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Dark and Beautiful Nights (The Vampire Covenant Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Betty Shreffler

  Her chest swelled with joy, gratitude, and love. If she could cry happy tears, she would. She leaned up, giving him a passionate kiss. He pulled away gently and studied her. "Did I do good?"

  "You did very good." She nuzzled her head against his chest. "You're incredible, Cass. I love…" She stopped mid-sentence, the surprise sweeping over her. She leaned her head back and looked at his hopeful eyes.

  His genuine smile lifted the corners of his mouth. "I know you do."

  She grinned and nuzzled against him. His hand caressed over her hair. "Ready to join the others?"

  "Yes," she smiled, her cheeks so full it hurt.

  Chapter 12

  Kayci sat on a hand-carved, wooden bench atop the generous deck watching Cass chat with his clan members and pat his nephews’ heads as they circled around him. They clearly worshipped him as their uncle. Witnessing their affections for one another made her heart swell with pride. The man she met versus the man she knew now had turned out to be far better than she expected. He had arousing charisma, a big heart, honor, love, passion, along with many more incredible traits she admired. She really had fallen in love with him and not just in love. She loved him. She really loved him, to the depths of her soul, and every essence of her body. Yes, her body definitely loved him. It wanted him touching her now.

  When he glanced her direction, she caught his possessive, protective eyes roam over her, checking on her. She couldn't stop the smile from swelling her cheeks. She bit her lip and his eyes instantly filled with lust. He winked at her. No doubt, his mind had similar thoughts as hers.

  Someone slipped onto the bench next to her and leaned toward her. A skirt draped over her feet.

  "You and Cass—the way you two look at each other. I think everyone can feel the heat between you," Sofia told her.

  Kayci chuckled, her eyes still on Cass and the fitted, worn-out jeans covering his firm ass. She could barely tear her eyes away to look at Sofia.

  "There's far more to him than I expected. He's incredible. I can't get enough of him."

  "I have no doubt he feels the same about you. The way he looks at you—you can see the love. Thorne told me you're his mate. It makes perfect sense why you've always been so drawn to him. It wasn't just lust after all. And Adrian, what will you tell him when he's finally freed?"

  Kayci's head lowered. She hadn't thought about Adrian for a long time. Guilt pummeled her stomach. Liliana was right. He didn't deserve to be lying in a coffin, loyal to her, while she pranced around with a wolf.

  "I'm scared of the day I find a way to free him. I'm scared to face him, knowing I love Cass. I love them both, Sofia, but it's different with each of them. My love for Cass is undeniable, uncontrollable, and passionate, carnal even. My love for Adrian is out of devotion. He was there for me when I needed someone the most. He protected me, cared for me, gave me incredible love and intimacy, but the thought of living without Cass is stifling and somewhat terrifying. I feel if I never saw him or felt his touch again, I'd stop breathing."

  "I know this is forward, but stay with me. Have you and Cass been intimate?" Her eyes indicated what her words didn't.

  "No, we haven't had sex yet. The foreplay alone has been mind-blowing. I can't even imagine how incredible the sex will be." Her nipples hardened as the memory of him pinning her to the wall and thrusting against her whipped back into her mind. He'd done a good job making sure she didn't forget. Her body tingled with arousal. Her fangs extracted. She shook the memories from her head, controlling the intimate sensations sweeping over her.

  Sofia giggled. "Goodness, darling. I can see how he affects you." She nodded toward Kayci's golden eyes and fangs. "I'm amazed you're this affected by him and you haven't had sex yet. Wait ‘til you do. I've heard that when you first mate with a werewolf, it's like nothing you've ever experienced. Once you two are linked together, you'll be even more attached than you are now."

  "Seriously?" Kayci asked, surprised. "I'm not sure I can take much more."

  Sofia giggled again. "Your love life is always so exciting," she teased.

  "Apparently I'm not the only one having an exciting love life," she quipped.

  "Does it bother you, that I'm seeing your father?"

  Kayci laughed to herself. It was the least of her problems and not a problem at all, actually. It was good to see them making each other happy.

  "No, it doesn't bother me. It's nice to see that you two make each other happy. He needs a good woman to keep him in line."

  Sofia let out a playful laugh. "It's him who keeps me in line. Your father is a gentlemen and I know you probably don't want to hear this, but that sweet gentlemen thing he has going on makes me want to pounce on him."

  Uncontrollable laughter escaped Kayci. "You're right. I don't want to hear that, but it is still funny. Rosemary was right. You do have some spice in you."

  Sofia's eyes sparkled, then dulled. Kayci could see her thoughts changing. "I know. I miss her, too."

  "I'm sure she's looking down at us now, entertained by all that is happening."

  "What do you think she'd say about me being torn between Cass and Adrian?"

  Sofia grew quiet, thinking about the answer. "She'd probably read the cards for you or say, Kayci my dear, Cass is your mate, there's no hope for you now. You're in the snare of a sexy werewolf. Enjoy what comes next."

  Kayci laughed. "Your impersonation is terrible. That sounds more like you, not Rosemary."

  Sofia smirked. "Yes, that's definitely what I'd say. Rosemary would say something wise, of course. Follow your heart. Be honest with Adrian when the time comes. He's a good man and he'll forgive you and move on."

  "Yep, that sounds more like her."

  Sofia smiled, then it faded, becoming serious. "Are Logan and Cass planning on handing over the serum tomorrow?"

  Kayci shook her head. "They don't know the effects of the serum yet. The biggest concern is whether or not they will be able to have children after taking the serum. If they're still able to, then population control will become a problem. If they can't have children, then extinction becomes a problem. They'd be more like vampires, unable to have children but without a way to make more werewolves."

  Sofia's brows furrowed. "I see the dilemma, but perhaps we should stay out of it and let the werewolves make the risky choice and discover the consequences on their own."

  "If they take the serum and can still have children, then the population problem becomes our problem. As vampires, we are familiar with controlling our population. They aren't as controlled as we are and they can blend in with humans far better than we can. Werewolves could easily become over-populated and you know the many problems that would come with that, especially if they're led by the wrong kinds of werewolves like Tony Johnson. And as per our compact, a threat against the McCabe clan is a threat against the Covenant."

  Sofia's expression became thoughtful. "This is why you make a great leader. You're always thinking about the big picture."

  The corner of her mouth raised. "I guess I do."

  Her and Sofia's attention adjusted to Logan approaching.

  "Miss Sofia, did you get enough to eat?"

  Sofia, obviously a bit smitten with Logan's looks and charm, smiled wide. "I did, thank you for asking."

  He gave a cordial smile in return. "I'm sorry to interrupt what looked like a meaningful conversation, but I do need to speak with Katerina, if you don't mind?"

  Sofia shook her head. "Not at all."

  Kayci rubbed along Sofia's back. "It was good talking with you. I'll see you later. Be gentle with Thorne." She winked as she stood to leave with Logan.

  Sofia's cheeks turned a shade brighter as her mouth raised into a playful half-smile. "I'll certainly try."

  Kayci followed Logan into his office and took the seat across from him. She noticed he'd made personal changes to the office to make it his own. There were now a couple plants, a unique sculpture on the desk, family photos, and clan photos around the room. The office was ti
dier, as well. Sitting in the same chair as before, she felt more comfortable about this meeting than the last one she'd had in this office.

  Logan set his half-empty beer on the desk and leaned back in his chair. His expression became thoughtful. "I brought you in here so I could talk with you privately. The Council has asked me to take the serum. I already have children so they feel I'm a good candidate for the test. I haven't decided how I feel about it."

  She could understand why. "That's a difficult decision to make. How do you feel about becoming immortal, never aging, never dying, maybe never being able to have children again?"

  His brows pinched inward. "That's just it. As a werewolf, you know that your mate will die and you will live on decades without them. That's why clan members are so close. We have the camaraderie that fills the void of losing our mates, at least, until we're reunited with them after death. If I take the serum, it will be centuries or more before I see Angie again, if I ever see her again, but I would have my boys. If my boys take the serum when they're adults, I'd have the opportunity to spend countless years with them and with Cass and you."

  Kayci warmed at the inclusion of her name in his list of people he'd enjoy spending time with. "Does Cass know the Council wants you to take the serum?"

  Logan shook his head, his brow furrowing. "He'd want me to take it, I'm sure. I don't want him influencing my decision. I don't want anyone influencing my decision. That's why I wanted to speak with you about it. I haven't been able to speak with anyone. I've needed to. I knew you would be neutral and listen to my concerns."

  She felt honored to be the one he'd confided in. She studied his troubled expression. "Are you leaning in any direction?"

  Logan nodded. "I think I want to take it. However, not knowing the full extent of its effects has me leery of taking it. As the clan leader, the last thing I want to do is leave my clan without an alpha. There's no guarantee that the injection will go as well for me as it did for Cass."

  "True. Cass said the Council hired a hematologist to study Cass' blood. Does he foresee any issues with you taking the injection?"

  Logan shook his head, his expression still pensive.

  "Whether you choose to take the serum or not, it is a significant risk for you." She remembered Thorne's advice. "You should take your time deciding what's best for you and you alone."

  Logan's eyes met hers. "Have you taken your own advice?"

  She looked off thoughtfully, before returning her gaze to him. "I'm still working through it."

  "Do you believe Cass? That you're his mate?"


  Logan lifted his beer and took a swig of it. "You know he loves you, right?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "Do you love him?"

  Man, are the McCabe men direct.

  She shook her head yes. "He's an incredible man."

  "But you still love Adrian."

  She nodded. "I do."

  "Are you leaning in any direction?"

  She chuckled at his wolfish grin. What a sly wolf.

  "Maybe," she responded coyly. "But if I told you, I'd have to kill you."

  The corner of Logan's mouth curved, his eyes brightened. "Fair enough, clearly that's not a topic open for discussion."

  She nodded, eyeing him playfully.

  His humored expression grew serious. "What about the Southeast clan? Come tomorrow, they'll likely be at our door, demanding the serum. How do you suppose we handle that?"

  "I've been contemplating that. It'd be nice if we could invite them in and have a discussion about why it's not a good idea to be handing the serum out. Let them know it's still in its trial stages. However, I don't think they've come just for the serum. It sounds to me like they're coming to challenge your clan."

  Logan nodded, taking another tug of his beer. "Our clan and theirs have been rivals for centuries. Our clan has always been larger, stronger, had more territory, more successful businesses. If other packs are joining him, then Tony clearly sees this as an opportunity to take over our territory and our businesses. I'm interested to know how he would plan to handle the Covenant alliance. Surely, he knows you'd want nothing to do with him."

  Kayci's brows pinched inward. "Tony is a negotiator. He must feel he has something worth negotiating."

  Logan nodded in agreement. "Tony is a sly wolf. No doubt, he has something up his sleeve for this visit."

  "I'm sure he does."

  "It must have taken a lot of self-control to not kill him and his clan after what he did to you."

  The memories and anger flooded her. "I'm the Covenant leader. I can't act on my own personal motives. It was in the best interest of the Covenant to not enter into a war. At least now, he's instigated it. Now, I don't have to be concerned about finishing it."

  Logan's wolfish grin reappeared. "In that case, if it turns into a bloodbath, I should leave Tony for you?"

  Her fangs escaped below her curved lips. "Yes."

  Chapter 13

  Every Covenant member and McCabe wolf settled around the meeting room. Logan and Kayci stood at the end of the long, wooden table, facing the majority of the group. Thorne, Sofia, and Vladimir sat at the table along with Cass, and several higher-ranked pack members—Nafe, Jon, and Denver. The remaining Covenant members and McCabe clan scattered about the room, finding places to sit where they could. With the seven Covenant members, there were twenty-two bodies in the room, making the count fifteen members for the McCabe clan. All eyes went to Logan as he began speaking.

  "It's likely the Southeast clan will arrive tomorrow night. Katerina and I will do our best to avoid conflict. We hope to explain to Tony Johnson that the serum is still in the trial stages and not ready for disbursement. However, that likely will not satisfy him. I know Tony is using the serum as leverage to challenge our clan and therefore challenging the Covenant. If we cannot subdue Tony's desire to challenge us, we'll be left with no choice but to fight him and his clan as well as the Louisiana clan.

  "If this happens, the Covenant members should take second stance in succession to avoid werewolf bites. Advance only when the opposing wolves display weakness. Katerina, Alex, and Sofia will use their sorcery as needed, joining us wolves when we enter into combat. If these wolves have truly come for a fight, then they're going to get it."

  The wolves clapped their hands and tapped their feet. The vampires and witches in the room watched Kayci, awaiting what she had to say.

  As she spoke, the room grew silent. "Everyone here knows I can withstand a werewolf bite, therefore, I'll be the first to approach Tony. If I see that there is no resolution in sight, I want you all to know my intentions. Tony's threat to the McCabe clan, our alliance, and the Covenant will no longer receive amnesty. Tony's execution will be by my hand."

  Murmurs of approval drifted over the room. She glanced at Thorne who gave her an approving nod.

  Kayci moved about Cass' room, taking it all in. His earthy, delicious scent permeated the room, clinging to his bed sheets and walls. The overwhelming scent washed away any and all tension in her muscles, the way Rosemary's shop always did. A feeling of tranquility swept over her as she moved around the room, admiring its contents. His dark wood framed bed sat in the center against the wall. A dark gray-blue comforter laid atop the bed with charcoal bed sheets and pillow cases. A few wood carvings decorated the room along with two canvas wall paintings.

  A matching dark wood TV stand sat at the end of his bed with a moderate sized flat-screen TV above it. By the bedroom door, was a matching six drawer dresser. On the left wall, one door led to a closet and another to a private bathroom. On her right, sat a desk with a laptop, lamp, and a few books. The nightstand by the bed had a magazine, lamp, and phone charger laying on it. Next to the other side of the bed, near the corner of the room, a two-foot-tall gun safe sat atop the second nightstand.

  "It's simple, clean, and smells like you. I like it."

  Cass came up behind her and lifted her into his arms. She giggled at the surprise o
f it.

  "It won't be complete until I have the scent of you in my bed sheets."

  An excited shiver ran over her body, settling in her lower abdomen.

  He flipped the comforter aside and tossed her onto his bed. She giggled as she looked up at his playful eyes.

  "There's still one problem," he said, looking down at her.

  "What's that?"

  "Your clothes."

  "Maybe I want to keep them on," she teased.

  He spread her legs for him to enter in between them. He pushed himself against her, warming her.

  "Is that a challenge? Going to make me work to get them off?"

  She nodded. "That wasn't my plan, but now I like the idea of it."

  She felt him harden against her. He pushed himself into her as he leaned down over her, his arms on both sides of her as his captivating hazel eyes stared down at her.

  "Challenge accepted."

  He leaned back and with one swift movement of his hands, he flipped her onto her belly. His hands roamed over her ass, squeezing her cheeks in each hand. She bit her lip, grinning back at him.

  "What did you and Logan leave to talk about?"

  She'd forgotten about the conversation until now.

  "I can't tell you."

  "Going to make me work for that too?"

  His hand slipped under her, before trailing its way backward, lingering over her warmth beneath her jeans.

  Her words caught in her throat as a sensation of pleasure swept over her body. "Yes."

  She caught herself. "I mean no. The conversation was between me and him. I'm not sharing it with you."

  "Hmm." She felt his tongue touch the small of her back and she sucked in a breath.

  "You sure?"

  "Yes," she said weakly, her breath getting heavy as he sucked, licked, and nibbled the small of her back.

  "You have two lovely dimples back here." His tongue found them for her, tracing them with his lips. He blew warm air over her skin, before licking at it once more.


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