Good Lord: Woolf Tales 2
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“Let me look at you.” Dad stood back and gave me a once over. “Bit skinny.”
“First off you behave like you haven’t seen me in ages when I was only here a few months ago.” After I got back from LA with Izzy, Adam and the Twins, I made a belated festive visit home. “And secondly, I’m not skinny.” Dad scrunched up his face clearly disagreeing with me.
“Well, your Mother’s food will soon get some meat on those bones.”
I snorted. “Cook’s you mean.” We laughed together. “Where is Mummy?” We were in the library where we always met before dinner for drinks. Dad poured us both a generous scotch.
“She’ll be here in a jiffy, just powdering her nose or some such thing.” Dad liked to give the impression he was a bit of an eccentric toff but he was in fact an astute businessman with a great head for figures which consequently kept the estate afloat, unlike a lot of other country homes these days. He and Izzy had become quite close and now did quite a bit of trading together making them both disgustingly richer by the minute. “Ah, here’s Remi.”
“Good evening Ben. Good evening Jason.” Thankfully he didn’t attempt to kiss us both in greeting. Dad handed him a scotch too and we clinked our crystal tumblers. I took a long swallow of my whiskey and let Daddy’s finest single malt warm my insides. Dinner was exquisite and the conversation flowed. We talked about the family connections and what Remi’s plans were and he was charming and alluring and I was mortifyingly spell bound by the end of the first course. I listened to his gorgeous accent and drank too much wine and pushed around the food on my plate. My appetite had deserted me since I’d discarded the Twins so ruthlessly. Every time I ate my stomach churned and the guilt and remorse over my callous actions made everything taste vile. I knew I’d already lost weight and that lack of nutrition was probably why I’d dehydrated so quickly in the gym.
“Why do you not eat, Jason?”
I dropped my fork and it clattered noisily against my plate. Remi apparently had no qualms in calling me out on my attempts to hide the fact I was not eating.
“I’m er, just not feeling very hungry tonight.” I gave him a tight smile that definitely did not reach my eyes. He narrowed his at me in return and chewed slowly, swallowing deliberately and licking his lips as if to torment me.
“But you are too skinny cousin, you need to eat.” He took a huge mouthful of food as if to demonstrate what to do. I glared at him.
“You do look a little thinner than the last time we saw you dear.” Mummy added.
“I’ve been working non-stop and been using a lot of energy that’s all.” I fiddled with my napkin on my lap so I didn’t have to meet their eyes.
Remi cleared his throat. “Eat.”
I gasped. The timbre of his voice and the note of command belied his age. My flesh broke out in goose bumps and my cock swelled in my pants. I shook my head to clear it.
“I said eat.”
I picked up my cutlery and cut up my lamb and dubiously put a piece in my mouth. I chewed it slowly not raising my eyes from my plate.
“Good lad.” Ben’s gruff praise embarrassed the hell out of me and I felt myself go red. Mummy rattled off some drivel about maintaining a healthy and balanced diet that Remi agreed with and they continued their discussion while I finished my dinner. It was quite delicious and I felt full but not sick for the first time in ages. I wiped the corners of my mouth with my napkin.
“Thank you Mummy, that was truly delicious.” I wasn’t about to wallow in my humiliation and was mature enough not to be intimidated by my younger half cousin. Or so I thought.
“It was my choice actually.” Remi smiled at me but instead of it warming me it sent a cold trickle down my spine. The man was devastatingly attractive but he had a sinister edge that made me wary. “Charlie allowed me to discuss my preferences with Cook and I thought this dish was something you might enjoy.” Remi’s expression held a hint of challenge.
“You don’t know me well enough to make any kind of presumption.” I was behaving badly; I knew it and my mother’s eye roll and loud ‘tsk tsk’ confirmed it. I smirked at Remi and his expression hardened. His jaw was clenched tightly shut and I could see the muscles ticking. His eyes were stormy and my heart skipped at how menacing he appeared in that moment. My mother announced dessert and his face morphed into a wide smile turning his features back into the carefree young man he’d been earlier. It was scary how quickly he shifted moods and I was exhausted trying to figure out what kind of game he was playing.
“If you’ll excuse me I feel awfully tired. I hope you don’t mind if I pass on pudding and take myself off to bed.” I stood and pecked Mummy on the cheek and she stroked my face. I pushed into her palm and closed my eyes basking in her loving caress.
“Night darling. Sleep well. We’re so glad to have you home for a bit, aren’t we Ben.”
“Goes without saying, son.”
I walked around the table to my Dad and he hugged me tightly before kissing me on the temple. His strength steadied me and I was grateful for both my parents and their unwavering support. I deliberately ignored Remi and headed off to bed.
“Goodnight Jason.” His words held the promise of something I couldn’t put my finger on but it sounded more of a statement of fact than a polite farewell. I hurried to my room and locked the door leaning against it as I fought to catch my breath. I rushed through my bed time ablutions and jumped naked under the covers hoping to fall into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, my errant thoughts ran ragged through my mind and slumber eluded me.
A long time later after tossing and turning and trying not to wonder about Remi and the strange aura of menace that surrounded him, I decided that a brandy might help relax me. I grabbed my dressing gown and padded barefoot down the stair case to the drinks cabinet in the library.
“Jesus, fuck!” I jumped a mile at the shock of seeing Remi sitting in one of the wing backed chairs.
Remi was a vision of alpha male and I couldn’t help swooning a little bit despite desperately wanting not to. He had one long leg crossed over the other and I could see his feet were bare in his loafers. His blue slacks drew tight across his thick thighs and bunched enticingly around his crotch. Remi wore a white dress shirt open at the collar with the sleeves rolled up. His forearms looked powerful and sexy with a dusting of dark hair. He wore an elegant watch that was clearly expensive and was dangling a tumbler of whiskey from one hand swirling the amber liquid around and around. It was easy to forget he was so young when he presented such a formidable image.
“What are you doing in here?”
He raised a perfect black eyebrow and tilted the glass in my direction. “Enjoying a drink before I retire.”
“It’s two o clock in the morning.” I brushed my hair back from my face and wondered where my normal confident bravado had disappeared to.
“Indeed. What’s your point Jason?”
The way he said my name made me shiver and I wished I was wearing something under my robe and on my feet. I felt vulnerable in his presence and the lack of underwear was making it worse. Where my head was screaming at me to turn around and escape to the sanctuary of my room, my cock was begging me to stay. I pulled the tie of my robe tighter hoping the stirring beneath the fabric wasn’t visible in the dim lighting.
“Umm, nothing, just that it’s late…” I was being an idiot. I was normally so poised and eloquent yet this boy who I hardly knew and had only spent a couple of hours with was turning my brain to mush and my boy parts to steel. “I’m sorry I disturbed you.” I went to leave but faster than I was prepared for Remi flew out of the chair and grabbed my wrist pulling me back down to rest awkwardly in his lap. I yelped and he slammed a hand across my mouth.
“Shh cousin, we don’t want to wake anyone.” Remi’s hand tightened before releasing and I rubbed my face where I could still feel his fingers digging into my flesh.
“What are you doing?” My voice trembled and I cursed that I sounded
so nervous.
“If I have to explain then I’m not doing it right.” Remi tugged on my lapels and brought my mouth down to meet his. I held my breath as his lips crushed mine and his tongue shoved into my mouth. He kissed me hard and greedily with a passion that seemed barely contained. We drew apart both gasping for breath and I swiped the back of my hand over my mouth. Remi smirked and licked his lips.
“We can’t.” I gasped.
“We will.” He responded leaving no room for dispute. He slowly manoeuvred me until I was straddling his hips. He placed my arms behind my back and held my wrists together in one of his massive hands and pulled so that I had to arch my back. I gasped again.
“You’re being a brute.” I accused him in a harsh whisper. Half his mouth lifted in a grin. Remi’s other hand tugged at the tie on my robe until it fell open and slid down my arms as far as his grasp. I was naked and exposed and completely trapped. My cock sprung to attention between us already rock hard and we both watched as a drop of pre-come squeezed out of the slit to balance precariously on the tip. I groaned and let my head drop back to my shoulder blades. “Fuck.” I cursed between clenched teeth.
“Oh, I will mon cher, but all in good time eh?” And just like that Remi released me. My body was strung as tight as a bow and without his hold steadying me I crashed to the floor in an ugly heap. I curled into a ball utterly mortified. Remi loomed above me with his hands in his pockets. He tapped the tip of his shoe on my naked arse. “Do not disrespect me again cousin, and do not lock your bedroom door. If you test me you will find out the hard way I do not like to be disobeyed.” He placed his foot on my hip and pushed me hard. I grunted but refused to look up at him. “Goodnight Jason, I will see you tomorrow. Make sure you are prepared for me.”
I remained on the rough carpet of the library floor barely breathing as Remi’s footsteps receded until I couldn’t hear him at all. I uncurled and hastily pulled my robe back around my nudity. I scrambled into the chair that Remi had recently vacated and rocked back and forth trying to figure out what on earth I stumbled into. Remi scared me yet I was compelled to do as he said not because I was afraid for my safety but because he turned me on so much. I reached into my robe and tugged at my engorged penis crying as I came hard all over my hand.
I returned to my room leaving the door unlocked as instructed and made my way to the bathroom. I showered quickly scrubbing myself raw under the hot water then tumbled into bed exhausted. Surprisingly, I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
The morning arrived all too soon with an errant buzzing in my ear. My phone danced across the bedside unit towards me and I answered it with a grunt.
“Morning to you too, Jase.”
“Adam!” I sat up and my chest squeezed tight, I loved Adam even if he did steal Izzy away from me. We had become close friends very quickly and as the memories of the previous night came back to me I yearned for Adam’s strong and imposing presence.
“You ok mate?”
I chuckled, I was so far from ok, but Adam was too sweet to bear the burden of my depraved existence. “I’m fine babe. What can I do for you?”
“What, I can’t call my friend and check on him? I need a reason to talk to you now?” Adam was teasing me and I loved it.
“You never need a reason to call me, Adam Cohen.”
“I think you’ll find that’s Woolf-Cohen nowadays.”
I laughed. Of course, Izzy would insist Adam take his name somehow or another. We chatted for a while and Adam’s calmness was like a balm to my soul. I told him I would see him at the weekend and wished it were Friday already and not Monday. I had a feeling it was going to be a long week. I sighed interrupted by a knock on my door. I dove under the covers pulling them tight around me.
“Come in.” I held my breath but it was just one of the house staff with clean towels. I exhaled slowly shaking my head at the frisson of disappointment I felt.
“Oh Sir, I have a message for you.” The maid left an envelope on my dresser and made a hasty retreat. I got out of bed on shaky Bambi legs and regarded the envelope warily. I recognised it as one of the generic stationery sets Mummy stocked up on for the guest rooms. I picked it up and realised my hands were shaking.
“For fucks sake!” I admonished myself. “It’s just paper…” I mumbled affirmations under my breath as I withdrew the card from the envelope. As nervous as I was I still appreciated the thick cream vellum and mourned the increase in paperless communication nowadays. It was such an elegant form of address but in dire danger of becoming defunct. I sighed again as I realised I was deflecting from the task at hand. “Oh shit.” Stuck to the card was a picture of me fast asleep in my bed, date and time stamped as the night just passed. Underneath was a message in what I presumed was Remi’s almost illegible scrawl.
“I checked and your door was open. You looked so peaceful and so beautiful. Thank you for obeying me. If you carry out the remainder of my request, you will be rewarded accordingly. I left you something to wear in your bathroom.”
I read and re-read the message. “What a fucking little jumped up twerp.” I sputtered. The card fluttered to the floor as I raced into the bathroom. “Oh fuck no.” I stared at the vanity unit in shock. “No, no, no” I cried as my traitorous cock wept “yes, yes, yes.”
Sitting on the white marble counter top was a fair sized black silicone butt plug and a tube of lube. That in itself was startling enough but the red lace thong draped over it was what set my pulse racing. I would look like a slutty whore in that thing and I whimpered already imagining it against my pale flesh. I picked up the underwear and it felt coarse and cheap - the lace would chafe against the sensitive skin of my cock and rub roughly between my cheeks. I would be sore and uncomfortable if Remi made me wear it for too long and I feared that was his intention. Resigned to doing this, I ran the shower and grabbed what I needed to prepare my body for Remi’s ‘gifts’.
I dried myself off and moisturised my skin leaving it soft and fragrant. I’d applied the lube and stretched myself in the shower sufficiently so that the butt plug inserted without too much of an effort but I was fully aware of the way it sat in my arse and nudged against my gland if I moved in a certain way. I felt stuffed and flustered but I was still semi aroused at the prospect of doing all of this in secret for Remi, and I was already anticipating my reward which only aroused me further. I was well aware that Remi would not be a gentle lover but I enjoyed a rough fuck now and again. The Twins treated me like spun glass most of the time but if I’d insisted they’d restrain me and torment me for hours. They were skilled lovers and I regretted never knowing them that way again. Still, onwards and upwards and that involved tacky red lace knickers. I giggled to myself as I stepped into them but boy did they make my arse look amazing.
A slice of red lay over my crack splayed across the top of my cheeks into a triangle of flimsy fabric that barely constrained my ample sized cock. It jerked as I tried to arrange myself enticingly inside the lace and I had to think of horrible things for my hard on to wilt. Finally, I was able to pull on my jeans, which was not easy as the butt plug shot sparks of heat through me with every brush of my prostate and the coarse lace rubbed over the sensitive head of my dick. I was hot and shivery and not at all ready to face everyone at breakfast but Remi was expecting me and I was anxious not to be late. I was about to pull my t-shirt on when I remembered that I had removed my nipple piercings before using the gym yesterday. Remi had not seen them and I was suddenly inspired to tease him knowing full well it may nullify my reward but I was too tempted to see his reaction. I inserted the little steel bars and swapped my black t-shirt for a really tight white one. The jewellery was clearly visible and I felt wanton as fuck. Remi may have a dominant streak but I was older and more experienced than him and I wasn’t about to go down without a fight.
“Morning!” I breezed into the morning room where we always ate breakfast. It was relaxed and informal and homey as opposed to the rather more austere dining room where dinne
r was usually served. I much preferred the cosy room with the huge oak table and comfy wooden chairs with big squishy cushions. It was probably the most normal room of the entire house. The massive wall mounted telly blared Sky news and Daddy was half watching it while he simultaneously perused the Financial Times. He was dressed in his City clothes.
“Morning son.” Dad was eating porridge and gulping coffee same as he did at every breakfast. “Taking your mother shopping. She needs something to wear this weekend. Apparently the three hundred dresses she already has are no good.” He snorted and I laughed with him. It felt good to do so. “Anyway, I have some business to attend to so we’re going to stay in the apartment overnight. I’ve booked a show and a meal out and hopefully we’ll get a bit pissed and spend the night doing debauched things.” He winked at me and I screwed up my face.
“Euwww Pops, too much information. No one wants to hear about their parents having sex.” We chuckled together and I gathered my breakfast from the dresser and made my way over to join him at the table. I momentarily forgot my disposition and plonked myself carelessly on the chair which resulted in me yelping like a teenage girl and dropping my cereal bowl a bit too heavily. Milk spilled everywhere and I was busy mopping it up when the familiar scent of Remi’s distinctive aftershave wafted into the room. He grabbed a handful of napkins which he handed to me with a hint of amusement. I wondered if he’d witnessed my ungainly mishap. “Thank you.” I took the them from him and our fingers tangled. He squeezed harder than was necessary and I yanked my hand away. He sniggered then left me dabbing at the milk as he got himself a coffee.
“Morning Remi lad.” Dad smiled at his young cousin. I was glad he didn’t know what a deviant he was. “I was just telling Jase that Charlie and I will be staying in London tonight. You’ll be home alone the two of you. No funny stuff mind.”
I choked on a cornflake. “Dad!”
“I meant parties. No parties. We have to keep the place halfway decent for the weekend bash don’t forget.”