Zombie Revolution
Page 26
Damon headed back to the fire station. When he got back he made his way up the winding metal staircase that led to the roof. He opened the steel door and was met with a cold blast of wind. Damon sat huddled between the silent air conditioning unit and a large aluminum pipe. He sent out a little prayer to God. He wasn't sure if he was still there or not...or if he was listening to the mechanic anymore. He prayed that everyone would come back safely. “Ah. Now that's a view.” Damon didn't even hear the footsteps. He looked up to see Victoria's slender body perched on the freezing duck work. “So this is where you hide out.”
Damon nodded. “This is my secret place I go when I need to think.” He looked up at her and smirked. “I guess it's not so secret anymore.”
“I guess not. Good place.” The two were silent for a minute. “I guess I want to thank you.”
“For what?”
Victoria shrugged. “For everything, I guess. For being here. We would have died without you guys.”
“No worries. I'm sure you would have figured something out.” He looked up to see her peering down at him. “I think you overestimate me, but I'll take that as a compliment.” She slid down next to him. “How can you stand it up here? It's freezing.”
Damon moved over to give her more room. “Winter's supposed to be cold.” “Okay smartass.” She laughed. It was high pitched but not intolerable. She was so different from Amy. He studied Victoria. Amy was shorter with hair the color like the sun. Victoria's was black as night and just about as tall as him. It was easier to feel attracted to her because the two women were so different. Victoria was intoxicating. “You know that you would be a lot hotter if you didn't worry so much. You have all those worry lines in your forehead.” She said bluntly.
Damon was taken aback. He didn't know what to say. “I'll take that into consideration.” Smooth. Victoria stared into Damon's dark eyes, the moon casting a shadow over his face. It was obvious to Damon now that she didn't just come up there for a friendly chat. What happened next hadn't happened in a very long time. Damon reached out and touched Victoria's smooth face. His fingers tingled with electricity. She clasped her cold hand over his and closed her eyes against his warmth. She leaned forward and found Damon's lips with her own. Her lips were like ice against his. Damon moved his lips with unused experience. He felt a white hot bolt of electricity run through his body, warming him from head to toe. Victoria snaked her tongue between his lips and pressed her breasts against his chest. Damon pulled himself away from her reluctantly. Guilt filled his chest. “Wait-I can't do this.”
Victoria's chest heaved. “Why not?” “I just can't...it's complicated.” Damon played with the silver and gold ring on his finger absently.
“Is this about your wife?” She asked quietly. Her gaze was on his hands. Damon immediately got to his feet and brushed passed her without another word. He left her on the roof, where she stayed long after her toes went numb with the slamming steel door ringing in her ears.
Chapter 43
The next morning Damon wished like hell he didn't agree to Victoria joining their group. He got into the Silverado without saying two words. Harper, Riley and Chloe watched the exchanged glances between the two. Victoria seemed about to say something but then must have decided against it. The three looked at each other with raised eyebrows when the two weren't looking.
They rode in silence to their first destination, the small town of Red Cliff. Its population was less than 400. Damon thought it would be a good idea for finding small shops that may have been saved from looting. After that they would travel to Dillon. He wanted to stay on the interstate as much they could. It made for an easy get away if they drew too much attention to themselves. They only searched commercial areas; it was too dangerous to get separated in the residential neighborhoods.
It was nightfall when the group returned, and to Damon's disappointment they didn't come back with very much. Damon's group was able to bring back enough gasoline to fuel a few more trips for searches. Medical supplies were discovered too at a small clinic in Dillon. Damon didn't know anything about medications, but he was pretty sure he found some antibiotics, or at least he hoped. One thing he knew was that he sure had one hell of a bandage supply. Another search party had better luck on the other side of Vail.
When they got back to the safe zone they were met by an anxious group of survivors. Damon nodded his hellos and drove straight for the hospital where they dropped off the medical things. When they returned to the fire station the same group was gathered in the parking lot. Riley and Harper unloaded the small crates of various canned and boxed goods. “That's it?” One woman asked with her hands on her fat hips. Damon heard an echo somewhere else.
“It's not like shopping at Walmart, lady.” Riley said rudely, slamming the blazer door.
“How are we supposed to survive on that?” A man asked impatiently. Riley's face turned the color of a fresh cooked lobster. “We are the ones out there risking our lives. I don't see any of you doing anything about our little food problem!” He took a step towards the man. “All you do is eat it!” Nobody said anything. “Nobody's making you stay!” Riley echoed what Damon had told both marines earlier in the season. The group mumbled and disbanded. The marine looked at Damon. “I can't believe this bullshit.” He ranted and threw his fist in the air before disappearing into the fire station. He popped his head back out. “Oh and fuck that watch tank shit.”
Damon attempted to say something but stopped midsentence, and then shrugged. The marine would get over it. He always did. Damon finished unloading the supplies when Marco came out to help. The Latino ignored the marine; he was used to the marine's explosions. “He looks like you guys found some shit Homes.” Marco looked over the piles and frowned a little. “Bad day out there, huh?” Damon held up his hand warning him not to go any further. “Alright, Alright. What’s got everyone’s boxers in a twist?” The Latino followed Damon into the dim building where he rejoined his new woman. He missed the altercation with the group. He watched Damon as he made his way through the truck bay. “You need to take it easy, Ese; I think I can see some gray hair in your beard.”
The mechanic grimaced but didn’t respond to the Latino. He had too many other things swimming in his head. He expected that Victoria would stay and try to talk about what happened the night before but she didn't. For that Damon was grateful. He had too much on his plate at the moment. He didn't need more woman trouble. He wanted to tell her that he was sorry for how he acted though. It was obvious to him that he still wasn't over the loss of his wife. His boots echoed up the staircase in the same familiar tone. When he got to the roof he couldn't help but notice that the air was a little warmer than the night before. Spring was coming. Thank God. He was tired of the cold and his joints hurting. He pondered what Marco said about the gray hair. He nodded to himself. The mechanic was starting to feel much older.
Chapter 44
The seasons changed over Vail. The snow melted and the frosty gray mornings said their goodbyes until the next year. Damon noticed that grass was trying to sprout through the brown earth. The sun was warmer on his skin in the mornings. His hopes were higher because they were soon going to be able to plant seeds they accumulated over the winter. The need for food was unending, and the supply wouldn't wait for the plants to grow.
“We've cleaned out all of the small towns around here and haven't got much to show for it.” Riley told Damon over a map of wrinkled Colorado. “Not that I give a rat’s ass if a few choice people starved.”
Damon rubbed his thick brow. “We're gonna have to go for a bigger city. They have bigger supermarkets.” He ignored the reference. He knew who the marine was talking about, and he couldn’t blame him.
“That's a lot more risk.” Riley warned. Chloe walked in. “Kya needs to eat too.” She smirked. That shut the marine up. She knew the tall marine had the hots for her. He still hadn't made his move, even though the poor woman had been throwing herself at him. The teen made it her job to give
him shit about it every chance she got.
“Littleton. That's where we're headed.”
“You're the boss.” Riley said and left the table. “Harper isn't going to be happy about this.”
“Nobody’s really happy about this Riley.” Damon said but the marine was already gone.
Chloe watched him go. “Damon I have an idea how to get everyone's spirits up.” “What's that?” He was half listening and half still thinking about their trip they were going to have to take soon. He admitted that morale was low even though it was spring. He struggled to keep his people fed.
“Let's have a dance with lights and music and fun, yanno?” Damon laughed, and then he saw the look on Chloe’s face and knew she was serious. “I don't know if that would help. Plus that could use up a lot of provisions.”
“When was the last time any of these people heard music?” “Good point. Still I have more important things to worry about. We gotta go out for more supplies very soon.” Chloe's face brightened even more. “That's perfect. We can have the dance before everyone goes out, and I promise I won’t use a lot of food.”
“Okay, Chloe, but I'm not helping with the planning.” “Oh yeppie!” She clapped her hands. “I won't let you down.”
Damon sighed. He never did like to dance.
___________________________ ___________________________ Chloe spent all her time working on putting the dance together. The day came for the event faster than both of them expected and faster than Damon wanted. The teenager had lights and balloons strung up in the center of town. The old clock tower was lit up like a Christmas tree. Damon wasn't happy that they had to use two generators just to power the lights, but Chloe didn't care. She kept her word about using little food, Damon had to admit. The decorations created a completely different atmosphere. You could almost believe there weren't zombies roaming the earth...almost. Children played games until it got dark and then most were taken inside once the music started.
Damon found himself dancing after he had a few drinks with Harper and was surprised to see Riley under the lights swinging along with Kya. He nodded as the marine twirled slowly around. Good for them. Victoria danced around the mechanic making him look more experienced than he was which he was grateful. The lights glowed like fireflies in dark around the two of them. The soft light illuminated Victoria's pale skin, making her black hair seem almost a midnight blue. She found his hand when a slow song drifted over the speakers, and Damon twirled her into his chest. With their bodies pressed closely together they spun in slow circles. Damon could feel her breasts rise and fall against his muscled chest with every breath that she took. When she laid her head on his shoulder and kissed his neck, Damon felt an electric sensation shoot down to his manhood. It was then he realized what he would be doing later that night, and honestly…he was excited. “I'm having such a great time.” She whispered into his ear, and then playful bit his lobe.
“I'm glad.” Damon placed a finger under her chin and tilted her lips to his. She met his willingly. She tasted like the spiced liquor they both had been drinking.
They broke away when the song ended, and it changed to rap. Damon thought the mess of noise had no real way to dance to, but Victoria changed her technique. She turned and pressed her ass against his pelvis and moved her hips rhythmically to the beat. She leaned back into Damon's chest as she tossed her short locks to one side. Damon held her to him with his thick hands and traced his lips down her neck to her exposed collar bone. He could feel himself getting excited. She craned her head back so that Damon could kiss her lips next. Victoria moved her legs so that she was straddling his left leg. Damon could feel her heat against his body while she massaged his tongue with her own. He suddenly pulled away when he remembered where he was. “Follow me...” She whispered, knowing what he was thinking, as she intertwined her fingers in his and led him silently through the crowd. Damon nodded to the people he knew in the crowd, not wanting to snub them. He happened to glance down an alley that they passed and saw Harper and Liz next to a dumpster mauling each other. He ignored the looks he got from most of the people. Victoria led Damon down West Meadow Drive to where the apartment buildings were. It was where she and others from her caravan had taken up residence. Even Kya had begun calling the place home. She told Damon the reason she left the fire station was it felt too much like a refugee center, and she wanted to feel more at home where she lived.
When Damon walked through the main door, he noticed the hallway still smiled like death even though they had washed the walls and removed the bodies. It was something that hit you in the back of the throat. The walked passed a number of doors before she stopped in front of one. She unlocked the ordinary looking door with a key she found in the manager's office. She had managed to find a copy of nearly half the keys in the apartment building. “Nice place-” It was all the mechanic could get out before the dark haired woman attacked him with her lips. She wasted no time working Damon's white shirt up and over his head revealing his tanned chiseled abs and well defined biceps. She licked her lips in approval. Damon pulled Victoria close and kissed her neck down to her shoulders while he worked the clasp of her bra. Both shirt and bra hit the floor without a sound while Damon moved down to her pink nipples. They stumbled through the living area in an uncoordinated dance. The rest of the clothes were shed when they got to the bedroom.
Damon pushed every thought out of his blurry mind when he saw Victoria lying completely exposed on the bed. He crawled over her body, and they both disappeared under the covers.
Chapter 45
Bright light seared Damon’s mahogany eyes when he awoke the next morning. He rolled onto his side in the soft pillow top and saw Victoria breathing quiet whispers adjacent to him. Shit! He sat up gently and got out of the bed as silently as possible. His feet hit the cold floor. Damon pulled his dark jeans on quietly as he could. He had an anchor of guilt in his gut as he gazed down at Victoria with her black hair a mess still tangled in the white sheets. Damon felt a tear form in the corner of his eye when his brain wandered to his wife. What the hell did you do you bastard? His brain screamed at him. He couldn't help but feel dirty about what had transpired the night before. She was gone. Why couldn't his heart accept that? He didn't have an answer. He pulled his shirt over his head and walked out of the apartment without a word.
When he walked out into the bland hallway he ran into Riley. The tall marine was coming out of Kya's room. “Oh…hey, Damon.” He said with a smile on his face. At least he was happy about what he did the night before.
“Hey...” Damon said absently. Riley, reading his mind, didn't press about what he was doing at Victoria's apartment. “Don't worry, Buddy. Everything will be okay.”
“Right...” He said refusing to look at the tall marine. “Know where Harper is?” He changed the subject.
“Wherever Liz is.” Damon nodded. “Well he's probably either at the fire station or his house. Hopefully, at the fire station because we need to get ready for Littleton.”
The tall marine sighed. “Man...we never get a vacation.”
“Hey it’s not like we are working to pay bills...” “Yeah, yeah. At least we get to kill more deaders.”
“Yes there's always that.” As they walked Damon couldn't bring himself out of his mood. He and Riley walked side by side the entire way to the fire station. On their way they passed the ruins of the church. Both gazed at the pile of rubble. It had long stopped smoldering; all that was left was the stone steps and the iron bell. Damon was surprised nobody asked to rebuild it. Not yet anyway.
Survivors on the street nodded when the two passed. They had been cleaning since sunrise. Cups and decorations littered the cobblestone. Damon noticed that Chloe wasn't among them. It didn't surprise the mechanic because he had a hard time waking the teenager before ten every morning. Damon hoped the dance was a success but cared little at the moment. He was sure Chloe would fill him in on every detail when she finally woke up.
The fire station came int
o view. Damon could see Harper hooking up the trailers to both of their death machines. Everyone in these parts were early birds. He was never one for mornings. “I didn't know we were doing this today.” Damon said when they got close enough for the big marine to hear.
“No better time like the present.” “Get it over with, I guess, like a tearing off a bandage.” Riley always agreed with Harper. Damon went inside the station where he washed up, changed and got his supplies together. Chloe met him in the barracks with Lucky in her arms. He was correct in thinking the teenager would spare no details about the dance. According to her the dance was a smashing success. After she was done talking the mechanic's head started to pound. At least she didn't ask where he was the night before. “Are we going today?” She asked changing the subject.
“Yes, if I can't talk you out of coming with.” “Nope.”
“I thought so. Then get your shit together.” He couldn’t shake his attitude. Chloe put the cat down who meowed unhappily. Damon finished packing and met Harper and Riley downstairs. Chloe soon followed down the pole. The three sat around the table. “Okay, so we are going to hit the Walmart in Littleton. There is going to be a lot more zombies. We can count on that. So, everyone needs more than one weapon.” Damon looked to his left. “You got those bombs for us, Harper?”
Harper nodded and put ten pipe bombs on the table with shiny new phones attached to them. “Careful with these babies.” “Stay in a group, don't get separated yanno yadda, yadda, yadda.” Damon said not wanting to go into all the details since they had done basically the same thing many times before.
Damon got up to load the trucks when something punched him in the gut. He just remembered that Victoria was part of their group. Was he really going to leave her behind? Before his own mind could answer he saw the black haired woman walking down the road towards him...more like stomping. He could have sworn he saw smoke coming from her ears. Oh shit. He was just thinking that he definitely should have said something to her before he left. “Am I some one night stand, Damon?” Her pale skin was an unusual shade of red.