Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget!

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Twice in a Lifetime_A love story you'll never forget! Page 5

by A. K. Galindo

  Even though she was five feet nine inches tall, when she was barefoot she only came up to Alex’s shoulders. Her face fit very nicely to his chest. She leaned her head back and looked up at him and her eyes mesmerized him as they always had. Alex leaned down and took her mouth under his tenderly at first, but as the passion rose between them, the kiss became more erotic and deeper with each passing second. Alex picked Mary Kate up and carried her to the bed and laid her down, quickly got rid of any barriers of clothing between them, and stretched out beside her; kissing and touching her in her most erotic and sensual regions almost driving her out of her mind. She placed her hands on his shoulders and slowly moved him on to his back and she began kissing him. First on his lips and then moved down his body until he was almost mad with arousal. Making love to him was almost like dying and being reborn at the same time. She moved back to his nipples and took them in to her mouth one at a time and bit and suckled them as he had done hers.

  “Yes, yes, oh God I love it when you do that. Don’t stop querida! Oh God, don’t stop!”

  Before Mary Kate realized it, Alex had pulled her on top of him so that she could straddle his hips as he entered her and they became one. “Oh Alex, I can’t stand this anymore, please Alex!”

  Alex began a slow natural rhythm and Mary Kate matched his as he moved her to peak after peak until he had satisfied her need then he turned her on her back and drove to his satisfaction until they both lay in each other’s arms sated and drowsy. Alex tried to move off Mary Kate, but she held him there. “I love having you on me. Please don’t move. I thought I would never experience that ever again while you were gone. Please don’t move.”

  Alex laid there until Mary Kate fell asleep. Then he moved to her side and pulled her close to him fitting her body to his. He held her as if he would never let go of her, and that was what he intended to do.

  As he drifted off to sleep, he reminded himself that they needed to have a long talk about the entire issue involving the cartel, the assassin, Max and Christina, and most of all his plans and dreams about their continued life together. Then he slept.

  Chapter 6

  The next two days were busy and stressful with all the preparations necessary for Sr. Chavez’s memorial service. Relatives and friends were in and out of the house paying their respects, which caused great difficulty and exhaustion for the security team.

  All other meetings necessary to complete the arrangements were conducted at the ranch. Even with the instructions left by Sr. Chavez for this occasion, there were still little things that had to be addressed.

  Alex met with the priest to go over the actual service at the church. Thank goodness most of the information for the service was outlined in great detail so that Alex or Mary Kate would not have to go through critical details when their minds and souls were so heavily burdened. The pain in Alex and Max’s eyes was almost unbearable to watch, but they all managed to get through each day.

  Mary Kate worked with the music director at the church to be sure the scheduled hymns were what Alex’s father requested. The flowers, the scriptures, and every minute detail were spelled out, so Alex didn’t have to deal with so many decisions. Mary Kate dealt with all the other details and specifics of overseeing the already mandated requests.

  All the arrangements with the caterer for the fiesta were handled by Maria, with Mary Kate’s help. She had been overseeing the entertainment in the Chavez home for over 30 years, and for that Mary Kate was grateful. She had her hands full with supporting Alex, supervising the household and guests, and dealing with Christina and Max.

  Mary Kate was so weary, and still not feeling very well for some reason. She was nauseated and listless. This was certainly no time for a virus; she didn’t have time to be sick and didn’t want to give anyone anything else to worry about. When all of this was over and she and Alex had time to rest and get their lives back to some type of normalcy, whatever that might be, she would be just fine.

  Alex and Mary Kate woke very early Saturday morning and began to prepare for the day. Mary Kate dressed in her conservative black pantsuit; white silk blouse, black pumps, and pearls that once belonged to her beloved grandmother. Her hair pulled back in a chignon and very little makeup because she was a natural beauty.

  When Alex walked in the kitchen, Mary Kate looked up from the counter where she was pouring coffee, and her heart stopped beating just by looking at him. He was extraordinarily handsome in his charcoal gray formal suit, crisp white shirt, and muted tie. His neatly styled hair was starting to sport just a little gray at his temples, and made him look more distinguished. The suit accentuated his broad shoulders, muscular chest and arms, as well as his slim hips and long powerful legs. He wore hand-tooled gray ostrich boots with a belt, and new Stetson to match. Alex could still take her breath away just by sauntering into a room.

  Mary Kate suddenly swayed and had to catch her balance on the counter. Alex moved quickly to her side and helped her to a stool that was near the counter where she was standing.

  “Querida, are you alright?” Alex asked quietly as he looked at her with concern.

  “I’m fine. I just haven’t eaten anything yet, and I have had way too much coffee. She took a deep settling breath before she continued. “Let me get a piece of toast and these jitters will pass,” she replied.

  “I’ll get it; you just sit down for a minute.” He handed her the toast and butter and waited until she began to eat before he went to find Max so they could get going.

  Manny and Peter came in the kitchen and announced the cars were out front and they needed to leave for the service to be on time. Manny would be driving Alex in the first car and Peter would be driving Max with Maria and Santos in the next car. Alex and Manny tried to talk Mary Kate into riding in a different car from Alex due to security. If Alex’s car was hit by the assassin they would both be wiped out, but Mary Kate wouldn’t hear of it. She told them both she was riding with Alex and there was nothing left to discuss. She looked at Alex with deep green eyes full of love and told him that life wasn’t worth living without him, so they might as well go together.

  Christina was driving herself so that she could go by the Cedar Creek Inn to pick up her latest friend as of two months ago, Jesse Alvarez. The security team checked everyone close to the family, including Jesse, and all had appeared clean; however, Manny and Peter were very uncomfortable with the coincidence of his entering Christina’s life about the time the problems with the cartel occurred. They were keeping a very close watch on him.

  When they arrived at the church everyone entered through the rear entrance for security. Alex didn’t want to deal with the throng of guests that were already arriving. After depositing Alex and Max in the church study, Mary Kate went with Peter to the sanctuary to greet guests.

  The next few hours passed smoothly. As they were leaving the church, Mary Kate leaned into Alex and slipped her arm around his waist and looked up with a contrived smile. “It was a beautiful tribute to a very special man. Now on to the next phase of the day.” They exited the church, returned to the car and began the journey back to the ranch.

  Chapter 7

  Once they arrived back at the hacienda, Alex and Mary Kate proceeded to the terrace located behind the house just off the main dining and the great room. The buffet was set up on the side of the terrace closest to the kitchen, a bar was to the left of the buffet, and white linen covered tables were set up along the perimeter. Mariachis began playing once they saw Alex. There were literally hundreds of people milling around. Alex’s father would have been in his element.

  The crowd began to quiet down as Alex and Mary Kate approached. They went to the bar, greeting guests as they proceeded. Once there he picked up a glass of brandy for Mary Kate, Max, and himself. He requested the guests join him in a toast to his father by joining him with a drink. He motioned for Mary Kate and Max to join him at the bar. When they did, Alex asked for everyone’s attention so that he could honor his father.

bsp; “My father believed that you could tell what type of person someone was by the friends kept.” Alex paused in an effort to get his emotions under control before continuing. “As I look around at the friends assembled here today to honor him, it is a testament to his character. To Sr. Alexander Maximilian Chavez Santana. Salud!” Alex raised his glass as everyone joined him with their, “Salud”.

  With the toast concluded, Alex, Mary Kate, and Max began to circulate and visit with the guests. As they moved through the crowd Manny and Peter blended in with everyone else, as much as possible, but were never far away from Alex or Mary Kate. There were many undercover security personnel mingling among the guests, as well.

  Mary Kate was standing very close to Alex as they were visiting with neighbors and friends when a very tall distinguished middle-aged gentleman walked up to them and extended his hand to Alex and offered his condolences. Alex was preparing to introduce him to Mary Kate when he put his arms around her and gave her warm hug. He pulled back from her, and Mary Kate looked up at him with a reminiscent smile.

  “I was just getting ready to introduce you two, but I can see that it isn’t necessary,” Alex commented with a quizzical look on his face as he glanced between the gentleman and Mary Kate.

  The gentleman replied, “No, it isn’t necessary. I have known this young lady for a number of years.”

  “Yes, we met long before he was the Governor of Texas. My father’s company did some consulting work for Governor Mathews back during my early days at the academy.”

  “I was in your Dad’s office and you came in rather agitated and defiant if I remember correctly,” he stated with a chuckle. “Some unfortunate young man attempted to inform you that a woman’s place was not in the world of special operations and undercover work.” He glanced at Alex then back to her. “You were not very pleased with his opinion,” Governor Mathews stated.

  “Oh, I can imagine her response to that poor young man,” Alex commented with a grin. “That Irish temperament is not kind when she is goaded.”

  “No, it was not kind when she got to her father’s office. I can’t imagine what it was when that temper was inflicted on the young man,” the Governor laughed.

  “That’s enough you two,” Mary Kate gently poked Alex with her elbow before continuing. “That was a long time ago and my temperament has calmed down immensely and I no longer behave that way when irritated,” Mary Kate stated.

  Alex raised his eyebrows and looked down into those flashing emerald eyes and then pulled her to his side and kept his arm around her and smiled at the Governor. Alex and Mary Kate visited with Governor Mathews a few more minutes; the governor excused himself saying that he needed to head back to Austin and left.

  There were so many other people that Alex wanted to introduce Mary Kate to, but she was getting very tired and weary. She moved from Alex’s side and attempted to find a quiet spot on the edge of the gathering so she could sit down, rest, and watch the crowd. She noticed that Alex watched her with concern until he saw her sit down, at which time he caught Manny’s eye indicating to watch her closely. He turned his attention back to the guests standing around him and concluded his conversation.

  Mary Kate moved to the outskirts of the patio and found two high back wrought iron chairs facing the crowd with a small table between them. She sat down in one of them and leaned against the back of the chair, took a deep breath and just enjoyed sitting a few moments. One of the waiters offered to get her something to drink and she requested a cup of strong black tea. She thought that perhaps some caffeine would help her get some energy back. Just as the waiter returned with her tea, Alex sat down beside her.

  “Are you alright, Amada?” he inquired lovingly as he took her hand in his and smiled.

  She immediately responded physically to his caress and affectionate glance and replied, “I am fine and if you don’t quit looking at me and holding my hand in that manner people will start talking about us.”

  “I’m just tired and thought I’d steal a moment of quiet. You go on and visit with the guests. I’ll be along in just a few minutes,” Mary Kate said as she tried to stifle a yawn.

  “Do you want to go in and rest for a while? I’m a little concerned about you. It isn’t at all like you to get so tired so easily,” Alex stated as he looked around for Manny or Peter.

  “Don’t get Manny or Peter over here. I am tired. The last week hasn’t exactly been normal circumstances, now has it? I will go in and rest a few minutes before we deal with the will, but not just now. Go on, I will be all right. I’ll just drink my tea and join you in a few minutes,” Mary Kate assured him lovingly.

  He leaned over and kissed her gently and then went back to his guests.

  “Hello ma’am, is this seat taken?”

  Mary Kate looked up to see who had asked the question and gazed into the friendly face of an old friend and neighbor, Andrew Jackson Henderson, most fondly called AJ. He was a childhood friend of Alex’s, more like a brother, that grew up on the next ranch over. She got up to give AJ a warm hug, and they both sat down. Mark Kate was glad to have his company.

  AJ was very much like Alex in many ways. A little taller, just as muscular, and very gentle, until he was annoyed at which time he became a man no one wanted to mess with. He was blond, blue eyed, fair skinned, and extraordinarily attractive.

  Both went through high school, college, and graduate school together with plans to return to Cedar Creek and advance their families’ empires into the modern ages. On a fluke, they both decided to interview with the CIA just before graduation, and became very intrigued by the opportunities offered them and didn’t return home for some time. The rest is history.

  They often worked together in their new career as operatives, both in and out of the country, for the CIA. After many years in the business of special operations and security, Alex went to work for Gallagher’s Securities and AJ went home to run his family’s ranch.

  “It looks like you have found the best seats in the house,” AJ told Mary Kate.

  “Yes. From here, I can see everyone, enjoy my tea, and get to visit with you. It has been too long since we’ve seen you, AJ,” Mary Kate declared. “We would love to see you more often.”

  “You guys have been so busy, and then Alex’s disappearance. Mary Kate, I just didn’t know what to think. Are you alright?” AJ asked reluctantly.

  “Yes, I will be when all of this is over and things settle down. We have the will to get through later this afternoon and then we can get some rest. At least I hope we can,” Mary Kate avowed while shaking her head. They continued to visit for some time getting caught up with all that was happening in the area and with the company.

  “Well, I’ve got to get going. I just wanted to say hello. Will you guys be staying through the Cattlemen’s Ball?” AJ asked.

  “Yes, we plan to. The committee asked Alex what he wanted to do, and he told them to continue as planned and he’d accept the honor for his dad. It’ll be difficult, but he didn’t want them to try to reschedule everything. Besides, Papi wouldn’t have wanted anyone to go to any more trouble than they already had,” Mary Kate commented. Papi was the name the family used for Sr. Chavez in intimate settings, and it seemed appropriate because AJ was like family.

  “You’re right. He was already upset that they wanted to honor him at all. I told him he should look at it as honoring his family and heritage, past and future. When he thought of it that way, he agreed,” AJ explained.

  They talked for a few more minutes and then AJ kissed Mary Kate on the cheek. He was like a brother to Alex and she was so glad he was close by and would be there for them, whenever he was needed.

  Each year, the local Cattlemen’s Association hosted a ball at which a local person was honored for their hard work and dedication that influenced the cattle industry or the community in some way. Several times they had tried to recognize Sr. Chavez and he would not allow it. Alex and AJ had convinced him to allow them to honor him this year as recognit
ion for his ancestors’ legacy and its impact on the community and surrounding area.

  The ball was to be held in two weeks and the Cattlemen’s Association had sent AJ to talk to Alex about postponing the event due to the circumstances. Alex had asked them to continue with the event as planned, because he didn’t want everyone involved to have to reschedule their lives and Sr. Chavez wouldn’t have wanted people to be put out on his account. That was the way he was. Since Alex had a tuxedo here and Mary Kate had brought her dress to the ranch on a previous trip, they were set for the occasion. The only person not prepared was Max, but that could easily be remedied by renting a tux in Cedar Creek or going in to San Antonio or Corpus Christi to get one.

  Since Christina was already here, and not moving very far from Max, she would have to be included, along with her beau of the month, Jessie. Mary Kate agreed that they would need to be included, but they would not be at the same table. Alex, Mary Kate, and Max would sit at the head table with the Cattlemen’s Association Board of Directors and Christina would be seated elsewhere with her escort.

  Mary Kate watched AJ leave feeling reminiscent of happier times. She decided it was time for her to rejoin the rest of the group and most importantly, Alex. The crowd began to dwindle and Mary Kate and Alex walked the last of the guests to the front driveway and saw them off before returning to the terrace behind the house.


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