Bannerman the Enforcer 3
Page 12
“Well, it didn’t hurt you to feel a little jealous, did it?”
His mouth tightened and his eyes blazed and then, abruptly, he smiled, grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently. “You little vixen! I ought to turn you up and paddle your behind!”
She laughed up into his face. “Are you threatening? Or promising?”
He grinned and then there was a yell from the riverboat and they looked towards it.
The winch was taking up the slack and the cable twanged and suddenly a huge black, dripping shape broke the surface and dangled from the end of the grab.
Romero slid his arm about Julie’s waist and she clung tightly to him as they stared at the first of the cannons, seeing the light of day and feeling the heat of the Texas sun for the first time in fifty years.
A thin, glittering stream of gold spilled from the muzzle.
The Bannerman Series by Kirk Hamilton
The Enforcer
Ride the Lawless Land
… And more to come every month!
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