” I said to her.

  “Of course, what is it?” she asked.

  “Can you come over here and spend some time with Latavia? Yo, she is driving me crazy and I need to get away for a few days!” I told her. I love my shorty but I was on the verge of beating her ass. I never laid hands on her before but I felt like knocking her dumb ass out. I wasn’t used to shit like this!

  “OK, I will be there! My mother and I can take care of her until she gets better! It makes no damn sense how her family is always calling me to see how she’s doing but not one of them has time to help her out! The only one who goes to see her is Lo-Lo!” Britain fussed.

  “It doesn’t matter! I don’t want them in my crib anyway! Thanks, O, I appreciate it!” I said joking with her.

  “No problem! Let me just tell O’Shea I’m going to be gone for a few days! He can stay home with Shia!” she said.

  After I got off the phone, I went to the master bedroom. I grabbed a small duffle bag then started packing a few things. Latavia just looked at me. “What bitch were you talking to? Are you ready to run to another female?” she asked me slightly sitting up. This was the most I had seen her move since she been home.

  “Yo, shut the fuck up! I’m getting away from your scary ass before I end up bodying you! I’m not trying to have your blood on my hands! Real nigga shit! I can’t be around you!” I told her.

  “You are cheating on me! Who is it? Are you still fucking Takera? Matter of fact, you might still be fucking Janae! You know she told me she was pregnant! Was she pregnant by you?” she asked me.

  “Wash your ass! Wash your face then brush your teeth! Once you do all that then you and I can talk! You haven’t been saying shit to me and now you asking me about some bitches! I only fucked Janae once! I used a condom! That bitch wasn’t pregnant by me! You sound stupid!” I told her then she slowly crawled out of bed.

  She went under the mattress then got my gun out that I kept under there.

  “Seriously? What are you going to do, kill me? I hope you do because if you don’t I will snap your fucking neck!” I told her.

  She laughed then put the gun to her head.

  “Yo, this shit isn’t funny! What the fuck are you doing?” I asked as I walked closer to her. Her finger was on the trigger. “I will blow my fucking brains out if you leave me!” she said with tears in her eyes.

  “Give me the gun!” I told her then she shook her head no.

  “GIVE ME THE FUCKING GUN!” I told her.

  “AWWWWW, are you about to cry? Suck that shit up!” she said to me.

  “Baby, please give me the gun! Why are you trying to hurt me like this? If you want to kill yourself, take me out first. I can’t deal with losing you, too!” I told her. She lowered the gun and, before she could point it at me, I hurriedly charged into her. This bitch must be crazy if she thinks I’m leaving this earth before I can get my hands on Janae.

  The guns fell onto the floor, going off, putting a bullet into the dresser.

  She clawed my face as I choked her. “I swear I would fucking kill you if you ever do some shit like that again! You are fucking crazy!” I said to her.

  I turned her over, pressing my knee into her back then she howled out in pain. I guess because her wounds were pressed against the floor and she still had stitches. I took my belt off wrapping it tightly around her wrist. I went into the nightstand to grab the handcuffs she used to use on me. I handcuffed her arms behind her back along with the belt. Afterwards, I turned her onto her side off of her stomach.

  I started grabbing my things. “Are you going to leave me like this?” she cried.

  “Britain is on her way! You tough! You can lay your retarded ass there until she gets here. I will leave the key on the table downstairs. Now, if you are a gangsta bitch then you can try to get up and grab them yourself! You can cry all you want to! Those tears are not doing shit for me, shorty! You was ready to take our asses out! Fucking crazy-ass bitch!” I spat walking out of the room then out of the door. She started yelling and screaming, but fuck her!

  I got into my truck then pulled off. Now, I needed to find this bitch and then murk her dumb ass.


  I walked up my father’s driveway to pay him a lovely visit. My father was a big time lawyer and after the nigga left my mother because of me, we ended up having to move to the hood. I got something for his ass! His house is huge and he has two luxury cars parked in the driveway. He lives out in Virginia. It took me a couple of days to get there from Annapolis. I had to be very careful because I didn’t want the authorities to scope me out. I laughed to myself as I thought about the numerous times my face had appeared on the news. I follow the news because them stupid fucks tell on themselves.

  They even reported that my mom’s house was being watched. They didn’t have to worry about me ever going over there. They didn’t know who my father was because he was ashamed of me. To the public, he has only one child and that’s my little brother, Nathan.

  I walked around the back of the house trying to figure out a way to get in. I tried the patio door and it opened. Niggas got too comfortable when they lived like rich, white folks. A small poodle came yapping at me. “What’s the matter, Sasha?” the voice called out. The dog continued to bark. A woman came into the kitchen then dropped her glass onto the floor, shattering it.

  “Who are you?” she asked me.

  “I’m your husband’s daughter! You know, the one he doesn’t talk about!” I said walking towards her.

  She backed up into the wall with a scared look on her face. “What’s the matter? You act like you just saw bloody Mary!” I told her.

  “What’s your name?” I asked her tracing my knife down her average-looking face.

  “It’s Veronica!” she said.

  “You are not as pretty as my mama! You know that? But then again,
you know nothing about us! Where’s my brother and my daddy?” I questioned her.

  “They… They… are at his football game!” she stuttered.

  “Why aren’t you there?” I asked her.

  “I don’t like football!” she said.

  “So, you are fucking my daddy for his money? How can you not be there with them?” I asked her.

  Janae’s voice appears in my head. I hated when that bitch popped up especially when I was in the middle of shit!

  “Leave her alone!” she whispered to me.

  “Bitch, will you shut up!” I yelled out.

  “I didn’t say anything!” Veronica cried then I smiled.

  “Have a seat!” I told her, pushing her towards the living room. I looked around the house and it was big! My father lived in a mini mansion.

  She sat down with tears in her eyes. I laughed at her.

  “How old are you?” I asked.

  “Twenty-eight!” she spat.

  “My father is fifty-three! What the fuck do you want to do with him? I forgot he likes young women, my mother is only forty-two,” I told her.

  I noticed she had a pair of fake breasts. “So, did my daddy pay for those? I can smell a gold digger when I see one! My father is an ugly motherfucker and a cute girl like yourself wouldn’t even look at him if he was broke!” I told her.

  “I love your father!” she said to me.

  “Lying will get you killed!” I told her getting up. Her dog came running towards me then I picked it up.

  “Please, don’t hurt her!” she cried.

  “Get my daddy on the phone and tell him to come home now! Do not tell him that I’m here!” I told her.

  “What do you want me to say?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, bitch! Make up something! I’m sure you lied to him before to get what you wanted!” I told her, pulling out my gun. Her eyes got bigger.

  She grabbed the house phone then dialed out.

  “I see you have speakerphone, use it!” I told her.

  She put it on speakerphone then my daddy answered the phone. It had been years since I heard his voice. After he left, I tried calling him and he never answered for me or my mother. He was a crooked lawyer and made up all of these lies to get my brother away from us. My mother couldn’t even visit Nathan. My father name was not even on my birth certificate. Somehow his name didn’t pop up in any of my records.

  “I think I’m having a miscarriage! Can you please come home? I need you right now!” she cried.

  “I’m on my way!” he said hanging up.

  “You’re pregnant?” I asked.

  “Yes! I just found out a few weeks ago!” she said.

  “Why are you doing this?” she questioned me.

  “Please, don’t hurt her! She has nothing to do with this!” Janae fought her way into my head.

  I dropped the dog then pounded my head. “Will you shut the fuck up! Let me do this! You are a weak bitch and this is all of your fucking fault!” I screamed pounding my head to get her out.

  Veronica tried to ease her way out of the room. I shot her in the leg and she fell. Her dog bit my ankles, so I lifted my oversized combat boot and brought it down onto its head. I did it repeatedly until blood gushed from its mouth and its head appeared to be a little flatter. Veronica screamed. I walked over to her, kicking her in the mouth with the same boot I killed her dog with.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I gritted as I drug her back to the couch by her hair.

  “Keep on and you’re next! I will fucking kill you! Do you hear me? Bitch, I will slit your fucking throat then cut your baby out of your stomach! Now, do what the fuck I tell you to do!” I told her as she crawled back onto the couch. She held her leg as she whimpered looking at her dog.

  “You are fucking crazy!” she said to me.

  “I will make you eat my pussy if you say something else to me!” I told her shutting her up instantly.

  A figure stood in the corner looking at me and it was Kenjay’s mother.

  “My son is going to kill you! He is going to make you suffer!” she said with half of her face blown off.

  I laughed. “Well good then, bitch! And fix your face! You are looking at me all crazy!” I said snickering.

  “There is no one there! What the fuck is wrong with you?” Veronica asked me.

  Before I could respond, my daddy’s voice called out to her.

  “Answer him, bitch! Sound happy or else I will kill all of you!” I whispered.

  “I’m in here, honey!” she called out.

  He walked into the living room with my brother trailing behind him, his golden child.

  I pointed my gun at him sitting on the couch next to his wife. He looked at the dead dog on the floor then looked at me with fear in his eyes. “Awww, what’s the matter, Daddy? Not happy to see me? I was getting acquainted with my stepmother. She’s a little too pretty for you, don’t you think?” I asked him then laughed.

  “Who are you?” Nathan asked me.

  “I’m your sister! Last time I saw you I was trying to drown you in the tub when you were a baby! All you did was cry and you look like you still do! I can smell a bitch nigga a mile away!” I told him then he grilled me.

  “What the fuck are you doing here in my house? Get your crazy ass out of my house and away from my fucking wife! You crazy little bitch!” my daddy screamed at me making me laugh.

  I pointed the gun at his wife’s head then pulled the trigger. She fell over onto the floor landing on top of her dog as blood gushed from her head.

  “You killed my wife!” he said walking towards me.

  “Come closer and Nathan is next! Y’all have a fucking seat! Let’s get acquainted and tell me what y’all been up to!” I said crossing my legs.

  “Get your ass over there and have a fucking sit before I get angry! And when I get angry it’s not nice!” I said. They both slowly sat down with tears in their eyes.

  They weren’t moving fast enough. I shot Veronica again in the back of the head.

  “I thought I heard her saying something!” I laughed.

  “It was a joke! Loosen up!” I told them. They just looked at me in shock.

  “Sing a song for me, Daddy!” I said chirping up.

  “Bitch, are you crazy?” he asked me.

  I shot him in the leg then he hollered out in pain.

  “I have three bullets left and the next time I shoot, I’m taking a life! Now, sing a fucking song for me!” I said.

  “What song?” he asked through his teeth.

  “Ummmm sinngggg ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson. I want you to do the dance too!” I told him.

  “Why the fuck do you want me to sing that?” he questioned.

  “Every time I look at your ugly ass, it reminds me of one of those zombies in the video! You look dead and, if you don’t do it, you really are going to be! Now, get your ugly ass the fuck up and do what I tell you to do!” I told him.

  “The neighbors are going to hear gunshots!” Nathan said.

  “Nigga, shut your bitch ass up before I shove this gun up your ass! This is a fucking mini mansion! There are no neighbors! Next time you interrupt me, you will be joining this pile right here!” I told him.

  My father stood up trying to do the dance from the videos while singing the song “Thriller.” He looked like Danny Glover but a light-skinned one with craters in his face. He winced in pain as he danced in a hopping motion because of the wound to his leg.

  “Get it, Daddy!” I edged him on.

  “I remember when I was a little girl you used to always dance for me and mommy!” Janae said.

  “Bitch, will you shut the fuck up!” I screamed at her then my daddy looked at me with teary eyes.

  “You tried killing your brother! You need help! You killed my fucking mother! I know you did it! She was babysitting you while we were out of town. You pushed her down the steps and she broke her neck! I know you did it! After you tried killing Nathan it confirmed everything! You wer
e only eight-years old!” he yelled at me.

  “You damn right I pushed her down the steps! That bitch made me eat peas! I hate fucking peas!” I told him then laughed.

  “You are going to die a terrible death! All this shit you are doing is going to catch up with you!” he said to me with hate in his voice.

  “That’s the same thing I said!” Tammy said to me with blood dripping down her face.

  “Bitch, will you shut the fuck up! You look like someone who was buried in that “Pet Cemetery” movie!” I said laughing then she flicked me off.

  “Who is she talking to?” Nathan whispered to our father.


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