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Dirty Stepbrother - A Firefighter Romance (The Maxwell Family)

Page 135

by Alycia Taylor

  “Oh, that’s a little something I do. It’s part of my marketing skills. I organize interviews right at the beginning, and then again around four to six months later, just to get people talking again.”

  “You’re brilliant!” I said and grinned at her.

  “Nice of you to say,” she said in an attempt to sound modest, but I knew she completely agreed with me. “Now, the reason I called you in today is not about the interviews. I have a big opportunity for you. You interested?”

  I chuckled. “Are you serious? Of course, I’m interested. I’m all ears.”

  “Well, there’s a new movie coming up, and one of the producers contacted me. He’s a good friend of mine, and we’ve done a lot of work together in the past, so I think he trusts me to find the perfect person for the role. Now, how would you feel about being the lead role?”

  I gasped. My acting career had been on the rise for the past few years, but I had yet to get the leading role in a movie. Getting the lead role would change everything for me. It would elevate me to a level I had not been to before, and it was what I had been trying to achieve since I started.

  “The lead role? Are you serious?”

  She nodded and grinned at me. “I’m serious.”

  “Yes! That sounds amazing.” I almost said yes without even hearing the plot. That’s how excited I was.

  “Okay, so the movie is a little different from the films you’ve done previously. It’s a cowboy love story set on a ranch, and they want you to play the cowgirl. It’s going to have lots of twists and turns, but the core theme is romance. It’s going to be one of those salt-of-the-earth romances that leaves everyone thinking about their own lives. One of those movies that really tugs at your heartstrings. A crowd pleaser.”

  Dorothy was always going on about ‘crowd pleaser’ movies. They were the types of movies that the actors might not necessarily want to be in, but they would be the movies that made them well-loved and well-known. They were important in any actor’s career. Once you’d done a crowd pleaser movie, you’d have the chance to do something you really wanted to do. But first, you had to gain the approval of the public.

  “A cowboy love story? That’s . . . interesting,” I said. “I wonder why they chose me?”

  “You’ve got something about you that they said would suit the role. Even though you dress like a New Yorker, you’ve got this down-to-earth look about you. The sun-kissed hair and bright blue eyes. They said you’d be perfect for the role.”

  “Really?” I blushed. “That’s nice. Only thing is I don’t know the first thing about being a cowgirl. I hope they know that.”

  “Of course. They don’t expect you to know. But they do want you to learn as much as you can. You’re going to get a full month to learn the ropes, and they’ll be shooting out on a ranch in a town called Buffalo, Wyoming. They found the perfect farm for it, and the entire crew will be staying there for quite a while. Not sure how long exactly. A month, maybe two. They want it to feel as authentic as possible, which is why they don’t want to do it in New York.”

  “Whoa! A month or two in Wyoming? Seriously?”

  “Yeah. There’s not going to be much to do out there, so you should get into the role pretty easily. So, what do you think? I know you have to take a month away from your normal life for this, but I think you’ll be smiling when you get paid. If you thought you got paid well for the last job, you’re going to be very happy with this one. And if you nail this one, I envision lots more leading roles for you in the future. You’re in a very good place right now, Sloan. And I definitely think you should roll with it. So, you in?”

  I grinned. Was I in? There wasn’t even a question in my mind. “I’m in!”

  “Wonderful. I knew you would be. This one has your name all over it, I promise. I’ll call you with the details soon. The production team will be leaving in about a month, but I’ll make sure you have all the details before then so that you can prepare for it. We’ll set up a meeting with the rest of the cast soon.”

  “Thank you so much, Dorothy. I couldn’t have chosen a better agent.”

  “It’s my pleasure. But as you know, I can’t do my job without people like you. So continue doing what you’re doing, and I think we’ll have a wonderful future together.”

  I was still grinning the moment I got home. I’d never pictured myself as a cowgirl, but if I wanted to be a brilliant actress, then I was going to have to learn to take on various different types of roles. And there was no way I could turn something like this down yet. I wasn’t at the stage in my career where I had too much choice with roles. I was so busy thinking about what had just happened that I almost didn’t see Victoria getting into the building at the same time as me. She looked at me in surprise.

  “Oh hey, I was in the area and thought I’d see if you were home,” she said.

  “Oh, good timing. I just got back from a meeting. I was actually going to call you anyway, so I’m glad you’re here. Come on up. I can’t wait to tell you all about it.”

  We got up to the loft and I poured us both a glass of champagne. I handed her a glass.

  “Wow, it’s early for champagne. Not that I’m complaining, of course. Does this mean we’re celebrating something?”

  “We sure are!” I beamed.

  “Ooh, tell me more.”

  “Well,” I said and took a sip of the champagne. Champagne was delicious at all times, but it always tasted better with a reason to celebrate. “I got cast in a new role.”

  “You did? That’s wonderful. See? I told you that you had nothing to worry about.”

  “Thank you. I should listen to you more. And guess what?”

  “It’s alongside Brad Pitt?” she said.

  I giggled. “I wish. Actually, I don’t know who the main guy is, but I’m highly doubtful that it’s him. But they want me to play the main role!”

  “They want you to play the leading lady? Are you serious?”

  “I’m serious! I can’t believe it. When Dorothy told me, I almost fell off my chair. I didn’t think it would happen to me so quickly.”

  “Sloan, that’s incredible. I’m so excited for you! You are leading-lady material, that’s for sure. I actually thought they should’ve cast you as the lead in the last one. I bet you they regretted not doing that. That’s probably why you got this role. They could see that you were made for the screen.”

  “Thank you, Vic. That’s nice of you.”

  “So, tell me about the movie. Did they give you details? I want to know everything.”

  “They didn’t give me too many details just yet. I haven’t read the script yet or anything, but she said I should get it this week. All I know is that it’s going to be some cowboy romance.”

  “Ooh, I like the sound of that.”

  “Yeah, very different from the last movie but sounds like fun. And it’s going to be set in Buffalo,” I added.

  “Buffalo? As in upstate?”

  I chuckled. “As in Wyoming.”

  “Wyoming? Seriously?”

  “Yeah. They want it to be as authentic as possible, so they found a nice ranch to film at. They’re going to send me the details on the farm, too, but they said it doesn’t have a website or anything, so I don’t really see how knowing the details on the place is going to help.”

  “They don’t have a website? Are you serious? How can you run a business without a website?”

  I chuckled. “I said the same thing. They are a fully functioning farm, and they have also just recently started doing professional rodeo there. So, doesn’t seem like they need the business or anything. I suppose they make their money from the locals.”

  Victoria pulled a face. “I bet they don’t even have Wi-Fi.”

  “Oh yeah, I didn’t think about that. Nah, I’m sure they do. They have to. Right? Anyway, they want us there for a full month, and they want me to learn all there is to know about being a cowgirl.”

  “What? Are you serious? Have you ever been to Wyoming

  “No, why? Have you?”

  She shook her head. “You wouldn’t catch me dead in a place like that. I know someone who went there once. She hated it. It’s going to be awful. There’s absolutely nothing to do there. No nice shops at all. And you’ll be surrounded by hillbillies all day.”

  I grimaced. “You make it sound pretty bad.”

  “Ah, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to put you off. I’m sure they love it out there. But you can’t compare living in New York to living in the middle of nowhere. Do you really have to go for so long?”

  “Yeah, I have to. It might even be longer, from the sound of it. They want to me really throw myself into the role. Which, to be honest, is pretty exciting. I’ve always wanted to play a character that’s so completely different from who I am now.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to take it?”

  I laughed. “You sound surprised by that. Did you think I’d turn it down?”

  “A full month stuck on a farm just sounds so terrible to me.”

  “Yeah, me too. But the leading role in a big movie sounds awesome, right? It’s worth it. And anyway, the money is going to be amazing. There’s no way that I can turn something like that down. Word might get around that I think I’m too big for my boots and they’ll kick me out on the street.”

  “Yeah, that’s true. It’s not the easiest industry to be in.”

  “Exactly. And the last thing I want is to end up like those homeless people we saw. I mean, look around,” I said as I gestured around the big loft. “I want to keep this place. So, yeah, I’m definitely going to take it.”

  Victoria grinned and held up her glass of champagne. “You’re a brave woman, Sloan Hill. But you’re going to make it big. Here’s to your new adventure! Let’s hope your leading man is absolutely gorgeous.”

  Chapter Five


  When Harold had first told me about the film crew coming in a month, I wasn’t sure I really believed it was going to happen. Why would a big movie production choose us out of all the ranches in the country? I was sure that they were going to call to say that they had changed their mind. Every time I saw Harold, I thought he’d tell me that it was canceled, but each time he just seemed to get more excited about the whole thing. Last week was the first time that I’d allowed myself to fully realize that it was really going to happen.

  I woke up this particular morning with a sense of dread weighing heavily on me. I drank two cups of coffee just to make myself feel a little bit better about everything, but even that didn’t help. On my way out, I saw Grant and walked over to him.

  “Good morning,” he said cheerfully. He took one look at me and cocked his head to the side. “What’s wrong? Doesn’t look like you’re having a very good morning.”

  I sighed. “The film crew are arriving this morning.”

  “What? Already? Damn, that month went by quickly. I thought you still had at least another week to go.”

  “Tell me about it. I wish I still had another week. Well, I better go. I’m hoping I can just keep my head down and work. I hope I don’t have to get involved.”

  “Hey, maybe you’ll get a role in the movie! That would be so cool.”

  I groaned. “Oh, I hope not. Thanks for putting that idea in my head now. There’s no way I want to be in a movie. I don’t even want the ranch to be in a movie, let alone myself.”

  Grant laughed. “Well, good luck, man. Here’s hoping the month goes by fast.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  I walked off wearily to my car and made my way over to the ranch. The moment I got there, I saw Harold talking to someone in a suit. I felt immediately annoyed at the sight. Suits did not belong on the ranch. Was he really going to walk around like that all day? I parked the car and wondered if I should go and say hello or if I should try to keep a low profile for as long as I could. I’d already decided on the low profile angle when Harold saw me and waved me over. I took a deep breath and plastered on a smile, even though I knew it probably looked completely fake.

  “Brady! Glad you’re here. I want you to meet Roger. He’s heading this whole operation.”

  “Part director, part executive, part everything right now,” Roger said and laughed.

  “You sound just like me. It’s good to get involved in everything. Roger, this is the man I was telling you about. The hardest worker you’ll ever meet.”

  I smiled and stuck out my hand to shake Roger’s. His handshake was a little limp, and his hands were so soft I wondered if he’d ever worked outdoors in his life. And if I wasn’t mistaken, he looked like he was wearing makeup. I tried not to groan out loud.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  “Brady, I’ve heard such wonderful things about you from Harold. You’re exactly the sort of man we want to portray in the movie. Hardworking, serious, handsome. Any chance you’re also an actor?”

  I thought of what Grant had told me that morning and felt fear run through me. Please don’t make me get in front of the camera! My smile wobbled slightly. “Oh no, I’m a man of simple needs. I’m definitely not meant for the camera. I like being out on the field doing my work.”

  “It’s true,” Harold said. “Brady here likes to keep to himself. Which is probably what makes him such a good worker,” he said and patted me on the back. I could tell that Harold was trying a bit too hard, but Roger didn’t seem to notice. I assumed he was used to people being overly nice to him.

  “And I hear you’re into the rodeo side of things too. Are you any good?”

  “I’m okay,” I said modestly.

  “He’s fantastic,” Harold said.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far. But I do enjoy it.”

  “That’s good to hear. I can’t say it appeals to me, but then again, I’m a city boy. As you can see,” he said and pointed to his suit. “But we’re definitely going to need your assistance with some of the rodeo stunts. I mean, our actors know nothing about this world that you live in. It’s very different from what they are used to. I hope you don’t mind all the questions that are going to be coming your way.”

  “Nonsense!” Harold boomed. “That’s what Brady is here for. He’ll answer all your questions. Isn’t that right?”

  I forced a smile on my face. “Of course. Ask away,” I said and hoped that I at least sounded genuine. The last thing I wanted was to spend a month at the mercy of other people’s stupid questions, but I knew that I didn’t have a choice.

  “Brady is the man to go to,” Harold said again. I wished I could tell him to stop bringing me into this. He was the one that had agreed to this production, not me. But how could I say no to Harold after everything that he had done for me over the years? I’d just have to grin and bear it and hope that the month would go by quickly.

  “So, do you want a tour of the place?” Harold said.

  “That would be wonderful. Then I can show you what we will need and where we will be shooting certain scenes. You can tell me whether you think the scenes will work or not. The most important thing for me is that I want the film to feel believable. I don’t want the viewers to think that these are actors. I want them to lose themselves in the story and to believe that they are real cowboys and cowgirls.”

  “You’ve chosen the right place,” Harold beamed. “Come on, let’s give you a tour. Brady and I would be happy to show you around.”

  We walked around the farm with Roger, showing him all the different things that we did and pointing out various location points. Roger spoke nonstop, to the point where I felt annoyed, and he came up with the most ridiculous ideas. I didn’t say much at first, but after a while, I decided to give him my thoughts. I told him what would work and what wouldn’t work, and how some of his ideas were too outrageous. I saw Harold give me the eye and I quickly mumbled an apology. But Roger seemed very pleased with me.

  “You see? This is what I want! I need authenticity. So, if ever you think that something is not going to work, I w
ant you to tell me. I want this movie to feel real. Harold, you were right about this man. Brady, I love your no-nonsense approach to everything, and I definitely appreciate your honesty.”

  We continued to walk, and Harold beamed at me. I breathed a sigh of relief that Roger had taken kindly to my observations. At least I could rest assured that my big mouth wasn’t going to get me fired. If there was anything that was going to get me into trouble throughout the upcoming month, it would be my inability to keep quiet when something annoyed me.

  “So, do you actually live here?” Roger asked. The whole idea of living in Wyoming seemed foreign to him.

  “Not on the farm itself,” Harold said. “But we both live pretty close by. Brady is just down there, though. You can actually see his house from here. It’s handy to live close to work. Although, then again, everything is pretty close when you live in this town. It’s how we like it. We’re a small community, and we all know one another. It’s a good thing to be a part of.”

  “A very different life indeed. Well, thank you for letting us be a part of your world for a month.”

  “My pleasure. If there’s anything you need, you just let us know.”

  “So, I’m sure you’re dying to know who the actors are going to be,” Roger said. “They should be arriving soon, and I’ll be glad to introduce you to everyone. They’re going to love it here!” he said and looked around the ranch.

  Roger rattled off a few names of the male cast, and I pretended to know who he was talking about. Then he paused for dramatic effect and leaned toward us.

  “And Sloan Hill is our leading actress!”

  I wasn’t sure what to do with that bit of information. I had no idea who Sloan Hill was. I was grateful when Harold clapped his hands in delight.

  “Oh, I know that name,” he said and mentioned some big blockbuster that apparently everyone was raving about.

  “That’s the one. Although, she was not the main girl. She was the sister in the movie. The blonde one.”

  “Oh, she’s absolutely beautiful. Wow, I didn’t realize the cast would be so impressive,” Harold said. “And to think, it’s all happening on my farm. Amazing.”


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