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Rendezvous with Royalty (Billionaire, MMF, BBW Erotic Romance) (Delilah Donahue)

Page 1

by Olivia Winsley

  Rendezvous with Royalty

  By Olivia Winsley

  Copyright © 2013 Olivia Winsley

  All rights reserved.

  Rendezvous with Royalty

  Book design by Olivia Winsley

  Cover image used under a Creative Commons Attribution License:

  Chapter One

  The spacious ballroom on the third floor of the Triton hotel was positively buzzing with activity as servers in black uniforms placed dining necessities on the plethora of round tables littering the room. I tapped my lower lip with a pen, the clipboard resting against the inside of my elbow slowly filling up with check marks and scribbled notes. I was being a bit of a hard ass on the staff today, but I didn’t want to screw up my first big assignment.

  I had been Willard Triton’s personal assistant for three months now and he was finally saddling me with some of the bigger projects involving the towering, New York hotel. Triton was getting older, almost into his eighties, and he knew he needed help with the clerical side of things—help that his self-entitled heir and son, Giovanni, couldn’t and wouldn’t provide. Willard was a kindly old man, but ruthless in business. He was careful to make me earn my stripes with smaller, less-important tasks over the past few months in an attempt to gauge my abilities. I had practically jumped for joy when he’d plopped this project on my desk a few weeks ago.

  The Triton Metropolitan Ball. It was an annual event held late into the autumn months for the rich and well-to-do from all around the world. Triton was wealthy and influential enough that to snub such an invitation was akin to death in the public eye as a figure with any sort of pull or power. Not only was it my job to oversee the set up of the ballroom, but I was also to personally escort and provide my services to two of Mr. Triton’s most esteemed guests. I bit down softly on the tip of my pen as my eyes scanned the guest list once more, settling on a particular pair of names with a mix of giddy excitement and anxious dread at my full responsibility for the entertainment of said men. Sebastian and Frederick de Wit, members of the Dutch royal family. I was in charge of ensuring the pleasant evening of two living, breathing princes. If I wasn’t so intent on everything being arranged perfectly before the guests arrived, I probably would have offered myself more time to realize what a fantasy I had stumbled into. I’d dreamed of being a princess as a little girl, dreamed of even just one prince appearing to sweep me off my feet and away from the troubles and stresses of normal life.

  “Pardon me, ma’am,” A timid voice snapped me from my pondering. “but where should be put this?”

  “That should be the missing centerpiece for table twenty-nine.” I said quickly, shaking my head and ridding myself of the silly memories and the girlish fantasies. Today was not the day to lose my head in awestruck reverence of two men, royalty or not. Today was the day to prove my worth to Mr. Triton. He had been wary about hiring me so fresh out of university, but I’d made a hard case for my merit as an employee and my ability to grow under the proper guidance. I couldn’t let him down now.

  I glanced at my sterling silver watch and realized it was about time to get myself ready. I had a beautiful red gown picked out and paid for by Mr. Triton himself that would offset my dark curls stunningly and make the shade of ruby red lipstick I’d picked out pop even more. I trusted the staff to finish up with the final tasks on their own but made sure Leo, the head staffer, knew to call my cell if anything went wrong. The ball was set to start in less than two hours and guests would begin showing up in half that time.

  I hurried to the elevator and rode it up to the twenty-seventh floor where I had a room reserved. I slid the keycard quickly and latched the door behind me, slipping out of my plain black skirt and dark blue blouse. Standing there in my rather plain-looking underwear, I took a moment to scrutinize my appearance in the full-length mirror opposite the cushiony king-size bed. A slight frown touched my lips as I thought my hips probably curved outward a little too much, my stomach wasn’t quite as flat as it could be. I’d begun to see my body, which had always been on the curvy side of the spectrum, as more alluring in the past few months. My position as a powerful CEO’s assistant put me into contact with plenty of affluent men who had no shame in checking out the contours of my ass or the shapely arches of my breasts. However, the imminent arrival of my two most-valued guests turned me back into a self-conscious teenager, staring at myself with not a small touch of envy for the skinnier, super-model types that would be populating the ballroom this evening. The de Wits probably wouldn’t pay me any mind beyond polite introductions.

  I turned from the mirror, refusing to give myself more time to feel uneasy. I was beautiful and the opinion of two stuffy little rich boys was not going to change that. I unhooked my bra and slid out of my cotton panties, throwing on a lacy red pair that matched my dress and made my pale skin shine. The matching bra brought a sly smile on my lips as I took in my image once again. How long had it been since I’d last spent the night with a man? At least half a year, I mused. I had been too busy with job applications and working to bother with a boyfriend or even a one night stand. My best friend Mina had proclaimed that a lack of sex was not good for a young, professional woman like me, but I had merely scoffed at her playful concern and continued to pour myself into my work. If I ever wanted to move up in this business, I needed to make a name for myself through dedication and integrity, not by sleeping around.

  Still, the longing for a good roll in the hay was tempting. I deserved a little reward for putting this event together, didn’t I? Even if it wasn’t with royalty, I could probably find somebody to take home tonight. A discrete, obligation-free night of fun sounded like the perfect remedy for my frazzled nerves.

  I pulled the strapless gown up over my breasts and managed to hike the tiny zipper in the back up to my neck. I did a turn for myself in the mirror, admiring the way the custom-made dress hugged my ample curves and spilled to the floor in waves. I sat down at the vanity in the corner of the room and applied a smoky layer of make-up before polishing my lips bright and red. I usually wasn’t so outgoing with my make-up, but today seemed like the perfect day to go all out. My hair had been styled by a professional into dark, loose curls earlier in the afternoon, and I merely removed a few pins to release it, allowing it to cascade down my back and over my shoulders. A tiny diamond hair pin slid effortlessly into my curls and gave a simple accent to the look. I smiled at my reflection, pleased with my appearance and my prospects for later in the evening.

  I had almost forgotten about my two guests who were to arrive at any minute.

  Chapter Two

  I met up with Leo downstairs to see how the remainder of the set up had progressed and was pleased to find everything in order. The official start time for the ball was at eight, but a few guests were already trickling in a half-hour early. I greeted a number of Mr. Triton’s more well-known business associates, some of whom remembered me from past business meetings or luncheons. It was a bit of a thrill to have a preeminent executive remember your name, especially when you had expected to be nothing more than a fly on the wall in the various high-profile assemblages.

  I was surveying the room for Mr. Triton when Leo approached me from behind, tapping me gently on the shoulder and clearing his throat politely.

  “Miss Donahue,” he began, turning me gently toward the main entrance. “I believe your special guests have arrived.”

  I felt a thrill of anxiety course through me as I scanned the incoming crowd, finding
my targets almost immediately. They were impossible to overlook. My heart jumped into my throat at the sight of the pair, decked out in expensive tuxedos with matching little pendants on their lapels signifying their royal heritage. I knew them from photos provided to me by Mr. Triton, but the glossy little squares did them no justice. Sebastian was the taller of the pair and the elder, having turned thirty just a month prior. His hair was a dark, golden-blonde, groomed back and cut stylishly above his collar. His eyes sparkled bright blue even from across the crowded ballroom. His skin was pale yet held a healthy, radiant glow. The tux he wore was accented with a dark blue kerchief poking from his pocket and the silver watch on his wrist must have been worth thousands.

  Frederick de Wit was a hair shorter and would be turning twenty-eight in a few weeks. His hair, in contrast to his brother’s, was dark and a bit long, hanging mischievously into his eyes which were a darker shade of blue than Sebastian’s cerulean orbs. His skin was smooth and pale, his shoulders broad. The kerchief in his pocket was a shimmery gray-silver instead of blue.

  I couldn’t help but stare. Even as I approached the pair, weaving in and out of beaming guests and busy staff, I kept my eyes glued to their alluring forms. They were quickly gathering a circle of admirers, many of whom were women who had come with other well-to-do men, but who could blame them from straying to say hello to the handsome brothers? I powered my way through this mass of beauties and approached the de Wits with the best confident smile I could muster.

  “Good evening, Mr. de Wit.” I bowed lightly toward Sebastian before turning to Frederick. “My name is Delilah Donahue, and I’ll be your personal escort for the evening, as per Mr. Triton’s wishes.”

  Frederick beamed brightly at my introduction, flashing a gleaming set of perfectly straight, white teeth. He bowed back good-naturedly and Sebastian merely nodded his head with a slight, closed smile.

  “We have been informed of your service by Mr. Triton already,” Frederick’s voice came out low and dark like melting chocolate. “but he failed to mention how utterly stunning you would be.”

  I couldn’t help the girlish giggle that escaped me as the younger brother’s eyes swept my form up and down. The gaggle of women around us seemed displeased by the sudden preoccupation with the lowly assistant girl, but I tuned out their clicking tongues and narrowed eyes. I knew Frederick was merely being the gentleman he’d been trained from birth to be, but the compliment still caused a swell of warmth and appreciation within me.

  “You’re too kind, Mr. de Wit.” I smiled sheepishly.

  “Oh, call me Frederick, please.” He held out a hand, palm up, inviting me to reach out as well. His accent was soothing but not as prominent as I’d expected. I supposed the brothers had had their fair share of English meetings and political associations to become fairly well-spoken in more than just their native tongue.

  I laid my hand gently on his and felt sparks of electric desire course through my skin where we touched. He lifted my hand to his lips and brushed them sensually across the back, his deep ocean eyes never leaving mine. This man sure knew his way around women, I thought as I nearly melted from his heated gaze. When he released my hand, I was surprised to find Sebastian stepping in. Unlike his brother, Sebastian grabbed my hand himself and brought it up for a kiss, no playful smile, no exchange of pleasantries. His light eyes were smoldering in a way I had never seen in a man before and I immediately recognized the dichotomy between the two brothers. Where Frederick was mirthful and teasing, Sebastian was reserved and intense. Still, Sebastian’s cool touch lit the same flame within me as Frederick’s warmer caress. I quickly lost sight of the world around me as I took in their forms once more and felt the heat begin to gather in my delicate folds. I quickly squashed the feeling, knowing I was being absurd. To humor any sort of notion that I could have these two gods among men was insanity, but I would drink in every drop of their essence for the remainder of the evening.

  Chapter Three

  The event was nearing its successful close when I finally stumbled across Giovanni Triton. Sebastian and Frederick had spent much of the evening making small talk with guests I didn’t know, investors and businessmen who wanted a piece of the royal Dutch pie. It was no secret how incredibly wealthy the brothers were, both from inheritance as well as smart business practices, but you would be surprised how far people were willing to go to suck up to the opulent princes. I expected the smug son of Mr. Triton to do much of the same as he approached, a flute of champagne in his tanned hand and a drunken bimbo attached to his arm like a leech, but his face immediately devolved into a sneer and his voice was as cold as ice.

  “Delilah, I see my father’s kept you around.” He said, moving his glass back and forth and sloshing the bubbly liquid around. “You were in charge of this shindig, weren’t you?”

  I nodded, an uneasy feeling spreading within me. Giovanni had always been the opposite of his father. He was slick and sneaky. He thought his father’s money was indicative of his own success and perseverance in life, but he merely sat in the wings, waiting for the old man to die so he could scoop up even more of the Triton fortune. He was handsome, yes, but his personality had always rubbed me the wrong way. He was a complete ass if I ever saw one, and he’d hated me since Mr. Triton had brought me on, probably because he saw no need for my services. If his father needed help, he should just hand over the company now. That’s how he saw it, anyway.

  “Hmm, it was much better last year.” He said in an offhand manner, staring into his glass. “I guess that’s what you get when you have common people like yourself make merry for the better off.”

  Frederick had appeared at my side after wrapping up a conversation with another guest in time to hear this comment. His azure eyes narrowed in alarmed confusion. I floundered, attempting to find some witty comeback but also knowing that I couldn’t publicly insult the CEO’s son at the company’s biggest single event of the year. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the jab, but before I could reply, a deep voice injected itself into our conversation.

  “Mr. Triton, sir.” Frederick forced a friendly smile on his face, but it didn’t seem very genuine. “I have had the pleasure to spend the evening with Miss Donahue at my side and I will vouch for her decidedly uncommon nature.”

  Sebastian approached, flanking me on my other side. I felt dwarfed by the two towering men, their bodies close enough to me that I could feel the warmth radiating from their lean figures. The blonde brother said nothing, but fixed Giovanni with a firm stare. I would have been cowering in a corner had those eyes been directed at me, his look was so intense.

  Giovanni paused for a moment, scowling before slapping on a smirk.

  “I was merely making commentary on the evening in my own opinion.” He said smoothly, the blonde woman next to him growing bored with the conversation and tugging on his jacket. Giovanni ignored her, fixing Sebastian with a glare of his own. “I am allowed to have my own opinion, aren’t I? This is my father’s hotel, after all, and soon it will be mine.”

  Frederick’s smile widened as he pulled me to his body, wrapping one strong arm around my waist and drawing me beside me gracefully.

  “I am fully aware of Mr. Triton’s worth,” his grin turned into a sly smirk. “but what have you done to earn my respect? You have merely insulted my friend and the lovely evening she helped put together.”

  Giovanni gave an undignified smirk and shook his head.

  “I guess royalty doesn’t equal intelligence. You might have a lot in the bank, my boy, but you’ve got a long way to go until you’re ready to play in the big leagues. Your family’s money, your name—it can’t keep you afloat forever. Keep running your mouth like that and you’ll be chewed up by the real movers and shakers.”

  Frederick nodded politely.

  “And you’re sure to be burned as soon as you step out from your father’s shadow.” Sebastian cut in, the first time I’d heard him speak. He’d spent most of the evening listening to others speak an
d nodding politely. His voice was deeper than Frederick’s, quiet but powerful. I felt a shiver run down my spine at both his proximity and his tone. Before Giovanni could reply, Frederick guided me away from the bumbling businessman and toward a side door. Sebastian followed silently behind, but I could sense some sort of unbridled ire beneath his serene exterior.

  I felt an incredible admiration for these two men as they escorted me through the door and into an adjoining hall that was supposed to be for serving staff only. It truly was a fairy tale, with two Prince Charmings coming to my rescue, not that I couldn’t have handled sniveling Giovanni on my own. I’d dealt with the man for months now but having such attractive, intimidating men on my side felt even better than taking him down alone.

  I came to a stop at the end of the hall near the service elevator and turned to the men. Frederick had his now trademark grin on his face while Sebastian seemed to have calmed considerably. He slipped one hand into his pocket and leaned against the wall. I struggled to find the correct words of gratitude, but Frederick opened his mouth first.

  “That guy is a real charmer, huh?” He laughed quietly, rubbing his face with one hand. His hand slid into his hair and rearranged the messy strands briefly before they fell back across his forehead.

  “He’s a dick.” I scowled, not bothering to censor myself. Frederick seemed to enjoy my crass attitude while Sebastian merely nodded. “Listen, you didn’t have to do that back there. He’s probably going to expend the rest of his energy tonight talking as poorly as he can about you two to whoever will listen.”

  “Ah, let him.” Frederick waved his hand dismissively. “The little make their fun by tearing down the big.”

  I smiled warmly as Sebastian and Frederick exchanged a glance. An imperceptible nod from the older man caused me to raise an eyebrow in confusion. What were these two up to? Suddenly, Frederick stepped closer, taking my hand once more and bringing it to his breast.


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