Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget!

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Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget! Page 4

by A. K. Galindo


  She could tell by the raised voices in the foyer that Max was in a horrendous mood and Manny and Peter were extremely agitated with him. The two men had known Max since birth and had watched him grow up. The divorce of his parents, at age one had been hard on Max. Christina had only made it worse with the lies she filled Max’s head with regarding Mary Kate and by continually undermining Alex.

  Max was twelve when Mary Kate and Alex married, but he never accepted the marriage. He still had hope for reconciliation between his mother and father. Christina filled Max’s head with vicious lies about Mary Kate and life was pure hell for everyone when he was around. He was rude and hateful to Mary Kate and it was an ongoing war between Max and Alex. She finally asked Alex to either tell him the truth about his mother, or stop defending her. She was tired of being the reason for all the battles when they were all together.

  Alex wanted Max to realize on his own what type of person his mother was. If he tried to tell him instead, Max would resent Alex and the situation would be worse. Mary Kate didn’t feel it was her place to divulge who was responsible for the problems and his parent’s eventual divorce, but she wasn’t sure with everything else going on if she could stand much more.

  Mary Kate knew Max would come after her with his father no longer around and that is exactly what he did. When he entered the house, he could hear the piano and knew where to find Mary Kate. He went straight to the living room.

  Max entered the living room yelling at Mary Kate, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Alex was sitting on the piano bench with Mary Kate in his arms. He turned and stood up to face Max. The shock on Max’s face as he froze and stared at his father was painful to watch.

  “¿Ah mi Dios, es que usted Padre?” Oh my God, is that you Dad? Max almost whispered as he continued to gape at his father.

  Alex walked over to him and put his arms around him and held him until he began to feel the shock ease. Max leaned back and looked into his father’s eyes and couldn’t move his mouth to form any words, he just couldn’t believe it.

  “I knew you weren’t dead, I just knew it”, Max said when he could finally speak. “What happened, why didn’t you tell me or get in touch with me? What is going on?” Max turned toward Mary Kate, “I bet you knew, and it was you who kept him from telling me. That is just like something you would do.”

  Mary Kate rose slowly and walked toward Max. When she got right in front of him she stopped and looked him straight in the eye and with a controlled voice barely more audible than a murmur, “I knew nothing about your father’s seclusion, but he will tell you the situation and reasoning behind it all. I have suffered just as you have at trying to adjust to losing your father and dealing with the shock of his return on top of the loss of your grandfather.”

  Max started to speak, but Mary Kate kept right on talking. “I’ve been through enough pain without you adding to it with your inexcusable accusations. I’m not your mother and I’ve never tried to be. I’ve never done anything to you, but care for you and try to at least be your friend, but I can see that will never happen. All I’m guilty of is loving your father, and trying to keep peace with you when we’re in the same room. You have always blamed me that your parents never reconciled, but someday somebody should enlighten you regarding that situation.” Mary Kate turned to look at Alex but still addressed Max, “Unless you want it to be me, you will not ever speak to me like that again.” Mary Kate walked around them both and out the door into the courtyard and across to the suite and slammed the door.

  Alex called after Mary Kate, but she never paused. He stayed in the living room to talk to Max. She could hear him informing Max that his behavior toward Mary Kate was inexcusable and he would no longer tolerate it. Dealing with his disappearance had been a very painful time for her, and she was still reeling from the shock of his return and to leave her alone.


  He sat down on the sofa with Max and explained everything to him that had transpired over the last two months and that they were all still in danger. He wanted Max to understand there was no other way to handle the ordeal other than for him to disappear so that the cartel believed him to be dead. Also, when his father died he had to come out of seclusion. Alex discussed the security and the need for him to cooperate with Manny and Peter and the team until the assassin was apprehended or eliminated.

  Max just couldn’t believe that his father was there. He loved his father very much, but he did blame Mary Kate for his parents not reconciling. He would never forgive her. Max just couldn’t believe his father could love and defend such a person. Christina had always told him what a deceitful, underhanded person Mary Kate was and had convinced Max that Alex was planning to get back together with her until Mary Kate manipulated him into marrying her to get control of her father’s company. He would leave her alone for the time being, but he would never accept her.

  Manny and Peter had listened to the scene from the courtyard and were now coming into the living room to brief Alex and bring Max up to date with the security situation. The men also needed to discuss the upcoming arrangements for the service for Sr. Chavez and how the security for all of them would be handled. Max went off to the kitchen to find Maria and get something to eat.

  Peter excused himself to check on the security around the house and outlying areas of the ranch, while Manny continued to discuss security for the next several days. He was not happy about the celebration that was to be held at the ranch after Sr. Chavez’s service. Security at the church would be enough of a challenge, but security at the ranch during the fiesta would be a nightmare. Manny made Alex promise there would be no heroics at any time. Keeping him safe, along with Mary Kate and Max would be enough to deal with without having to worry about him doing something gallant. Manny told Alex his responsibility was to take care of Mary Kate, and he and the team would take care of the rest.

  The two men concluded their conversation regarding security and upcoming events. Manny left to return to their temporary security command post in the office above the barn. Alex went to check on Mary Kate.

  Alex entered the suite and saw Mary Kate sitting in one of the burgundy leather wingback chairs by the fireplace. He walked over and sat on the ottoman in front of the chair. Alex took Mary Kate’s hands in his, and looked at her tear stained face with grave concern. He caressed her hands and gently turned them to kiss the palms and then held them, and started to speak.

  Mary Kate burst out sobbing, “I’m sorry. I don’t know what is wrong with me. I knew Max would act the way he did and I thought I was prepared, but I just couldn’t control myself. It’s so unlike me to lose control of my temper, especially with Max, even if he deserves it.” Mary Kate laid her head back against the headrest of the chair, and continued to sob. “I know it has been hard on him too, but I just can’t take any more from him, not after all I’ve been through.”

  “I know and I’m sorry,” Alex replied as he stood and drew her up from the chair and into his arms. “I’m to blame for all of this added misery. If I hadn’t gone on that last assignment, none of this would have happened. You had a bad feeling about it and you were right. I’m so sorry for all of this; will you ever forgive me?” He held her and soothed her as he kissed the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

  “Mary Kate, I have spoken to Max regarding his behavior. I told him I won’t accept his treatment of you any longer; however, I have not changed my mind about telling him about his mother’s behavior prior to our divorce or the annulment. I won’t address it and I am asking you not to either.”

  “I understand your feelings Alex, but he’s got to know someday. He’s not a child anymore. He can’t go through life thinking Christina is a saint; blaming you and me for everything wrong in the world.”

  “He won’t. In time, he will realize the type of woman his mother is, and that you are a saint to have put up with all of this for so long.”

  Mary Kate smiled for the first ti
me in days as she replied wickedly, “Well, maybe not a saint.”

  Alex gathered her up in his arms and she returned the embrace, both laughing at her remark.

  “I’m going for a ride to check on the cattle, why don’t you come with me. Some fresh air and a ride will be good for you,” Alex coaxed. Riding had always been a great pleasure and stress reliever for both of them. The openness and beauty of the ranch brought them both such peace and tranquility.

  Mary Kate questioned with real concern, “Is it safe for you to be that far away from the house and the stables? I thought we all needed to stay in the immediate area.”

  “Manny has the area secured, and two men will be close at all times.”

  “I’d rather go in the truck or the jeep if we leave the immediate area around the house. I really don’t feel like riding. I’m just not myself,” Mary Kate responded with distress in her voice.

  Alex thought that was an odd reply, because Mary Kate loved to ride. She finally convinced him that one the trucks or SUVs would be much safer and easier to secure; so, to make her feel more comfortable he agreed and they headed for the barn area.

  The two of them checked in with the security detail regarding their plans and went to the garage to get one of the double cab ranch trucks. It had been a long time since the two of them had ridden the pastures and checked the herd. This brought back a peace that they both needed desperately. Just the two of them went riding, and who knew how many security men were in the area, enjoying the late afternoon sun as they rode through the pasture.

  Alex’s phone rang; he looked at the ID and saw that is was Peter. He answered and then hung up quickly as he turned the truck around and headed back to the house.

  “Unfortunately, we have to go back to the house because we have a guest,” Alex stated regretfully.

  Mary Kate looked at Alex with curiosity, and before she could ask who was at the house Alex told her. “It’s Christina, and Max has already told her I’m here and she is hysterical.” Alex stopped the truck and looked at Mary Kate to gauge her reaction to the news.

  “I’m fine, and I’ll gear up for round two.” They drove back to the house in silence. As they rode Alex reached for her hand and drew her to him and put his arm around her. She relaxed and put her head on his shoulder for the duration of the ride. She had always found such comfort and security in his powerful arms.

  When they entered the house through the kitchen, Mary Kate decided to stay with Maria and help with coffee and cake. She felt it would be better if Alex met with Christina alone first. Meetings with her were always difficult and it would be more so under the circumstances. Alex went to the living room to try and calm Christina.

  Christina was a very beautiful woman even in her hysterics, real or otherwise. She was dressed in a white designer pantsuit that accentuated her bronzed skin and long chestnut hair that fell to her shoulder blades. She had eyes the color of coffee, a perfect little turned up nose, a bow of a mouth and an aristocratic chin. At five feet nine inches tall, she was every bit the prima donna.

  After a few minutes, Mary Kate entered the living room with a tray of coffee and cake to find Christina in Alex’s arms being soothed and calmed. Mary Kate stopped and glared at the scene before regaining her composure and continuing to the table to set the tray she was carrying down. Christina loved every minute of it and Mary Kate wanted to throw the tray, coffee and all, at both of them.

  Mary Kate’s emotions were already on overload and seeing Alex comforting his ex-wife, and mother of his only child, was almost more than she could bear. There were years of memories shared between Alex and Christina that made her uncomfortable and jealous at times. She set the tray down with a loud thud and turned to Christina to say hello.

  Alex looked at Mary Kate and realized that the scene she walked in on probably didn’t set very well with her and he backed away from Christina. He went to her and put his arm around his wife. Mary Kate was very stiff in response to Alex’s caress and gave him a very strained smile. Mary Kate offered them all coffee and cake and then served them. She played the perfect hostess.

  Max was sitting in a chair by the fireplace watching the entire scene and looking very smug. He didn’t say a word, but then he didn’t have to. He loved the affection displayed by his parents and the stress in Mary Kate’s face knowing she could do nothing to stop it.

  When Mary Kate had finished her coffee and cake, she excused herself stating that she was tired and wanted to lie down for a few minutes before getting ready for dinner. Alex asked if Christina would like to stay for dinner since Max was staying at the house and they wouldn’t have much time together over the next few days. Mary Kate paused at hearing Alex’s invitation before leaving the room.

  Christina replied, “I would love to stay for dinner, but I will be seeing a great deal of Max while I am here, he will be staying with me at the Inn in Cedar Creek.”

  “Max cannot leave the ranch without security and we can’t keep him as secure in town as we can here. Max will be staying here,” Alex told her.

  “Why doesn’t Mom stay here with us? There is plenty of room and that way I can visit with her and I will be protected. I am sure Mary Kate wouldn’t mind,” Max turned to face Mary Kate as he finished his statement, “would you Mary Kate?”

  “No, of course not. The house is certainly big enough for all of us. Now if you will excuse me, I’ll ask Maria to make up the guest bedroom next to Max’s room.”

  Mary Kate walked out of the room in search of Maria to ask her to prepare Max’s room and the guest room next to it for Christina. Maria just looked at Mary Kate, hugged her, and went off mumbling in Spanish.

  Mary Kate went on to the suite and went straight to the bedroom, drew back the comforter and sat down. She removed her boots and her belt, which was a little tight, and lay back on the bed and tried to rest.

  She heard Alex come in the door of the suite and walk into the bedroom where he stopped at the door. Mary Kate didn’t even turn and look at him. Alex walked around to the side of the bed where she was laying, sat down on the edge of the bed and turned Mary Kate to face him. She was so angry she couldn’t even speak.

  “What did you want me to do, tell her she couldn’t stay here?” he asked. Mary Kate didn’t answer. “If I sent her away, Max would have gone with her and you know we can’t keep him safe anywhere else but here at the ranch with us.”

  “She is so distraught from screaming and carrying on that we have to return to the house so you can comfort her and settle her down. Was that what you were doing when I walked in the living room?” Mary Kate just stared at Alex, and then continued. “Then Max and Christina manipulated an invitation for Christina to stay here with us at the ranch, so that Max is secure. Do you truly not see what they are doing?” Mary Kate turned her back to Alex and faced the other wall.

  “I’m sorry Querida, but I had no choice in order to keep Max here with us. I love you and I’ll never let them come between us, you know that. This jealousy is so unlike you, are you alright? I know this is hard on you, it is hard on all of us, but you have to know that Christina means nothing to me other than the mother of my son.”

  “Yes, the mother of your son! Something that I haven’t given you,” Mary Kate replied stiffly.

  Alex stayed for few more minutes with his hand on her shoulder, and then he got up and left. At the door, he turned and said that he was going out to the office if she needed him and left the suite. Tears filled Mary Kate’s eyes and she cried into her pillow so that no one could hear until she cried herself to sleep.

  Alex went to the ranch office, now being used as the security command center; he walked straight to the bar and poured a glass half full of bourbon, neat, and drank most of it down immediately. He retrieved a cigar from the box on the desk, and sat down in the chair across the desk from Manny. He set his glass down long enough to light his cigar and shared a few choice statements with his companion in Spanish before finishing the bourbon.

“That bad already,” Manny asked. “I thought under the circumstances of the reason we are all here, Max and Christina would have waited at least until after the service on Saturday to wreak havoc.”

  “You don’t know the half of it. They both manipulated an invitation for Christina to stay at the ranch while Max is here so they can be together and we can keep Max safe. Yes, I know, I walked right into that one,” he took another long drink and continued to smoke his cigar.

  “Mary Kate walked in the living room while Christina was consoling me and expressing her condolences, and she mistook it for me trying to soothe Christina. Mary Kate is so upset she went back to our room to lie down and rest before getting ready for dinner. She won’t even speak to me. That is so unlike her. She is not a jealous person.” Alex shared with Manny.

  “You have to admit, walking in on you in anyone’s arms; especially Christina’s would upset Mary Kate anytime, particularly right now. She is still a little unsure of all that has happened since the incident with the cartel. She’s been acting a little off center the last few weeks, even before your reappearance and your father’s death. I don’t know. I can’t put my finger on it, but I feel like something is amiss,” Manny expressed. “Have you really talked to her since you got back? I know you haven’t had much time, but you need to make time for her. Don’t let Max and Christina come between you.”

  When Alex returned to the house he went to talk to Mary Kate, but she was no longer in bed. Then he heard her drawing a bath and went in to check on her. She had just undressed and was about to step in the tub when Alex walked in the room. She turned and faced him and the sight of her took his breath away. His body became taut immediately. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying and she looked at him with a sad loving smile that made him want to die. He crossed the room and pulled her into his arms and held her there for what felt like an eternity. He began to caress her naked body with his hands from her shoulders to her hips and back. He drew her hips to fit his so that she could tell how much he wanted her. Her head was lying on his chest and he could feel the tears as they rolled off her face. Her taught breasts were pressed to his chest and he could feel her arousal through his work shirt. She moved her arms to place them around his back and hold him close so that she could feel the warmth of his body and smell his earthy cologne mixed with the smell of musky soap, whiskey, and cigars.


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