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Dirty Stepbrother - A Firefighter Romance (The Maxwell Family)

Page 98

by Alycia Taylor

  It would have been so damn easy! I told myself as the possibilities flowed freely through my mind. Her room is right down the fucking hall! “What possessed me to…?” I didn’t even need to finish the thought before I growled and tore the rest of the covers off of my still naked form.

  Even though I was disappointed in myself for being such a pussy, just as I knew I would be, I couldn’t help but realize that I felt good.

  Regardless of how I had scored my stepsister or the precautions that I took to ensure that there might be a next time, I had still added that notch to my bedpost and I felt as though I was on a roll.

  I did wonder why I had slept so late, but figured it was the strange idea that there was a woman in my bed that made me break yet another of my rules.

  Still, broken rule or not, the pride I felt for myself far surpassed the disappointment for not being able to adhere to the rules of successful fucking that I usually held myself to.

  When I walked downstairs, I felt even better than I did when I first woke up. To hell with the rules. After all, you break everyone else’s rules, why not a few of your own?

  “Good morning, Tyler,” my mother said.

  “Hi Mom…” I answered, waving as I passed the two of them with breakfast plates still in front of them, but long consumed. I guess they were just sitting there staring aimlessly into one another’s eyes like losers. I didn’t understand what the attraction was. Seriously, they were both bat shit crazy. How could they stand each other?

  I thought about just leaving and I probably should have, but before I could stop myself, I felt my body pivot back around and my voice ask, “Have either of you seen Ashley?”

  “This morning,” my mother answered, smiling as though she was hopeful of something. I hadn’t the faintest clue as to what though and chances were, I would probably prefer to keep it that way. “She wasn’t feeling too good so she left to get some air.”

  I nodded and moved to leave, but just as I began to grasp the escape from the clutches of this house, into freedom, I heard my stepfather’s voice behind me.

  “Hey, Tyler, is everything okay with Ashley?”

  I stopped and momentarily wondered what the hell was going on. I figured I was being paranoid, considering there was no way they could have found out already. And even if they did, who gave a shit? I certainly didn’t.

  Still, at the question I felt my shoulders tighten with nervousness and I thought about making a run for it. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that I had completely ignored that dweeb, but considering the circumstances, I quickly decided that I should probably rethink my first idea. So, once again, I pivoted around and purposefully made myself look menacing, before I shrugged the comment off by saying, “Dude, how the hell would I know? Mom just told me where she was. We didn’t have a damn therapy session or anything last night.”

  “She just seemed a little stressed this morning and I thought she might have mentioned it to you?” Her father raised his eyes to me in a serious manner. At first, I thought once again that he knew something that he shouldn’t but I quickly deduced that he was just trying to get me to think he knew something; that is if there was anything to know, which there fucking wasn’t.

  So I just went with my instincts and answered, “Yeah, well, to be honest with you, I wasn’t even with Ashley last night. I went out with friends of mine. That’s why I was looking for her. Someone thought she knew her and I wanted to ask about it.”

  Her father nodded and answered, “All right, thanks,” Then, after a pause, he added, “She probably does know them. Our family has been friendly with the people in this town for years…since she was a little girl. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if she knew them.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I certainly had not needed the damn family history, but whatever. I didn’t know what else to do, so I just answered, “It’s cool. I’ll head out to find her myself.” With that I left, so that I wouldn’t have to be subjected to another dragging, pointless conversation. I didn’t know why my family insisted to try to make friends with me. It wasn’t worth it. I didn’t want to make friends. I wanted to make a reputation.

  Family had just become important to my mother because it was convenient for her. However, after years of having nothing but cruel things to say about the man who fathered me, not to mention that I was the one who killed him, family seemed like an impossible, hurtful prospect.

  I refused to let anyone in. Even though I had my moments when I thought that having a family and being a normal person might be nice, there were far more moments when I was sure it wouldn’t be. Having family or anyone close to you on a level of mutual care only set me up for disaster.

  Yet, even as I was thinking about this, I still found myself making my way toward the beach in order to catch a glimpse and possibly talk to my stepsister.

  As soon as I walked up over the dunes I saw her. It looked as though she had already muscled her way to the front row of the beach, or she had staked her claim here just in time.

  Dammit, she’s beautiful I thought, before I shook the feeling out of my mind. What bothered me about this whole situation was that although I found Ashley hot and sexy, like I found a lot of women, I also found her beautiful in a way that I had never noticed a woman before. I hated the thought, but the closer I grew to her, the more prevalent that thought seemed to become. It sucked.

  Still, for longer than I cared to admit, I stood behind her, with her unaware that I was there, so that I could take in her beauty and grace. I felt a connection to her and I absolutely hated it. I didn’t want to have any kind of feeling toward her, besides the feeling of the two of us lying naked together, fucking our brains out. That was the only sensation that I wanted from this bitch and then when I was done, I wanted to be able to walk away.

  We were step-siblings, after all, and to have any kind of feeling for one another just wouldn’t be right.

  Yet, there was still a sensation that arose inside of me that made me think that we might be able to amount to something more. There was always the idea that we would be able to do whatever we wanted without any consequence one of these days. After all, my stupid mother would probably take her father for everything that he was worth one day and then we would no longer be one big happy fucking family. Then, we would be able to do what we wanted, without connection.

  She might hate me then too. I thought, angry at how much I gave a shit.

  Shaking away the thoughts that I didn’t want to have, I forced myself to get back in my game, just before I ran up behind her, ready to lay on the player’s charm; no strings attached and no mercy. That’s what I was supposed to be all about and there was no time like the present to get back to my ultimate goals.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  The beach was starting to help. The new day was already sunny and warm, while the waves crashed easily and almost methodically. I listened to them for a long time and tried to clear my mind.

  The sand that was finding its way around and through my toes as my feet sifted into it was beginning to warm up and the sounds of the ocean were beginning to be drowned out by families arriving for a day of fun.

  I didn’t mind though. I was used to the crowds and the people. This was how you lived your life if you had a beach house that backed up to the beach. There was no true privacy and even though there were moments when you felt like you had the whole world to yourself, the majority of the time you were never really alone.

  Still, I felt far more at ease here than I did inside the house. At least I could think and wasn’t expected to be social.

  However, my feeling of freedom was fairly short lived when just a little while after the tourists arrived, I felt someone come up behind me and sit next to me.

  “Good morning, Sunshine.” I heard the familiar voice before I saw who it was and already, I was rolling my eyes.

  “Please, go away,” I answered, narrowing my eyes at Tyler before I turned my attention back toward the

  “Oh, come on! What the fuck?” He exclaimed and then lowered his voice as he reached his lips in closer to my ear before he added, “What happened to the attitude you had last night. You couldn’t get enough of me then.”

  Disgusted and embarrassed, more because he insisted on spelling it out then of what I had actually done the night before, I glowered at him. “I don’t want to talk about it!”

  “Well,” he said as he leaned his muscular arms back behind him and stretched out, so that I could see the virile man that sat next to me in all of his sexy, alluring glory, “I wasn’t going to mention it, but since you seem so bothered I didn’t think it was right to ignore your distress.” He beamed at me, ignoring the fact that I continued to scowl at him.

  Tyler was only wearing a bathing suit, which seemed wrong to me, even though we were on the beach in the middle of summer.

  Yet, his body called to me and I felt as though the small amount of clothing that he was wearing was only tempting me to do what I was sure by now that we should never do again; regardless of how much I wanted him.

  I tried my best not to look at him, but even the small glances that I couldn’t help taking made me feel hot and nervous.

  Shaking the thoughts of pouncing on him right this very moment out of my mind, I looked away from him and thought about what he had said. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Tyler. I am not bothered by what happened last night. It was…” I made it a point that he saw me roll my eyes, “Whatever. It was all right.”

  “That is total bullshit and you know it,” he answered instantly. At least my comment was enough to wipe that stupid grin off of his face.

  I shrugged, trying my best to seem convincing. “I know that you had a great time, but that doesn’t mean that I did. Frankly, I don’t think that we should do it again…ever.”

  He laughed at this which caught me off-guard. I felt his lips close to my ear again while he replied, “Cut the shit, or I will stand up and confess my love to you in a way that is so loud and so unbelievably sweet that we will have a crowd surrounding us; all of them wishing that they were us.”

  I felt my eyes grow wide and I gasped. My heart, which had just calmed down began to beat quickly with fear. However, I knew that I couldn’t give into him, or he might just do it out of spite. So I mustered up enough courage to answer, “You even try to do that and I will scream so loud that you will be arrested before any of that sweetness that you claim to have inside of you is even able to see the light of day.”

  Tyler reared back and squinted his eyes. “What the fuck is wrong with you, woman? I was going to do something nice.”

  “No, it wasn’t nice. The intention was cruel and mildly psychotic. At least my threat had sensibility behind it.”

  “Mine was just more inventive,” he answered, raising his eyebrows before he added, “No, but seriously. I want to know what’s up with you. Why is it such a big deal? The parental unit doesn’t even have a clue. They’re just happy were staying out of their hair so that they can be unending fuck buddies.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Yeah, but what happens when we do get caught?”

  “Are you kidding? My mother and your father are too far into the honeymoon stage to notice that anyone is having sex besides them.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” I answered. “And besides, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Not here.”

  “But we should talk about it?” He asked, once again raising his eyebrows as though he expected to gain some kind of assurance from the assurance that we needed to talk.

  “Sure,” I answered. “I guess it couldn’t hurt anything.”

  He nodded. “Good! So, you were full of shit?”

  At this, I couldn’t help but laugh. I had finally caught him in a moment when I could tease him for once. I cocked my head to the side and narrowed my eyes before I answered, “Oh, wow…Do I sense a touch of insecurity under all those muscles?” I giggled and squeezed his arm affectionately, but I could tell immediately that Tyler was not the least bit amused.

  Now it was Tyler who was glaring at me. He swiftly tugged his arm out from my grasp and answered, “Fuck no. I know what I have. I don’t need anyone to assure me of my capabilities.” Then, he smiled and answered in a softer, yet sarcastic tone, “Although, I can understand that having a real man for the first time can be overwhelming on many levels.” He shrugged and added, “Coming to grips with the fact that you will never be able to get a screw that good from anyone ever again, unless of course, you decide to cozy up to me again, can be a hard thing to get past.” He bowed his head as though he was paying some kind of respect before he added, “I will give you all the time you need.”

  At this, I rolled my eyes and shoved him until he fell over onto the sand. He laughed as his body slid into the soft ground, but I was too concerned with the feeling of my hand against his bare skin. The warmth of it, even though the touch was small and not the least bit intrusive, was electrifying.

  I didn’t understand why, but as my hand pressed against his shoulder and I pushed, I felt a strong, overwhelming sensation of need, allure and excitement overtake me.

  Flashes of notable fragments from the night before bounced in and out of my memory, almost as though I had tried to block them out and they were now coming back.

  However, consciously, I had made no attempt to block him out…block us out, for as wrong as I knew our actions were, I still couldn’t bring myself to completely accept that I shouldn’t do it again. And that was what made me so fearful of what I might do next.

  When Tyler turned to look up at me, he stopped and gazed heavily into my eyes. I allowed him to do this, but not purposefully in the least.

  I didn’t want to look at him and I certainly did not want him to give me the sense of uneasiness and allure that I felt in my stomach as he gazed back at me.

  Without breaking this intense eye contact, Tyler sat up and I thought that he was going to reach out his hand, but I recoiled.

  Finally, I was able to blink, which broke the hypnotizing stare that he held on me. “Well, it’s settled then, I guess. We should talk about where to go from here, but now is not the place and frankly, I’m not sure when I will be ready to talk to you about it.”

  If I didn’t know Tyler as well as I thought I did, I would have sworn that I saw a glaze of disappointment haze over his eyes before he answered, in a cocky fashion, “So, I guess that means you’re not going to be staying here with me?”

  I shook my head. “No. I don’t think that I can. Not now, at least.”

  He nodded, but answered, “Sucks for you. Days at the beach with me are fucking awesome!”

  I smiled at him, almost wishing that I could stay, before I nodded once and answered, “Yeah, Tyler. I know.”

  I got up and walked away, before I gave myself half a chance to change my mind.

  Chapter Thirty


  When she walked away, I hated that I felt a pang in my chest. I had done pretty well, keeping all of those damn feelings inside of me, but now that she had rebuked my advances, I wasn’t sure what I should do.

  She said that she wanted to talk. That was fucking good; right? I truly believed that on some level, even though she knew she had fun with me the other night, she definitely did feel some kind of hurt and guilt about what we had done. And even though I knew I really, really shouldn’t give a shit what she felt, other than my enormous dick inside of her tight pussy, I still felt a sense of aggravation in the fact that she was angry or upset, or whatever the fuck she was.

  It bothered me, but I couldn’t let it slow down my pursuit. She may have regrets now, but she certainly wasn’t regretting shit last night and therefore I knew that while it might not be easy, I had already paved the road toward getting laid again. It was just a matter of time.

  However, in the meantime, I had a competition that Ashley’s perfected ass had charmed me into doing. I needed to prepare.

  So, instead of t
rying to follow her, I let myself fall into the allure of my workout. I decided that I needed it to work off some steam and to prepare, so that would be a good way to restart my day.

  I took off, gliding through the sand with ease and speed. Even though the sand was growing hot on my feet, I used the constant stinging sensation to my advantage. The longer and faster I ran, the closer I was to being done and that was exactly what I wanted. I needed that instinct and power to discipline myself. This summer, I had really relaxed my workout regimen because I was chasing pussy; but I had a feeling that if I focused more on my talents instead of my desires, that everything would fall right back into place.

  Therefore, when I had finally pushed myself to the limit, I made sure that I had enough strength to get back to the house and refuel, just so I could make it back to the gym.

  Feeling as though I was at the end of my physical ability only made me appreciate how powerful I truly was, because it gave me a chance to work through it. Just like anything in life, if I had to fight for it, I figured it was worth getting and that was why, I told myself, I was working so hard to get Ashley to adore me; because it wasn’t easy.

  Fuck her right now, I thought as I made my way over to the gym. I have more important things to think about.

  However, I would have paid money or given anything at that moment for me to believe that thought entirely.

  When I made it to the gym I began my workout, sticking to my repetitions and routine just like the champion I knew that I was.

  At the gym, I was met with careful, wandering eyes from women, which boosted my confidence greatly. I wanted to have a sense of passion associated with my name and my physique, even if being a good man wasn’t exactly in the equation.

  I eyed one woman back diligently and smiled at her in a seductive, suggestive manner. She winked at me before she came over to sit down on the bench next to mine. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before,” she said in a sexy, feminine voice which complimented her wondrous physique perfectly.


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